Oshawa Daily Reformer, 11 Feb 1926, p. 4

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A EEEE---------- ES CY LOSE 12 - 4 := BELLEVILLE 7, CORNWALL 4 :-: NO GAME FRIDAY _ Mob wd hii aan : Andrew' . Secure Eight Goal Lead Over Shamrocks nts Score Decisive Victory, | Score Being 12 to 4 -- | Shamrocks Play in Toronto on Friday Night -- Visitors "Prove Too Good for Local Entry | | Oshawa Shamrocks received a de- ve setback to their champion- hip aspirations last night when went down to defeat before St, rew's of Toronto 12 to 4 in a pond round junior O.H.A. fixture it Bradley's rink. The result is that le local junior entry hop into the peen City Friday night with an ht goal lead to overcome and al- hough it is not an impossible task, will be a difficult one, St. Andrew's sent a speedy for- ard line against the Shamrocks hich broke away fast in a two or ree man combination, The visitors ere particularly effective in their ttacks on the local defence. The ints got right in on Leveque on umerous oceasions giving the peai net guardian no chance to lock the shots, WILLIAM FOX, presents {| TONIGHT The star for St. Andrew's was Mercer at centre, who gave a fine exhibition of speed and stick handl- ing. The Saints defence was also good while Miller was one of the best on the ice, For Oshawa Doc Rowden a great game while the were most effective, Jack Lowe worked hard throughout while Herrington gave his usual good per- formance, Leveque turned in a mice game in goal stopping many shots in the first period. The Saints were always dangerous and while the Shamrocks backed them up against played Conlin their own goal at regular intervals they nearly always managed to break away. A good crowd attended the game and while the score was a little one sided, plenty of excitement was provided. The Shamrocks failed to use their hodies effectively through- out the game allowing the speedy Saints to get away. At times the Shamfocks looked to he as good as their opponents but lacked the weight and system that the Toronto team displayed. The team will travel to Toronto Friday night when they hope to make a much hetter showing on the larger ice surface, First Period Play was exceptionally fast at the start and Leveque stopped two when St. Andrew's got right through the defence, St, Andrew's were going nicely but the Shamrocks were also dangerous, The Saints played more of a defensive game at the outset falling back instead of going into the corners, i Leveque saved angther when St. Andrew's got right through, Row- den went down the side nicely and tested the Saint's goalie. For about three minutes the Shamrocks buzzed around the visitors' goal. After the Ad '| NOW Wisin Another Laugh Sensation By The Makers of "Charley's Aunt" 7 DAYS THE FUNNIEST, FASTEST | FARCE EVER WRITTEN ----gdded units-- BENNY LEONARD in "HITTING HARD" Felix the Cat REGULAR PRICES _--_--_--_ Motor =City=Bowling=Club 20 ALLEYS 20 A New House 10 Pin League commences Ist March. We can accept two new teams, v BOOK YOUR SPRING LEAGUES NOW vw wilom nil stub Enter our 2 Man Matinee League. TOURNAMENT DATES, MARCH 15-20 . - -= PHONES 1879 1567 More Sold than Any Other Brand firgt burst of speed the Saints were checked closely, However, they fin- ally skated around the defence and beat Leveque for the first counter, St. Andrew's 1, Oshawa 0. After about five minutes' end to end play Oshawa evened the count when Lowe shot through the de- fence and the disc rolled into the net, St. Andrew's went in fast added their second counter, Saints' goalie had a hard one handle but he turned it aside. Both teams went the limit the visitors' defemce had its work cut out to prevent a score, They finally broke away and Leveque saved what seemed a sure goal, The Saints were deternlined and broke through again making the score 3-1, Just after the face off the bell rang for the end of the first period, The Saints seemed to have the edge, although