Oshawa Daily Reformer, 27 Jan 1926, p. 3

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LACE THRE: | producing this y " 3 re | £1 i i 4 8 picture prove that And, combined with this, there | ground for a gorgeous and effective [Regina Makes Port [1 he manufacture of film stories is|is a picturesque background of the | film. The oast boasts some of the jouly for the companies which ean | celebrated old play that is hard to | biggest names in the picture realm. | After rymz Voyage! afford the expense. equyl at the present time. Alma Rubens and Edmund Lowe, In the spring of 1925 Raymond . ie " each an established star, portray the | Boston, Jan. 26.--8torm-battered (Schrock, general manager, conceiv-| "Of course, if 'East Lynne' were Toles of Lady Isabel® and, Archibald by mountainous seas, as the log des- [od the idea of producing a picture | to he produced according to the for- | Carlyle, and Lou Telle gen playing cribes them, (he White Star liner |in the actual Canadian location, So | mula interpretation of years ago," | nig first genuine "heavy" role, is Regina, from Queenstown and Liver- the sent 18, Richard Schayer and continued the director, "it would | cust as the villainous Sir Francis pocl, made port today after one of | Donald Lee, staff scenario writers, | Seem ludicrous to the advanced pub- | | avigon, Marjorie Daw, Belle Ben- the worst puss 5 experiénceg hy |Hoot Gibson, , star, and Herbert | lic--but that doesn't alter the ef- | ,0ti, Frank Keenan, Paul Panzer, the oldest mariners aboard, 9ho { Blache, direethr, to look the coun-| fectiveness of "the dramatic situa-| [oglie Fenton, Martha Mattox and ranged to address the temperance | jine. carried two, Massachusetts | try over. ; | i : 1 'Oshawa and District OC, N, RB, Earnings The gross earnings of the Cana- dian National Railways for the A well-known general n weok ending January 21, 1926 were n general. anes. Ap #4,210,880 as compared with $3,- i for the same period of | Boclety of a Britislt regiment. At the! seamen, picked up after their motor | After hoat had drifted thirteen days, about | party returned to Universal City ow . 4 M jes in "Light f Old 4 Haid ; 4 y are wwii, To LY fr The film version of the play, as| Marion Davies in "Lights o able to attend, He found a substituta | 31 wine Hom on an ex in the Jo a Prop produced by William Fox, is laid in| Broadway" closes a successful en- in 2h gallant but rather hibulous fel. | | contionaily Reavy son olf Newiound. | Forty-four porsons, a half dogen | the 1830 period---a most fascinating | gagement at the Regent this even- low-officer, to whom he gave a rough | jana Friday morning. The whole | trained horses, a car load of proper- | nd picturesque era offering a back- outline of the speech he had prepar- | wray shook like a leak as the great | ties, two large motoy-driven trans- vis erashed over her, smashing portable generators for lighting ed, The teetotallers'grere paraded hey WaVEs ! | in the port rail in three places, and | Scenes and wardrobes of anywhere jearying away four large cabin ports | from one to eight changes for the The water surged in torrents into | varios members of the cast wore formerly Miss Jean Snider and was | Mav eldest Aiaehidr oF Mr. ona "You miserable, white-livered, | the staterooms of Raymond Savige. passed upon. horn in Prince' Wdward County » Mrs. W. Rusnell, Reach Township, pale-faced, snivelling skrimshankers author, Savige woke to find a wave { Hix cameras were taken---run hy 1829, In 1845 she married Mr. EB. 1. \ 00006 the bride of Louis James | :.» + Oh, I forgot! That isn't what | washing over his head, {a head cameraman and his assist: { nts. Tens of thousantlg of feet of Coty Law Association the annual meeting of the | Ontario County Law Association, Crown Attornédy J."F. Grierson was elected President] Judge Thompson, | Vice-President ; hod Mangan, 781,673 | | | | tions-- and of which 'Kast Lynne'| gichard Headrick will be seen in two weeks of exploring the | lias many. other feature parts. 