THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1926 a -------- [Designs Sher. 1DID NOT APPEAR ON SOCIETY PAGE For City of Oshawa Owen Sound Man Entertained Few Friends With Variety The General Purpose Committee recommended to the City Council last night that a bylaw be prepared designating the Children's Shelter of Intoxicants Owen Sound, Feb, 15.--At an early hour in the morning the pu as an institution for the City of Oshawa. The recommendation was lice picked up two brothers, Willard and Simpson Currie, on 8th street adopted. west, both in a very intoxicated "BUCKET BUSTERS" DAMAGE ASH CANS foviin. hs were iit" 3 at 10 o'clock they appeared before a | Magistrate Creasor, both looking (very much the worse for their nights outing, It was evident that {Thay had been mixed up in a scrap of some kind, as both had swollen jaws ond appeared to have been treated rough. They admitted that they had been drunk, but Willard, who was the first to he sworn, was not inclined to divulge very much regarding his activities of the eve- ning before, and in order that his memory might he refreshed a little | he was relegated to the cells, Simpson said he was there to tell the truth and readily admitted that after leaving a certain house on 3rd avenue east they wended their way PAGE EIGHT a -- . OPTOMETRY Its Value To You By NEIL E, FELT With Felt Bros, the Leading Jewellers 12 SIMCOE ST. S. The Prevalence of * Farsight It is the opinion of Optome- trists that this error of vision is more frequently met with than any. other, And in ad- dition to being so prevalent it is extremely detrimental. It is, present at all ages, the majority of children being to some extent far-sighted, There is hut one way to correct far- sight--placing glasses before the eyes that remove the error. We have sucess In such cases, News of Eastern Ontario ---- cept the call of St. John's United Church, Brockville, if the Preshy-, tery of Kingston sustain the invita- tion. He has been pastor of St. An- drew's (Presbyterian) United Church in Orangeville for the past five years. | FORM NEW OHAPTER Minerva Chapter No. 138, a new chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, was instituted here on Satur-: day night by Mr. Roy A. Hare, of St. Catharines, Worthy Grand Pat-, ron for Ontario, assisted by Mrs. | Anna Wheateroft, Sarnia, Grand Marshal, and Mrs. Ethel Malcolm, Toronto, Grand Secretary. Officers were elected and installed. Ri FORMER KINGSTON DIVINE Rev. Charles A, Sykes, B.D, a former pastor of Sydenham street church, Kingston, has returned to Canada, taking up a charge in the Zion United Church, Winnipeg, Man. He was well known in eastern Canada a number of years ago but he has been in Denver, Colorado, for some time, HONOR FOR KINGSTON MAN Dr. Lawrence Uglow, son of Mrs. Richard Uglow, Albert street, King- ston, and at present in Hong Kong, has been elected a member of the Society of Economic Geologists of America, a very distinguished hon- or. Dr. Uglow is one of Queen's brilliant science graduates, who has male a mark in professional ranks as a skilled geologist. FINGER LACERATED Gerald Sine, age about 25 years, while engaged in sawing wood with a power ' sawing machine three miles from Chatterton had the lit- tle finger of his right hand badly lacerated requiring amputation, hI was also found necessory to unite the tendons of the third finger, Dr, ard of Foxhoro and Dr, Robert- an of Belleville attended the pati- ent, s oF TEA pe a hed, A feo 1 Over 30 nu Wherewer TOO MUOH GOVERNMENT (Toronto Saturday Night) Premier Rhodes makes the cheer- ful announcement that the Legis- lative Council of Nova Scotia is to be abolished. This will leave only one of these upper house in Canada, that of Quebec, where it could also be done away with without serious damage. The Hon. Mr. Rhodes an- nounces that Nova Scotia's upper chamber costs some $40,000 per annum. All of which brings up the question of too much government in Canada. In the Maritimes where the total population is about one million there are three governments functioning. Three full sets -of of- ficials, lieutenant-governors, pre- miers, cabinet officers and so on and so forth, where one would be ample. If the saving in doing away with Nova Scotia's Legislative Council amounts to $40,000 how many forty thousands would be saved by having one provincial government 'in place of three. The distances are not long in the Maritimes, and the people are to a large extent singie minded in respect to their interests. In other words they should be able to agrea pretty well on the general line of official conduct of their elected rep- resentatives. Just because Confederation plant- ed three provinces in the Maritimes is no