THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1926 ve HHA PF A 'Reformer Want Ad Does A Big Job At A Very Small Cost i. ¥ ET ' Tire Repairing Atrticies For Sale Real Estate For Sale CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc, Con- Yeyancing and .general practice of W. Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, awa. Phine 63, G. D. Conant, B.A, LLB, A.F, "Annis, BA. tL 5, % x BH, N, SINCLAIR, K.C.,, BANK of Commerce Building. 116-1 yr. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer., Money to loan, Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 4456. 'Residence phone 837M, ERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- fisters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete, Office over Standard Bank, trance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J, 4 Grierson, B.A,, T. K, Creighton, SWANSON, GERMAN & 'MAC- kenzle, Barristers, - Conveyancars, Notary Public, etc. All Branches of Uriminal and Civil Law: Money to Joan, Office over Lamble' s store, 2 Wing St. Bast, Phone'940. D, A, ), Swanson, H, N. German, F. G, 'Nackenzie, fi. B, MORPHY, B.A. --BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, , ®hones: Office, 210; residence 160, A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. 18 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. Phones, office 1614; residence, 731W, 62-tf ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church St, Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros, Ql FOR SALE--PAPER BALER, 8UIT- able for merchant, goon condition, displaced by larger one. Apply Mr. Mundy, Reformer, 150-1 BUTTER AND CHEESE DEBATE: IN. HOUSE BUY FROM OWNER, SAVE COM- mission, veneered brick, 6 rooms, attic, conveniences, garage. 67 Simcoe Street N. Storage FURNITURE STORAGE--LOW IN- surance rate,' A, F. McCulloch, 37 itson Rd. N, Phone 1002W and J. 77-tt Auto Painting 0. G. REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR ST. East. Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed, Be: fore painting get our prices, tf Architects C, C. STENHOUSE, -- GENERAL architectural work, Second tloor, Arcade Bldg, Phone 1496. Res. Phone 902J. Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--Dbouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, écreens and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W, tr Building Supplies and interior trim. F. L. Beecrof., Whitby Lumber and Woodyard. Osh- awa phone 324, 69 tf WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Cogveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, 'Mortgage loans, Offices 4-6, Bradley Block," 203; Simcoe South, Phone 87. Residence 1170. 166tf Transportation COLEMAN'S CARTAGE -- PHONE 82, 85 Bopd West, Let ps haul it for you, 3' trucks, 22-11 COAL AND COKE FOR EVERY- body, prices right, prompt delivery. W. J, Sargant, Phone 193. Jan, 11-1mo FOR SALE--HIGH BOOKKEEP- ing desk, solid oak, 6 ft, long, three drawers, Cheap for quick sale. Re- former Office, 143-tf FOR SALE--MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand. C. Trull, Phone 65537. 96-tf GYPROC, THRE FIREPROOF WALL- board, Use it from cellar to attie for walls, partitions and ceilings. Economical, Easy to apply, Saws and nails like lumber. Samples on request, Waterous Supply Co. (181-tt) WHEN YOU BUY WOOD, BE SURE it is free from snow and damp- ness, All our wood is stored under cover in our large warehouse, and is absolutely dry. All orders meas- ured after. cutting, Also coal and coke, Waterous Supply Co, phone #0. night phone 1156m. 166-1m FOR SALE--FRAME HOUSE, rooms, barn, elecirie, furnace, fruit trees, 3% acre land, Apply Mr. Pell, Port Whitby, (186-f) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW RUG brick, All modern conveniences, Oak floors and stairs. Bargain, Apply owner Box "Q'" Reformer, 1871 Two 'New 'Gladiators Enter Debate to Discuss Treaty Ottawa, Feb, 10.