THE OSHAWA DAILY 1926 PAGE THREE Oshawa and District of seventy feet each totaling 280 feet, The draw span it steel and electrically operated, this later fea- ture adding $10,000 to the original cost, The other spans, seven in num- ber, are of reinforced truss type Re-Elected Chairman For a second term Dr. H, Bascom was elected chairman of the Board of Education at the statutory meet- ing of that body held on Wednes- day evening, with Trustees HK, L, Odlum, Joseph King, W.J.H, Rich- ardson, J, McInfyre, Miss M. Sleep, Sheriff Paxton, Walter Bunn, Her- bert Webster, A. T. Lawler, W. M, Jermyn, F, L, Beecroft and Geo. A, Ross in attendance, 663 School Children According to figures appearing on the 1926 Assessment Roll returned to the Whitby Town Council by As- sessor and Collector H. L. Pringle, there is in the Town of Whithy a total of 663 school children hetween the ages of 6 and 17 years, ineclud- ing children on the Ontario Hospital property, Of this number 570 are eligible to attend the Public Schools and 83 the Separate School, Using More Power During the month of January electric power users in «pe Town of Whitby were supplied with a maxi- mum of 765 horse power, one of the largest demands on record, and a sure indication that the town's power needs, particularly in the win- ter months, are gradually increas- ing, The Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission delivered to the town a total of 260,400 kilowatt hours, as compared wth 239,760 for the same month in 1925, showing that a greater use of the power is being made, In January of last year the horse power demand was 761, Bright Chil ght Children with poor eyesight are often called dull pupils at school. Bring your children to us for an expert examination of the eyes. We recommend glasses + only when absolutely neces- sary. JURY & LOVELL Optometrists--Opticians Phone 28 or 1101 | counties of Ontario and cost of the structure is $115.-| My Skating Party 'Proceeds of over $8 were taken in at a skating party held on West mount rink by the Westmount Par- ent-Teachers Association, A splen- did crowd turned out and after about two hours of skating, all ad- journed to the school where lunch was served and a general good time held, Mrs, L. Ferguson, president, was in charge 'of the party. Valentine Masquerade About seventy-five turned out to the Valentine masquerade dance held in the G.W.,V.A, Hall last evening. Three prizes only were given out, and these to ladies, as no men came masked, Mrs, J, Smoker cap- Mrs, C. Lemon, Claus, won the hest dressed prize, and Mrs. Roller won the prize for the most comic lady. Around $15 in proceeds were taken in, Klected On Executive At the convention of the Ontario Hunters' Fish and Game Protective Association held at the King Edward Hotel, C, M. Mundy of Oshawa was elected to the executive. The follow- ing offficers for the ensuing year were chosen: . President, J. Moody, Kitchener; first vice-presi- dent, H, W, Hunsbury, Jordan Sta-| tion; second vice-president, Dr. N.| 11, Powell, Toronto; secretary- treasurer, J, C. Richardson, Toron- to; executive, W. R. Griner, Alder- ¢hot; Chris Graham, Peterboro; W., I'. MeMahon, Port Hope; Albert] Hergot, Waterloo; Aubrey Davis, | Newmarket; John McDowell, Mid-| land; Dr. Wallwin, Barrie; William | Pears, Toronto; E. Devitt, Novar: F. W. Watson, Hamilton Frank Smith, Orillia; Dr, W, R. Walters, Toronto; E. Robertson, Toronto: Charles Mundy, Oshawa; and Wil-| liam Fillman, Aldershot, Social Evening A social evening was spent at the home of Mrs, Wm, McMaster, 56 Albert street, last night. Cards, dancing and community singing were indulged in. Among the guests were: Mrs. Frank Hall, Celina street; Messrs. Wellington and Cecil Hall, Mrs. Frink, Misses Bertha ind Gladys Frink, Miss Jean Stoven and many more of the younger set A dainty lunch was served at mid-' night, representing Santa Bridge Nearly Finished The new Narrows bridge between he Counties of Ontario and Simcoe, is completed, with