good reason why they should be continued for all time. . We have too many non-producers in this country leaning on the tax- payers, In other words we are over- governed to the "nth degree, and this does not apply only to the Mari- times, it applies everywhere, in city, town and province. It has been said that every fourth person is di- rectly or indirectly living off the taxpayers. The figures may be cor- rect and they may not, but in look- ing absut I am about convinced that they are within the mark. Citizen Complains to Counc Garbage Men Abuse ol Receptacles EAST WHITBY TP THREATENS SUIT or Claims $2,390.70 From City | BREWERS NOT TO BLAME The case of Rex v, the Lake On- As Part of County Levy Sem---- : tario Brewing Co., Kingston, which Against Township POTATOES $4.00 BAG of Nibvid Sellers and buyers were on the fame helnje Police Pagisiates B. rr Relleville Watiey Baturday morhing Smith's Pulls on Friday, February neon : , Was smissed yesterday morn- tarm and garden produce was otler. ing, the magistrates being of the ed for sale and prices realized were | ninion that although the beer was quite good. This Was sapecialiy the over strength it was due to no fault case for 4 eof the Hrew y tionally ii welling as high as he W wing company. 4.00 and $4.26 per bag. Even a NV SH oh Bh price many seemed pleased tof ARM HOU fd BURNED get them. There were no changes| , ' pinicon, near Kingston, the » rices of other vege- [farm house of Melville Houston was 10 note 2 burned to the ground. The tenant, tables, A Earl Van Konett, and famliy were POR a PIRR away at the time, hut got haek in ru TING VON THY PIR orn time to save a few things. The origin Fire Department are always on the|©f the fire is mysterious because it spot when needed was aptly illus- started in an upstairs bedroom, trated there For some time past where jt is claimed there was no the men have been utilizing their fire of any kind. The loss is about spare time in selling the History of | $1,500. the Department, the proceeds of which are to be used to create a benefit fund for men who are dis- abled in the course of their duty. Two menthers of the Department, J. MacFarlane and J. Astles while engaged in selling the hooks, came upon a chimney fire at 332 Rubidge Street and succeeded in extinguish- ing it without any damage being in- curred. NINE CASES SLATED There are nine cases siated for the Spring - Assizes in Peterboro, whieh will open on Tuesday, Febru- ary 16, before the Honorable Mr. Justice Mowat. Four of them are VOLLEY RALL TOURNAMENT On Thursday a volley hall tourna- ment is being conducted in the West End Y.M.C.A. Toronto, with teams from Orillia, Peterboro, Belleville and Oshawa competing. As yet final arrangements in picking the local representatives to participate in the tournament, Coach James at the "¥" thinks there is enough good material in the eity to send up a winner. The garbage collectors were given the title of "bucket busters" in a letter to the City Council from Walt- er H. Wigs. The letter read: "This is to call your attention to the manner in which the collector of ashes and garbage is performing | his work. 'At the office here I have two hushel ash cans, in first class condi- ) tion until the present contractor 10 the home of one William Temple, took over the work of collecting, on 8th avenue west, and it was "Recently 1 asked as a favor there they spent the balance of the that the receptacles be handled | time. Witness admitted that they with a little more care, which ig|had several hottles of heer at the Fast Whithy |anite possible and reasonable. Ti Femple headquarters, but would ™ "when dumping the cans they are Not admit that they paid anything allowed to hump down on the side for it. Willard was brought back of the wagon hox on the bottom of | from the cells and told the Magis- of the side, they|!rate the whole story of the eve- will keep their shape and remain ser- | PINK 8 performance. } viceahle for years, but the men| He stated that there was a throw up the can then let it hang | Wlar party on at Temple's place, on its side as it hits the edge of | he honse "being well filled with | and with the contents Men, and that all were doing more lin the can, 'only one result is pos-| °F less drinking. In the course of sible, the can is knocked oval or!!'he evening he and Temple had a at with the weight of its contents, | disagreement over something and | they got into a serap, with the re- The Township of threatens action against the city of Oshawa unless the sums of $2,590.