\ J A) 2 © THE OSHAWA BAI - . ¥ REFORMER, THURSPAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 PAGE SEVEN _., - mr --r se - ET A Reformer. Want Ad Does A Big Job At A Very Small Cost Legal Ll Tire Repairing Articies For Sale CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS, Bollecitors, Notaries Public, Ete, Con- veyancing and general practice of Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phine 63, G, D, Conant, B.A, LL.B, A, F, Annis, BA, LLB W. BE, N, SINCLAIR, K.C.,, BANK of Commerce Building, 116-1 yr, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Oon- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone i" Residence phone 837M. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- He, ete, Office over Standard Bauk. Kntrance Simcoe Bt.; Phone 13. J, » firlerson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, FY YWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- / kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancars, Notary Public, ete. All Branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loop. Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St, East, Phone 940, D, A, ), Swanson, H, N, German, ¥. G. Mackenzie, I. BE, MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Bolieitor, Notary Public, ete, Office 11% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa, Phones: Office, 210; residence 160. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- slicitor, Notary Public, Conyeyancer, money to loan, 18 Simcoe street north, Oshawa, Phones, office 1614; residence, 731W, 62-tf LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solieitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, Mortgage loans. Offices 4-6, Bradley, Block, 20% Simcoe South. Phone 67. Residence 1170, 156tf » TEETER a == DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St.,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. C. ORR MILLER, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, gynaecologist, obstetrician, 89 Simcoe South. Phone 87. Hours 2-4, 7-8 p.m. and by appointment. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to disepses of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155. Office hours 2 to 4, 6 to 8, or by appointment, 4-tf DR, A. F. MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office and residence 258 King East. Office hours: 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m. Phone 1710. oo Dents} DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank. Phone 954; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. Borth, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice. Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-tf ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church St, Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros. good measurement and quick livery, WOOD--CALL 8, ARMSTRONG, do- Phone 678, (1921) Storage FURNITURE STORAGE--LOW IN- surance rate, A, F, McCulloch, 37 Iitson Rd, N, Phone 1002W aud J. 77-8 Auto Painting FOR SALE--PAPER BALER, 8UIT- able for merchant, gooa condition, displaced by larger one. Apply Mr, Mundy, Reformer, 1650-11 FOR SALE--HIGH HBOOKKREEP- ing desk, solid oak, 6 ft. long, three drawers, Cheap for quick sale, Re- former Office, . 143-11 0, G, REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR sm, | Kast, Phone 603. Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed, Be- fore. painting, get our prices, tr Architects C, OC, BTENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work, Second floor, Arcade Bldg, Phone 1496, Res. Phone 9027, i Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- | crs--Dbouse cleaning, woodwork and floore polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed, Phone 1302w, tr | [ | J Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, FP. L. Beecrof., Whitby Lumber and Woodyard, Osh- awa phone 324, 6O-1r Transportation COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 82, 8b Bond West. Let us haul it for you. 3 trucks. 22-tf FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT truck and taxi service, call W. S. Armstrong &- Son. Phone 678. (186-1 month) P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe Bt. 8. Phone 346W. 242 Front St. E., Toronto. Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, 42-1 B. WARNER, LOCAL AND LONG distance cartage, 56 King street west, Phone 271, 189-1 mo ~ Watch Repairing F. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, unncunces to his friends and the general! public 14% King Street West. ronage is solicited. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS residential property. 6% per vcent., Apply A. J. Parkhill, Barrister, 18 Simcoe St. North. Phone 1614. 92tf BRADLEY BROS., -- MONEY TO loan, on modern city dwellings and improved farms. 6%". First mort- gages bought and sold. Phone 169, nights, 420, 1037. 141-tf Your pat- 29-tf DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Res. 669 56-tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE w~lock, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction. Telephone 504. Res, 1114W, 134-tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS. Of 106 BLOOR Sirept West, Toronto, will be st his office over Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday. from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. 49-tf Eye Specialist DR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all 4 tic animals scientifically treated Dominion Government Vet- erinary, 34 Brock S'. E. Phone 1057. 131-4f E. J. FTHIRLEY, -- YETERINARY surgeon, specialist' diseases dom- estic animals. Cat and dog hospital. 25 years experience. 74 K west. Phone 629. (tn Insurance DAVIS & SON. INSURANCE, 19° King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reput- able Fire Companies. 118-tf Undertakers & Embalmers \LUKE BURIAL COMPANY, FUN- eral Directors and Embalmers, Mo- tor Ambulance. Office 11 Simcoe St. South, Telephone No. 210; Resi- dence, 19 Division St. Telephone No. 210W. 150-41 ------ Collection Agency GENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY, prompt attention given collection of all debts. Office 10% Athol west. Public Stemography done at reason- able rates. Phone 1297 for par- ticulars. Manager, R. Andrew. 101-tf F. J. DONEVAN, LAND SURVEYOR and Civil Engineer. Bradley Block. Phone 1635. Successor to M. M. Gibson, Whitby, MONEY - TO LQAN -- HAVE clients with $300 up to loan on first mortgages. Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185. 196¢' ¥ Music SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint- ments. Phone 1207W. 124-tf ALFRED HEATHER, LATE TENOR Soloist, Westminster Abbey, Eng, voice production and singing visits Oshawa, Wednesdays. Appointments for voice tests at St. Andrew's United Church school room 10.30 to 7.30. Write 12 Lowther avenue, Toronto. tr. « that he has opened a repair shop at |* FOR «C 'right. FOR SALE A REEI for quick sale st. or phone 1275 FOR SALE FOR SALE- red on exhibition. now in Bailes window. 312 Ritson Road North, Oshawa. FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged, Used pianos on hand. C. Trull, Phone 558J. ? 96-LL GYPROC, THE FIREPROOF WALL hoard. Use it from cellar to attic for walls, partitions and ceilings. Leonomical, Easy to apply. Saws and nails like lumber. Samples on request, Waterous Supply Co, , (181-tt) HARD BODYWOOD #15. CORD, $7.50 half cord, $4 quarter cord cut, Hardwood slabs $13 cord $6.50 half cord, $3.50 quarter cord, cut. Soft- wood slabs $11 cord, $5.50 half cord, $3 quarter cord, Phone Office N582W, residence 853w. (jan21-1m) STOP! LOOK! GOOD BODY HARD- wood mixed slabs, good measure- ment and quick delivery, Cunning- ham & Son, 371 King East. Phone 1835. (187-1 mo.) BODY HARDWOOD 15, per cord; Hard Slabs, $14.00 per cord; Soft Slabs $10.00 per cord. Sloan's, corn- er William and Ontario, phone 1920, (1941mo) FOR SALE--ONE 160-EGG MIL: Jer Ideal Incubator, used only once, cheap. One 130-egg Queen Incu- bator used once, John Bailes & sons, Ltd., 23 King west, 195¢tf DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES in good condition. $10.00 up, Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 46 King St. west, Phone 696. 195-tf FOR SALE---1 WHITE WICKER baby's stroller, 1 white iron bed and springs, 1 wash stand and a lady's good plush coat, Apply 78 Albert St. 194c RADIO POLES, WAG- gon tongues, reaches and axles, whiffletrees, saw-dust, stone hoats, ete. Phone Oshawa 723 r 12. 