the exception of the swing, which is being erected by the Dominion Bridge Company of Montreal. By the terms of the con- tract it was to have been in place on January 15th, but the company ask- ed for an extension of time till March 15, which was granted, The structure is one of the finest in the province, and a credit to the two! Simcoe. The entire 000, of which the 'Dominion Govern- ment contributed $70,000, the Pro- vincial Government £35,000, and] the counties of Simeoe and Onta $17,500 each. The bridge is five, hundred feet in length with a bridge swing of 159 feet, and four arches, VICTOR | | RECORDS 75¢c. Temporarily Reduced to You Should Have A8387 The Old Grey Ii You Saw 20633 Minu ....... Ma? . 206338 Down At 1 Mother, 1 Indu't Understand . 206343 1 Awn't Nobody's Darling 2 Dapper Dan 216439 0-0-O-Ozone . Dirty Work .. 206245 When You Look In The Eyes Of Come Back To Jumbo Gumbo ........ Mare BAND RECORDS. 18498 National Emblem March ... aghts Out" *..... a A848 Old Dan Tucker -.. The White Cockade 216356 Malitary Cross .. Guards Brigade The Contermptibles Colonel Bogey's March . 216339 Cohen At The Wedding ... Cohen's New Automobile 206004 Cohen "Phones His Tailor . Cohen's Recrniting Speech . 216003 Cohen Exceeds The Speed Limit Cohen At The Pay-Station ... 206017 Cohen Telephones The Health Levinsky at the Wedding viounN RECORDS. 216358 Meditation ... ics aes Thais - Souvenir Melody mn Elegie .... The , Pes Xe Saran a Let The Rest "of The World Go By ORCHESTRA. Part 1 .. Part 2 In a Persian Market in a Persian Market 26224 In A Monaster arolle . Alinuetto and 6218 ream um) 216402 The Heed Gurl's Scenes Alsaciennes (Part 206457 Moscow Naght Laie Song of the Wolga Boatmen .... SPECIALS (Now fa Stock) 427 Prisoner's Song The Wreck of the Old Ninety The Letter Edged in Black The Laghtning Express 29840 Who -- Fox Trot .. Sunny Fox Toot That Certain Party 1 Wanna Go Where ama > do What REOLUSIVE ¥IOTOB | COMIC SONGS. | All That I Saw In Arkansas .. ne Old Swimming Hole ... A Mule Department You De, ~--Russof Fioritos and His Oriole Orchestra Come iin and hear them. D. J. BROWN 10 King St. W., Oshawa. | 55¢ in Your Collection Collins and Harlan | Collins and Ha ' vr Billy } | Bully Jones | Lewis James | wis Tames Billy fone | hilly fone Red Newman Newman and Charlie Mclean Pilly Jones | Billy Jones | harles Han Baud Band Band Badd Band Band Band sand United States Maruie . rthur Pryor's Victor Military Victor Military Military Military Aaro's a Miro's Metropolitan Metropolitan Silver Silver Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone «+» Monroe Monroe Gus Gus . us Gus Gus Toe Rae Eleanor Ball Rae Eleanor Rall . Rae Eleanor Rall .- Rae Eleanor Ball Albert Chamberland Albert Chamberland | .» Prince's Oxchestra . Prince's Orchestra drchestra ami Chorus «» Henri's Orchestra Chamberland Trio . Moret: Trio " Rus an Ampenial Ant Symphon: Orchestra Russian Impenal Art Quartet 55¢ 75¢ T5¢ 75¢ .» Nemon Dalhart « Nernon . Palhart Vemon Dathart Nemon Dathart + Aseorge Olsen and His Music . George Mlsen and Mis Music Fiorites and His Oriole Orchestra Then I'll Be Happy--Fox Trot DEALER 35 OSHAWA tured the hest dressed lady's prize, | man's | | a [ MILLER | Myrtle and | troit. Among the floral tributes received | Club, | | Whitby, {don land a ff Jane Asian. His first ho with four approach spans." A Musical Treat Will be in store for those who at- tend the concert of the Toronto String Quartette and Mrs, Cragie, singer, at Simcoe St, Church, Tues- day, Keb, 16th. ary Feb, 14th Inadvertantly the date of King St. United Church Anniversary was ad- vertised as the 4th of February, This was a typographical error the date being Feb. 14th, next Sunday, when Rev. W. R. Tanton of Napanee will be the preacher and special musie will be rendered hy the Choir, Dental Office Removed Dr. Henry has removed his office [ to his residence, 179 Simcoe south, Phone 16, (188a-80c¢) Recent Deaths FUNERAL OF LATE FRED of is Miller, Miller, who | family resi- after a yesterday | Cemetery. The funeral of Fred son | of Mr, and Mrs, George died Tuesday at the dence, 5 King street lengthy illness was held afternoon to the Union | The services were conducted by Dr. | If. 8. Dougall of the Simcoe Street | I'nited Church of Canada, assisted | hy Rev. Canon C. R. DePencier of | George's Anglican church. | The pall hearers were:-- Martin Miller, Wiltse McKay, Arthur Hoar, Neil Hezzlewood, Eric Henry and David Jamieson. Some of those | from out of town, who attended the | funeral were, Misses F. Jackson and | *. Shadwick, of Toronto. Messrs. | Douglas Walker and Calway of (Gordon McKay Co., Toronto, Miss Dorothy Latimer of New York, Mr. Doherty, Toronto, Messrs. and 8. Trees, Whithy, and Mr. Miss | Earl Perkins, of De-| from, the Rotary Club, Carls' were those Oshawa Hunt Club, Arcade Staff, Superigr assembly of the G.M.C., Mr. and Mrs. T. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs, J. Gowan, Arnold family, less Harry and Eric Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McLaughlin and | Fwart, Neil Hezzlewood, Mrs. M IFissett, Brockford, Mr. and Mrs. DD. M. Tod, Mrs. Doherty and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McMurtry, Doris \lartin, Nancy Wilson, Geraldine Grennon, Bernice Drinkle, Mr. and | Mrs. R. R. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. F.| Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hatch, | Directors and Staff of Gor-| McKay Co.. Mr. R. Latimer and Miss D. Latimer, Mr. and Irwin, Miss Whitney, Ilene Toronto. Miss Retg Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brown, Minnie, Myrtle, and Earl Perkins, Dr. and | Mrs. Henry and Clifford, Mrs. Caw- Black, Mrs. D. B. Car Henry, Dr. Arnott, Mr 5. Weil, Mr. and Mrs. Hoar Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hagerman, Mrs. J. Burns PAYING FOR SU SUPPORT (Farmers Sun) | To compleie the Hudson Railway would cause an enormous drain on a well-nigh depleted Fed- eral treasury and with no assur- ance of compensating advantages. A system of Covernment-control- led rural credits, in view of the ex-| perience of Manitoba and the Do- | minion Soldier Settlement scheme. seems all to likely to carry with it more of damage than of advantage. An old age pension system, on the lines proposed. bids fair to cause more injury by discouraging | thrift than of benefit by relieving distress. Are these to be the sole fruits of | Government bidding for Progressive Bridge fing family, Mrs, S. Miles, and Hare, Mr. and | Bay | land Labor support in the House of ommons? FRANCO DOES IT (New York Telegram) Palos to Pernambuco by airplane. the first aerial crossing "wf the South Atlantic has been accom-| {plished by Commander Ramon Fran- co in his plane. the Ne Plus Ultra, | new chapter must be written | | | i into the annals of aeronautical his- tory. with Spain's read and gold em- Dbellishing the decorative initial let-| to negotiate with success the re- maining stages of his journey from Spain to Argentina, the honor having won through to a conquest of the thousands of miles of open | water that lie between Old Spain and the newer Spanish metropolis of South America is his. The rest of the way is comparatively simple He has but to follow along the ir- regular coastline to Brazil to the beautiful harbor of Rio de Japerio and then a few hundred miles over the intervening littoral of the twe countries and his gay jaunt is fin- ished. ter Whether or not Franco is ae of | Cocoanut Stacks One cup granulated sugar, twa tablespoons butter, one pound string cocoanut, one quarter level tea- spoon salt, one half cup best mo- lasses, one half cup cream, one cup corn syrup. Mix all ingredieats | with the exception of the butter and | cocoanut. Cook to a soft ball: add cocoanut and butter and pour out | on a buttred platter to cool. RAYMOND GRIFFITH In a scene from his latest com-, edy "Hands Up" the chief film at-! traction at the Regent the first half of next week on their big Valentine program which alse includes Harry | Langdon in "The Sea Squawk" aad an elaborate musical stage diver- tissement "Valentine Vanities." The RBarnarde Homes take their, name from Dr. T. J. Barnardo, who was of German extraction, but was born in Ireland. He went to Lon- don in 1866 and began enerzetic- ally to promote the welfare of home- Las DOS : 101 SLL uc | haa Hateh |V- (ties apposed to the | in | ing , Actresses appeared on the der ! brothers. nized gate om Me-| par-| were again reed they sl a ---- LOOOLOOOOO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C J * Just Arrived! 