the Shamrocks got right in on the visitors' goal several times and fail- ed to register more through hard luck than good work on the part of the Saints, Second Period St. Andrew's ran in two counters in commencing the second period. Both resulted from what appeared to be offsides. The score was St, Andrew's 5, Oshawa 1, After a combined rush Black shot one into the net in a melee at the Saints' goal. St, Andrew's 5, Osh- awa 2, The Shamrocks were going much better but Lowe drew a penalty and with the players bunchéd in front of the net the Saints made it 6--2, Herrington got through the Saints' defence hut lost the disc. They missed two good chances but "Doc" Rowden made up for it on a pretty shot from the wing, Saints 6, Oshawa 3. The period ended without any further scoring. Third Period . St. Andrew's opened the third period hy scoring.their seventh goal, St. Andrew's sent down a two man offensive and made it 8-3. Bill Cop- lin got through only to miss an open net. Lowe scored on a per- feet pass making the count 8-4, St. Andrew's added another on a shot well out. St. Andrew's 9, Oshawa 4. St. Andrew's combined again to make it 10-4. St. Andrew's--goal, Humisett; de- fence, Carrick an Whitehead; centre, Mercer; wings, Lovering and Miller; subs, 'Lough, Careless and Wilson. Oshawa---goal, Leveque; defence, Lowe and Herrington; centre, F. Black; wings, Rowden and W, Con- lin: subs, Dick Conlin, Johns and Luke, ' BOWLING SCORES MOTOR CITY BOWLING CLUB A very delightful and well attend- ed bowling party and dance was held at the Motor City alleys Wed- nesday night. There was a splendid and The to and OMI, Ladies League Orioles M. O'Connell C. Kelly .. C. McDonald M. O'Connell .,.. I. McDonald Robins Default, Greybivds D. Mansfield R. Mansfield L. Kellar ... P. Donald ,...... Dummy Bluejays May Cooper .... M: Brinkle ..,..... G. McConkey . E. Chapman .... Dummy ... 91 607 1143 169 114 117 79 « 100 579 vo. 111 01 90 100 100 492 88--179 146-2563 172--300 101--163 ...--148 100--100 89---258 103--217 124--241 144--223 100-200 560 1139 135--246 98--189 116--206 138--238 100--200 687 1179 Belleville intermediates by de- feating Cornwall by three goals in Belleville last night tied up the round and therefore are given an- other chance to remain in the in- termediate race. The winner of this series was scheduled to play in Oshawa Friday night but instead the two eastern teams will meet in a sudden death game in King- ston Friday night with the winner playing in this City on Monday. Local fans predicted that the Quinte City would overcome the lead obtained by Cornwall in the first game but now with a deciding game Intermediate Game With Eastern Winners Monday on 'neutral ice both teams have an equal chance. Oshawa intermediates held a fine workout at Bradley's rink from 5 to 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The players are in fine condition and are confident that they can eliminate either Belleville or Cornwall, With the first game here Monday the return game will be played in either of the eastern cites on Wed- nesday, If the series is in Belle- ville it is likely that a special train will he arranged to take Oshawa fans to the game, Sykes' Memorial Third Round Lindsay L.V. O'Connor 7 Scarboro S. Baird ......5 Oshawa A. G. Lambert 9 Peterboro ...16 HOCKEY RESULTS W. J. Oke Oshawa C. E. Hare Granites Agincourt Searboro «.11 1D, Crawford ...1 Senior Osgoode Hall 5 Toronto IC.C, Intermediate dBelleville ....7 Cornwall d--Round is tie, 9--9. Brampton Listowel 12 New b U. o bY Havelock 4 'Woodstock 4 Port Colborne 2 Dunnville .....7 Milton Chesley .. Kitchener ..... North Toronto Peterboro' London Paris Cayuga Junior Owen Sound ..4 Grimsby .......5 fKingston 14 f--Kingston Midland ........4 St, Andrew's 12 Kitehener ....8 Owen Sound ..4 Mitchell Oakville : Trenton, .. . wins round, 27--6. Newmarket Oshawa . WP Port Dover .. Mitchell NORTHERN LEAGUE Senior Elmira 1 Durham Intermediate Palmerston ....4 Wingham ......... Junior Harriston 4 KENT COUN Chatham ar Kincardine ....... TY LEAGUE Glencoe A KITCHENER LEAGUE Junior Resolutes ......2 Lutherans . THUNDER B Port Arthur ..3 WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE Edmonton a | Portland ........4 NORTHERN Thistles St. Mary's AY LEAGUE Fort William Saskatoon Vietoria ......... ONTARIO ASSOCIATION *New Liskeard 9 Cobalt... *Played Tuesday.. INTERCOL WEGIATE Intermediate rRM.C. 4 rR.M.C. Queen's .. wins round, 8 to 4, HAMILTON LEAGUE Pals .... 