Reformer ip B° oe hy fet | 58 Want Ad Docs Al Not n res it Ti Reps Articles For Sale ANNE ARRISTERS, ties, Public, Ere, Ny and ygenergl practice 'of Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa, Phine 63. G. D, Conant, B.A, LLB, A F. Annis, BA, 8 Lt rem pe WE, N, SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Gommerce Buildingy 116-1 yr, I PH _P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- r, §oligitor, Notary Public, Con- bor 480 Money to. loan, Office 14% Kia Rlag St East, Oshawa, Phone 4406: ence phone 837TMs a Ch CREIGHTON--BAR- risfgrs, Qonveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ote. Office over Standard Bank, Hnteance Simcoe St.; Phone 13, J, ,P, Qriemon, B.A,, T. K, Creighton, BA: 2 cc ANT, itors, vey nel sant Eg ine Noo. & RMAN & MAC- fe, rs, Conveyancars, ry Pu hig ete, All Branches of inal and Civil Law. Money to A Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. Bast, Phone 940.- D, A ig Bile H, N, German, ¥, G, Rho n Ii. B. MORPHY, B.A, --BARRISTHR fol itor, Notary Public, ete, Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Qshawa, Phones: Office, 210; residence «160, 0 ALL ie Rom REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire ® Repals. Shep, 14 Church . Tire r sale, Jamieson Bros. --- FURNITURE STORAGE--LOW :IN- surance wate; "A. -F, McOulloch, 27 itson Rd, AN. Phong 1002W and J. 77- te Auto Painting 0, a, REYNOLDS, 38 BLOOR 8ST, East. Plons '693. Auto painting and are ain Yorn Svaranteed, Be- fore ices, tf so Architects 0; .C; STENHOUSE, -- GENKRAL Brchitect tial work, Second floor, Arcade ithe Phong 1446. Res, Phone § Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ersm--bouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and storm windows put op and removed. Phone 1302W. tr bi Building Supplies al LJ A A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, BD- licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, 18 Simcoe street nosth, Osha Sy ons, office 1614; residence, 781 83:tt LODIS 8, HYMAN -- BARRISTER, Solicitor, sConveyancer, Commision- er, ete, Offices, rooms. 4-6, Bradley Block, 20% Simcoe St. S. Phone 67. Residence*4251. (166tf) of McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Acconcher, Office and. resi- donee. ng St. East, corner Vietosla g haw. "Phone 94. DR. | C. ORR MILLER, PHYSICIAN, Surghon, gynaecologist, obstetrician, 89 Simcoe South. Phone 37. Hours 2-4, 7-8 p.m. and by. appointment, bs GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN |- surgeon. Special references to r+. ond of infants and children, Of- fice.and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1165.. Office hours 2 to 4, 6 tp 8, gr by appointment, 4-tf Dit AF. MACKAY, PHYSICIAN WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and 'interior trim. ¥. L: Beecrnf., Whitby i id pnd Wopdyard, Osh- awa phone 69-1r Transportation goLEMAN' 8 CARTAGE -- PHONE 82. "85 Bord West, Let us haul it for yoo 3 trucks. 22-tf P. SMITH TRANSPORTATION CO., Simcoe St. 8. Phone 346W. 242 Pront St. E.; Toronto, Phone Main 7637. Bupepior Transportation Ser- vice, 42-18 Watch Repairing PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE at 97 Richmond Street West. 182¢ FOR SALE--PARTS FOR NO. 49 McLaughlin Touring. All in' good condition, Cheap. 106 William St. West, (183¢) FOR SALE---PAPER BALER. SUIT- able for merchant, gooa condition, displaced 'hy larger one, Apply Mr. Mundy, Refornver. 150-1 COAL AND COKE FOR RVERY- body, prices right, prompt delivery. W. J. Bargant,' Phone 193; Jan, 11-1mo FOR SALE--HIGH BOOKKEEP- ing desk, solid oak, 6 ft. long, three drawers, Cheap for quick sale, Re- former Office, 143-10 FOR SALE---1 HEAVY LIGHT Waggon gear, pole, shafts, yerk- Ake whiffletrees complete. Apply Mr. Moore, 63 King St. East, 182¢ HOSIERY --- THE JAMES HORN Knitting Co,, Hosiery direct from mill to wearer, For demonstra- tion phone 412M, Walter Vass, Osh- awa representative, 25 Colborne St. Ww. (182-1) FOR SALE---MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged, Used pianos on hand. C. Trull. Phone 553J. 96-tf GYPROC, THE FIREPROOF WALL- board, Use it from cellar to attic for walls, 'partitions and ceilings. Economical, Kasy to apply. Saws and nails like lumber. Samples on request, Waterous Supply Co. (181-tt) WHEN YOU BUY WOOD, BE SURE it is free from snow and damp- ness. AJ our wood ig stored under cover in our large warehouse, and is absolutely dry. All orders meas- ured after cutting. Also coal apd coke, Waterous 'Supply Co, phone 660. night pong 1156m. ' 166-1m #. A. Yon OUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, formerly repair man for Joe Horwich, anncunces to his friends and the general public that he has opened a repair shop at 44% King Street 'West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. 