--Two new gladia- tors entered the lists today in the "butter and cheese" debate on the Australian Treaty, precipitated by the Sutherland amendment, and at 6 o'clock an exhausted House donned evening clothes and went to a State function, 'Hon, W. R, Motherwell, Minister of Agriculture, spoke in defense of the' treaty, and Fred Davis (Conser- vative, Calgary East) sustained the assault upon it from Tory benches. Although they were regarded as major protagonists, each for his own cauge, neither was ahle to create any considerable degree of interest." The Vote's the Thing It was indeed a sleepy day on Parliament Hill, It is the vote, and only the vote, that Parliament awaits with interest, and interest today went with the assurance that the di- vision was to be put over. Today was NEW FIVE ROOMED BRICK BUN- galow for sale, 3 piece bath, fur- nace, lights, Five minutes walk from G.M.C. $3100, $300 cash, bal- ance $20 month, FF. E, Luke, 147 Elgin east, phone 9627, 188¢c For Rent STORE FOR RENT---9 SIMCOE ST, South, Oshawa lately occupied by Brass (men's furnishings), Early possession. Apply to G. D, Conant, Barrister &c,, Oshawa, 137-tt HOUSE TO RENT-- THIRTY-FIVE | dollars per month, immediate pos- gession, 7 rooms, hardwood finish, all conveniences, Apply Box N, Re- former, 188-c HARD BODYWOOD #i5. CORD, $7.50 half cord, $4 quarter cord cut, Hardwood slabs $13 cord $6.50 half cord, $3.50 quarter cord, cut, Soft- wood slabs $11 cord, $5.50 half cord, $3 quarter cord. Phone Office 1582W, residence 853w, (jan21-1m) BUCKEYE INCUBATOR, 110 EGG size. Buckeye Brooder, 1000 capa- city, almost new. Apply 509 Al- ibert St, (185-1) Medical DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoficher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria $t.,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, C. ORR MILLER, PHYSICIAN, 'Surgeon, gynaecologist, obstetrician, 89. Simcoe South, Phone 37. Hours 2-4, 7-8 p.m. and by appointment, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155. Office hours 2 to 4, 6 to 8, or by appointment. 4-tf DR. A. P. MACKAY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office and residence 268 King. East. Office hours: 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m. Phone 1710. nai el Dental DR. 8. J. PRILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank. Phone 95%; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. @morth, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. BE. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-tf DR. W. H, GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gens Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. . 669. 56-tf DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE lock, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction. Telephone 504. es, 1114W, 134-tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, P. T. BRYANS, Of 106 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Btore each Saturday. from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made zat drug store. Phone 97, 49-tf . Eye Specialist DR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Stere each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for comsul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. -- Veterinary Surgeon C.-8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Vet- srinary, 34 Brock S:. E. Phone 1057. 131-tf E. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY surgeon, jalist diseases dom- estic , Cat and dog hospital. 25 years experience. 74 King west. | Phone 629. Eh Insurance AVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 'est, Oshawa. The offest 118-2 EE ------ 'Undestakers & Embalmers BURIAL COMPANY, FUN- rs and Em! balers, 'Mo- tor rind rmiinlly Office 11 Simcoe St. South, Telephone No. 210; Resi- dence, 19 Division St. Telephone No 210W. 50-41 Fem Collection Agency GENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY, prompt on given collection of all debts. ice 10% Athol west. Public Sie Stenography done at reason- rates. Phone 1297 for par- able tical N ya FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT truck and taxi service, call W. 8S. Armstrong & Son, Phone 678. \ (186-1) P, SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. 8. Phone 346W. 242 Front St. E.,, Toronto. Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, 42-tf B. WARNER, LOCAL AND LONG distance cartage, 56 King street west. Phone 271, 189-1 mo Watch Repairing F. