THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1926 PAGE FIVE x + NF bya LU tS A -- _r---- -- [oy i 1 . . _. ------ STARTING THURSDAY MORNING JAN. 21st PROMPTLY AT 8.30 O'CLOCK -- Let Nothing Keep You Away Thursday, Friday and SaturdayOnly | PEOPLE OF OSHAWA AND VICINITY v Think of the importance of this greatest of all Sales, coming as it does right at the time when you need merchandise. Think of a store SILK HOSE 10 doz, extra heavy mili- tary flannel work Shirts, the size of ENGEL'S distributing into the homes of the buying public the entire stock of Clothing, all new Spring Dry Goods, Ready-to- All New Shades Wear, at unbelievable prices. Realize what it means to the Public, cutting loase its entire $35,000.00 high grade stock for quick distribu- UR AE Pepper and Salt shades on- ly. Reg. $1.00. Not more tion among the crowds of eager buyers, cutting and slashing prices until nothing remains but mere shadows of former-price marks, Sale pr, WE HAVE THE GOODS.--Our stocks were never greater or better assorted. So attractive that it will be unwise to resist the tempta- 3 0 January 21, at 8.30 a.m. EVERY RESOURCE at the command of this firm has been drawn upon to make this the supreme event of our C Business Career. tion to buy generously. WE HAVE THE VALUES.--If you can realize the magnitude of this great event, then every man, woman and child within a trading radius of this store will be here for this great Mercantile Sale when the doors will swing open Thursday morning, [I ------. riday Morning 8.30 Special Extra Special 100 doz, Ladies' than 2 to each customer 69c Thursday 8.30 Er ---- 300 yds, of extra fine quality Gingham, a yard wide, all new patterns. Reg. 35c yd. ots, pink ahd bite bor. ders, grey and white. : ia - " - d ed : JANUARY SALE, | i 19 -§ : pot. if ; Will be sold for Ladies' Men's Fleeee Lined Under- Boys' All Wool dol Socks. Heavy Boots, snaz- Ladies' House Dresses, all Children's All Wool Toques, : sizes. very neatly made. All all eolors. Reg. The 3 Fine quality. Reg. wear. High grade quality. All colors. Ree. proof, Red Soles and 4 ; 2 § c January Sale To go at Jannary January Sale ..... 49c Ileel, Reg. $3.95 newest patterns. Reg. AJanua ary ? Bale a ) 9 $1.50. January Sale 98¢ Hf eT Sale om. 8 ¢ January Sale ---- Ww Vite, 3 : WE . Skating Togues. Reg. Indigo Print 30 in. wide, Ladies" Vests: fine: ribbed Dal § Toes. oo 69c Reg. 35c." January 19 y ) Bll cian Cc Chintz in new Spring beau- tiful designs. Good quality. 75 pair extra large size Flannelette Blank. No Phone Orders Pl No C 0.D. orders. Not more than 5 yds. to each customer. Rubber laced, 4 bhuekled Goloshes. White Cotton, a yard wide, $1.00 finest quality, Reg. 30c. yd. January Cardinal and Sand Odd Garments 25 Ladies' Blue Serge Skirts, all sizes, to elear out January Sale 49¢ Pure Wool Socks in Brown, r-- Men's One Buckle Goloshes, Boys 1009 dure. Wool ; Guaranteed rst quality. oye Dare 4 Men's Fine Shirts, inter- Cashmere Jerseys. All eolors. : 1 Ree. $3.00. ' woven stripes, Reg. $2.00 short sleeves. Reg. 85e 59¢ -- - Ro "Sn Io a P6150. Good Assortment. January Sale --i$] 19 January Sale... Ladies' Chappie Coats, all nary Ba new styles. Reg. ¢9 98 Men's English Broadeloth, $4.50. Jan. Bale Shirts, all new shades. Reg. Men's Fine Calf Boots. Large size and extra heavy Goodyear welt. Rubber heel. beg. 3 3be. . January 25 BEE sccm Cc Heavy English Flannelettes a yard wide. Reg. 35¢ yd. Jan. Sale ... 