THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926 PAGE THREE Oshawa and District Dental Office Removed Dr, Henry has removed gis office to his residence, 179 Simcoe south. Phone 16, 188a-90¢ Social Conditions Glaring floodlights were thrown upon social conditions in Cobourg among the younger generations at this week's meeting of the Town Council, Charges of a startling nature were made and supported by the members, and as a result of a searching discussion, the Police Committee were instructed to have a rigorous investigation instituted. Cobourg's new woman councillor, Mrs, McDonald, led the attack and was closely followed by the other members of the Council. The town was described as a "veritable den of iniquity, where vice of every description was rife." A large num- ber of women's societies of the town had sent a delegation to Mrs, Mc- Donald asking that steps be taken to clean up the 'unnecessary evils' in the town, A 2, Sb it a now a 8 with their beautiful: pale blue and gray tints, carry au individuality which makes them appreciated by women of refinement everywhere, Every Cara Nome Toilet Requis- ite breathes forth an exquisite odor of rare delicacy and subtle charm. Like the fresh woodland fragrances in early blossom time. Cara Nome Vanishing Cream makes the finest base for powder $1.00 Jar For Sale Only Rexall SERVICE Stores JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe &, Phone 28 Phone 68 At A Musical Treat Will be in store for those who at- tend the concert of the Toronto String Quartette and Mrs. singer, at Simcoe Street Tuesday, Feb. 16th, OC, N, R, Earnings The gross earnings of the Cana- dian National Railways for the week ending February 7, 1926 were $4,- 229,381 as compared with Church, of 1925, an increase of $284,030 or seven per cent, Engage School Nurse At a special meeting of the Co- bourg Public School Board, a reso- lution moved hy Mr, and seconded by Mr, A, J, Gould, was passed engaging the Public Health Nurse at a salary of $500 in compliance with a request from --Messrs, M, C. Nichols, M; E, Hall, A, J. Gould and B. R, Heaslip. Nays --Judd Kennedy and Harry Field. Pythian Sisters Meet A splendid attendance turned out ing of the Pythian Sisters, on Thurs- lay evening, over forty being pres- ent, 'Mrs. Jessie Goyne, Mistress of Records and Correspondence, was presented with a fine fountain pen in appreciation of her splendid ser- vices. It was decided to commence ithe weekly euchre parties again on Wednesday night next week, the 'ast series having been such a suec- cess, Denies Report Upon being interviewed, 8. 8, E. Purser, of Cobourg, states that there is no truth in the current re port that twelve girls, who were in an finoxicated condition were refus- ed admission to his rink. Mr. Purser states that no such occurrence took place at the skating rink, and no one at any time has been refused admission Mr. Purser's denial re- lieves any misapprehension in the minds of citizens as to the incident referred to at the Council meeting, having taken place at the skating rink. MEETING IN BELLEVILLE Rev. J. K. Curtis, of Kingston, | is in Belleville to convene a commit- i tee of Religious Education of the pay of Quinte Conference. 1] RED PEPPER FOR GOLDS IN CHEST | Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Fecl a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. . Red Pépper Rub is the cold rem. edy that brings quickest relief. It can. not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the conges- tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene. trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When vou are suffering from cold, rheumatism, backache, stif neck or sore muscies, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper % b, made from 4 Lepper, at any rug store. Vew will have the qui relief kuown. Yeickest cag] comme The Drug Stores Purchase your Drug Store needs Remember Close On Sunday = 5 ' I We have just received car loads of Alberta Coa LBERTA COAL ! information that our 2 1 left Rosedale mine Mon- day. Book your orders now. Orders filled in rotation. COKE-POCAHONTAS and DOMESTIC COAL, Best Qaudities. Good Body Wood. Phone 1246 Argue McLaughlin Co. 110 King St. W. Cragie, | $3,945 - | 3561 over the corresponding period | Matt Nichols, | the Child Welfare Association, Yea: | to the regular semi-monthly mieet- | "Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to he beautiful," ---William | Morris, People who dq not anticipate with pleasure the time when they will furnish their own homes are, to say the least, lacking in mental poise. When this occasion does, ocenr It must be borne in mind that it is not how much is chosen, but how suitable for the purpose, Take time in selecting and do not purchase too | many pieces of furniture, notwith- standing the advice of so-called ex- perts, whose main desire is to mak. u sale. You can always