Oshawa Daily Reformer, 11 Feb 1926, p. 5

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REGULAR MEETING MISSION CIRCLE Miss Lesh Holmes Named Delegate to Presbyterial Meetings The regular meeting of the Mis- sion Circle of King Street United Church of Canada was held Tyesday al the home of Mrs, Arthur Wright, 63 Division street, Miss Flora Haw- kins, presided, Arrangements were made for a special meeting' on February 23, when Miss Foster of Toronto, a returned missionary, will deliver an address. Miss Leah Holmes was named as delegate to attend the Presbyterial meetings at Newcastle, Three donations, in- cluding one of #5 from the Ladies' Aid was acknowledged by the treas- urer, Miss Velma Blewett took charge of the program. Irene Brown and Melvin Foster gave a piano duet and Marjorie Beamish and Meda Hager- man a piano solo and Vera Werry a vocal selection, The last chapter of the book 'Building with India" yas taken up by Mrs, Wadsworth. Miss Margaret Lennox moved, seconded by Mrs, C. H. Millard a vote of thanks to Mrs, Wright for the use of her home and to those who assisted in the gram, Two Die in Flome in Half an Hour Cobourg, Feb. 10.--Within half an hour two deaths occurred in the home of John Forster, Albert Street, yesterday afternoon, The first was that of Mr. Forster's father, William Forster, who resided with him at the Albert Street ad- dress, In the absence of Mrs. Forster at the funeral of the late W. H. Brooks, Mr. Forster, Sr., was seized with a stroke. A neighbor summoned Mrs. For- ster, but when she arrived home, her father-in-law had succumbed. The shock proved too much for her and she was stricken with a heart at- tack, which, a few minutes later, proved fatal. Before her marriage, Mrs. Forster was Miss Charlotte Gray and resided at Akron, N.Y. Besides her husband, seven children survive, John Forster, who is an employee of the Canadian National Railways, has been working in Oshawa for the past week as a relief man. REFORMER Ww ANT ADS PAY. Laval-Quebec Mines, Limited --In Strong Hands! Laval owns strategically located properties totallin, 2,700 acres in the heart ol Rouyn. Laval is sponsored by powerful interests and dir- ected by a Board every member of which is a prom- inent business or mining executive. Laval is amply financed for extensive development work. Serious development is being commenced on the "South Group" of claims adjacent to Noranda and where preliminary work has discovered ore bodies carrying rich values over good widths. Laval-Quebec is listed both in Toronto and Montreal and is being bought by shrewd investors who real- ize the potential wealth of this mineral area. The coupon below is for your convenience and it entails no obligation. Send it in today! Mowat & MacGillivray UNION RANK BUILDING OTTAWA Please send me the latest parvieulass of Laval-Que- and its profit possibil ties. Name Address = musieal pro- 125th Anniversary St. Andrew's L.A.S. The Ladies' Aid BSeciety of St. Andrew's Church of the United Church of Candda, celebrated its 26th anniversary with a birthday tea on Tuesday afternoon. The school 'room was prettily decorated with carnations, and hearts, Mrs. J. D, Storie cut the large birthday cake. A splendid musical program which included, vocal, violin and readings was given, The sum of $68 was realized from the tea, DOCKS SAFELY T0 HEAR SAD NEWS Battles With Ice Blockade and Then Learns of His Daughter's Death Bringing his ship safely into port at Prescott yesterday after a twen- ty-four hour fight against the ice- choked north channel of the St, Lawrence River, Capt. Arnold Henry of the ferry Charles Lyon, plying between Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Prescott, Ont., received as his first greeting a telegram announc- ing the death of his 9-year-old daughter Irene in a Brockville Hos- pital. Torn between his duty to his ship and devotion to his daughter, Capt, Henry, who pilots the powerful ice breaker in the river, elected to remain with his ship and | the "12 members of his crew, who | were marooned when the ferry was caught in an ice jam just above the Long Sault Rapids. of the crew reached shore perilous trip over the field, and brought back After Hours of tedious work in zero weather today 25 men, using saws and other ice cutting tools, cut channel through the 150-foot stretch of - 18-inch ice between ferry and open. water. Once open water, the Charles Lyon, after a broken ice- of ice-jam, Some of the cakes were | 10 feet high. carloads of coal for ballast, HON. W, E. RANEY WILL CRITICIZE | (Continued from page 1) would be little short of spectacular' has been the ever-prodding suspi- cion that the Speech from the Throne might contain, despite press opin- ion to 'the contrary, some "spark-| ling" legislation from the Govern-| ment's store of contemplated meas- ures, Coincident with this impres-| sion was the appearance at the doors] of the Parliament Buildings betore 11 o'clock in the morning of the | first of the long line of spectators-- several