THE OHARA DAILY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1926 An independent newspaper -pub- can see that it is to their advantage IN THIS A FREE COU NTRY | R, Alloway, Becretary, iligh School is in every respect he-| Hnablo to send the cheque asked | Be Held | $1,650 extra to cover postage, Siggle |tlons at the High School, Its mem- iain weyerument for hii Tax, . of the chief tople of conversation, over| re Oshawa Lodge, No, 93, will o nse nx, and : toffes. cups and cigars, for many | 4ttend a special theatre party af The @eisnn Baly Yi not do so, but he points out ) i > BC RS | some exceedingly serious defects, 1s E ' FLKS 10 f T0 BF ¢ | 4 READERS VIEWS | dn | lished every day except Sundays and TO BE SKINNED LIKE aa SUBSORIPTION RATES: yong the slightest adverse criticism, for: 0 4 he, , Is I ) y ) Qo copies 36 hevs are trustees of the people in tne | yiopants License and Auto Tax, weeks to come, and in the argu-| 'De Regent to see Richard Barthel- Reform there jangling and ying ? y get (Established in 1871) Jon In your own interests, forge GUESTS OF REGENT legal holidays at Oshawa, Canada in professional reputation, in salary, To the Editor, by Mundy Printing Company, Limi-| oven so far as their positions are Dear Sir: y Gala Night Planned Monday Delivered 'hy Carrier in Oshawa or ade I have heen held up, held down, ama by mail anywhere in Canada, $5.00 | And the Board of Education must | sundbagged, walked on, flattened Next Monday evening will be a gala (Member Audit Bureau of Civenlas [10 y orig ot | Their 4 Ba stork . ) fullest sense of the original meaning | Thrift and Capital Stock Tax and ments that will take place, the vapi-| ness and Dorothy Gish in the big ol that word, The Board's action on | every Soclety and Organization SONAL {ous phases of {he atliancs are Ape | cinema production 'The Beautiful the report will be awaited with in-| {at the intentive mind of man can | City" as guests of Manager L. Os- it, Surely the members of the po | ted, Chas, M, Mundy, President; A.|concerned, to make sure that the | For the following 'reasons I am --Election of Officers To a year, United States subscription, [answer to the people for the condi-| out and squeezed, first by the Can- ~ {Irvine's wedding. It promises to be | MENL in local Kikdom, when the en- | tain to be discussed "pro" and WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1926. invent to extract what I may or Ire-- i d "con." It is at these conferences | ier. All members of the local lodge terest, . p el DLN may. Hot Josaean, ol ¢ John the The Reformer invite the . (hat society will place its seal of ap- | Will meet at their clubrooms over \ CHI Be yom. 4 V id a Ww. an' 2 : ! proval--or disapproval--on Ellin | the Standard Bank, and will march Ww. ANTED--SHORT SPEECHES | Dept 2 the ha WW, ya A, he oma) 9 co-operation of its readers SAE 0 SER, 2 and. her husband. in a body to the theatre, arriving 00s ne | Crom, thet Purple ping Le Black in contributing items to this > \ Financially speaking, Elin hag there at seven thirty when they Though it does not Go any good] 3" 4 ' ¥ i ) Zh Z probably lost u third interest in u! Will be seated in a special reserved 7. ! ross and the Double Cross, the column, Sen: hy ny al pLerest i 3! ec , y ay say 80, one cannot help hoping | Children's Home, the Dorcas So. d d us a post. je fortune that totals 100 millions of | Hection ol the Vig spacious plas. : d ArH ames YE 8 ' \ c 0 3 : gE i dollars. However, she will not pe | house that members of parliament, os- elety, the YMCA, and tho ard r phone 35, 4 k forced to look the dear old wolf jn ¢Mieriainment at the Regent, the THE MAYOR'S INAUGURAL In his inaugural address Mayor Preston points out that Oshawa must th have some new industries, The pro- 30 older