29-1 HARD BODYWOOD #15. CORD, $7.50 half cord, $4 quarter cord cut, Hardwooil slabs: $13 cord $6.50 half cord, $3.50 quarter eord, ent, Soft- wood slabs $11 cord, $5.50 half cord, $2 quarter ebrd. Phone Office 1582W, resideree B53w. (jan2l-1m) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLASS residential property. 6% per cent. Apply A. J. Parkhill, Barrister, 18 Binicoe St. North. Phone 1614. 92¢t surgeon: Office and resid 258 King Bast, Ofice hours: 2-4 p.m. 7-9 p.m. Phone 1710. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank. Phone 95§; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. Va t DR..H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, ow Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 35-11 DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Thestre Bldg. Phone 1786. Res. .669,, ... 56-11 BRADLEY .BROS., -- MONEY TO loam; on modern city dwellings and improved farms. 6%". First mort- gages bought and sold. Phone 169, nights, 420, 1037. 141-tf Music BIG SALE OF: FURNITURE---15 iron beds, complete with pew felt mattress and steel springs, all sizes, steel cots and couches, dining exten- sion tables, $5.50 up. Twelve Dress- ers #5.50 up. 5 piece parlor set $12: 50. 8 sideboards and buffets, ak hall racks $5 up. Fifteen and easy chairs. 6 baby carriages, 10 enclosed wash stands $1.50 up. Stoves and heaters. Do- minion organ, good tone $15. Carp- ets, rugs and piles of other bargains on sale. 17 Prince' street. (178-1) SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio, Engel's Hall, Appoint- ments. Phone 1207TW. 124-1 ALFRED HEATHER, LATE TENOR Soloist, Westminster Abbey, Eng, voice production amd singing visits Oshawa, Wednesdays. Appointments for voice tests at St. Andrew's United Church school room 10.30 to 7.30. Write 12 Lowther avenue, Toronto. te. DR. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE lock, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas M: WARD, TEACHER OF PIANO- forte, Conservatory Method, Appoint- ments. Brock St., Phone 293), or call at 152 E. (171-1M) Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--BUNGALOW. style, oak floors and stairs, all con- veniences, bargain for good payment down. Box "J". Reformer (175-1) Work Wanted WISHES make of car. POSITION. Phone BOY; 16, Can drive any 13437. STENOGRAPHY Terms to suit. PUBLIC book-keeping done. Phone 1325J. extraction. Telephone 504. Res. 114W. ¢ BY "134-41 : i Ess, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F. L BRYANS, OF 106 BLOOR Strest West, Toronto, wil be at his offiee over Jury & Lovell's Drug of eagh Saturday. from 1 till 4 for comsuitation and treatment ot ages of ear, mose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phoke 97.~ 49-1 OSHAWA - BATTERY Prest-O-Lite Dist. Electrical repairs. Work guaranteed. field, 1184. GEO. A. TOWNSEND. CONTRACT- or 174 College Ave. Phone 1017W. and ¢ teries charged. yal Electrical SERVICE, A. G. Broom- manager. 19 Prince St. Phone (176-1mo) Houses wired, motor installations ipepairs, .Radie reppirs. Bat- (Jan. 17-1 mo.) . Eye Specialist DR, Lx J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. Weogt, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 am. to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. smgroama Veterinary Surgeon to sleep Help Wanted-- Female WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL Housework. Sleep at home preferred. Phone 839. ° h 182¢ WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED woman for wp housework. One . R27 'Bimcoe South. (182-11) Phone 425 C. §. DICKENSON, V.