194-c FOR SALE SOFT SLABS, GUARANTEED DRY. Just what you need to start your fire, Sloane's, phone 1920 (194-f) FOR SALE--1 DINING Suite, 1 Baby Carriage, 1 Range, 1 Heater, cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply 150 Verdun Road. (194-¢) FOR SALE--5000 LBS. MORECG Scratch Feed. Good clean feed. Get a sample and try it. John Bailes & Sons, 195-1 ROOM FOR SALE--ROSE COMB ANCON- as, 7 hens and 1 cock bird. good stock. W. Richardson, 229 Verdun Road. Phone 1726J after 5 p.m. 195-¢ SALE- apitalized. H.P. ELECTRIC Choice of MOTOR 5 or Th Oshawa Missionary College, hone 462rl. (195-1) ) BABY CAR- tion, Cheap ly 281 Jarvis (195-¢) riage in good con GOOD vi HOLSTEIN old. Wim. 'arth, 196-¢ coming 7 dawley, Park Road OW, Rock Sample of birds PRES. (196-201) M. WARD, TEACHER OF PIANO- forte, Conservatory Method, Appoint- |, ments. Phone 293J, or call at 13 Brock St., E. (171-1M) : % I « 1 able. FOR VOLUME. 6 BOOKS, OF AUTO nobile Engineering for sale, reason- Apply 125 Bruce street. hone 513W. 196-¢ SALE--A SQUARE 49 Ontario street. PIANO "heap. 196-¢ A. G. BROOMFIELD, PREST-O- Lite Dist. Electrical repairs. work guaranteed. Oshawa Battery Ser- Exchange Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR . SALE--NEW RUG brick. All modern conveniences, Oak floors and stairs. Bargain. Apply owner Box "Q'" Reformer, 1871 HOUSE FOR SALE---COMMISSION house, 6 rooms, brick veneer. All conveniences, Decorated throughout, Garage. Good location, phone 1255). (194-1, ROOMED FOR SALE bungalow, 3 piece bath, furnace, electric stove service, hardwooa trim and oak floor living room, Ap- ply 161 Alma street, 194-1 NEW 4 BUY A 7 ROOM electric lights, stove $300 cash, rent at $15 per at once. Harry Phone 185. 196¢ $2,600 house, wired balance month, Salter, WILL furnace, for eletric suit, Will Possession 24 Royal St, FOR SALE--1 LARGE TEN ROOM- ed house with 4 acres first class garden land. Also seven roomed house with four acres choice garden land, situated a quarter mile from car line on Simcoe St. North. For particulars phone 416 r 1-2 or write Box 71, Oshawa Post Office, 196e For Rent it - STORK FOR RENT---9 SIMCOE ST, South, Oshawa lately occupied by Brass (men's furnishings), Early possession. Apply to G. D. Conant, Barrister &ec., Oshawa, 137-18 FOR RENT---FURNISHED APART- ment, modern conveniences. Cen- trally located. Apply 32 Elgin St, "doors, storm windows made to cr- Work Wanted DOORS, « COMBINATION STORM der, metal weather stripping put on. B. W. Haynes, woodworker, 161 King St." West, Phone 481, residence 180 r 2. ; 00-tf DURRANT MACHINE CO,.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed on all makes of cars. Why shiver in a Chev,? Buy an Oliver Healer, 161 King 8t. W. Phone 519. 80-1f PLAIN SEWING DONE AT 12 Mc- Gregor St. or phone 1619w. (195-¢) CANADIAN WIDOW, WELL EDU- cated, refined, experienced in travel ling. Desires position of trust as secretary or companion, The hest of references, phone 1458). (19h-¢) Lost and Found - 16, BETWEEN and Oshawa, one Coodyear tire and tube, Size 30 »* 1-2. Reward. C, Durno, Smith's Transport, Oshawa. 196-¢ LOST- WHITE GOLD GREEN stone ring between G.M.C. and 153 Albert street. "Valued as keepsake, Reward. Phone George Bellis, 196¢ LOBT- FEB. New Toronto ON LOST SATURDAY AFTERNOON near Four Corners or in Business| fection, a roll of bills, Liberal re- ward. Phone 1770W, 196¢ estimates the that 407,000. LmGn AUTO val States census bureau value of all autos in country last year at $4,66%,- Total taxes on them am- ounted to %471,548,000, or about 10 per cent, of the value, The United REVORMER WANT ADS PAY SHINNY MEN BON DOWN EN NERVOUS MEN DON'T MISS THIS You're behind the times if you | don't know that Cod Liver Extract | is one of the greatest flesh producers | in the world, i BecansC it contains more vitaliz- | ing vitamines than any food yeu can get, You'll he glad wo iknow that Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets come in sugar coated form now, so if you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid, healthy iiesh on your hones and feel well and sivhng and have a complexion that reople | will admire---ask Jury & Lovell, Ww, | H. Karn, I. B. Mitchel! rany drug- gist for a box of } 'oy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Wanted to Rent E. Phone 422. 