THE OSHAWA DAILY. REFORMER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1926 ------ Oshawa and District Fined $10 and Costs Charles Dean, arrested on Rich- mond street on a charge of being intoxicated, was fined $10 and costs by Magistrate Hind, : . Has Robe Stolen ] ! Mrs. Ross Rowden, 206 Gibb street, reported to the police that a robe was stolen from her car park- ed in front of Bradley's rink. The robe is black ang curly with dark green lining. -~ Lecture By Radio "Third Church of Christ, Scientis:, Toronto, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 31st. This lecture will be received by radio in First ment and the decision was in their favor, The judges were Mr. Stev- enson, Mys. Bull ahd Miss Ramsey. The commercial school was repre- sented hy Florence Rubin and Kath- leen Conlin, and the General School hy Arthur Schofield ang, Hazel De- Guerre, Warning to Parents Chief Owen D, Friend issues a warning to parents to advise their children to refrain from riding on horse drawn sleighs; A number of children have received injuries this year through this practice, Yester- day the team belonging to John W. Pogson caused considérable damage to a sleigh through being frighten- ed hy children after a ride. Rebekah 1.0.0.F, Officers Church, 64 Colborne street, east, Oshawa at 3 p.m. The public 1 District D: } ide cordially invited. 150-. strict Deputy Grand President, Sister Rundle, and staff of installing officers of Oshawa, paid an official visit to Benevolent Rebekah Lodge LOOF. on Wednesday for the purpose of installing officers for 1926. The installation work was well done, and the officers highly commended, A banquet followed at which a number of addresses werc given, and a pleasant time Following are the new®offic (',--Sister J. Anderson; N.G Gurney; V.G.--Sister BE. Ree. Sec,,--Sister G. Lundgren; Fin- Sec.~--§ister F. Thompson; Treas- nrer---=Sister Kerr; Chaplain, IK. Hewis; Warden--Sister McAdam; Conductor--Sister E., Hoar; R.S.N.G ---Sister Palmer; L.8.N.G.--Sister Toms; R.8.V.G.--Sister Noble; I.S. V.('.--SBister Hadley; Musician- Sister Wilson; I. G,--Sister M, Saw- don; O, G. Bro, W. Hoar. AS YOU LIKE IT (Manitoha Free Press) Scene: Ottawa. Time: Any time all last week. Mr. King (to Progressives) : Here's my collar and tie, Mr. Meighen (to Progressives) : My tie and collar and I'll throw # my shirt, Mr. King (to Progressives): My! shirt and you can have my vest. Mr. Meighen (to Progressives): | Don't be in a hurry, hoys. You can | have my coat and vest. | Mr. King. (to Progressives): raise him on€; here's my pants Mr. Meighen (to Progressives): | Freely [I offer my pants, and my | boots are yours for the taking. Mr. King (to Progressives): Goin' | up: my socks and garters. Mr. Meighen (to Progressives): I'll go as far as I can. Here's my | underwear { Mr. King (to Progressives): This | suit of underwear and a spare suit | I have at home. { At this point the police are heard | hammering at the door. ' Debate at High School A debate was held at the High School, Friday afternoon hetween the third year and general school and third year commercial school, on the subject "Resolved that intem- perance % a greater scourge than war," he commercial class han the affirmative side of the argu- THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» --- VITAVIA COUGH BALSAM will STOP THAT COUGH Sold only at BEATTIE'S DRUGSTORES King Street West, = | | would i ANTI-FREEZE | i | We are still bandling the same brand of Anti-freeze that has given our customers absolute protection and satisfaction for six years. No mixing--no water to: dilute--no alcohol to add, and I never any testing. You always know your motor is safe | from frost without fussing and in the goldest snap. Strength guaranteed for entire winter and will not weaken if boiled. Let us fill your car with this safe Antifreeze. Moffatt Motor Sales 1: 88 Simcoe N. Phone 915 Oshawa The whole country-side is crammed full of picture op- portunities. To get the best results from your pictures it would pay you to scek the expert advice of our photographic department. We guarantee a perfect print from every negative. We offer a 24 hour Developing & Printing Service Let us enlarge your favorite negatives Jury & Lovell JE ALDSWORTH HNO WNW voadlitiy Cleaners S. 68 Simcoe Phone King E. Phone 28 = » > spent. | Sister | | becomes | had to be ' 1! tors. | take | he I | unavoidable | tigation = er r-- | -- INSPECTOR TELLS OF MONTH'S WORK Calls Attention to Items of Importance at Health Board |, Sanitary Inspector, D. A, Huhbell presented an interesting report to the Board of Health