fill in. Space around the pieces should be carefully consider- ed, Do not be afraid of space, and, again, do not jumble and over-fur- nish. The feeling -of rest and re- finement and homelikeness can only | and ho the leaving 8s and much obtained clear floor spa studied with as furniture itself. Try to show your personality in arranging vour furniture, For stance ,why inevitably place the din- ing table in the middle of the room? Why not place it against the wall alongside a 'window where you may have a feast for the eyes as well as for the inner man? Again, make up your mind what furniture you really require before you purchase. Make a rofi?Nrmi: of the room and carefully indicat ton it the position of the doors, fire place and other unalterable details Then plot on it the size of the fur- be hy open should care as At Local Theatres | AT THE NEW MARTIN The most remarkable tornado ever | motion picture the climax of Warner Bros, starring Irene Monday produe- "Com Classic Rich, the {filmed in a | tion forms | promise," the the Screen, | which is opening on | New Martin Theatre. | Of course, the company could not {catch a wild tornado in its lair and |drag it to the village where it was | to do its destructive work, so they | made their own to order. | Anyone who has been so tunate as to stand directly a large powerful airplane when it | started to take off, will not soon | forget the powerful current which | almost "swept them off their feet. Twelve of these powerful | were used to generate the {in "Compromise." The small village of about five hundred inhabitants was built upon a hill so that the wind machines had the greatest possible supply of air behind them. They were firmly anchored to the ground, and when | the great propellers were put in aec- | tion "and gradually attained their | greatest speed, a great vortex dust, leaves, tree branches, shingles, signs and miscellaneous "'whatnots, rose above the village, Several actors lost their feet and rolled down the street before the great current, half a dozen houses eollapsed like cardboard toys and {their walls and furnishings were | swept away. The steeple of the church fell with a crash and the | splintered kindlings were swept (away, while a huge pine, the mon- arch of centuries carefully. trans- ported at great expense to this lo- cation fell with a erash across the | house in which Miss Rich and her family were supposed to be staying. Of course, every precaution was taken that no one should be hurt. The cameras were placed in pro- tected shelters. The director, Alan Crosland, looked on helpless from one of these, as the roaring of the wind nsachines was so great that the cameramen at his shoulder could not hear him. This had been an- ticipated however. No children were used in this scene at all for fear they would be picked up bodily and injured and all the actors wore heavily padded and armored clothes to protect them against the missiles of the wind. Due to these precau- tions only slight injuries were sus- tained by any. E. T. Lowe, Jr. adapted Jay Gel- zer's story of am idealistic 'woman who refused to compromise with life. and the brilliant supporting cast includes Clive Brook, Pauline Garon, Louise Fazenda, Frank But- ler, Winter Ha, Raymond McKee, Helen Dunbar, Lynn Cowan and Muriel Frances Dana. AT THE REGENT Topping the big Valentine pro- gramme being the Regent oi behind tornado will be seen in his latest "Hands Up", the snappy that rocked Toronto audi- week at the Hippodrome scream hilarity comedy ences last theatre. Imagine Griffith in role of a Confederate spy hobnob- bing with Abraham Lincoln, Rob- ert E. Lee and other fapous figures of history. These moteéd historical characters of the North and South are mever treated lightly: they are never made the butt of jokes direct. ly or indirectiy--they merely pro- vide the serious back-ground for the story. : One of the mist hilarious scenes in the production depicts the clever the hero individual | in- | unfor- | motors | of | theatre the first three night of next | | week Raymond Griffith, the silk hat | hs AN NN Selecting Furniture for the Small Home niture suitable and in the obviously best locations, and endeavor to yin} alize the room as you would like to | see it furnished. Buy only what | you know is good design and make and add from time to time as you can afford, rather than purchase much poor stuff, "I adore antique furniture." How often one hears this remark, But is it sincere? Should we live in an- other mentally or emotionally? | writer of note, | i, Taste and Fur- | "It is quite time that | generally woke up to | the fact that they are living in the | | twentieth century, and if they scorn to use the uncomfortable transport of the past, decline to follow the dress fashions of our great, great grand parents and refrain from or- dering 'their ves by modes and | manners not akin to their own pe