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Vet- ervignry, 84: Brock $7 1055. E. J. SHIRLEY, -- VETERINARY specialist diszases dom- i RST OLASS BOARD WITH lences, for ent noo, of atral. Box Ezery conve dE men. Very RELIABLE nurse ready for Phone 19324W. 1811 STORM DOORS, COMBINATION doors, storm windows made to cr- der, metal weather stripping put on. B. W. Haynes, woodworker, 161 King St. West, Phone 481, residcuce 180 r 2. 90-11 DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed on all makes of cars. Why shiver in 'a. Chev.? Bay an Oliver Heater. 161 King St. W. Phone 519. 89-1 CARPENTER WANTS WORK, EX- pert on hardwood floors, estimates given free. Phone 1989w. (184-1) POSITION WANTED AS HOUSE- keeper to widower or bachelor or as good plain cook: - * 325 Celina St. Phone 1877w. (184-a) Wanted WANTED--MEMBERS FOR OUR new nding Library. Robertshaw's Book Store, Call in for particulars, BR Sithcoe St. N. (184-1) PRACTIC AL engagements. GOOD (183b) | AND | (1831) | Notice ' After this date 1 will not be re- sponsible "for any debts 'contracted in my name without my written or- der, Signed A LUN Xe 9 Park Feb, ard, 1926, WILL THE PRRAON TAKING . Bi- cycle from Johnston's store please replace, No charge taken' Inder of hicyclaArawarde dic, Bai Tov ston's Clothing Store, ' 184-c) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY---KITCHEN Cabinet, State price and condition, Must be cheap, Apply Box O, Re- former, (183¢) MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all Kinds of metals, - T am pay- ing for scrap batteries. $1 to $1.50, Buying old cars, Phone 764. 155tf For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT---<FURNISHED, six rooms, Possessipn immediate. Apply 34 Falehanks St, 183¢c TO LET--TWO LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms, heated, Central, $8 per month. Apply 54 Celina St, 184c FOR RENT--HOUSE NO. 112 WIL- liam street west, all conveniences. Enquire at 106 William street west. 183b TO LET--EXCEPTIONALLY AT- tractive apartment heated, with all modern conveniences, Phone even- ings, 485. F. L. Henry, 179-1 STORE FOR RENT--9 SIMCOE ST. South, Oshawa lately occupied by Brass (men's furnishings). Early possession, Apply to G. DP, Conant, Barrister &c., Oshawa, 137-tf 2 NICELY WURWISHED APART- ments to rent. All veniences, Central. gin, east, Phone 442. TWO ROOMS TO LET WITH ALL convaniences, Apply 72 Ritson Road South. (184-c) Help Wanted--Male SALESMAN FOR SPECIAL ORDER men's clothing." Must be willing to, work hard for advaneement. Box sp, Reformer. 184¢c Lost and Found 32 El- (184) Apply STRAY ED "FROM HOME w EDNES., day afternoon, Boston' Terrier light brindle, well marked "with white 'Winder kindly retury to 261 Sim- ook Ail th. Phone 30. 184a = Auction Sales THU RADAY, FEB Unreserved Auction Salesef 100 Reg. Yorkshire Hogs, 3 Shorthorn Cattle 8 Registered Holstein Bulls and Grade Holsteins, the Property Twin Stream Farms, Whitby, Ont. Sale at 12 o'clock noon See bills. Wm. Maw, Whithy, Ont., and LL. E. Franklin, Toronto, Auctioneers. (184-2) PICKERING The Swastika Club met at | home of Mrs. Cartwright on day evening. One of the [ with Mr. Leitchfieid fortune to fall from a ladder while working at the Gordon House one day last week. His oscape from serious injury was miraculous but he sustained a severe shaking up and two small wrist bomgs Were fractured. ; The rink is being heartily appre- elated and enjoyed these evenings by the young people of the district. Plans are forming for a carmival, moccasin dance and various other features during the winter. Mrs. Ferguson and son and little daughter are visiting relatives in Peterboro. The new bus schedule effect on Monday morning of his week. There are some radical changes and it is now possible io get a bus uptown in Toronto instead of always at Bingham Ave. Mr. Wm. Crummer spent week-end in Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Douglas and daughter, Miss Helen spent the week end with relatives here. The regular quarterly meeting of the Friends was held here last week end. There was a fairly good at- tendance of visiting Friends includ- wl 3 ahi1) ithe Tues- eiecificians employed had the mis- came into the vi | ing several from Norwich, New Mar- '| Mrs, Banks on Sunday. modern