'Martha Washington DRESSES Foulards and Broadcloths Fast Washing Colors The Best! On The Market ND most decidedly the best known by the public, specially noted for their excellent qualities and perfect workmanship. Many new striped effects also, numerous flowered suggestions that are most pleasing, and, of course, a full range in plain colors. All sizes up to 51. Divided into two big selling values. $1.95 and $2.95 O-MORROW, Saturday, T the last day in order to receive a year's subscription of the Designer for 90c YEAR and not he underst board war Objections "Mayor Metealfy gistered tion increases bel He said i ch ors nust of the od view of pper little i roped-a an indi the enjo he work of co \ of to ohjec to de hig bh ful roe) their the on tra 18 hit of offered 'TOW will be to-mo have ame 0 and again evening Silly the exciting added attraction and evenin per- OW speec will be an matinec tomor: hoth hooks would true impug: b year stote banks. | subject formances VALENTINE BILL AT REGENT quite out of the « local play next week will Valentin BiG MONDAY by promniisea : 20ers the chief was shown did not fairs one of- bill com triple tainment Raymond Criffith J funny played Hippodrome We Rezent offering Harry Lay droll-fa« omedi in ¢ hilarity 1 Squa the py , Bt to in kee ing Valent the | Season. an elabora 'al st, divertissement "Valentine Vanities starring Bi Stacey (of Radio fame) Cliff fcCormicke and a scintillating singing © and dancing will complete bang-up that can be at the eatre regular house prices Valentine Vanities" offers haunting meiodies dancing, pre- and light 1 in gorgeous a a) missioner the the show in the \ ; ning! which ' REFORMER. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, | ADVOCATES DELAY At Local Theatres i RE PHONF RATES LAUGHS APLED Y | FEATURE | | Another spoke has been added to (the wheel of mirth in the Al Christie (Continued trom mge 1) hag | opened last night at the Regent over the request of the City of [{peatre, Bell Telephone Company's appliea- jy the caps of the producers of the ton is swecessful, then Toronto's ap- record breaking "Charley's Aunt." man. 3 : : uel humor, the same undercurrent Con, Frank H. Plant, president of | op wapiousness, combined deftly into ties and City Solicitor Frank B.|heaval, make "Seven Days." a [lit- Proctor, also addressed the, board. [ine sequel for the previous present- Ly R. A, Reid, Toronto, appearing | The story is of a young chap, giv- on behalf of (Ie Ontario govern-| hig a party to a few friends to cele- yi Commissioners should appoint |vorce, suddenly finds himself hesel telephone accounting engineer with | on all sides with all manner the company and to give the public | Wirst his wealthy Aunt arrives the true state of affairs as far as|, i knowing of his divorce, and thi "Con, Plant, however, on hehalf of | from her confronts him, Then his the Union of Municipalities, wanted |ajygpcad wife arrives unexpectedly work in conjunction with a firm Of} Hasty leave, alarmed hy a spotted accountants and he nominated |; jim eng whjeh has stricken the bui- 4 . \ Ns ; : behalf of the union. Con. Plant! .oing a party in session takes the said the union at its recent meeting no tunity to transact some busi firm of accountants to investi- 4, whom the cook has heen en- the company's affairs tertaining hefore her unceremonious "Mr. Proctor urged in addition Then the whole house