last night for the December activities, The report reads as follows: Oshawa, Ont, January 28th, 1826 d Geptlemen:-- have the honor to sumbit here with the first monthly report of activities performed during the 1st' month of the year upon which we have just recently entered. The business of the year 1926 will he conducted and submitted for approv- al or dis-approval to some new faces and members who have never ocen pied a place on the Local Board of Health previous to their recent ap- pointment and election. In starting upon the duties of the of the year 1926 the officials of the Public Health Department on tht whole are desirous of maintaining that same good fellowship and co- operaation which has chacterjzen previous years performances of Pub- lic Duty, hy an honest "and earnest endeavor to do as much toward the welfare of the Citizens of the City of Oshawa along the lines of Pub- lic Health work and at the least pos sible reasonable cost to the munici- pality. True we meet with cer- Lain unforseen expenses which are stated that' she did not know what | the temperature outside was, but | thought it was real cold. Asked labout the temperature today, hy | Col, Grierson, Miss Garrow replied | that "the north-west room on first | floor was not higher than 62 de- | Brees, the south-west room on first floor this morning was between 64 | and 65 degrees, but she could not | say about the temperature of the | ps air rooms, but without the ven- | tilating fans never went above 68 | degrees."" Asked about result on the a the witness stated "when | the fans are not working the afr stuffy and the windows opened causing a draught, fans the air becomes cold comes from the radi- | James Maher, caretaker of | North Simcoe' street school | was opened was now called. "Of two boilers enly one is in op- eration," he stated. Witness stated that he never had to force the fpil- er. "The fans can't be run as They the steam off the boiler, and this reason the ventilating sys- tem cannot be used," the witness stated, Asked by Judge Tyler if both boilers were used, witness stated "Never." "Can you run the fans and heat the building properly with one boiler?" asked Colonel Grierson "Not with the fans," re- plied witness. "It was impresses on me," he stated, "not to run boil- above 10 ] sure or it burst 3 are put in operation the steam goes right down, With fans at 200 rev- olutions | can't keep heat in the radiators" stated witness in reply to questions by Judge Tytler. Ask- | ed by Mr. Conant what experience With the and no heat the ince it for sion Constabl i er -- MRS, MARRINIER rr Weeping E I ak MRS. JOS, P. MARRINIER "For three years I suffered with weeping Eczema on the hack of my hands, 1 consulted our family doc- tor and other physicians, but all the treatments and palves prescribed gave me no permanent relief, When haby came, I was afraid that he too would be affected, 1 had practically considered my case hope- ess when 1 started to use "Fruit-a tives" and "Sootha-Salya," In a short time the eczema completely disappeared, baby has always been wonderfully well, I have nit had a trace of it for four years." --Mrs, Jos, P, Marrinier, 452 Arlington Ave, Ottawa, Ont, This marvelous fruit medicine helps the bowels and kidneys to rid the system of waste, and cleanses the blood stream so that the pure, rich blood soon heals the itching, in- flamed skin, "Fruit-a-tives" are ob- tainable in all drug stores, at 25e. and 50c, a box, If "Sootha-Sglva," (50c, a box), is not obtaimable at your dealer's, order it direct from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, BEATS COBOURG GAME PORT HOPE IN INTERMEDIATE Port Hope, 29.--In an O.H A. intermediate game played here tonight, Cobhonu wis smothered hy the score of 22 The visitors wer: outclassed from start to finish, and were at no time dangerous. The lo cals were always in the lead. At the end of the first period the score wa 6-3 in favor of the locals, and at the end of the second it stood 14-8 for Port Hope. Line-up: Cobourg---goal, Bowen and Baker; and Derry; centre, Gardner and Niles. Port Hope goal, Ham: Ware and Hutchings; wings, A Hills and Hagerman; centre, F. Hills;. subs., Roberts and Harwood Referee --Norman eMberts of To- ronto, defense, wings, Harnden Bulger; subs., defense, REAPPOINTED CHIEF Dufferin County Council, in at Orangeville today, reap pointed Chief of Police William Marshall of this town High County at a salary of $200 and The Council were pressed with his services, but Ses- Xpenses to dispense had in boilers, the witness re- plied "Forty years." "What rem- edy would fix this asked