- 70 which represents the amount ow- ing by Oshawa to the Township on account of the County levy is paid. In part a communication from Conant and Awpnis presented at last night's Council meeting reads: "In January, 1923, the Town Oshawa entered into an apreement | with the Township of Kast Whithy | that the town of Oshawa would pay Hr , 3 is : f "It it not my desire to make com- | » Township of Kast Wihithy 16 | ! 3 i » witne OT" fo the a Washi) en y Je vi eninst | DlaiNts, but having called the atten- | ull that the witness got the worst > pp } il + the Township of Bast Whithy. 1 mis | Hon of the parties immediately in- of it, which accounted for his swol- i : i ' lterested to this matter, 1 am now | len Jaw. was paid by the town for the: !erested ni AM raat year 1923, but has not heen 4 puid | asking you to place this communi- | 2 Le of the fjselosures ding BA sfore 2 DI rg ity | made by these two men the Magis- (| » vear 1924. The c levy | ation before the proper authori pig 3 en | Jor the yor ans The county levy) op the City Council, with a request trate adjourned their cases for a or 1924 was $14 041.90 and under | that the contractor may become | Week. the agreement between the town | aware of the trouble. The same tm------ - and the township, 16 per cent of | rouble exists at the house. The this is payable hy the town to the last contractor certainly was a more | Township amouting to $2,390.70." Important Ceremonies to Be efficient man than the present | The letter closes that unless the [bucket busters. People do not want attitude 'of the Council is given Held in Ottawa on April 9 the can instead 25 reg- r of the wagon, Luke Furniture Company's February Furniture Sale is offering some real values in Beds & Mattresses Lf im 3,7 MAY BE DEPORTED S. England, who was convicted in Picton Police Court of extortion on account of hlack-hand letters, came up before Magistrate Williams again and was remanded for a fur- ther seven days in gaol. D. H. Rey- nolds, travelling Inspector of the Department of Immigration and Colonization at Ottawa, was in Pie- ton to make an examination of the boy. He was again brought up before the Magistrate and sentenced to 30 days in gaol, during which time the the department at Ottawa will take steps towards his deportation to All Steel Bed, Walnut fin- ieh. as shown. Feb. Sale Special 2 inch continuous post to he buying ash cans every few within a week, that a writ will be | Weeks." issued. The The matter was to the Finance Committee and Solicitor. ' communication was referrea to the Board of Works. City referred the WHEN BALLOT BOX OPENED SPECTACLES WERE NOT THERE Peterboro, Ont., Feb. 14.--After waiting six weeks to open the bal- lot boxes from the polling sub-div-| ision at which he was deputy return- APPOINTMENT IS (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Feb 15-~The anriver- All Steel Bed, Walnut fin- jury cases, while the remaining five are nomn-jury. Jean Hansman, plaintiff, and Thomas J. Moore, de- fendant. The plaintiff is claiming England. CELEBRATED NINETIETH BIRTHDAY DECLARED LEGAL ing officer at the municpal elections, F. H. Dobbin was unable to find his spectacles which he was sure had been locked in the hox'while jt was being closed on election day. sary of the famous battle of Vimy Ridge, April 9, will sce important cere monies in military circles here: Baron dyng of Vimy Governor-General of ish, square tubing with cane panel. Regularly $19.50. Mayor Informs Council 3. C Feb. Sale Price Fowlds is Legally Member of Revision Court Mayor R. D. Preston, at last night's meeting of the City Council, stated that his appointment of J. C. Fowlds as a member of the Court of Revision was legal. At the last council $6,000 damages for alleged injury to her character and reputation by certain remarks said to have been made by the defendant. Peek, Kerr & MeElderry are appearing for the plaintiff and Gordon & O'Brien for the defendant. INSPECT SITE FOR PLANT Lindsay was visited Saturday by three Toronto capitalists, in the per- son of Sir Henry Pellatt, J. Miller and Rhys Fairbairn, who are in- Recently Mrs. Susanna Noxon celebrated her ninetieth birthday at the home of Mr. W,. D. Noxon, Picton. The hostess, Mrs. W. D. Noxon, served a fowl dinner to the immediate relatives of Mrs. Noxon. The birthday cake centred the table and was the great attraction, as it was decorated with candles and fig- ures of the age of celebrant. Mrs. Susanna Noxon, despite her four- score years and ten, was able to cut the cake, and extinguish six of the Mr. Dobbin's request for permis- Canada, will entertain at dinner at sion to open the box or even shake| Rideau Hall officers representing all it before the statutory six weeks the units of the former Canadian Fx- had expired were denied by City| ocditionary force. On that day also Clerk Armtsrong, the returning of-| there will be held the annual meeting