is placed that the Bell Telephone Company | under a seven days of quarantine for ditional dot: 5s may be required ailment. If things moved speedily Ly other municipalities. He fore- up to this point, they race from municipalities, should the 'hoard de- Lillian Rich leads the cast of this cide thit some in rates | hilarious comedy, mdde under the or when the of location arises'in connection with [this release are Creighton Hale, Lil- (yan Tashman, Mabel Julienne Scott, formation can he produced by smal- ler.municipalities than those of the Additional fun provided by the actions of Felix the Cat in ten min Mcl.ean agreed with Mr. Proce tor's contention famons pussy doing "his "stuff" Benny VY.eonard, lichweight champ- Keown said he understood the application this week in short drama entitled Hitting Hard." ending in real the board, but it that the power inside this da 12ilist's the Almonte Almonte, re not mention Collis and his wall of that town coming to a time. music, i their ram the town might to e3 its own telephone service nicht noon of 'the Ontario government, made al. sg + trenuous h in which he de-|ia)l-play it be given from the by ceountants but it not of affair He did not capacity of the accountants ments had been issued of which had heen himself, and it annual! statements rtain banks that vi i J REGENTS BIG PROGRAM | presentation of "Seven Days" which Tar FOr & ror tarilf af | Toronto for a lower tariff. 'If the It stands out as another feather plication fails," remarked the chair: |p he same surface strain of contin- the 'Union of Canadian Municipali-!4 human picture of a domestic up- The former supported a suggestion |, jon. ment, that the Board of Rajlway||yate the first anniversary of his di- al power to investigate the books of (.oubla and trial the company concerned, probleth of keepi the real facts the telephone accounting engineer to| On top of this, the servants takn Clarkson, Gordon and Dillworth on, A Wirglar, chancing hy, and decided in favor of one recog-|,..qc (On entering he finds a police Additional Details leparture, fast asleep in the chair. should he required to give such ad- {smallpox as a result of the hutler's saw difficulties in the way of these here on, nmereases are necessy gueistion | direction of Scott Sidney. Others in these increases, unless additional. in- Eddie Cribbon ang T Wilson. | higger cities Commissioner Dr. S.| utes of hilarious film showing this "Chief Commissioner H. A fon of the world, is featured ould appoint-the au- battle that gives the spectat : not curtailed vould he mmitting the proposed provided with increases were to obtain The A. Reid. Toronto, on behalf Jared that sorts of information| 4 nocessarily disclose the state ho recalled that year aft investigation by the true condition of account i wa Hand: . Was! 1oromo ing en assist isserted a eK vital that gineer s maki elephone d the is don would | newest appointed to audit I guard jockeying" of facts " i e did wa impute wrongdoing to company the in then not in very ancient | Greeks and Ro- | bell at Moscow. and crack used the Jews, The great was cast in 1736, t following vear. Its weight |. about 12 The | is estimated to be When it was be | ing "effects cast gold and silver E Aid| of beautiful heen thrown into the molt- votive offerings lls by Be times mans Russia ed ni the said to be metal inthe bell worth § OR LL LELR were chorus show seen is tons and snappy special and a « umes sented seen ard to havg en mass as MARTIN Jon is seen Jad - Lands." latest hair-trig opened thre New Martin AT new THE Buck of th Fox sta offering, whicl NEW in the A "Durand | William Actresses appear to have béen un known to the ancients in earliest times. Female parts in dramatic performances being taken by males engagement at stage un- | Theatre last night the Roman Empire. The first Buck Jones is cast English actress is said to have been | 10 of Durand who. Mrs. Colman, who performed the! jain unforiunate part of *"lanthe" in Davenant's | 