riod, then surely they should abhan- | don the imitation of, old furniture | and encourage the talent of the | present day." These ave Gloag, an | in his book, niture," says householders are worthy of seri-! ous thought, and should at least | check us from the danger of at-| tempting to live in the surroundings | of un era in which we would not | | care to spend our lives, If we | | follow in furnishing we should be | | consisten follow in dress. How | all, to 8 dressed 'up to the | | minute," entertaining in a 'Louis [ XIV. room in their own home. How | should demur were we compelled word twentieth | manner in which Griffith saves the | day when the Indians capture him | { and the other folks travelling on the | stagecoach. He shoots crap with the | Indian chief and after he get through "rolling the bones' the only thing left to the red men the i on their faces. h's ventriloquial tricks, in » makes the parrot and the horse talk, furnish a flock of laughs Thrills and ispense are not lack ing and picturezoers will get a real "kick the mine explosion, | the where the Indians almosi burn Mack Swain at the stake, and | the excitingly tense moment when | Griffith is about to be hung for hav- ing stolen the gold. Z To detail all of the gags and laughs impossible, but mention made of Griffith's ex- ith the bear. his laugh- when he discovers the when he finally does get Confederate headquart- romantic attention to girls | 18 out of scene is almost should be periences able dismay war is ov | thru to the fers, and his | two beautiful | The picture ends in a. riot of | laughter. It js a complete surprise land yet quite logical. Neither of the girls will give him up, and he loves hoth equally well, there's only lone thing to do and he does it! Besides the laughs provided | Griffith, the Regent management providing a shorter, but none {less hilarious funfeast in "The Sea | Squaw tarring the famous film | come Harry Langdon. a | | 80 by is the As an extra added Valentine at- , traction, an elaborate musical stage | divertissement "Valentine Vanities" | staged under the personal direction | of Miss Evalyne Johnston promises | to eclipse anything yet presented in this form of novelty. Beatrice Stacey, of radio fame, and Clifford McCormick have the leading roles, being supported by a scintillating singing and dancing chorus of femi- nine charm. In a stage setting of quaint charm. many beautiful costumes and novel effects are introduced. The dance numbers and f§yrics were specially arranged for the production here. Patrons of the Regent are certainly in store for 2 mammoth bill of en- tertainment the first half of next week at no advance to the theatre's regular prices, AT THE NEW MARTIN "The Bert Johmston Magic and Fun Show gives its initial perform- ance here at the Majestic Theatre Monday opening with a matinee. The show was reviewed by the writer at the Laurier Theatre, Hull. The show opened with one of the best series of magic feats seen here in years. The special stage setting is a thing of beauty long to be re- membered, and the feats of pre- stiditation performed by Mr. Beri Johnston mystified and puzzled the large audience; feat after feat in rapid suceession interspersed witty remarks 'by the performer kept the audience in constant good humor. In the second part Mr. Johnston | that the colors of the woods match. | The coverings, | same | ant, in order to maintain a sense of | it. I Tore | duction of to see such an anomally on the stage, There is a place for antique fur- niture, and good copies of them, without doubt, but, in the average room, it should be restricted to two or three of the principal articles, such as the sofa, one large chair, the cabinet, or a table. Place these at the same end of the room, then fill in with, furniture of modern design | or of another period. In, choosing the latter it is not necessary to sel- cet the same wood and covering as the antiques, but woods of the same texture, the grain and growth of | which is of the same size, For in- | stance, oak and ash, cherry, syca- | more and birch, mahogany and wal- | nut, BE@ careful, however, to see | | as well, should be of | the same texture, tone and size of | design, but not necessarily of the material,--. It is very import- scale in the room, that the latter in junctions should be considered. bo overfurnish Do Do not completely furnish a room in any one style or period. Do choose well-made and comfortable furniture, Do show personality in arranging not not be afraid of space, suitable certain of your need be buying. Do he Copyright, 1925, MacLean Building Reports, Ltd. NOVA SOOTHE ESTABLISHES Falifax, Feb. 11.