News of Eastern Ontario A -- LS} FIFTY-TWO ENROLLED Registration at the Dairy School, Kingston, in the Special Cheese- makers' Course rose to fifty-two this morning by delegates who were #ate in arriving for the course, » NON-SUPPORT CASE In Kingston Police Court a young an who was remanded a week ago - a charge of failing to maintain is wife again appeared before th¢ agistrate, As he has made some yments in accordance with the court order during the past week the case was again enlarged for one week, DEFICIT REDUCED been cut in half, the annual meeting of that organization was held Tues- day night. Most enthusiastic re- ports were received from the various departments, all indicating great in- terest in "Y'" work. Mr. E, Ot- ter, a National Council Secretary, Toronto, delivered an address, THRILL FOR OLD FOLKS The inmates of the House of Providence, Peterboro, were provid- ed with a thrill when the Fire De- partment paid them a business call Wednesday morning, The roof was blazing away merrily until the ar- rival of the Fire Chief and his men, Chief Gimblett said that he thought the blaze was caused by { sparks THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, HOCKEY PLAYER RI TERED Horace Oliphant, of Belleville, who struck his head heavily on the ice at the Arena a week ago, the fall causing a concussion and nec- essitating his removal to Belleville General Hospital, has entirely re- covered from the effects of the crash, and is now about again, ac- cording to relatives. ROTARY ANNIVERSARY John Gibson, of Toronto, former president of Toronto Rotary Club, as well as former director of Rotary International, spoke hefore Peterboro Rotary Club, the occasion being celebrated, being the twenty-first anniversary of the latter organiza- tion, The luncheon table was graced by a huge birthday cake with ap- propriate number of candles, CHARGE OF PERJURY At a session of the police court in Lindsay, J, Martin, who figured as a witness for the defence in a recent liquor case, and who was se- Featured by {the fact thiat the deficit on the Kingston Y.M.C.A, has from the chimney, the damage to be ahout $25.00, and estimated verely scored by Police Magistrate w Bradford because of the nature of his evidence, was called upon to answer to a charge of perjury. He was allowed to go on suspended sen- tence, but was severely lectured by the Magistrate, DRIVER HELD RESPONSIBLE Responsibility for the tragic end of Harold R. Naylor, Belleville, was placed by a coroner's jury directly on Wm, H. Gilbert, who, they found from evidence submitted, was driv- ing at an excessive rate of speed while intoxicated at the time of the fatal crash last Monday week on the Trenton Road, near Bayside. The jury was out twenty-four minutes, leaving the court after being charg- ed by Dr, W, W. Boyce, coroner, at 9.16, KINGSTON MILK SUPPLY At a meeting of the Kingston Board of Health the city's milk sup- ply was the main topic under dis- cussion, the Board adopting a reso- lution expressing the opinion that in the interests of pantie J health, and 1926 in "the interests of scented ately, the herds from which the city's milk supply is drawn should be regularly |. tested for tuberculosis, and that pasteurization of milk should be entirely optional: #24 COWS INSPECTED The Milk Inspector, Dr. George W. Bell, V.S8., submitted his usual report to the Kingston Board of Health at the meeting held Tuesday. This report covered the period Jan- uary 29th to February 22nd, and showed the number of cows examin- ed by the inspector as 3424; num- ber of cows condemned 4; number of dirt tests carried out 21; num- ber of tests as to taste, odor; and general condition, 36, IN FAMILY 100 YEARS The farm wihch has been in the one family for over. one hundred years, being owned continuously by various generations of VanOrd- ers, has recently changed hands for the first time, but by strange coin- cidence has heen bought by another Tea must be kept Air-tight. "SALADA" TEA TiS is better packed than any other tea. A Myr. VanOrder, The farm is well- known to people in Kingston and vicinity, being located just west of the city limits in the Township of ferred through Mr. D. A. Cays from the late Abraham Van Order to his nephew, Mr, E. C. VanOrder, who will reside on it and operate it in Kingston, It was recently trans- the future. A -------- VT ---- Em ------ oT yo a a] BXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' Diamond Rings, fine cut dis nd, set in ISK mountings of solid white gold, Regular price was $25.00, Sale Price-- $13.95 EXTRA SPECIAL $65.