25¢ Blue and Pink Striped Flannelette. 30 in. wide. Reg. 27e. yd. January 15¢ Sale Congoleum Rugs First Quality Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs. Will Be Sold At Ridiculous: ly Low Prices. We Will Deliver At These / Prices. 9 x 104, Reg. $18.75 -- $11.95 9 x 12, Reg. $18.00 -- $13.95 9x 134, Reg. $22. 00 -- $14. 95 Get yours early for spring to $2000. While they. FY MENS' SUITS 4 50 men's Brown and Grey Teed Single and double breasted. All Rez. " $9.95 Bath Towels. Reg. $1 69 pr. January Sale ... C Balance of Children's Un- derwear, shirts and drawers. to elear at January 49 Bale C Black and White Drill Shirt- ing. 36 in. wide. Extra heavy. Reg. 40c 29 Cc January Sale ..... Heavy Featherproof 'licking - extra good width. Reg. 65¢ yd. January 49 Cc Sale Heavy ~ Woollen Blankets, grey only. Extra large size. Reg. $6.00, Janu- $4.49 ary Sale . Crib Comforters, 'will be cleared out at 79¢ _--eeee-- $3.00. January 1 95 During this great sale the Bale . balance of our Fall Hats Sod veg reguls ulisly.o at '$1 49 Silk ivory 98¢ Crepes, Ladies' Pure Thread Hose, in black and shades. Reg. $1.75 January Sale ... 5 XA Rayon Lawes' Dresses, in all new Spring shades and styles. ary ser $3.49 FET YOUR SUPPLY NOW 18 Children's Fur Trimmed Coats, sizes 8 to 14, all new ed zm $1.95 100 pr. Men's Over Rubbers, guaranteed first Regular $1.25 Janu- uary Sale sn 98¢ quality. Reg. $2 extra heavy Blankets, 49¢ Crib Iderdown Res. $1.00 Speeial January Sale Suits. * $15 Women's Rubbers, "ge sizes. Reg. $1.00. January BALE immnniinmin Men's Overcoats Half Price Men's Extra Heavy Overcoats, Blanket Cloths, Polo Lined. Every Overcoat Must | Be Sold Regardless of Reg. Cost Sale Price $40.00 for $20.00¢ 38.00 for 18.95 30.00 for 15.00 -28.00 for 13.95 Yet Get Yours Now. Reg. $5.00. Ta $3. 89 ary Bale White Pure Wogl Jhotiat Sweater Coats. Bm, daniary $3 08 95 Men's Heavy Cotton Tweed Trousers. All patterns. Reg. $2.00. January $1. 49 Sale... a -- Iligh Grade Smyrna Rugs. Good size, Neat Patterns. wy sae oe $1.98 Men's Heavy Tweed Trous- ers in Grey and Brown. Regular $2.50 $1.29 January Sale... Men's © Golf Sweaters, all new shades, suitable for skat- ing. Reg. $5.00 $2 January Sale ... 49 Men's Heavy Fur lined Win- ter Caps, to elear "08 Reg. $1.75 ENC ELS 'SIMCOE STREET OSHAWA _Regular $10.00 Lovat, Black, ete. 49¢ Reg. Ge. Jan. Sale Men's All Wool Grey Serge Suits, All styles. Reg. $28.00 January Sale $19. 95 EXTRA SPECIAL 25 Boys' Brown and Grey Tweed Suits. 2 pair Bloomers governor fasteners. $6.95 Men's Silk and Lisle Socks, good weight. Reg. 39 75e. January Sala Cc Men's Heavy Wool Work Socks. Reg. 35e. pr. January Sale 15¢ January Sale .... Spring lines. UARY SALE LADIES' DRESSES 50 Ladies' Canton Crepe Serges, Satins, etc. reg. $18.00 tb $22.00. room for our + only Ladies' Uoats. Neatly Must go at Black Winter made. 15 Ladies' Heavy Winter Coats. Neatly made, fur ecol- lars and euff $8 95 trimmed, to go at 8s BROOMS! © BROOM 25 doz. 4 strand CORN BROOMS Sold Regularly For 85¢ Will Be This Mergantile Sale for 29c Not More Than 2 To Each Customer Poiret Twills, All neatly made. Sold We must make $7.95 new JAN- Sold During $ $2.98