Oshawa Daily Reformer, 13 Feb 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926 C-------------- The @ghawa Baily Reformer (Established in 1871) fndependent newspaper pub- every day except Sundays and holidaye at Oahava, Canada, undy Printing Company. Limi- ; .M, Mundy, President; A. , Secretary. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: by Carrier in Oshawa or anywhere in Canada, $5.00 . United States subscription, . _extfa to cover postage. Single §%0 3. {Méinber- Audit Burean of Oircula: tions) DE a i a SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1926 Those who have read history know that it was a favorite device of dic- 'tafors and tyrants to stir up trouble abroad in order to divert the atten- | tiolr of their subjects from home griévandes and bad government and to unite them all in one great burst of patriotism against some foreign power, Phls'is the scheme the Italian dictator seems to have in his mind. Ho defies and threatens Austria and Germany 'and elaborates on Italy's present stremgth, What he may do any day no one knows, Human nat- ure " is the same as it has been "#htodghout the ages, ' "mie alarming aspect ig that this defi goes out from the ruler of one of thé great powers into' a world "that is 'still congratulating itself on the' spiri€ of Locarno, into a world ghat 1s looking to the League of Na- 'tions' for leadership {towards per- mhanent peace, Italy is in the League of Nations and Italy was represented * at' Locarno, Then why this warlike attitude? Just because that sort of thing Is inseparable from autocracy. Not 'people, but over-ambitious rulers, 'make war. Absolute power goes to a man's head; he thinks he is in- vincible and infallible; and, sooner or later, ' he travels the road that pier with similar notions iravelled before him. have "Unnecessary Noises Accordifig to a press despatch, a wealthy newspaper magnate, weary of noise, is living on his yacht at "sen 'where he has taken elaborate " preeautions to protect himself from "sound. Te hates talking, creaking, "nd 'orchestras, We know what drove | nim to that desperate condition. It | "Was, firstly, early-morning milkmen |. driving deaf horses (all horses that "draw milk waggons are deaf); and, secondly, it was young bloods in motor cars tooting their horns in front of dwellings while waiting for damsels to come out, adult education in this Province, and in this movement Oshawa is, as usual, in the van of progress. To know what to read and how to get the most from what one reads, is a praiseworthy desideratum, For the achievement of this purpose no subject of study is of more value than Englis Literature taught by a competent instructor, The Training School The training school for those in- in week, in religious education which terested Oshawa, closed last was successful to a degree scarcely anticipated by these who arranged it, and an enrollment of 166, An average attendance of 115, furnish ample evidence of the earnestness of those engaged in religious work in this city, cof Sunday Schools were in regular the total enrol- Eight superintendents attendance and, of ment, about twenty cent, are going on with their studies and will per write further examinations, Those who, in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, As ee] 80 clubs, girls' organizations, Y.M.C. and similar institutions, give freely of their time and energy for the upbringing of the youth of to day deserving of much more are than is usually accorded Unselfishly they do the 'work honour them, for the work's sfke without thought of It is labour of love, one that carries with any kind of reward, a it many little discouragements and some compensations. Very gratify- ing it is to know that in Oshawa these faithful workers are anxious fit ing for export service in their chos- en field, Lo themselves hy special train- boys' Short Hair, Short Skirts John Doughty, released Kingston Penifentiary after more from than four years of imprisonment, ex- perienced his greatest surprise in the appearance of the women of today with their bobbed hair and short skirts, All this was news to him. We, upon whom these innovations have come more gradually, had for- gotten that fashions were so differ- ent just five years ago. We become accustomed to anything, don't we? But we have a lurking idea that our women and girls look smarter, more agile, more beautiful, if you will, than they did five years ago. The truth must be that we men like them better all the time, no matter how their blessed fashions change, No Wonder Under the heading, 'Real Wond- the Detroit Free says, "Half the world wonders how the other half manages to stay slender'. We do not want to be slender and so don't er', Press That does not apply to us. wonder but, on the contrary pity. Wife Desertion Rev. Peter Bryce was right when, speaking at the Y.M.C.A' he described the man who deserts his lunchion, wife and family as a scoundrel .Such a man (he does not deserve that tit- le) is a heartless coward as well as a scoundrel and deserves more sev- ere penalties than are new provided. One of the worst features of win- ter is slush. Still, yon can say that ahout literature, There isn't any artificial way get that school-girl look in a pair hard-boiled eyes. to of REFORMER WANT ADS PAY When You forms and look after t We will notify the pay their notes at our the payments to your ~ The fin the old days when a young man went to call for the girl of