con- | ket and other places, Mr, and Mrs. Kd. Stork visited friends in Belleville last week. Mrs. Margaret Boyes of Belleville, visited relatives here last week, Mrs. Callahan, of Toronto, spent a couple of days this week with her parents J, and Mrs. Murkar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Pilkey and daughter visited With gelatives in Ashbugn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd White and Jit, the daughter, of Claremont, and Miss Nicol, of Toronto, visited N. and At noon on Monday a small fire occurred in 8. W, Davis' barber shop. A coal oil heater used in the business got ignited somehow while Mr. Davis and his helper were at dinner though hoth had thought the heater extinguished, The fire was discovered hy some passers-hy just as it started and a serious blaze was averted. The fire engine was called hut was not needed although on the seene in a short time, The location is a particularly had "peesfer a fire to gain headway as it would wipe out the main block of husiness places on King street, That Body . of Pours should Yon Keep a Clinical Ther- mometer Handy? I have often wondered whether it a wise thing the way in which many people have taken to the, use of the thermometer. qt they feel the least bit out of sorts they put the thermometer under the tongue and if the tem- perature is up a degree or two im- mediately they become alarmed, and our friends, the drugs that reduce the temperature are immediately taken in regular doses. Do you know that a little fever just shows | that Nature is trying to take care of you by working harder, hurrying up the blood stream and thus try- ing to carry the poison products to the organs that throw them out of | is | the medical world. when high tem- | NE Prtensive { | lower the temperature? 30 | of | | | __ | the body / Is it wise then to take drugs into | ods that will help her are used. | the | Badm from your druggist now. | 'Have you to limit this action, just so TONSORIALIZED POLITICS (Vancouver Province) Bewhiskered members are to form a negligible minority of the may be due to several of the others having had a close shave on \election day. new house. UNFORTUNATE This ACCIDENT (Owen Sound Sun-Times) In a}ighting from a train Montreal last week, a local gentle- man: fell on his right hip and broke one of his New Year resolutions, "pHpORMIR WANT "ADE PAY poe 7 YOUNG WOMEN SUFFER MOST Pipte Too Found Rokif i Vegetable Com) Compound iff, Quebec, iif, Quebec, -- "1 have ; for three years, and at the end of the tired and have no appetite. I was awful sick each month, too, havin pains in my bac antl Siretimes I was'oblged to stop Iworking, A friend frécommeénded Ly yais d. Pink- ham' 8 egdiable me, bottles to pr Aig Ayer's and Thesrd ---- Joop tellin good it was so | though And it did to me g how tit would help ow I take six year and Jeqainmend it -- DONALDA FANTEUK, Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" every Canning, Nova Scotia,--*'I had ir- regular periods and great suffering at those times vomiting and fainting, ing school the pains causing I whs teach- and often for some hours I would be unable to atténd to 'my work, the papers Thioy h an advertisement in new of Lydia E. Pink- ham's hn Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the bl tr --LAURA J County, Nova Scotia,' said from -- I 1 year I always feel . HEIRS Som Canning, King s read a tempera- the thermometer will lower. The lower does not ipsure safety. { you noticed what your doe- | tor does, and what is done all over | that little ture perature is shown? | Is the first step the attempt to | Not by any means. { The first step is to get right in behind Nature's method of getting | rid of these poisons, and so meth- So first thing is to cleanse out the intestine with some purge and to | induce perspiration. | So you see the thermometer is a' useful thing all right in that it notifies you that there is sonlething not quite right with the system. This is well to know of course, but should be no cause for alarm. Your system is simply putting up its us- ual fight for you, to overcome some On east 10 See acre J. H. WANTED Kingston Highway west of Oshawa, 5 to farm, about $5,000. R. Luke, King E. the