4 C.N.R. Commercial response to the delightful dance music rendered by the Seranders orchestra. There is no doubt that this band is one of the leading mu- zical organizations in thee City. The bowling was exceptionally interest- ing and after, the refreshments, the dance was doubly enjoyed because of the variety of the evening's en- tertainment, The w Ladies Afternoon Bowling League are holding their St. Valen- tines damce on Friday evening of this week and this promises to be a big success. The following Thursday the Elks Lodge are staging their annual bowling party and dance, Only one game was played in the Fraternal League last night, post- ponements have been arranged for the other games. L.O.L. 686 | Hastings 115 159 Smith 138 94] 192 181; 187 158; 165 157] 797 749 140 105 136 144 111 154 162 139 636 Arrangements have been made to set aside Tuesday evening as a spe- cial practice might for all ten pin bowlers desiring to secure a place on our tournament teams. Capt. Dap will be on hand and thé chance is open to all tem pin bowlers that |! can make the scores. The usual weekly sweeps will be held Friday might. This is a 1eal popular event for the big pin boys and we want every bowler in on it. Harvesters 5 UPPER OTTA City Corp, . WA vaLLey = LEAGUE Renfrew . 1 utton 7 Pembroke ......0 ETROPOLITAN LEAGUE Schomberg London City League Juni 1 Westervelt Se. 0 -4 Young Britons 1 0 Falcons Orioles Hawks ..........5u2 NORTH TORO Beavérs siguieB or St. NTO 25th Mary's A LEAGUE Troop SOUTH OXFORD LEAGUE Beachville ....4 BURLINGTON DISTRIOT LEAGUE Woh Roseland Beaches Dickson's Aldershot Firemen LAKEFIELD RINK WINS EATON CUP (Continued f rom page 1) McLAUGHLIN CUP (Second Agincourt D.C. Thomson 20 Lindsay E. J. Carew 10 Oshawa A. G. Lambert 18 Oshawa 15 J. H. Tolman 11 Picton J. H. Carter 11 Lt a F. E. Ellis Oshawa C. H. Peacock 14 on 13 W. J. Holland 12 Oshawa C. E. Hare ... 10 Granites F. Gilding ..10 Oshawa C. Detenbeck 10 D.C. Thomson 10 B. Kennedy .. 11 Lindsay F. J. Carew . 4 Oshawa C. Peacock ... 8 Stouffville W. Armstrong 9 Oshawa W. A Coad ... 9 L. O'Connor 14 Lindsay L. O'Connor 16 Oshawa A. G. Lambert 15 Peterboro W. J. Oke ... 14 Scarboro . C. E. Hare ..13 Granites > F. Gilding ...-12 Aginconwrt D.C. Thomson 17 (Second Round) Scarboro D. Crawford .14 Oshawa Round) Lindsay G. J. Edwards Oakwood H.D. Patterson Oshawa D. Campbell ... Oshawa L. R. Luke ... Stouffville s W. Armstrong Scarbono D. Crawford 13 SYKES' MEMORIAL TROPHY (First Round ) Lindsay G. J. Edwards 17 Oshawa A. G. Lambert 21 Picton J. H. Taman 11 Oshawa F. L. Henry 12 Py W. J. Oke ... 13 Agincourt A. Doherty ... Oakwood H. D. Patterson 4 um J. Malcolm ... Peterboro J. N. Bacon ... Oshawa D. D. McKay ... Oshaw: a D. M. Hall ... G. J. Edwards Picton J. H. Taman Oshawa Dr. F. Henry J. Strickland Picton J. H. Carter .. « Oshawa F. Storie 0 | Charlton F. Gilding .....9 D.C. Thomson 7 Sykes' Memorial semi Final Peterboro WwW, J. Oke ......6 Oshawa A.G. Lambert 16 Granites Oshawa F. Gilding 13 °C, E: Hare ....7 EATON TROPHY (CONSOLATION) (Preliminary Round) Oshawa F. Dobney Round) Oshawa W. A, Coad Oshawa F. Michael ... 8 Oshawa ~J. Thompson 4 Oshawa 14 C. Anderson 6 (Semi-Final) Oshawa 16 J. Whattam .. 9 Lakefield Agincourt D. Charlton 12 B. Kennedy . Eaton Trophy Final Lakefield Scarboro E. H. Northey Sam (Middleton I', Spence W. Kennedy B. O. Dench Robt. D. H. Charlton Archie skip 14 skip .... Eaton Trophy (Consolation) Score by ends. Lakefield Oshawa W. A, Coad .. 