1926, an increase of $429,207 or| last moment, however, he wag un- second' Viee-President; Miss Rae, cleven per cent, Becrelary-Treusy rer and Librarian, 07th Birthday Anda Mrs. BE, I, W, Maybee, ! Baldwin street, Port Hope, received many congratulations from friends at a distance who sent presents and telegrams, on reaching her ninety- seventh birthday. Mrs, Maybee was TRICK--RUSNELL This afternoon a very pretty wed-| fore this substitute, who addressed "Ang was solemnized at the Albert! po 5 atrect parsonage, when Victoria W. Mayhee aud went to live at oa Trick, eldest son of the late William the general told me to tell you, but ---- * | mount (pear Port Hope, Ontario) § puiek' and Mrs, William Trick, 292 it'8 what I think of you. Now I'll say | IN MEMORIAM [film were used, three assistant dir- where, she resided until about' oo "oho TRV RAL Whattam | What T was told to say." And he at | GIMBLETT Jesus called a little | vctors handed the detail. A scor thirty-five years ago when she mover { officiating. The bride was attired | "ce launched into an eloquent lamb just (wo weeks today, Ruth | Universal's famous raneh riders to Pay Hope with her husband, w n | in a powder blue georgette dress, | SPeech on the merits of temperance, Gimblott. | a dozen electricians and property | died 'thirty-two years ago. | trimmed with black ent velvet, and This is one of the stories told in i; hen Hs yen us carpontors chile Ji ---- | wore a wine coloured coat trimmed "The Autoblography of Gen, Sir | ell asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, etl the Ai e party Which Sojonruel Heard HombourR: Germany with fur, and hat to match. Accom-| © Moore Creagh, V.C." = Here 'are | [vom , which none ever wakes Lo Sy io Jn. VaRinus WH 8 Hout | Mr, Towles, of the Radio Sales, | panying them were Lulu Blanche | Ome others: weep, nd ATR Tg $a oO Church street, was successful Mon- { Rugnell, sister of the bride, and | At one station in India the hos-|A calm and undisturbed repose, Er Is Ay day night in receiving European § Charles Trick, brother of the groom pital was a two-storeyed building, the | Unbroken by the last' of foes. rouds. g di i di broadcast from Hambourg, Ger- | The happy couple left on the 2,22 | PAtients being on the upper floor. Tho | When stampede Week: eume in) many, as well as from Lima, Perv. | o'clock Canadian National train for | PRAre whose duty it was to visit the | Sweet little darling, light of the | july, much of the picture was shot | He was using an 8 tube Northern | points west on their honeymoon. On hospital had a 'game' leg, which home, ? [in Calgary After those trying made him dislike climbing stairs; and | Taken so carly, beackoning come, | scenes were secured the Company Bleetric Victor set, : their return they will reside at 292 : Celina street, 80 his habit was to go to the foot of | Safe with the angels, whiter than | poturned to California happy that PHONE 378. NEXT f HE POST OFFICE them and yell up at the top of his | NOW, lthey had produced 4 picture show- » I Last evening at 5 o'clock, the | yoien: "Does anybody up there want | Watching tor dear ones waiting be- ing Canada as it really is . ~ members of the Accounting Depart- | gniritual consolation?" » get | . ' ment of the General Motors presen Spi he SnEalation? lhe in Ved low. . | After the return the director | J ted Miss May Rusnell, with a cabinet knowledgn that he * vad done his | --0, Kdgar spent several months editing the | rl on 8 - of silverware. For the past 1wo| gyiy! ; . 