or South End Fish Market We handle the choicest of fresh sea kinds of smoked fish, Fish We 140 Simcoe S. fish daily. All oysters. and Chips our Specialty. deliver. T. WATERHOUSE, Prop. Phone 1964W and lake derangement for which you may, or may not bé responsible So if your temperature is high don't wor- ry if your doctor doesn't start right off to reduce the fever for yom. _---- i LA ea tas HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD ; a 6 Eran § Oren Brass Bly bestimmt no waiting. on Hrvuslog fo iret a mgt ts. wr catarrh disappea Get a small Dottie of Hly's Oréim i little of this fragrant, his AB ing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous » and relief comes instantly. it's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up wily a col or nasty gatarrh. Real 35% Phone room LYCETT Estate and Insurance. King E.. Alger Block. 295. $2200 buys six frame house with stool, electric lights. good cellar. M.B. 27 | ( $500 down will buy a 6 room mot- ern house in good locality, Price reasonable. Owner leaving town, J, C. YOUNG Real Estate & Instance 43% Prince St, Phone 7O8 GOOD BUYING Six room brick house, All conveniences, Nice lot on paved street, Garage, Only $4000.00, Terms arranged. (et our prices on brick, We issue all kinds of insurance, I. V. DISNEY "Phone 1550 Opp. PO, RAILWAY TIMETABLES (Reviseil to Jan. 7.) ©.N:R, TIM¥, TABLE, Going West 4.44 a.m, daily, from Montreal to Toronto, 5.45 a.m, delly, from Ottawa to Toronto, 5.28 a.m,, daily, froja Montreal to Hamilton and Detroit, 6.24 a.m,, daily, from Montreal to Detroit and Chicago. : 10.28 a.m., daily except Sunday, som Kingston te Toroato, 2.22 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Brockville to Toronto, 4.37 p.m,, daily froma Montreal to Detroit and Chicago. 7.24 p.m,, Sunday only, Belleville to Toronto. 7.27 p.m, daily except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto. 8.45 p.m, daily except Sunday, from Montreal to Toronto, Going East 12.20 a.m., daily, from Toronto to Ottawa, 8.23 a.m., daily expgept from Toronto to Montreal, 8.58 a.m., Sunday only, from To- ronto to Belleville. 9.59 a.m., daily, from Chicago to Montreal 2.32 p.m., daly except. Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa, 1.28 p.m., daly except Sunday, from Toronto to Brockville, 6.54 p.m. daily except Sunday, from Toronto to Kingston. 9.42 p.m. daily, from Toronto to Montreal. 11.07 p.m., daily except Saturday, from Toronto to Montreal. 11.59 p.m., daily, from Detroit to Montreal. 11.59 train stops only for Mon- treal passengers and beyond. from Sunday, C. P. RB Going East 1.40 a.m. Saturday night only, | trom Hamilton to Montreal, Roofers, HAYTON & CO. Lathers, Shinglers Peace Metal Weatherstrip. 185 Arthur St. Phone 1643W Paint & Auto Repair Co. Special Low Prices on Paint 2 . Jobs during the quiet season. \ Repairing and Washing. Church St. Phone -- OSHAWA | 12.09 a.m., daily, from Chicago to Montreal. . 9.59 a.m., daily froma Chicago to Montreal, © 2.26 p.m. aaily except Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa. 7.27 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from 'Toronto to Trenton. 11.10 p.m., daily exvept Saturdey and Sunday, from Hamilton to Mon- treal. Going West daily except Sina 5.4f am, and Mondey, from Montreal Hamilton. 6.20 a.m., daily trom Montreal to Chicago. 7.35 a.m., Sunday. morning only, fom Montreal to Hamilton. 8.40 a.m. daily except Sundey, irom Trenton te Toreato. - 4.47 p.m., daily Srom Montreal to Chicago. 7.27 p.m. daily. except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto. MAILS CLOSE 7.45 a.m.--Going east by C.N.R. 9.15 am--~For Raglan,' Colum- ie, Taunton, Cedardale and wvicia- 1.45 p.m.--Toronto and points west, Blackwater Jet, Port Hope and Bowmanville, yy yg 7.30 pm.--All going west. 9.00 p.m.--Going east east and west. INSURANCE, 19 , Oshawa. The oléest in Oshawa. 320 - panies. 118-41 LUKE BURIAL COMPANY, FUN- eral Mo- and Embalmers, tor. ce. Office 11 Simepe St... donee, 15 Zio. | c | Telephone No. 210; Resi- | vision St. Yeicpuaue No 4 15041 | GRFERAL COLLECTION AGENCY. | attention givep collection ot | THAT'S mba [7 THE CAME INTO 2 LIFE WITH A ii / (RASH ANC WENT LIKE 8 SATO! T™ ALL MY