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, announces to his friends and the general public that he has opened a repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited. 29-tt Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS residential property. 6% per cent., Apply A, J. Parkhill, Barrister, '18 Simcoe St. North. Phone 1614. 92tf BRADLEY BROS., -- MONEY TO loan, on modern city dwellings and improved farms. 6% 7%. First mort- gages bought and sold. Phone 169, nights, 420, 1037. 141-tf WHITE WYANDOTTES TRAP- nested all the time. For- sale. Pedi- greed Cockerels with Dams records of 240, 266, 288 eggs, #$3- each. Hatching eggs from same Dams $2, #3, $4 pér setting. Also a few choice Pullets for sale to make room, W, M. Edgell, North Oshawa, 188¢c FOR SALE--NINE RHODE ISLAND Red pullets and rooster, 6 months old, Apply 294 Vimy Ave. (189c¢c). SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE, with three tables, ten chairs. Also two men's fur coats, dogskin. Apply 57 King St. E. (190c). FOR SALE -- DROP HEAD SEW- ing Machine, in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 36 Buckingham Ave., phone 1811w. (1901). FOR SALE -- FIVE TUBE, AT- water Kent radio set, complete with loud speaker, 2 sets of ear phones, batteries and battery charger; will sell cheap for cash, Phone 1864), (190¢). Automobiles For 'Sale FOR SALE -- CHEVROLET 490 Touring car in first class condition. May he seen at 233 Athol St. E. Price $225. 189f Board and Rooms Music SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF ments. Phone 1207W. 124-tf ALFRED HEATHER, LATE TENOR Soloist, Westminster Abbey, Eng, voice production and singing visits Oshawa, Wednesdays. Appointments for voice tests at St. Andrew's United Chureh school room 10.30 to 7.30. Write 12 Lowther avenue, Toronto. tr. M. WARD, TEACHER OF PIANO- forte, Conservatory Method, Appoint- ments. Phone 293J, or call at 152 Brock St., E. (171-1M) Electrical GEO. A. TOWNSEND, CONTRACT- or 174 College Ave. Phone 1017W. Houses wired, motor installations and repairs. Radio repairs. Bat- teries charged. (Jan. 17-1 mo.) A. G. BROOMFIELD, PREST-O- Lite Dist. Electrical repairs, work guaranteed. Oshawa Battery Ser- vice, 19 Prince St., phone 1184. 176-1 mo. Wanted to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. 1 am pay- inz for serap batteries. $1 to $1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155tf violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint-y' WITH very BED-SITTING ROOM board and all conveniences, cenral. Apply 29 Brock east. 190-f Notice WILL THE PERSON WHO PICKED up two bundles of laundry, on King St., near Ritson Rd., return same to Moonlight Cafe and receive re- ward. 190¢ Work Wanted STORM DOORS, COMBINATION doors, storm wipdows made to cr- der, metal weather stripping put on. B. W. Haynes, woodworker, 161 King St. West, Phone 481, residence 180 r 2. 90-tf DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed on all makes of cars. Why shiver in a Chev, 2 Buy an Oliver Heater, 161 King St. W. Phone 519. 89-tf CARPENTER WANTS WORK, EX- pert on -hardwood floors, estimates given free. Phone 1989w. (184-f) RADIO BATTERIES CALLED FOR, charged and returned 75 cents each. Work guaranteed. Phone 20W, ot PLAIN SEWING WANTED. MRS. Cowen, 33% Simcoe St., North. (189¢). ROOM HOUSE ON !another half-day. And although Brassey St. Five minutes walk |some assurances were forthcoming from Malleable, Pedlars and Fit-| from the Conservative caucus today tings, Apply phone 491W 189-tf [that Parliament would be permitted {to get away Thursday night for its FOR RENT--FIRST CLASS BRIC K | long recess, there is general herald- veneer, 7-room house, with garage, | ing of still another Tory amendment, corner property, select residential want-of-confidence district, possession April 1st, Rent, $40.00. For appointment write let- ter to hox W, Reformer, (186-1) FOR RENT-----4 a straight tion, The Minister of Agriculture declar- ed that, despite the 'noise' created by Mr. Sutherland over the Austral- ian Treaty, only 270 pounds of cheese had come into Canada from that country since the treaty was