4 RECHT oo film, putting the scenes in order | Ty 5 , as w N : CENT DEATHS fand inserting titles While ¢ this | » . years, Miss Rusnell has worked in At the same station the go . } J { » ADE Y SER general Mp " yen Bers: urn Cash & Deliver Prices the bijling department of the uc-| wag jnepecting some barracks, when I " Boi wis Boing on publicity w rite rs were | counting department where she hats | he heard the Yolces nt ma h Wi JAAM MADISON COMBS fre Hing ahout what Blache expected | Sliced P.M. Bacon, ib 44c won many friends hy her pleasant | mon singing. He asked ham bo The fuperal of William M, Combs [to release and with the new season | Fresh Headcheese, Ib. .. 5c disposition and cheery smile, The | 'what the noise was, "Well, sir." was | |. Qiedl yesterday morning at his | the picture was released in its com- | Ib 30 presentation was made on the even! | the reply. 3 Lome, Geneva, N.Y., will be held | pleted form to prove that the virile an use Pressed Beef, N ¢ ey Bhai 4 ~r_ | the reply, "the men tell me they 80 | Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock | 1ype of picture is still the supreme : of marriage, Miss May Bonnell mak- | {here to sing hymns. But I sav it' ; I I Cooked Ham, sliced Ib, 55¢ ing the presentation and Mr. R. G.| not for Arie) pa, the : ay jr from his late residence 117 High [drawing card ] Tevwy vondi : nw aodveERs 1 : 8 they go there, but for | styeet. The members of Swift Post| Among the egst whicl 1 Fresh Sausage, Ib. Perry reading the following address: | pops.' ' ' hy ! rs of Swi ) mong b ich made ) 8. No. 94, GA. R., of which Mr. Combs {trip wer Hoot Gibson Virg Ur 0ice [ed our bottle Lave Gathered hate on Wis He the Dillan Jingle. The Indign la» 3 Hubhbs, Chaplain of Hobart Col- {Philo MeCullough §harles Sellon, . 0 you i 4 CPi aster se 118 telegram to his | lege, will have charge at the house. | Ena Gregory, Frank Rice, Tex Young Fresh Whole Soda Bis from onr midst, While we are sorry spperior officer: "Tiger in charge. I | An escort from Company BB in Cp | A Bill Gillis "chi Fl cuits, Ib. ... to lose you we trust that the Suture | on roof." Please arrange." It was | of Lieutenant Campbell will have n Our Eclipse Pastry our le Syruo Mix, large will be bright with promise and rich | "arranged" by a British officer shoot- | charge. of the Military Service at ive . " Verbs * 5 Maple 5 = in fulfilment and may every blessing | ing the tiger, and the Indian there- | Glenwood Cemetery where wih REGENT ! Our Rolled Oats, Graham, Corn Matches, large box ...... he yours along the way. You have | upon took '"'control" again. ment will he made. Mr, W. B. Hav- The so-called old time melo- Meal and Granules. hid in. 08 made many friends during yonr Of China, the general writes: "The | nes of Oshaw: is a nephew of the | dramas are rich in dramatic values . ' 4 Babbitt's Cleanser, tin, J short stay with us, you lending hand, | amell everywhere is appalling. No- [lute Mr. Combs according to Emmett Flynn, prom- Our Superior Poultry Mash is a real cgg-producer. We back it againkt any other brand, and it costs only $30 per cwt. \ THE DRUGGIST T Snider's Catsup, large We, your friends and associates, | abode in a small railway station in | house for the services, Rev, Dr. J Seabury, Jim Corey W. J. MeCulley, 2 3 Dear Miss Rusnell:-- " x tizer ha Shrimps, tin .............. ear Mis she A wandering tiger had taken up its | was a member will mect at the | Brown Fair, Clark Comstoe Kk, EAST LYNNE AT eas, i ed sunny disposition and congenial | body really knows what a smell is - inent William Fox director, who re » : ; tin smile will be missed by us as mem- | till he has been in China." A man | t oca eat e (rapsferred to th screen Mrs bers of this great corporation. The | once asked the Archbishop of Pekin od Th YeS8 icury Wood's success of many year Peanut Butter, toy pail, 22¢ members of the accounting depart- | how it was that he had lived so long | ago, "Bast Lynne which opens Good size Prunes, Ib. 18¢ ment therefore ask you to accept | in the city without contracting