ficer. of the Canadian Infantry Association. At this mecting there will be at least { me delegate from every military dis {tet Altogether there will be about | 43 official delegates representing var- { ous units and about 40 others. Major | W. BB. Mcgloughlin of Royal Ottawa 4 ml White Enamel Steel Crib, 2 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. Just as illustrated. Reg. $12.00. ~v, meeting Ald- teresting themselves in the proposed alcohol plant. The company has been incorporated and it is planned to take over the property of the old Cereal and Flour Mills, Limited. The Toronto deputation inspected the property, and it is understood a proposition will be submitted to the council as well as a request for fixed assessment. There is outstand- ing taxes amounting to $10,000 against the property at present. LAD FATALLY INJURED Rather than have his violin broken, 15-year-old Kenneth Floyd Gould of Stirling received injuries that resulted in his death. The lad, on his way to a violin lesson, had grabbed a ride on a horse sleigh. Suddenly the animal bolted. Rather than jump to safety, with the chance of breaking his violin, the youngster clung on. The horse, galloping mad- ly, crashed through the plate glass window of a harmess shop. Gould was hurled headlong off the sleigh. His head was cut, and his right ear almost severed. First aid was rush- ed to him, and it was thought that his injuries would not prove fatal, but later the lad's left side became paralyzed and shortly afterward he passed away. PLEADS NOT GUIRY Karl Bilouski, a Russian residing on Hayward street, Port Hope, ap- peared before Magistrate W. A. F. Campbell in Police Court there yes- terday. One charge was preferred against Bilouski under the Inland Revenue Act for having a still for candles. tinguished by Rexford, tions present, per parking in a limited space is to stop parellel to the curb alongside of the car hehind which you are go- ing to park, about one foot outside of it, turn, the front wheels sharply to the curb by swinging over to the fender will just clear the left fen- der of the car ahead; turn wheels fully to the left and back to the pro- per position method, once position at whieh ex- treme learned, proper distance from the curb and in one backward movement. GETS 5200 FINE paid by the crown when they were not prosecuted. One witness here on his own admission is a bootleg- ger and drinks liquor in a car yet he is allowed to drive a car. is a remarkable case of the way the administration of justice is carried out here. into this court and has to pay a The rest were quickly ex- her great-grandson, there being four genera- PARKING MADE EASY An easily learned method of pro- and back slowly until, the front wheels hard left, the right front at the curb. This to be made are the car at the turns are will park ONE MONTH TERM (Continued from page 1) "This The foreigner is brought erman D. F. Johnston questioned the legality of the appointment. When Mayor* Preston announced the de- cision of the City Solicitor, Alder- man Johnston said that by his re] SIMCOE STREET S80) UTH mark at the last meeting that he was probably misunderstood. He said he was not opposed to J. C. Fowlds as a member of the Court of Revision, but to the manner of the appointment. As it was declared legal, he said he was satisfied. THE SORT OF VICAR HE Is (London Observer) The nicest will of the week fs certainly that of Canon Sutton, who leaves, among other bequests, £100 to the vicar of St. Mark's, Norwich --""and I desire that he shall spend it on himself and not bestow it up- on other people or causes." A two- volume biography could not have given a beter picture. if 4 . BEATON . MAVERSON . C. MOERN 4. A. POWELL SOANES BROS. WE DELIVER PHONES 757 43 155 LL A HOMESEWING ACCESSORIES appearance of any Quite necessary for wear garment you make up are the little things are used with them-- that We sell only Coats 200-yd. spools-- (not 120 or 150 for lichlandcrs is sceretary of the associa- don: On the day preceding this meet- ng the advisory committee of the issoctation will meet and go through | he various resolutions which have geen sent in for consideration at the annual mecting Officer Comzanding the 11 military districts im Canada will probably all be wesent at this meeting also. Head- juarters has called for a conference oi these OC's and they will be here at the same time as the meeting of the Canadian Infantry Association. These officers it is expected will attend the Vimy Dinner also. They will be here in. conference with headquarters for three or four days The officers commanding the military districts are as follows: M.1). No. i, London, Ont.; Col. Comdt. (Brig-Gen ) W. B. M. King, Cig, DSO. M1). 