women who industriously| began to knit their wait away, while behind closed doors the more im- portant actors in the Parliamentary performance, Ministers and depu-| ties and subordinates, feverishly | were getting their own sessional] "knitting" in shape. | Rush as Usual Nothwithstanding frequent past press statements that invitations were to be limited to the seating capacity of the floors and the galler- ies, a crowd well up in numbers to former Legislature openings was on hand by 2 o'clock, swarming the corridors, crowding at every en- trance to the Chamber, and plainly taxing the patience and policing of the largest detail of uniformed of- ficers the buildings have seen in recent years. Considerable com- plaint, as to be expected, was rais- ed against the limited seating, and many Parliamentary members, Government and Opposition, found it difficult to find accommodation, 80 early were the Chamber and gal- leries occupied by guests of the af- ternoon. Viceregal Pageant Formalities both within and with- out the House moved with a celerity which augured well, as stated in cey- tain quarters, for a short session of the Legislature. His¢ Honor the Lieutenant-Governor was escorted to Queen's Park by a body guard from the Royal Canadian Dragoons. At the entrance to the buildings he took the salute, given by a spiek- and-span guard of honor from the Royal Canadian Regiment, which he inspected quickly, while fifteen guns ---2a detachment from the 30th Bat- tery. stationed at the rear of the buildings--dinned out further re- spect to him and the Soverign he represented. -- ALBERTA COAL' We have just received. information that our 2 car loads of Alberta Coal left Rosedale mine Mon- day. rotation. Book your orders now. Orders filled in i derful COKE-POCAHONTAS and DOMESTIC COAL, Best Qaulities. Good Body Wood. ! Argue McLaughlin Co. Phone 1246 Ea \ 110 King St. W. AHR. | red tissue paper| provisions, | a | the | in| a l,i 600 ton steel craft worth $400,000, | crashed her way through four miles! The ferry carried 12 | {mes of the i Police that for both | ponaghy and J. BPA UO pew UR RR ge SP THE QSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY. FE FEBRUARY 11,19 most | { Two members | | Afternoon tea on a winter's Swimming Pool, | viawri ia, Clear skies, bracing sea air, ary. of snow, crossing the mountains topped by snow buried peaks, here spring in all its wealth of verdure greets the traveller, charm about Victoria harbour, not shared by many. For where landing places generally a distance from the beauties of "the ci Victoria are a part of its attractions, 10 Empress hotel is like the carriage drive to : On the right are the green lawn Parliament buildings, perhaps the finest in C The rose garden that breaks the even green sward, is even now giving a good account of it ous rosebuds reveal a pale beauty as if not quite sure whether to burst at once into blossom. A glimpse of many Victoria gardens at this sea- the approach, The short way castle, t he, Lryna) Gardens he Winter Garden of Canada od be the de- | scriptive title of Victoria, B.C, ern climes when such attractions lie so close at hand? spring blossoms, may all be found there, in mid Janu- Leaving the prairie grain fields, spring's wheat nestles warm beneath a thick blanket Taking a dip in the Sea Water Pool »* the Crystal Gardens. son, reveals more daring flowers. The yellow jasmine is covered with bloom, violas stand out boldly in sunny nooks, hyacinths and daffodils are heavy with buds, while nasturtium seeds have dared to" germinate and put out leaves as if in challenge to the Frost King. A new and fascinating feature of the capital city is the Crystal gardens, Situated just beyond the Empress hotel, they leave nothing to be desired in the way of winter attractions, The glass roof covers a swimming pool one hundred and fifty feet in length with a graduated depth from three to ten feet, The pool fills and drains constantly, sea water being pumped in and kept at an agreeable temperature, From the pool, rise tiers of seats on either side; and at the ends, on the main floor, are fine dance halls, Along the sides, tea tables with wicker chairs placed at tempting, angles, afford agreeable resting places, Here and there huge ferns and palms lend a tropical air, while smaller plants border the walls. Climbing vines grow in great profusion about .the steel pillars supporting the roof. Developing rapidly in the warm moist air, they pun toward the glass roof and trail their foliage over the water, The wistaria essays the climb, but the prolific coba vine flourishes and trails its trumpet like flowers from above vying in-green- ness with the waters of the pool. Canaries in gilded ages voice the comfort of the retreat. An occasional ental umbrella adds still more to the summer-like appearance of the place. In thé evening, with lights and crowds and music, with pévhaps a water féte being staged in the pool, no matter what blizzard sweeps the plains, here sum- mer reigns supreme! Why