part 0 Ra Dost d subway between the older J pecially of the House of Commons, | Y:W.C.A., the Boy Scouts, the Jew- - lz | the eve, for Mr. Berli oveditad | BIks will convene at a special meet- of the city and the newer portion to [ 3 | ish relief, and the Belgian relief, . Q | A re cve, tor Mr. Berlin is credited] : ' Ticer tho Tp 0 is" glad will consider how terribly expensive ihe Chinese relief and every hospi- ~Miss Marjorie Jarrett spent the SX : : with having made more than a mil-| 108 in Lodge quarters when officers 1c south is, The Reformer is gla talk is. No doubt most of them | tal in town : week-end in Trenton with her par lion from his songs, and many of 11.1 for the vear will be elected, be- to see, again brought forward. That would say that important questions | "he Government has so governed | °M® lin's socially prominent friends have | Sides other important matters per- is a necessity, Oshawa must, some eu ! iusgions n't ; --Mr, Harold innugurated a married existence op | taining to the work of the organ- : oe Mg i : ted Eusnectod. | cently returned from a visit to his 3 f decidedly less than that sum A ; day soon, have that subway, [ [ ¢ owns It. . I am inspected, Buspecied, purents in Consecon, SI What Ellin has lost is her place months to follow. Closing the ev- McConkey hos re | her hushand's world pot-pourrl of joy for the members in which several artists will partici- pate, Exalted Ruler Dr. W. A. | Find Dandelion Rurdiog urges every Elk to be on | On New Year's Day A h-- fisherman so much as to get an cel ol policy involving expenditure must | 'n¥ business that I don't know who ization during the immediate he open to the fullest and frees! dis n : r@-0Xamine informe T a ions improv- : cxamined, re-examined, informed, BAL ie Whoa hal ing's activities, the Entertai The mayor also mentions impr assion. But that is all burkum | required, and commanded, so I don't Mrs. Nellie Riggs has recently in sociely, She will, on her return eRiigs acu ; Ie Ue for Ament ed postal and eustoms equipment, ause the larger items of expendi-| know who I am, where I am, and arrived at Venice, Cal. to spend rom Europe, enter a new world---- on Ws i Bed a speci taxation, equalization of assessment, thre. ore. Wearly always jammed why 1 am here, all 1 know is this-- ' the winter months. the administration of the city's offi- : ay ke [ that I am supposed to be an inex| ~ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Walker ces, car parking, and the new ar- through in the "dying hours of the | austapla supply of money for evdyy | Were the guests of Mr. J. Wellman | ' ' ith | session with very little discussion. | known need of the human race, and | for @ few days recently in Bonar he . rangement of committees, It is the small matters that aré us-| because I will not sell all 1 have | VW. : 4 : | The City Couneil has a great deal will? discussed: the. most Sully, yar and go out and beg, horrow or " yy. S. Rotish, of the Scotland A R » yr Pbk ' oY i awnyv ave i J Mi is i ) y y © : 4 of important work ahead of it this { tisulariv: this I ai : { teal money to gi away, I have Woolle n Mills, is attending the D : Fishermen Like ie 1. the aldermen are quite evi feularly those that provide cam-|p.en cussed, discussed, boycotted, | Signers' Convention being held in (By Cnn ress) year a i > - " b | ' ow Fork ' 1.4 yor Bf 3 1 "| paign material of some or of any| talked to, talked about, held up, | New York, Clark's Harbor, Cape Sable Island To Catch Eels dently anxious to carry through | | type, | robbed and nearly ruined, and the -Mr Thomas Burns, who has | Jan % This narow sliver of land, their duties in an efficient and busi- § °°, any topie within the ken | 01 réason 1 am clinging to life is | heen Jains his parents in the sec 15 