his! choice to take her out for an. oven | ing's entertainment, he decorously 'ascended the steps of her home, rang the bell, was ushered into the "parlour and there he waited, talk- ing to her mother, or talking to 'Himself, until the young lady was On gimflar occasions in these ul-| "tra-modern days, the young man - drives up to the house in a blare of poise which announces his arrival 'and continues fo honk the horn, telling the world of his impatience, "until the yousg lady appears. So do times and customs change (O, tempord; O, mores) and so do . noises increase, The Literature Class 'Phat in Oshawa there are many adult men and women who enjoy broadening their education is shown "By the remarkably fine attendance at Professor Pratt's class in Modern English Literature which meets on * Thursday evenings in the Y.M.CA. *. his is a University Extension class which the educational committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. How- ard Bradley, has promoted and the Oshawa Branch Have a Sale you need not worry over your Sales Notes, This Bank will be glad to supply blank he notes for you. buyers of your stock to account, Roval Bank of Canada H. C. Lander, Manager Life's Evening competence has been peaceful evening. It's all a dream that can come true. come true. The M ary conditions. "life's evening." the goal has been a Should be the Easiest and Pleasantest Time HEN the days slip by in 2 procession W of pleasant memories, W passed of the struggle is hen the peak , when the ained, when part of ieved -- comes life's now, but it's a dream Thrift, prudent invest- ment and wise living are required to make it utual Life of Canada renders the needed help with all three necess- A Mutual agent will explain clearly and fully our continuous monthly income insurance and other plans which are the forerunners of a pleasant and easy lour "better citizens." {| homes FREE'AT LAST OF "KIDNEY. TROUBLE ILLNESS ENDED BY "FRUIT-ATIVES" MAS, THOS. EVANS "I have been troubled for some years with dyspepsia, liver trouble | and kidney trouble, from which it was impossible to get relief until I started taking "Fruit-a-tives", which 'had been recommended to me by a relative, Before taking this wonder- ful Fruit Juice remedy it was impos- gible to carry out my daily work, but now, thanks to "Fruit-a-tives," I am free from those ailments, and able to do my household duties without pain or fatigue."--Mrs, Thomas Evans, R. R. No. 1, Everett, Ont, The remarkable medicine, "Fruit-a- tives," made from intensified fruit juices and tonics, has more than 20 years of success to recommend it. it can always be depended upon to give positive relief from pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neural- ia and Headaches, which are due to inde action the kidneys, stomach and bowels, Sold every. where, 25¢c. and 50c. a box, SWANSON SCORES 0.T.A. ENFORCEMENT (Continued from page 1) to suddenly hear loud cries of "let us in," "let us in."" Simultaneously at the front & rear of your house and before fou could move from your chair, to hear a sledge hammer crash against the doors and to see them -burst open wide and six strangers rush into your house and proceed to search the same; and how would some of the ladies of the W.C.T.U. explain the presence of a few ounces of liquor in their when found by these in- truders? I suppose the ladies would protest that the liquor was there on the Doctor's order for "John's sake." It would indeed be ah outrageous thing if this should happen among What a howl of indignation would arise and the whole world would hear how Brit- ish liberty had been trampled into the dust in this manner. But, of course, no one is to waste any sympathy upon the "Poor," or the "Foreigner." These people are to be left to their own fate; ignored and despised; only to be thought of when it is necessary to preach a temperance sermon and to hold them up to further ridicule and scorn. Why not come out openly and admit that the Ontario Temperance Act cannot be enforced. Why do these Police Constables come down from Toronto and make these raids and interfere with the property and the lives and the liberty of Oshawa citii- zens? We have a competent Li- cense Inspector in this County; Captain Mason is a man who com- mands the respect of all who know him. Why are not these complaints made to him? Why do the Tor- onto officials accept the complaints of absolute strangers as to the in- fractions of the Ontario Temper- ance. Act in Oshawa? Why do not the Toronto officials ask Captain Mason to investigate and to take such action as he deems necessary? If Captain Mason is not competent he should be dismissed. Yet those who are intérested in the enforce- ments of Law and.Order in this Country know that Captain Mason is competent and therefore he should be consulted in all matters of this kind. Just one word in respeet to Cap- tain Mason's statement that 93 per cent. of the convictions under the Ontario Temperance Act during the last year were against Canadians. Since 98 per cent. of the people in this county are Canadians one would expect Mr. Mason's fig- ures to be correct. But Mr. Mason knew, when he made this statement in reply to me that I was referring to Oshawa. Not more than five per cent. of the population of Osh- awa is foreign born yet 50 per cent. of the charges under sections 40 and 41 of the Ontario Temper- ance Act in 1925 were against "Foreigners." There were 24 ' charges laid under these sections out of which 20 were known by.the writer to be persons against whom the police have preferred numerous charges. g Any one who knows anything at all of this question in Oshawa knows that less lignor was sold in 1925 by all the 24 persons who were charged as above mentioned than by one Canadian who operated in this City. I charge that the Ontario Tem- perance Act in Oshawa has been a failure on the following grounds:-- 1. There are now more places where drink may be procured in any one ward than there was under the old hotel system. 