seek south- green lawns and where next whose passes are There is a are un sightly, and the anada, self, for numer. ADMITS NO POLICE ON QUEBEC BORDER R.CIM.P. amined By the| Special ) Committee on Stevens Charges Ottawa, Feb, 10. - rom Commissioner Royal Canadian more than one year officer of his force Quebec-United States to the Customs An admission Cortlandt Star- Mounted | there was manning border, in addition officials, but that that officer was removed in 1923, and two or three warm tilts between members of the committee, featured today's sitting of the Special House Com- mittee appointed to investigate smuggling charges of Hon. H. Stevens (Vancouver Centre). There were frequent exchanges one the the | H. | between members, especially be- tween Mr. Stevens and Hon. Bennett, Conservatives, and C. Elliott, on questions of procedure, the conclusion of the sitting | was a lively flare-up between Mr. | Stevens and Mr. Donaghy, both rep- resenting Vancouver seats. over the presence at the same table with the members of the of Hon. George H. Boivin, of Customs. « reamed Chicken Four quarts of white sauce, made of 1 cup of butter, 1 cup flour, 2 quarts scalded milk, 2 teaspoons salt. Re-heat 8 or more quarts old chicken cut in dice in the white sauce. Add 2 teaspoons celery salt and 1-2 teaspoon pepper. R. Dug Liberals. and near Minister (ONE THIN WOMAN 'GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Same All weak men and women. All nervous men and women. All skinny men and women. Can grow stronger, healthier more vigorous and take on solid needed flesh in 30 days just by [i] cee McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets four times a day---sugar coated and easy to take as candy. And what a hit these flesh pro- ducipg tablets have made. One drug- | gist tripled his sales in one week. | Everybody kmows that from the | tivers of the humble codfish comes a first class vitamine that is a won- vitalizer, flesh producer and health creator. Millions of MeCoy's Cod iract Tablets are séld every land thousands of frail rundown un- derweight people are being helped. i A box of 60 tablets for £0 cents | and if one skinny man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days money back. Ask Jury & Lovell, W. H. Karn, T. B. Mitchell, {or any good druggist anywhere in | America, Be sure inal | ere make weight robust. and | | | and get McCoy's, the genuine and don't forg« yr on arth so good to listless, « under Trong and is nou backward children grow B. | ald | there | It arose | committee | group finals with Peter- | same of the tonight was 4-2 for oro'. The score Havelock The game was fast and clean. At the start, although the Petes scored the first goal, Havelock had a mar- INTERMEDIATES EARN LEAD OF TWO GOALS | Peterboro', Feb. 10.--Havelock intermediates, playing their same on Peterboro' ice, Have HAVELOCK home a two- second gin on the, play, and at the end of the first period led 2-1, The win- ners scored the first goal of the second period, and then Peterboro' started to press, having the better of the play until well on into the third period, and scoring one in the second and one in the third. With the Petes" forwards swarming around the net trying to even the count. "Doug Brennan, the Havelock star, broke through and scored with less than half a minute to go. D. Brennan and Wright starred for the winners, while MeMartin and Willlams were good for the Petes. Both goalkeepers were good. Peterboro'--Goal, McClory; de- fense, McMartin and Lackey; centre, King; wings, Dundas and McDoug- all; subs., Williams and White. 'Havelock--Goal, 'Neal; defense, Quinn and D, Brennan; centre, Pol- lock; wings, Wright and C. Breun- nan; sub. Jack Hooper. Reéferee--Coombs, Lindsay, Recent Deaths ANNIE HERBISON On Sunday the death occurred of Annie Herbison, wife of John Knox, in her 80th year. When twenty- six years of age Mrs. Knox came to this country from Ireland, her birthplace, From Ottawa, her first home in Canada, she spent 18 years in Fort William, The past - six months have been spent at the home of her son James Knox of [East Whithy. She attended the Preshy- terian church. Two daughters, 5, Jane Irwin, Windsor, Vermont, Fred Otway, Regina; 5 sons, James of Oshawa, John of It. Wil- liam, Joseph of Grenfell, Potter, Bulyen; Herbert, Ottawa; and one brother, Peter Herbison, survive her. The remains were taken to Ottawa last evening for interment in the Merivale cemetery. MRS, ALFRED VOKES Suddenly last evening the occurred after a protracted illness of about six month, of Harriett Wheeler, wife of Mr. Alfred Vokes, in her 52nd year. Mrs, Vokes was horn in Dunbarton and received her schooling partly there and partly in Port Perry to which place she mov- ed from Dunbarton while a young girl, The past thirty years have been spent in this city, A slight im- provement was shown in her con- death during the past week and her death came as a great shock to her im- mediate friends and relatives. Sur viving her besides her husband, are three daughters, Hester, of Hamiun ton, and Reta and Edith, of th: city. Rev; C. W, Dazlille will con- duct the services ? = after- noon. The funeral wily take place frcm the family residence, 284 Al- bert street for burial in the Union Cemetery. KINGSTON WINS EASILY Kingston, Feb. 10.