passed. Three Whole Boxes--a Flood, "Three whole boxes--90 pounds each---have flooded the Canadian Modern conveniences, five bedrooms, | market," said the Minister, and but- Apply J. V, Hill, 15 Simcoe N. ter importations, he added, had in- 188c| creased from 983,000 pounds in 1911 |to 7,000,000 in 1914 under the Con- | servative regime without semblance |of protest from Mr, Sutherland. | When the South Oxford member in- terjected that there was a three- cent-per-pound duty at the time, Mr. Motherwell declared: 'Well, that only makes it worse." mo- TO LET -- EXCEPTIONALLY AT- tractive apartment heated with all modern conveniences, Phone even- ings, 16. F. L. Henry, 179 Sim- coe south. (188-f) BRICK VENEER HOUSE TO RENT. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE IN Whitby. 7 rooms, all conveniences, garage, very, reagonable, Telephone 222 Whithy, 5 (186-1) Waniod to Rent WANTED To "RENT Op, JOR BE-| fore March 1g, si¥ or SEVER Foom- ed house. ;'Cqnveniences, KATAg ge, convenient ty General Motoffy, T. C. Jones Employment Dept., feneral | Motors. « a WANTED rrp oF #1200. Apply H. Brofh, 260 Gibbg' 8t. 1 importation during the present year land what possible effect could that | small quantity have, he asked, upon Canada's 275,000,000 pounds annual | production? There was an abroga- tion clause in the treaty, he de- | elared. Commissioner Cortland Starnes |@nd Superintendent A. J. Crawdon, lof the Royal Canadian Mounted Po- lice will be the first officials to ap- {pear before the special committee of 7¢|the House named to probe the Stey- ad R 7 ens smuggling charges when that Th dr. WANTED ting room for, fw located, Appl$ but to too." REFORMER WANT ADS PAY - KINGSTON STREET RAILWAY LOSING Write City 'Council Offering to Dispose of Road to the City Kingston, Feb, 9, --That every de- partment of inter-collegiate sports at Queen's University showed a fi- nancial deficit, during the past year is the réport issued from the col- lege, Football, which is usually profitable, dropped behind, too, In order to meet this situation, the Athletic Board of Control is considering several measures, It was decided to employ an equip- ment man, in order to stop many of the leakages, It was also de- cided to inaugurate a budgeting system for team managers. A hud- get for the. activities of each team for the season will also be asked for and these hudgets will he pass- ed upon, When a budget is passed it will be expected that each tear manager will keep well within the limits, Closer co-operation between teams, students and the Athletic Board is the ideal aimed at. neighbor so "What makes your unpopular?" "He's fixed' his lawn-mower that you have to drop a penny in the slot to make it go." REFORMER w ANT ADS PAY 80, HAYTON & CO, Roofers, Lathers, Shinglers Peace Metal Weatherstrip. 185 Arthur St. Phone 1643W MERRITT Paint & Awt~ Repair Co. Special Low rrices on Paint Jobs during the quiet The Minister declared that hutter; was less than two million pounds; | season, Repairing and Washing. 20 Church St Phone 1 OSHAWA WM. MERRITT, Proprietor South End Fish Market We handle the choicest of fresh sea and lake fish daily, All kinds of smoked fish, oysters. Fish and Chips our Specialty. We deliver. T. WATERHOUSE, Prop. 140 Simcoe S. Phone 1964W SEE LYCETT Phone 295, Wanted lots in exchange for good brick. house on paved street with all city's conveniences, oak floors, wired for stove. Price only $5,000, JR. 57, Let us write that fire pol. icy for you. 35); King E. Alger Block. ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Smaller Property Brick veneer dwel- ling and store combined, Simcoe Street South, 9 rooms and sum room, modern thr ug} wut, further particulars see J. H. R. Luke. Phone 871 and 687TW, Insurance of all kinds, WE ant Deputy Minister George Ww. FURNISHED the committee to explain the organ- Lost and Found : morrow's list of witnesses at a meet- paying for this ad. 95 Emma St. "So this 1 fine little haby is a girl?" Finder "And this other one--is it of the Help Wanted--Female . | come replied 'blithely: Simcoe S., phone 425f. 189tf | | od J N committee meets tomorrow morning ROOM W ANE BY Yous) mops | for