2. It has resulted in increased drinking among young people. 3. It has discouraged the con- sumption of wine and beer and in- creased the demand for distilled li- quors, which today are mostly pois- onous. 4. It has brought about disre- spect for all laws, 6, It has increased perjury in our courts to alarming proportions. 6. It is class legislation discrim- inating in favor of the rich. Added to all of this it results in our traditional belief that a man's house is sacred to himself being de- stroyed, Yours truly, J. SWANSON. NORTH OSHAWA Mrs. Sam Glover a dance at her home on Tuesday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent by over seventy guests, Music was provided by Messrs, Nid- ery, Farrow and Alexander, The dances were mostly the square kind with Mr. Cail Wilbur, Mr. Jim Lowney, Mr. Alex. Davidson and Mr. Louis Fowler as callers, At midnight Mrs. Glover, Mrs, Stork and other ladies served a sumptuous lunch, The party hroke up around two o'clock, All had a real good time. The Drama which was to have been put on by the choir at Thorn- ton's Corners on Wednesday has heen postponed owing to the {ll- ness of Mr. Elmer Lick, Miss Lily Phillips has undergone an. operation in Oshawa Hospital VITAVIA COUGH BALSAM will STOP THAT COUGH Sold only at BEATTIE'S DRUGSTORES King Street West, Oshawa » was hostess at We their February meeting in the Sun- day School .on Wednesday. next meeting will be in when a quilt will be made. was served by Mrs. Gilbert Mrs. Christie, for appendicitis. speedy recoyery. All are preparing for the Home and School Club Valentine Box Social on Friday night. The Ladies' Aid Society hope for a March Lunch and held Analyze Your Spendings A a large proportion of it might have saved with little or no inconvenience. Decide now that you will deposit in the bank regularly that portion of your earnings which your analysis shows you can save. THE . C. N. HENRY, Manager. WM. COUPAR, Manager E. C. CROSS, Manager, ALYZE carefully the money you haye been spending. You will find that quite en 1» OSHAWA BRANCH, CEDAR DALE BRANCH, BROOKLYN BRANCH, What About The Mines ? If you are interested in mining will find that the most reliable mation is The Northern Miner, Published for eleven ycars at Cobalt, in the heart of the mining country, its columns weekly contain influential, level-headed news and opinion. The Nortaern Miner readers atWays know importdnt news first. From 50 to 100 properties are dizcussed in each issue. THE NORTHERN MINER Cobalt, Ont. $2 a Year The Recognized Mining Authority stocks or claims you ource of mining infor- Our Success Will Be Greater If We Work Together is no less our business than T yours, The promotion of man- ufacturing, in its broad aspect, con- cerns us as vitally as it does th manu- facturer. Specifically, the Standard Bank is as anxious to see your plant expand as you are. Canadian manu- facturers who are in need of funds or other services for the legitimate de- velopment of their business are invited to call upon the Standard Bank for any assistance consistent with good banking practice, HE building of Canadian industry BANKING! FIFTY | YEARS STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. OSHAWA BRANCH--E, C. Hodgins, Manager Branches also at Bowmanville, Brooklin, N Fo Dr Boon, Newcastle, | ANT: 22:10] If you wish to buy your Chevrolet on time, the near- est thing to cash is the GMAC plan--General Motors' own plan for selling its cars om time, which is available to our purchasers. TT DE ---- Full protection in any weather--comfort in winter --snugness against snow, sleet, and rain-- that's what you enjoy when you drive the Chevrolet touring car! Fine quality curtains, carefully tailored and close fitting, keep the cold out and warmth in. Entrance and exit to both seats are unhampered and free because the curtains are supported by rigid rods and swing with the doors. The Chevrolet touring is the lowest-priced car of equal quality and equipment on the market. It offers all the advantages of economical operation all the year around: an open car for the open road in summer and snug comfort for winter driving, Come in! Satisfy yourself that here is a low-priced touring car that offers real all-weather protection, response must be a source of the, greatest gratification to those who ' sponsored it. Dr. Pratt says that he has mever enjoyed so much the' work dome by and with any class ! he has taught and the increasing | ; attendance which greets him eo 1 Jy shows that the enjoyment is mut-§ ual. There is a widespread interest in fa ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LTD. DAVIDSON MOTOR CO., LIMITED W. E. DAVEY \ QUALITY AT LOW COST £-930 RR Phone 900 OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY, ONT. ORONO, ONT. MUTUAL LIFE | OF CA SRiEAS FRANK V. EVANS, Representative Standard a, la Let

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