55 ziven "Siege of Rhodes," in 1856. | most brutal The word adelphi is the Creek for | ploits extremely vicious nature It is given to a district} ye unjustly leid at his door. de- of London, England, on the south|_. ite Durand's endeavor to clear side of the Strand, because the prin-| i. name. cipal buildings in the district were Marian Nixon again by erected by four brothers, John, Rob-| ,. delightful portrayal of the waif ert, James, and Jilliam Adam, after | of (he desert who wins Buck's whom the streets are still named. heart. and his chance show his ---- 2 accusers in their true light. Malcolm Waite and Fred De va are bad men of the most con- vincing sort Waite portrays a rafty. double-crossing sheriff, while De Silva effectively registers a sin- ster, traitorous coward Lyan Reynolds directed and ad- apted ithe ystory with a real um- derstanding of western life. the in the idea! through circumstances name of the all time. Ex- of heen the bandit of of Scores Baked Bean Ranebit One cup cold baked beans, one tablespoon butter, hall teaspoon salt. half cup milk. one cup rated cheese, one teaspoon table! sauce Melt butter in saucepan. add the beans which have been mashed wilh a fork. salt and milk. Stir well and heat through. Add the cheese and table saucde, and when cheese is melted pour the mixture over thin, slices of toast and serve hot. This makes a substantial supper dish. Sil FUNERAL OF MRS. A. YOKES The funeral of Mrs. Alfred Vokes whose death occurred Wednesday evening, will be conducted on Sat- i urday afternoon from the family residence, 284. Albert street at 2.30 o'clock. 3 Ba old-time resident authority for the statement that crows won't eat corn, but there used to be {certain brand or Old Crow on which it was easy to get corned.--Brock- ville Recorder. One Egg Cake Cream one quarter cup of butter, add - glowlr ome half cup of sygar. and one egg. well beaten. Sift one and one-half cups of flour with two and one-half teaspoons of baking powder and add with one-half cup of milk to the egg mixture. Bake in a moderate oven for thirty min- utes. I] is An a Idle gZossip Zoes in one ear and out the other--or in both ears and | out the mouth. women never No matter how much | spend for cosmetics, they're as bad as they're painted Some people managed lo oJ H awake during the Sunday morning sermon--by plaving golf. Ls {1 BH The neanaze hunter doesn't know | what he's hunting until it goes ran-| ning by. : Some people live 50 or 60 years with tight shoes always hurting their feet. Phone your drug needs to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE Phones 22--265 Anything can happen. Several of fountain pens received ist- {] IW Regent orch 1c struc HOW RUSSIA Russia, the skipper at the laborers for highe DOES IT of lib Lenin authorities t Red Guards ad drove rk ion the promptly appeared the laborers back to thei 75° hours without payg did not happen to he a dele- of British trade Junionists spot at the moment. home sidn for d to k Another 1 J BS It Is Our Aim To Give The Best In Drug Store Service and with this aim in view we strive from 7.45 + dam. to 10 p.m. to serve you either personally or by phone. To try and respect the Sabbath we will remain but emergency and illness we will still be in touch closed on future Sundays, in cases of with you if you phone 378 or 909W Any Sunday prescription delivered as usual THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE Poultry PAY Superior Poultry Mash and Superior Poultry Scratch Feed will produce more eggs at lowest cost of anything on the The Superior Mash sells at $3.50 per 100 lbs. A trial order will market. and the Scratch at $2.60 per 100 ibs. convince you. Our Mash Hoppers are the latest and most improved styles. We have the ordinary drinking founts, also the Thermic or non-freeze styles, Have you tried CelO-Glass in place of ordinary glass in poultry-house windows, hotbed frames? It is unbreakable and healthier than glass and only half the price. acanges-Suli