- ~Kingston jun- iors defeated Trenton in the return game here tonight by 14 to 2, win- ning the round 27 to 6. As the score indicates, the play was all one-sided, and Kingston got rid of some poor hockey even with the big score they had. Kingston--Goual, Taugher; de- fense, Smith, McKelvey; centre, Voss; wings, Hartley, Patterson; subs., Joyce, McDowell, Trenton--Goal, Heaney; defense, Hood, Bowen; centre, F. Feilon; wings, Weese, Perry; subs, G. Fel- lon, Aziz. / Referee - Steve Vair, Toronto. has more ever, which has a young Writer says London beautiful - women than merely means the paper London correspondent, 4 £ n 4 WESTINGHOUSE TUBES FOR YOUR RADIO MEAN BETTER SELECTIVITY WESTINGHOUSE TUBES Made in Canada For Every Set and Socket SOLD BY WILSON & LEE PHONOGRAPH PARLORS 257 ALBERT "PHONE 1273.) Readers of The If you want to asking a reader of Cobalt, Ont. . The Recognized goal lead to defend in, the " Northern mining situation because all developments in all mines and camps. know The THE NORTHERN MINER W hat Do You Know About The Mines ? Miner are experts on the they are posted each week on in about! safe Northern mining you are Miner. - $2 a Year Mining Authority LL [SUN - LIFE - ASSURANCE - COMPANY - . OF - CANADA | A BILLION DOLLARS * LIFE ASSURANCE IN FORCE | 1925 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) - $1,021,097,000 An Increase of $149,460,000 > New Assurances Paid For An Increase of $56,011,000 "% Total Income - An Increase of $6,901,000 4 5 "ye $193,477,000 69,147,000 > Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries 35441,000 " Total Payments Since Organization », Reserve for Unforeseen Contingencies Surplus over all Liabilities and Contingency Reserve = 2 An Increase of $6,532,000 " ASSETS at December 31, 1925 An Increase of $28,925,000 ai ll iis - Ww i Policies in Force, Excluding Group Policies » 219,239,000 10,000,000 28,640,000 303,056,000 - 411492 Employees of Firms Protected by Group Policies = 42755 Re * Dividends to Policyholders increased for sixth successive year EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT Your Directors present the fiftv-fifth annual sport for vour approval The Company's statements have for years reflected its constantly non an but this year marks an epoch in the as now passed the Bilbon Dollars thark in fier deducing reassuzances being 81,021, term bonds and peeferved and of this policy. On acy mbered 5 AA. ts re-assured. The "ines the Company aggregating $20,5° for the amount of ry of 82 been much greater had in force only thirteen vears ago. The graying evidences of growth and expansion ny ing satetucat) ase paralieled in regard 1 otwithstanding the general decline in , the Company 4 4 able not merely to continue, bt to ase 11s record in nu oe oficial salaton this connection. the tate earned during the year on the mean invested total per stb #asets having been 6.41 per cent Following the practice of tecent Years. Several lactors have contributed 10 produce this result, not the least jexhibited in the Accomp nd profitable ness has important being an increase in the dividends paid by some of the corpora- tions in which the Company has substantial stock holdings. Even more important than interest yield has been the advance in the" market value of of cur deuriton. For many seats me have: common stgcks of tions : bots in Caviada and in the {mtd Stages We ate iw fap te securities which had risen 10 b a we 41. while the ancrease in the alve 000 10-owr Cigency the book value of our Head Office and Branch standing Corpor a- sales of municipal debenturesand viher ve tealized a net profit sccunties still held has The profits earned by the Company ducing the vear. based on the increase in the valuation of our securities a made by the government authorities. has been £21,666, 284.00. We havemot (hought it wise, however, to takescredit for this entire amount. and A have made a deduction of placed on our assets. We have. move: Acgoynis, bringing these up Lo a . we have written off $750.000 from Buildings. dnd other real estate. y a A we have also, by setting aie an adisjonal 350.000, further stoeng Bh ever ve 10 Possible greater ity ame LIE nowt wiry hueading wh 16 $1 10000 requirement: we have paid or allotied 8 662.7 dur ting this su crease ave able to an tuted 10 our poheybeiders in the ensuing © «the expansion of our business. it has been necessary ud pTahe an extension ) the Head Ofte Building which has now been hat fou will ae Jormmatly opened op the day = devoted oxclusavely 10 the uw of the Company but nt » ctady xem that we must at once Hh for further enlarge ment. of our Annual Meeting SUN LIFE Afsy hy RANCE ANADA

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