into the ocean from the south-b (By Canadian Press) ness-like manner. If the Council's | 4 | ro see what is coming next, ond ling, Sidney, tor the past two | | ern-most extremity of Nova Scotia : " fow of civilized man that cannot be ra- Yours trol weeks, returned to this city. ! bhearing the brunt of the!tempesty Liverpool, N. Jan. 13--A [ow first act of the year, the reduction : oz i 1 id 4 -- Mi J. Hunki f Calzur : : MEF Ai | years ago. nothing aggravated n ther thoroughly set forth in a speech CITIZEN MF. 1D, ng, o alzary us winter restlessness of the At in the number of committees, may be > ; au tier Alta., recently visited his sister, Jirs ¢ lantiec Oce od 2 toa of halt an hour and cxheustively - : ; ' ' ; antic Ocean, produced. a tull blown { "yi" 00) teken as an index of the year's ttireshed out in an boar? Unt un - - - W. A. Branton, 129 Clarke street, dandelion on New Year's Day whin Now it Aid lifferent Fishermen | threshe FH our? at is way » New York i 8 ( rent, sherme: achieveinents. we may. cet ny ah 8 i he . ut iti his Yay 0 the ew York moto he province generally lay under liars Yo get awfully fetisinh Ai it wour's speech is considered relative- show. From here he intends spead heavy Llunket of snow dere 3 5 Dreyer ticipate a fine year's work. tv Short in tie. House: of Comitans That ing two weeks at the Ford plant in PATTERN 344 ket they don't get ects on their hooks or 2 as ' 4 s Yotroi fore Yreloyning acl ; spears or nets They send them to A "Rt RE ind one member after another goo: Ho before reiuraing home. A frock- of good proportions and the United Stafes and sell. them THE HIGH SCHOOL, over the same ground as his pre s Wh My. Mrs. Charles W. Blow, oi | smart detail suggests the popular fo bout thirties nN cents § | si J H 5 ne hh i pr 1 { we ee $ ' 1 4 A ; Oshawa 1 to announce the engage- | princess line and is developed in [-I0F hu A iid Sol Tao i, po ne Not as reassuring as one would decessor of the same party, pound 5 k ment of their youngest daughter, Haz [ two contrasting materials or very aha the lo a a Je of the south : 5 . ; Mure tor tr ; : re catch of eels this season makes ike ig 5 ing away at the same old arguments. ; 4 furiel, Norman Leonard Wed- | effectively in velvet of a solid color, hore | 80 | like is the report of Inspector Rog- The call of the pation. = tation of 3 dup. eldest son of Mr. und Mrs. L.1 The: pattern for this model J | a tidy sum. A group of eight fish- ers on conditions at the High School ! : A 0 Weddup, Lindsay, the marriag to | simpel and easily followed. It comes -' 4 ermen of this place took twelve tons | y { eels from the river above M Mn Tho ace hd Are ABH PG , | veople worried" with much talk is : tak Jace 3: bra Pa : ris "0h a py . . . frst Rssomiagatiobs 31s hops oi or a short session that will achieve Rp " ] pails Spay Ss " re gi will fa > " phi First Funeral of Its Kind igh 234 Dine? paris of the shore tepors ventilating system, some of the old |i! least, a few solved problems. Tha % our Cards of Thanks hpoir oy t of twenty cents in curs History of Dominion of usin fe ni blackboards, the drinking fountains, interminable talk which has charac ! x : | fol : ilioip 244 Sal Canada A HELE KUL CLUE end the lighting. These are items kerized parliamentary Hossions Toy By James Ww. Barton, M.D, Mi Mildred Jackson wishes | Lucille Sort ine, Speci: J Fashic -- (Ottawa. Journal) 3 ab which could be put into satisfactory the pest decade has cost Canada mil- thank Rebe kah Lodge No. 3 for flowers | Designer, Oshawa Daily Reformer. (By Canadian Press) i he in Xo mary. young nak condition without very much ex- | lions in none; and in time THAT BODY OF YOURS { 'ent during her recent illness. Oshawa, Ont Calgary. Ala. Jan. 13.