some AT THE NEW MARTIN HOProw night at th Reg & Evaporated Peaches, Ib., 25¢ this gift, not for its value, hut as a | disease from the germs which must | The making of a motion picture | Theatre Le oo. Buy your Bran, Shorts, Cotton Seed 'eme ance, i 'ust that as the | lurk in the smells, The prelate re- |; { ; "Particularly is this true ¢ Cornstarch, 3 kgs. 25¢ remembrance and u ust 1 t : prela re-= Lis a task made many times more articularly is thi 1 iE z - Navel Oranges, doz. 25¢ years so hy, vin will recall having | plied; "oh, you're quite Wrong. | costly than usual wnen the entire (doynne, declared the snecessful Meal, Oilcake Meal and Glutef Feed 4 * abored with ug here. | ere aren't any germs in the smells Omnar i 1 ' Lg : : : 3 2% § i A 3 | company 15 10 he taken on a lon : A ol > > 3 Di | Pickles, large, 7 for 25¢ Signed on behalf of the Account- | Eveh a microbe can't live in a Chi- location trip kee'! Gerald Cransioh Lady", now, They will be higher B.pnee. Ass't Choc, Bars, 3 for 13c ing Department, General Motors ol hese smell." i i Probably one of the largest mo "The Dancer and other Fox Snider's Catsup, large, 28¢ Canada, Limited At a concert given in India a cer- | tion pictar pilgrimages of recent Photoplay gems "There are more genuinely tense | jirector of "The Connecticut Yan Cooper-Smith Company PHONE 8 16 CELINA ST. Just South of Post Office ent day dramas, There i a ier wealth of dramatic material | y more logical arrangement of se- | ces than yon will find in most { the wodern dramas. 2ic each 3c each omMlered that a native regiment should | bave a ration of rum as a reward for | some services they had rendered. The | soldiers were very grateful. "But," they said, "the General Sabib will order the Commissatiat Sahib to issue the rum and he will pass the order on to his babu, who | will Say that the issue is against regu- lations and will produce a buliock- | load of them in proof. By the time he finishes with his arguments and his books, the war will be over. So we shall not get the rum unless the General Sahib is kind enough to go 4 : -, 8 to the store himself and tell the babu Sad Four fo a that if he does not issue the rum at : ; Customer once he will be banged." A i tain bishop and his wife performed | yours : ' by the 17 ssid Miss Hele f mn, " 1 was mad vy th niv a / , Phone Your Order Early 4 » 5 Helon Warten, repeatedly. Everyone got very slecpy company Wldrr ng "he oh y | situations in Mr, Wood's play th a | Hise May Bonnell and tired, but the bishop still went | Stampede," a Haot Gibson starpinz | there are in the majority of the Ww, C. BRIT TON Mr R. G. Terry. : on singing. It began to be thought | vehicle which is coming to the New SOE ST. 8. PHONE 555 a ---------- 1) SIM . come to an end. At last the bishop | The experiences of Universal in . then) and asked him to sing. "I only rT : know one song," said the colonel, "and that's 'Now let Thy servant de- part in peace'." The bishop took the HE LAS DROP "otherwise we should probably have | f | been there now." PY ° Indian soldiers have a great dis- in Sales Book Prices like for the Government clerks, whom they call "babus." During a cam- 50 Orders Per Book " Separate Carbon Leaf » Automatic Black Back Style STANDARD SIZE 3%" x 5%" Folded style books are sold at slightly higher rates ~ Automatic 3 1-5¢ ca. Single Carbon Leaf 2ic ea. THE LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA dier who created a sensation when a Tomatoes, large tins ure Clov: . regiment was being reviewed by a SCENE FROM EA LYNAE" om S, larg 5 : THe famous general. The soldier learned | The massive film attraction playing | ------------ ------ 10. pan gt MUNDY PRINTING COY. LIMITED that the general was a relation of a it the Regent the last threeé days | Harry Horne's Custard Pwd. meme eee eee served and for whom he had the = . . > greatest affection. Consequently, i Se -- Orders booked now for immediate delivery, or any time within three when the general came down the line, Heinz Catsup, mal) 19¢; orgs 294 2S¢ Ay ner Crab Apple Jelly PERE © | 19 months at these rates. this soldier stepped forward and in- LACKHI A DS smn a8 a ee errr ---- ssa . 