194-c FOR RENT--HOUSE AT 112 Wl. liam street west, al convenience. Call at 106 William street west for particulars, (194-¢) FOR RENT---STORE AND DWEL- ling, 15 Prince street. Apply to A. G. Storie. Phone 138. 195-11 TO LET--EXCEPTIONALLY - AT- tractive apartment, heated, with all modern conveniences. Apply F. lL. Henry, 179 Simcoe south. Phone 16. 196-1 2 or 3 rooms. Central possession. Apply Phone 1983%J. A NEW REPAIR GARAGE 70 rent about April 1st. Centrally Jo- cated. Apply Box "C" Reformer Office, 196-¢ Immediate King St. Ww 196-b 65 COMFORTABLY with or witheu Street. 196 FOR RENT furnished bedroom, board, I18 Quebec FOR RENT--1 LARGE FRONT room and bedroom with all conveni- ences. Apply 72 Ritson Rd. S. 196¢ Auction Sale: FRIDAY, FEB. 26--MR. JOSEP 34, Con. 5, all of his ments. Sal (Taunton) and imple- Darlington, farm stock E Installing larger size. Prices | proved notes sharp. srms--for pouliry, furni- re, grain and all sums of ten dol- lars and under, Over that amount six mont credit on ap- hearing interest at six per cent. per annum. See post- ers for list. Jas. Bishop, Auction- eer. (192a-4c) cash, HOUSEHOLD furniture, Feb. 20th at 120 Stacey Sale 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. James Bishop, Auction- eer. 194¢ AUCTION THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RE-! ceived instructions from Harry Bennett, to sell by public auction at | his home at Ross' Corners, on Tues- | day. February 23rd. a quantity of household furniture, two buggies and 1 plow. Jas. Bishop. Auction-! ce). (194-6-8) | Agents Wanted SALESMAN WANTED EITHER ; ful lor part time, to sell Bull Shock | Absorbers direct to car owners. Live! agents can make real good money. Apply to C. F. Sturgess, 437 Simcoe St. South. Phone 507. 193-1 | vice, 19 Prince St., phone 1184. 176-1 mo Wanted to Buy « HOUSES IN OSHAWA WANTED IN Ed. Bowman, 'xchange for farm property. Write Whitby. MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- inz for scrap batteries. $1 to $1.50. |t Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155tf ': game in Lexington, Ky. a Bandits shot a man at a poker A It ought be against the law to rob a poker me.--Wichita Beacon. a i Notice AE WILL, PERSON TAKING I1MITA-! tion Buffalo Robe, and horse blank- et from rig stolen from Bowman- ville om Sunday, kindly return same to Police Department, Bow- manville and receive reward. (194-¢) FOR RENT -- BATHROOM FLAT, | [are { WANTED TO RENT---BY APRIL | or May, five or six roomed house at West Hill with conveniences and poultry house, Apply Box "B'" Re- | former. 193f Only 60 cents for 69 tablets avd | if you don't gain five pounds in 50 | days your druggist will hand you | hack the money you paid for them. ! It isn't anything unusual for a | and for old people with feebleness | WANTED TO RENT---A FOUR jroom apartment. All modern con- iveniences, Call 15569W. evenings. 196e Help Wanted--Female | WANTED WOMAN TO TAKE! part charge of household in a good home, with children, Apply 627 Simcoe 8., phone 425f. 18911 RELIEF Welsh's (195-b, WANTED GIRLS FOR work. Must be over 20, 4 King St. W, They're teaching young women "How to hold a man." Our tig is to hold him at arm's length.--Bran- don Sun. REV. DR. W. H. WARRINER PASSES IN MONTREAL Feb. 16.--The death of] Dr. William Henry Warriner, D.D.. Moderator of the First Presbytery of Montreal of the United Chureh of Canada, and an outstanding Con- gregationalist prior to the Union, took place here tonight. Dr. War- riner was in his seventy-fourth year Born in Gainsborough, England, Montreal, and studied at MeGill University, where he graduated in Arts in 1877 > to commence at 1 o'clock His first charge was Olivet Chur hb. | from to Montreal, he of Hebrew and the Congrega- Toronto, Coming became Professor Greek Exegesis at tional College. | Just Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen J oints| Vanish | Twisted, swollen, unsightly joints rapidly freed from paln and brought back to normal with Rheu-! ma. Lame people walk without aid: tunity overtakjng them they work wonders. D UPTUR R EXPERT COMING Oshawa and Whitby representing Thompson - Huyck Co., NAPANEE, ONTARIO