20 (First Oshawa J.L., Whattam 14 Agincourt B. Kennedy .. 15 Lakefield D. Charlton Scarboro A. Patterson 10 «13 Scarboro A. Patterson 11 Paterson | 1 -201002000234--14 | Searboro 1 | Paterson--o 10110101000-- 5] 0 2 3 SOCIAL EVENING Football evening in Club the Maroons hold a social Oshawa will 12, at 8 executive o'clock. All and friends players and are welcome BELLEVILLE, TIES ROUND Belleville, Feb 10.--Belleville sextet on the round h {the periods 2-1, 4-3, the round 9-9, and of the play-offs 1-0. This makes the third game will take place 3 1 1 McCowan | h| | | | { old Town Hall on Friday, February | | | BY BEATING CORNWALL, 7-4 | played hard to tie the fast Cornwall | 'e tonight, | The score of the game was 7-4, with | either in Kingston or Brockville on Friday night, The Cornwall squad came here prepared to proteet their lead and played a three-man defense almost the entire game, When that mode of procedure failed to produce re- sults they resorted to long-range shooting;~making the locals carry the play to them. Filion, in the Cornwall net, play- ed well, Boland was not as good as formerly and a couple of easy ones beat him, "On. the Cornwall team Dextras and McCutcheon played the best game, and" for Belleville Hib- bard, L. Goyer and Hagerman play- ed well, L.. Goyers scored three, ette, I, M. Contant, J, Contant and A. Con- tant were the successful marksmen, » and Frech- Goyers, Hibbard and Hager- | man getting one each, For Cornwall | The game bordered on the rough side all evening. There were many penalties. Belleville--Goal, Boland; defense, Goyer and Green; centre, L. Goyers; wings, Frechette and Hagerman; subs, Hibbard and Weir, Cornwall--Goal, Filion; defense, M.Contant and E. Contant; centre, Dextras; wings, A. Contant and J. Contant; subs.,, James and MecCut- eheon, Referee-- Harold Farlow, Toronto, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY Twice as strong as 4. 4 can be--' made at home. Ask your Grocer RITE-GOOD Malt Extract and Hop3 Package lo make 25 Pints $1.60 Package to make 50 Pints $1.75 If-your grocer can not supply you, write direct to E. B. Nettelfield & Co. Ontario Representatives 35 Colborne St. - - Torenio St. Lawrence Prescrying Co. Regd 14 Qohae. FQ Tweeds and Serge. $2 to $2.50 KIDDIES' SUITS We have just received a shipment of Kiddies' Spring Suits in Middy, Oliver Twist and Blouse Styles, in very pretty combinations and plain colorings and patterns, in Flannel, -$3 to $4.50 : Johnstons x ZI, 0) 7 6 w 9 8 8 9 6 Watampits satlcies Se pen need perfectly. here are sizes to fit every hand, and pen points to suit every style of handwriting. Ask to see the Cardinal, Black or Mottled holders at $4.00 4 --or in larger sizes at $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50. 7 10 11 --Opening of the Canadian Factory at St. Lambert, P.Q. --* Pen Shop," the Waterman Canadian headquarters at 179 St. James Street, Montreal, officially opened. pening of the sixth new Wat cisco, California. grman building in San Fran- FEBRUARY 12th IS A "RED LETTER DAY" in the history of this great organization, nearing a half- century of service to the writing public. From the humble beginning of 200 pens made in /1883, Waterman's Ideal mnethermost Fountain Pens are now sold from ocean to point of this continent to the tip of South America. , from Waterman Bui exclusively used for distributing Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, ace landmarks in Montreal, New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco, while yisitors to the Old Country and Europe find Waterman service at the "Pea Corner," Kingsway, London. Since busi and an i in the instrument :-- iI Waterman's February 12th, 1883, each year has seen an expansion of this vast ber of users of the one ideal writing : ' 5 " 1

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