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' Diamond Rings, blue white diamonds set in very newest (type mountings of solid white or green gold. Regular price was $65.00, Sale Price $39.75 EXTRA SPECIAL $90.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' diamond Rings, seven senuine full cut diamonds sei im cluster. 18K solid white gold 'mountings. Regular price was $90.00, Sale Price-- $59.75 HXTRA SPECIAL $200.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' diamond Rings. Beautiful perfect blue- white diamonds in 18K solid yellow gold Tiffany mountings. Regular price was $200.00. Sale Price-- $133.50 EXTRA SPECIAL $100.00 DIAMOND RINGS diamond Rings. Exarisite blue-white dia- monds in hand carved and pierced mountings of 18K solid white gold. Regular price was $100, sale Price-- Ladies' DIAMOND RINGS 35.00 Diamond Rings EXTRA SPECIAL $385.00 DIAMOND RINGS Ladies' diamond Rings. Wonderful large solitare diamond ~-- a beauty --- none better--set in 18K solid white gold mount ing. Regular price was $385.00. Sale Price $256.75 OSHAWA"S LEADING JEWELLERS prices will do it quickly. KET AND TIFFANY MOUNTINGS ALSO DINNER RINGS $25.00 Diamond Rings . .. 67.50 Diamond Rings is WwW E are going to sell Diamonds and Watches Saturday. IN BAS- $13.95 26.25 37.45 49.75 63.75 93.75 96.75 ... 112.50 ... 135.00 .. 149.50 164.00 FELT BROS. PHONE 188--12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Where Satisfaction is a Certainty These The general public knows an honest sale and they also know values and that is why they are flocking to our store. Come in the forenoon if possible. it's always crowded in the afternoon and evening. Many people will surely wear diamonds at little cost after this sale. We can serve you better as WATCHES OF ALL KINDS, WRIST WATCHES, STRAP WATCHES, POCKET WATCHES --All Standard Makes-- $7.50 Watches . . 15.00 Watches . . 30.00 Watches . .... 40,00 Watches . . 50.00 Watches . . $4.45 7.95 9.75 16.25 75.00 Watches . . 85.00 Watches . . WATCHES BXTIRA SPECIAL $15.00 WRIST WATCHES Ladies' Wrist Watches in the popular styles, 15 jewel, white gold gilled case. Regular price was $15.00. Sale Price $7.95 EXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 STRAP WATCH Watches, grade, i535 jewel, silver case, a Regunlay price Sale price-- Men's High sterling good buy. was $25.00. strap EXTRA SPECIAL $20.00 POCKET WATCH Men's Pocket Watches, 15 jewel movement, ad- justed, gold filled case. Regular price was $20.00. Sale Price-- $12.25 EXTRA SPECIAL $25.00 WRIST WATCHES Ladies' Wrist Watches in the mewest styles. 17 jewel, white or green gold filled case. Regular price was $25.00. Sale Price-- EXTRA SPECIAL $20.00 WRIST WATCHES Ladies' Wrist Watches in the popular styles. 15 jewel, white or yellow gold filled case. Regular price was $20.00. Sale Price-- $9.75 EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S POCKET WATCHES ° Men's Pocket Watches, 17 jewel movement, ad- justed to temperature and position, gold filled case. Regular price was £35.00. Sale Price-- $19.75 BEXTRA SPECIAL Cut Glass Water Set Pitcher and six Tumblers. New design, excellent quality. er $6.50. Saturday "$2.95 Regular price EXTRA SPECIAL Umbrellas A fine assortment. Valu- es up to $5.00. Ohoice, Saturday-- $1.98 EXTRA SPECIAL Alarm Clock Owr regular $200 guar- anteed Alam Olek. While they last. Satar- Cay only-- 98c EXTRA SPECIAL Tea Sets B-Piece Silver Tea Sets, guaranteed. Wonderful values at $12.50. Satar- day Special, only-- $7.85 EXTRA SPECIAL Casseroles Lange size Casseroles, best quality, latest de- sign. Regular price was $12.50. Saturday Spec- ~ %.75 "S145 This $50,000 Sale Will Continue A nother Week hp)