its first hearing of witnesses. Dep- g 6% LO ty Minister Robert R. Farrow, As- "R* i 188¢|" D Box "R" Refbr i nt D IBED-SIT-| Taylor, C. P. Blair and W. F. Wil- ladies! BED-SIT. | of 'the Department of Customs ox F. Retohmer. |and Excise will also appear before . : c (3890). |ization of the department and the [division of its various duties, These officials were put on to- FOUND--ON MONDAY NOON ON [ing of the committee held this Bond St., wrist watch. Owner may'/morning for organization purposes. have same by proving property and | rr -- after. six. 189c! beamed the rector as he walked Ee | round the baby show, LOST--ON SIMCOE ST. CEDAR- | The proud father assented. dale, Tail Rack off truck. please phone 1474) or leave at 143 contrary sex?" Celina St. (190¢). 'His wife's eye was on him, | with no thought of the wrath 'Yes, sir. She is a girl, WANTED--WOMAN TO TAKE | part charge of household in a good | home, with children. Apply 627! WANTED -- TWO EXPERIENCED | Salesladies. Apply Box E, Reformer | (190b). Bobby, aged three, had been eat-| ing blueberry pie. His aunt who had just come in said, "Bobby, what | is that around your mouth?" | "Face," said Bobby. His wife--A writer here explains why some husbands consider their wives angels. The Brute--I suppose it's because they are always harping on some- thing. 7.50 per % ton; DRY ; HARDWOOD ERENCE TE" BEFORMER WANT ADS PAY -- Jamico Furnace Coal $14.00 per ton. DRY _WATEROUS SUPPLY CO. Nice 6 room frame house, all conveniences, on paved street. Will {ake a lot or what have you to offer in exchange. FOR EXCHANGE A fifty acre farm for mod- ern house in North or West end of Oshawa, Apply quick to Lew V. Disney, Real Estate. Opposite Post Office," Phone 1550. $500 down will buy a 6 room mod- ern house in good ldeality, Price reasonable, Owner leaving town. J. C. YOUNG Real Estate & Insurance , D005 Res 41% Prince St, Phone 703 RAILWAY TIMETABLES (Revised to Jan. 7.) C.N.R, TIME TABLE. Going West 4.44 a.m, daily, from Montreal to Toronto, ' 6.45 a.m, dally, from Ottawa to Toronto. 6.28 a.m,, dally, frola Montreal to Hamilton and Detroit, 6.24 a.m., daily, from Montreal to Detroit and Chicago, 10,26 a.m., daily except Sunday, som Kingston to Teroato, 2,22 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Brockville to Torento, 4.37 p.m,, daily froma Montreal to Detroit and Chicago, 7.24 p.m, Sunday only, Belleville to Toronto. 7.27 p.m, daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto. 8.45 p.m., gaily except Sunday, from Montreal to Toronto, 12.20 a.m,, dally, from Toronto to Ottawa, 8.23 a.m, dally excupt Sunday, from Toronto to Montreal. 8.68 a.m., Sunday only, from To- ronto to Belleville, 9.59 a.m., daily, from Chicago to Montreal, 2.32 p.m. daly except Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa, 1.28 p.m., daly except 'Sunday, from Toronto to Brockville, 6.64 p.m, daily except Sunday, trom Toronto to Kingston, 9.42 p.m., dally, from Toronto to Montreal, 11.07 p.m., daily except Saturday, from Toronto to Montreal, 11.59 p.m., daily, from Detroit to Montreal. 11.59 train stops only for Mom- treal passengers and beyond. from C. P, BR. Going East 1.40 am, Saturday night only, from Hamilton to Montreal, 12.09 a.m., daily, from Chicago to Montreal, 9.59 a.m. daily from Chicago to Montreal, 2.25 p.m., aaily except Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa. 7.27 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Toronto to Trenton. 11.10 p.m., daily except Saturday and Sunday, trom Hamilton to Mon- treal. Going West daily except Sunday from Montreal to 5.4F a.m. and Monday, Hamilton. 6.20 a.m., daily from Montreal to Chicago, ~ 7.3% Am. Sunday morning only, fom Montreal to Hamilton, 8.40 a.m., daily except Sunday, irom Trenton to Toronto, 4.47 p.m., daily from Nonisanl to Chicago. 7.27 p.m., daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto, MAILS CLOSE 7.45 a.m.--Going east by C.N.R. 9.15 a. Col 4.00 pm .~Toronto and west, New York City and the pi States. 7.30 p.m.--All going w 9.00 p.m.--Going east os you. west. Fi SEE LAND SURVEYOR i or 1020.3. | and Phone 1635." Gibson, W rsdn pr nr idvcanesgt hy : OLD HENS IN TOWN