5 sisted upon embracing him? : Prices subject to change without notice. 8 Blackicads dics Giche Pears 2 tins for 25¢ Aylmer Strawb ry Jam, 12 oz. jar 19¢ East that the general has good stor- six languages fluently. "Yes," said "Pam," "but has he ever said any- thing worth hearing in any of them?" Sir O'Moore spent his carly life in J . butler who disliked anything new or y --.--. - fresh. There were no bathrooms ii . 4 4, C Ld Pe . a. 2 We are unloading today EO a a 2 iproos £5 Dried Apricots . . . Cow Braud Baking Soda... 4Vx - Good Cooking Apples . peck 38¢ Flexo Soap Flakes . .... per pkz. 19¢ 10 bars for 68c that the proceedings would pever | Martin theater Th REFORMER WANT APS PAY' | came up to Col. Creagh (as he wan 2 & os of Universal im hint and called for his carriage-- . paign the British general in command | ' OPEN AT BOTTOM BOOKS "/ 1000 Quantity Orders The author also tells of the sol- Saf | . ins 'or 28c | Beekist | OSHAWA, ONTARIO soldier under whom he had ounce | of this week. : Large | Ba tin 23¢ Small _ : Pure Honey A for 25¢ It is not only of India and the Solve Sales Book Prices will be MUCH HIGHER after Jan. lst. ies to tell. Here is one about Lord | ce of po ie and swe mechod. , wo : . Palmerston. Somebody once told the | ctore <prinklc it on a hot, wet cloth, ule] . : statesman that So-and-so could speak | "ic face biikh every Macklead will ie NEWLAID COUNTRY EGGS FIRSTS 44c one. MY Ireland, where his family had an old Oregon Prunes SR on VRE 2 Ibs. for 25 Handy Ammonia .n 02 pkgs. for 15¢ a bath the wates. bad to be carried Beekist Buckwheat Hone : 4 Fels Natha Soap CH «= lb. 9c _ Palm Soap, fancy quality, 6 for 25¢ "Singapore Sliced Pineapple, per tin 1 tin 18¢ up to the bedrooms. Ome of Sir haoidey STA Eogland and insisted on this being Ready Cut Macaroni . ... done every day. The butler protested in vain, and at last gave way with Smyrna Cooking Figs rd . 2 Ibs. 23 beating." ! trouble quickly, v------ ------------ a bad grace. "Ah, sure," was his pant- ing shot, "but ye must be dirty basies to want such a power of washing." The general describes Ireland in $12.00 PER TON Comms as Weather Prophets. { If due to a refractive error, John Bull Pickles i 16. Oz. - bottles 15c Many people claim that their corns | I can overcome it easily with A warn them of weather changes. But i fe] Granulated Sgr rman 10 os 68¢c OFF THE CAR probably the com is merely register. | proper lenses, which will give ing change in the shoe leather. This SOAP : GOL pik: 28c ~ Your Nearest Adanac Store is those days as a "glorious place to live varies with the amount of wmeisture w Ww 'S GROCERY | Delwer | SNO DEN S 1452-1453 order to console him the parson told an ideal smokeless fuel or hot water ¢ El I i Har heating. J Land. The invalid shook his head. ; LI doubt it," he said. "I've lived man and boy for over seventy years in Balnagarde, and it takes a lot of LET ME EXAMINE your, eves and locate the Plum Jam sans ners i pails 49¢ Pure Lard, HLA. Brand 3 Ib. pails 65¢ you perfect sight! in." A neighbor lay dying, and in iw the air. A 2 per cent. change fro Isu't this wogh while? normal either way is all the average | foot can stand 'without discomfort. Jury & Lovell, Lid. TO AUTRE MUSHROOM POISONING mie | A French physician announces his | KING ST. E. discovery of a serum for the cure of |} Opuical Specialist in attend- persons poisoned through the eat-! ing of poisonous mushrooms. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY ance. Phone 28.

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