--The of the present session of the Nova Scotia Legislature has seen the adoption of the Address in reply t» the Speech from the Throne, tabling of 10 departmental reports, intro- 23 Government bills, given second reading. investing the ernment with power to invoke the Lemieux Act of 1907 in the event of labor troubles in Nova Scotia was given second reading today. first week bills A bill 6 Recent Deaths KATHERINE WILSON ering illness » «death occurred of over 10 hast Scotland, Pp. 1 diss Wilson wi Scotland, but mm Galashiels where er renmoy born while a resided 5 vears ag Cathols 1 gentle \ to & she that ende her besides Helen and her mother sisters, CANADIAN co-operation gns PLAN BOOK Canadian of moderate priced homes are published in the Maclean Builders' Guide. Detailed information on planuing, building, furnishing, decorating and gardening. Profusely illus- trated. An ideal reference book. Send 20c¢ for a copy. Maclean Building Reports, Lid. 337 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. In with Architects « THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 1082 Day or Night and | § Federal Gov-'§ wed | I tov Oshawa | ed the Roman | Wilsc n and Mrs. P. J. Brady both of this city. Father Kelly will copduct the services on Monday, leaving her late residence at 8.30 o'clock for mass in St. Gregory's church at 9 o'clock. In- terment will he made in the Roman Catholic cemetery. THE POWER OF POSITION We began our trip with a day at Niagara Falls. As we stood watch- ing, the rush of mighty water the tremendous power of it fascinated us and made us forget ourselves. HEAD and Prone AL COLDS No Smoke--No Sprays--No Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsule Restores normal breathing. Quickly stops all choking, gasping and mucus gatherings in bronchial tubes, Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs. $1,00 per box at drug stores. Send be. for generous trial. Templetons, Toronto, RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF R¥ Drugless Practitioners Take Notice 'The Ontario (Gazette, January 16th, 1926, announces Government approval of the Regulations under the Drugless Pracs titioners Act 1925 C. 49 5.0. These regulations. are now law. FIRST REGISTRATION "All Drugless Practitioners Shall Regis- ter under the Drugless Practitioners Act 1925, but no application for registration under Part "A" of Regulation No, 11. shall be received later than the First Day of April 1926, Application Forms and copies of the Regulitions may be obtained from T. W, G. Kay, Rosretary-Treasures of Regents, King St. t, Osha nt, Requests now on hand for Application Forms and Regulations have been at- tended to. Accredited members of the different Associations concerned with the operations of the Drugless Practitioners Act 1925 are now on the Secretary-Treas urer's Mailing List, and will receive Ap. plication Forms and Regulations in a ew days. All Drugless Practitioners desiring tn» register under this Act are requested 1 make immediate application for Applica tion Forms and Regulations, # Send in your name and once. address at T. W. G, McKAY, Secretary-Treasyrer Board of Regents under Drugless Practitioners Act 1925, ADIO tubes need renewal just like the oil or spark Pluss in your motor. You will e surprised to hear how the latest type of Westinghouse Radio Tubes will increase your enjoyment, Made for every type of socket and every kind Look for the West- inghouse trademark and be sure of the genuine, CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY Limited of service, SOLD BY WILSON & LEE PHONOGRAPH PARLORS 257 ALBERT ST. PHONE 1273-) (8)0/0)0/8/8 (8) It Is Our Aim To Give The Best In Drug Store Service and with this aim in view we strive from 7.45 a.m. to 10 p.m. to serve you either personally or by phone. To try and respect the Sabbath we will remain closed on future Sundays, emergency and illness we will still be in touch with you if you phone / in cases of but 378 or 909W Any Sunday prescription delivered as usual THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE Delorest & Crosley sets have outsold every other make jin Canada-- a smocess based chiefly on the fact that they are designed, built and tested in Canada to meet CG Authorized gave a demonstration of hand cuff! manipulation using a varied" assort- | iment of handcuffs, shackles, locks | and chains, many of the handeuffs | | being furnished by the police de- partment but they all fell an easy prey to Mr. Johnstons clever manip- ulation. During the performance Mr. | Johnstofi passed out many beauti- | ful souvenirs to the ladies present | --beautiful flowers which he caused | to grow right before the eves of the | audience." | The Bert Johnston Magie and Fun Show opens a three night engage- went in the New Mantin, Mon-! day, Feb. 15th. The regular prices will prevail. A special programme of pictures will be shown in con- junction with the Rert Johmston Magic and Fun Show. Exdusive Dealers for Oshawa and Vicinity Distributor: PURSER, BULL & "00, LAMITED, 445 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO = LE: 8 - The Johns Piano Store a Bae. . OSHAWA ¢ 80 Simcoe St. N.