2; Toromo: Col-Comdt. A. H. Bell, CMG, DSO. MD. 3; Kingston: Major-General J. WH. Elmsley, C.B., CAM.G., DSO.: MD. 4; Montreal; Col.-Comdt. (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) C. | Armstrong, C.B., C.M.G.: M.D. 5, Que- bec: Col-Comdt. (Hon. Brig-Gen.) J. P. Landry, CMG: MD. 6, Hailfax; Major-General H. C. Thacker, C.B., CMG, DSO.; M.D. 7. St. John, N.B. Col-Comdt. W. B. Anderson, C.M.G., DSO: M.D. 10, Winnipeg; Major- General H. D. B. Ketchum, C8. CMG.: MD. 11, Victoria, B.C. Col- Comdt. (Hon-Brig-Gen.) J. M. Ross, CMG, DS: MD. 12, Regina, Sask. Col-Comdt (Hon-Brig-Gen.) 1). M. Or mond, CMG, DSO.: M.D. 13, Cal gary; Col-Comdt. W. P. Gibson, CMG, DSO, OBE. Layer Felt Mattress. Very best White Cotton Felt. Regular $21.00. Feb. Sale Price | Feb. Sale Price $9.75 All Hardwood Dresser, Wal- nut Finish, 3 drawer style and plate glass mirror. Reg- ular $19.00. . Feb. Sale Price pm-- ] [ X SAVING OLDEST MAN IN WORLD FROM STARVATION Constantinople, Feb. 15. --The famous old Turk, Zara Agha. who claims that his oné hundred and fifty years make the oldest man in the world, is to be honored, and in- cidentally, saved from starvation by the city of Constantinople. The aged man has been unable for the past year or two to carry on his life long trade-as hamal. The hamals are the human delivery wagons of Turkey, and it is a com- mon thing to see one of these port- ers, bent nearly double, plodding steadily along the street with a piano or bedstead or dining-room table on his back. As Zaro Agha has grown somewhat too old for this Herculean occupation, he has found it difficult to supply himself with the bread and cheese of ex- istence, for the pension which he' receives from the Association of Hamals is nothing too large. Now the Prefect of Constanti- nople, Emine Bey, has appointed Zara as a doorkeeper for the Mumni- cipal Council. Therefore - he will now have not only bread and cheese aplenty, a uniform and warm place to sit in, but a feeling of import- ance befitting the dignity of his years. lawyer and possibly a fine while these others go free." Referring to Baluk, Mr. Swanson said that the defendant was frank enough to tell th 2 hi st ye Ward, KC. T. F. Hall represented e source of his income last year A and the many witnesses only differ- the custon's department on Be AF oq in the minor details. He asked ned that the case be dismissed. Crown Attorney J. F. Grierson in a brief address to the court said that Park's evidence was straight- forward and was as far as the trip 10 Baluk's was concerned and the drinking of the liquor was corrob- rated by the other Crown witnesses. Magistrate Hind in passing sen- tence said that the witness Parks impressed him. "He did not waver and he told me exactly what I think was the truth," he said. Following the adjournment for lunch, Waiter Baluk was called to; the witness box. During the course | of his evidence he said that eight | If you have been having or nine months ago he was running trouble with watch Jet liguor from Corbyvile to Toronto for | 2 pnmine jit ! Toronto jews and made one trip al me £X3 : {Sek for which he received $100 w. A. HARE or $150. ! Baluk's witnesses all testified that ' 3 KING ST. WEST Baluk, as far as they knew, gave Oshawa. 200 yds.). We sell the Coats Sheen Thread in every color, stronger than silk, at 5c. We sell Corticelli Silk Spools, 2 for 15c. the manufacture of alcohol im his Pp i and a d der the O.T.A. for having liquor for sale. Bilouski pleaded not guilty on both charges through his counsel, H. A. Every kind including all the new glass Buttons, Ivory Buttons and No. 1 Quality Pearl Buttons in all the various shapes and sizes. All the colors in Bias Tapes, including white and black --Also Ric Roe Braids and Soutache Braids. = Military Braids and Cords in big assortment. and HOOKS Of all sizes in Black or White also those on Tape in Black or White PINS and NEEDLES Only Brass Pins sold. No iron ones because they rust. And the best of Needles--including Embroidery Needles. counsel the until Friday, February 19th, at tem oi ACCEPTS BROCKVILLE CALL Following a committee meeting in Ovangeville, it was announced that Rev. F. W. Mahaffy would ac- Try Houston's "Thoroughly Screened" Smokeless POCAHONTAS GOAL the next best fuel to 'SOLVAY COKE We are Sole Agents for these prods DIXON'S _ HIGH CLASS Watch Repairing DMC. at 5c and Clark's at de, 3 for 10, in a big range of colors. All these and dozens of others you must have to make your own garment a success-- To pet them sood Get them at Phone 1000 Miller's Arcade your Parks the bottle of liquor as a pre- 262 Quality and Service sent. They were, Walter Barron, for Mike Sich, Joseph Redko and Frank Jarvis. .