personal at Our will be Commercial Hotel. Oshawa, Friday, February 19th. Royal Hotel, Whitby, Saturday, February 20th, (One day Representative | only, each place.) very ruptured man, woman and child should take advantage of this Chinn will sell by auetion on Lot De ame to Canada as a young man, | sreat opportunity. Don't ture it sufier the burden there a chance to he truss-wearing forever. will cost you nothing to come inte the Hotel and learn all about our treatment and the wonderful oppor-: for help it offers in your | Don't forget the day and. date. | the hotel elerk for Thompson, consultation is private. of rup free I is case, ask Don't miss this opportunity consult our expert on Rupture. THOMPSON, HUYCK CO., Napanee, Ont. - to! HAYTON & CO. Boofers, | Lathers, Shinglers | Peace Metal Weatherstrip. 185 Arthur 5t. Phone 1643W sleep comes to those who have been | unable to le in bed; hands that' were helpless because of terrible rheumatism are now able to do their share for the support of the family. | Rheuma is a wonderful remedy? for rheumatism, gout neuritis, lum- | bago and neuralgia. | It is a wonder-worker; it never | f3lters, never gives up until every | vestige of poison is expelled from the body. Rheuma acts on stomach, liver, kidneys and bladder all at once and quickly brings long prayed for com-! fort to distressed sufferers. Jury & | Lovell, Limite and all druggists. sell it with guarantee of money back if it ism't satisfactory. 3 MERRITT Paint & A~*~ Repair Co. Special Low x aices on Paint . Jobs during the quiet season. person to gain 10 pounds in 30 days Mr. (¢t room wire at $3,800. Phone Opposite L. V. DISNEY New 5 room rug brick house, sun d for elect hardwood floors, A real good buy Terms arranged. Now is the time to buy a lot and get our prices and terms on building you a new home, 1550 Post Office ric silove, LYCETT Ideal brick city conver lar, amaller right, hou On Brock . . house, 6 ences, street, se $6,200, Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Phone 295 35, King E. Alger Block r divided in exchange, all cel Will take Price 65 ooms, SERDO--]) 1 Pittings, $ about settled prox IPhone 871 Bt. East. $20.00 Insuvance of all kinds. Special op autathobile, Get my rates, Claims wom frame | G00 down. per mon Jo. H, G8Tw. nptly. and use near ~ Balance th. hve%. R. 24 Luke, King sea and | We delive 140 Simcoe 8S, South End Fish Market We handle the choicest of fresh fish daily, kinds of smoked fish, oysters, Fish and Chips our Specialty. ake r. T. WATERHOUSE, Prop. Phone 1964W All Sn ----- reasonable. $500 down will buy a 6 room mod- ern houge in good locality. Owner lea Res, 9095 412 Prince St, Price ving town. J. C. YOUNG Real Estate & Insurance Phone 703 | RAILWAY TIMETABLES Re: C.N.R vised to Jan. . TIME T Goine we y from Montreal 8 a.m. Belleville 59 an To ta 1 1. daily rockville 1. daly » to Montrea wan. daily, ) train s and bey nl from Goinz East except Sunday except Sunday > from Toronto except |} from Detroit tops only for 1 Mi v except Sunday p.m onto 11.10 pan day, from daily Hamil 3.45 aan. daily from Montreal 6.20 am, 7.35 am real to Hanalton 0 a.m daily, to Trenton. except except ' » Montreal West except Sunday » Hawmilon daily from Montreal 10 Sunday momung only, from Mont Sawurday, Sunda Saturday , hom kings an Brock to Detroit and Lelleville from OHaws rom Soni » Montreal from Toron from Toron- from Toronto to Montreal from To to Montreal Montreal pas Ham- Montreal o Montreal » hom Toren a, from To and Sun. and Monday, Clucago. daily except Sunday, from Tren Incago. a Ottawa MAILS CLOSE Repairing and Washing. 20 Church St. OSHAWA WM. MERRITT, Proprietor 7.45 am. Long ardale and wvica | 35 p.m. Toronto ! water Jet, Port He and Bowmanville. Toronto 4.00 p.m City and the Ea 7.30 p.m. east by aglan, ty. and points and stem States. All going west. west, CNR. Columbus, Tauuton, Black York west, New 9.00 pam. Going cast and west. == EE 3 EE aw Regt S Pu bv Metrupoiner Newspaper Serv Od Copwrght 1926 | | | DHE ODT N PURPOSE! DADDY ! PLEASE FIRE YOUR ~~ { O By Bill Conselman and Charles Plumb | YOURE RELEASED -- & BACK TO THE BUSHES! Yo HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY DAUGHTER 7 ANYWAY, I HIRED YOU TO SERVE 7