Mr. Conant. "None" replied witness. far as the Depart are as | ment is concerned and which we | forced to act upon and provide treal ments in compliance with the Pro vincial Helath Act. If after inves citizens who are suffering from certain diseases which require immediate treatment, are placed un der these treatments and found to be unable to meet the financial ob | ligation to their physician, then un- | der fhe Public Health Act the mu- | nicipality becomes responsible for | the cost of said treatment. Thus will be scen that while | are trying to work as economically as possible, there is a likelihood in | a city of our population for this so called unforseen expense 10' crop | up and in unlimited amounts. Th type of malady which I am particu larly referring to is not one that any member of the Department is anx- ious to have to do with, neither are physicians, but it is of a type which the Provincial Legislature think, in their wisdom, must be stamped oui or at least kept down, at any ex pense, in order that the Public may be safeguarded. May 1 be permitted to say that th. annual meeting of the Plumbers and Drain Inspectors Association of On Lario will be held in Oshawa on the 26th and 27th of March, 1926, these are the dates which have been fixed by the executive. This being the first time the association has ever met this side of Toronto we are an- xious to make it one of the best in its history. I am assured of the strongest support from all our Mast- | er and Journeymen dlumbers and 1 have no hesitation in saying that the Municipal Council and the Board of Health are fully as strong in thei support and as anxious to make il # 2rand success. Contagion for the month of Jan- uary has been somewhat lighter than the corresponding month last year, which we are all pleased to know Other activities during the month are as follows: Placarded for Contagion Released from Quarantine ...... 13 Fumigations yf Plumbing Inspections Inspection of Cafes Inspection of Crocery Stores Inspection of Pool Rooms .. Inspection of Laundry's Milk samples sent for Analysi Water samples for analysis Complaints of Sewer backing up Complaints of unhabitable dwell- ing V. D. invesigations Other inspections and investiga- A tioms we Plumbing permits during month 12. | took the view that he éould do much of as follows i Cardinals. the county's work cheaper than the Provineial officer. WHIST DRIVE the regular weekly whist drive by the Sons of Eng prize winners were ladies, 1st, silver pie knife. Mar 1; 2nd, pair of 8, ¢ Healey; consolation, shell, Mrs. Blore; gen- , two pairs of socks, G. 2nd, pair of gloves, E. consolation, sleeve holders, Rundle; special prize, 1 pair Brown. 5.0.5, At held 1 land lodge, nizht the Mr Cordon; Brown; Ww. B. blankets, E. CANADIAN ARCHBISHOP IS RECEIVED BY PONTIFF Rome, Jan Archbishop J Emard of, Ottawa was received Pope Pius in a halishour audience afterwards lis Holines companied by the Archbishop, received the students of the Canadian College in Rome, who were presented by their rector. I'he Pope, in a short necessity of hard the Apostalic 28 day, and urged and be- upon speech, study, blessing the towed all Emard has been of late as a the late Cardinal in the College of mern- pos Archbishop tioned frequently sible successor to Begin of Quebec At Local Theatres "TOWER OF LIES" COMING TO THE REGENT MONDAY "The Tower of Lies featuring Lon Chaney and Norma Shearer, which opens a three-night engage- ment at the Regent theatre on Mon- day evening, will doubtlessly be ranked as one of the outstanding six productions of the year. =Cri- tics in the larger cities on the econ- tinent claim it is the best charac- terization Chaney has ever given. One reviewer states "without douht the popularity of Norma Shearer and Lon Chaney, co-stars, add to the attraction of the production hut think ed B ude govd tia. We Heastrom's directorial genius has given the picture a touch of appeal _-- _---- that cannot go unheeded, We had thought that Seastrom had reached the pinnacle in "He Who Gets Hlapped" in which Miss Shearer and Chaney also appeared but that pie- ture could never reach the heights reached hy "The Tower of Lies." The picture is a screen adapta- tion of Selma Langerlof"s popular as the - old madwoman in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," plays the sinister Louisa, whose ven- | geance pursues Stella Maris and her i lover, Phillips Smalley, noted character actor and director, is seen as the father of the heroine. Colorful London streets and an old English castle were reproduced for the new picture, The dedica- tion of a big hospital and other el- ahorate details mark its action. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY novel, "The Emperor of Portu- gallia." At no time in the careers of Lon Chaney and Norma Shearer has either of these two stars been giv en such a wonderful sereen vehicle Miss Shearer has far outdone any of her former successes and Chaney has made a very radical departure from his usual characterizations | with highly gratifying results, | The two are supported hy a re-| markahle cast, which includes: Ian | Keith, Claire McDowell, William | Haines, Edward Connelly, David! Torrence, Anna Schaefer, Leo White ! and Bodile Rosing. "The Tower of Lies" must be commended for the heights and depths reached and for pathos which has héen translated to the screen. There have been few ple- tures which grip at the heartstrings ind bring smiles of joy at unexpeet- xd moments as does this one. I.. Fi. Osier, manager of the Re _ real whole whet cracker TRISCUIT made the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit . Pressed intc a wafer. gent, reviewed the picture a few | Crisp. Delicious Ww ago in Toronto, and was sn enraptured he immediately arranged L hooking so that Oshawa theatre could have an opportunity | ceing the attraction, He per-| recommends it 'as one of the photoplays brought here in (8 Zowits of onally inest veeks Other nsual Regent added will complete the programme, "Kast Lynne" will close a sue- essful engagement at the Regent this evening units | | | NEW MARTIN THEATRE s0 widely different that hecomes two separate ersonages, are played by Mary Philbin, Universal's sereen wonders rir, in "Stella Maris," her greatest role since "Merry Go Round," which 'arl Laemmle will present at the New Martin Theater commencing Monday night The new story, founded on William J. Locke's cele- brated novel, was direeted on a lav- ish scale by Charles Brabin, one of the foremost directors of the screen, y the production is | opportunigy who leaped "Merry Go AT THE Two roles he literally and aid over in every wa to the afforded fame Round." tell story and a sinee be biggest the star night in to over Maris" is the graphic love of two men loyal friends, beautiful woman, - erippled | birth, and the supreme sacri- '} fice of--a lowly slavey who, loving | Ji one of the men with a dog-like de- | votion, sacrifices her life to galn | his happiness. Miss Philbin is seen in both roles | in one as _ the beautiful invalid, | fragile as a piece of Dresden China | the other, a scrubwoman | whose' beautiful finally umphs over every handicap of viornment and appearance, A splendid cast was assembled to support Miss Philbin in the gripping romance, The two men of the story are played by Elliott Dexter, famous leading man, and Jason Robards, a brilliant young Engl actor. Gladys Broekwell, famous coarse tri- en- soul <I V-DoDD's TALI TINE: Will it not be a great day for | Canada when some of the churches sign a Locarno treaty.--Toronto | Telegram. We are now booking FANCY PEAS for the crop of 1926. The price is high and we believe should compare favorably with any crop grown on the farm with any ordinary season. Some varieties are even now limited and will bg glad to book or- ders for our old customers while the stock lasts and any new ones having suitable soil for growing. Feed We have a full and complete line of all kinds of Animal Feeds and be- lieve our prices will compare favorably with other dealers, We have Oil Cake, Cotton Seed, Gluten Meal, Ground Pea and Barley Chop, as well as our Poultry Mashes, Scratch Feed and will be found of the very highest quality, Seeds & Grain We are open to purchase at all times all kinds of Seeds and Grain at full market value. Ow Stock of Seed Grain will be found complete and of excellent quality, Potatoes We have for sale Potatoes from' Quebec, Ontario and Western Prov- inces of excellent quality. Phone 203. Hogg & Lytle, Limited Oshawa Cian mean a Ln NER ir A MD Dunbarton .. .. .. .. .. a. The Rouge .. Highland Cr. aT Toronto ACity Limits) Toroutp (Downtown) Toronte (Downiown) .. .. Toronto (City Limits) ... Highland Cr. .. ..... .. .. The Rouge .. . Representoing 12 stacks and 49 fix- tures. Revenue $27.25 D. A. Hubbell, OSHAWA TELEPHONE 545 Sam. Inspector Respectfully submitted, { i KIBAWA oo 2s va as an as en TORONTO and OSHAWA' BUS SERVICE Effective Monday, February 1st, 1926 Daily Daily Daily Daily Ex. Sun. { A.M. A.M, 'A.M. P.M. 1.00 1.15 11.35 1.45 11.50 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.15 1.35 1.45 1.50 200 7.45 200 8.20 8,30 8.35 845 8.15 045 2.00 2.15 9.35 9.45 0.50 10.00 10.30 v Daily