--Chant- | cent present to look lke a hundred pense, except, perhaps, the ventilat- The sessional indemaity js all Entered in accordance with the | SEE ag the "Red: Flag" and. standing | dollars wrong. It should be re-arranged. | copyright act vith bowed heads before the effigy ing system, though surely not a Like a Nur Dining. B RT : an e . £4,000 or smber- if the sossion| Mhke¢ a Housc--Your Dining Room Ww fo" f Ire B li of hLenine, a little group of Drum- Let's hope that, in 1926, no mo- great deal of labor should be invol- ! cy mem ie ie i ha In comparing that body of 'yours } oung ire o rving erin heller Communists conducted the | torists will go out not-knowing they ved in making sure that dust and {~'S ! : we mo » 39.1 to a hou I spoke of the mouth as P 1 » ia soviet fun ervice in t are loaded.--Toronto Telegram. i it lasts two months, $2,000 for lik the ¥ ibul and | uts erse utside t e Pale history of the : valley and coal gas are not being pumped into Hach : Kitchen : a A three ths, and 0 en wi oth fmacl the Kitch Ci ' lieved to be " 2 ihe rooms. No matter how modern | oa be, and Sony his 1 do cmly, think ofthe small intestine as ved 1 ih: x of tht add v ' . ing at all for a session of six nfonth: pla . india a it x ' . Neo 2 the by fo l 4 n ventilating system may be, most taative. wold be. ab crradconsent being like the dining room of the Irving Berlin Wrote 2 Book as An Answer to Clarence H. | (nristiun religion, the Commu toachers will nse the windows for 1" = L0H STIRS 1 house A w 3 Bg . | 1y to rest th body of All " the admission of fresh air; and, |*"*! might produce results In (he dining recom the food hat MacKay $ Queries About His Past; Alexander Woolcott | Swartz. a lad who was burned to 1 ; However, it is altegether likely 8 heen » carefully prepared ip : yw : death when his home was destroyed | i when the windows are open most | : yg ik spetuey 1d ne kitchen is disposed of as. you Edited It and First Copy Went to Ellin MacKay sofbubondl iy . : 2 omelriy( ihe e are J 0 mi or at # " fire recently ventilating systems will not work. at ve re 0 lor Bo Ake what | iy at your table I Ors Bor before tic funeral s EYESIGHT SPECIALIST We say or . * how y y ' ai Tad or aly ah i 7h n o | 4 "i ESIG Y J One wonders what the Inspector oh on ii hot 9 » br 7). 4 Ship y od | oa; 4 has. New York Jan. 13. ~The one | he congratulated Mr. Berlin has | M! the United Charch minister In Muscle Anomwelies, Eyesight : test. tween the two grea arties | pared your food by dividing it u . 3 Ra BA 5 ; J ) . Nioint fg bis jacans when Le stresses the necessity | ® a oo hs iL pa | into: very: small -p Mil anny supremely sad | gained nothing --except Blin, who had been asked fo offich i And Glassks. Exclusively for developing a good school spirit. nere is no choice so far as supe it. and meking preliminary changes riage of Ellin Mackay, daughter of Aud he is. no doubt, more than no fie d that hi 1 wot Clarence H, Mackay, head of the atisfied with his bargain, for her is e required | fini talk is concerned. dae ho é R # Arpwoimenl' Is there not a good esprit de corps | HWity of talk is concerned amd the 0 composition ;: ol : | Led by 5} MeDona 3 : : third party can. relatively, do about Now in order to "dispose" a | Postal Telegraph Company, to ry @ . nay. madly in love with «d by "aul a alas Member of Babys Health Associabon Chere mow? If mot, Why RL? I much . ither of 11 stl od your small inte tine call ing Berlin, the song writer, has to | "C * Mackay's daughter Mr Kid Burns" 4 group of abou: seve . as uch as either © e others. d yo sm iestine calls ' = Ec 1 "tween vid would appear that some improve- Is er er a Ak its aid a couple of juices that throw] 40 With her grandmother, the ven-| Berlin has not gained social posi- | to ten adults auc twenty-five hile i 3 aid a i ' 1 W F . | 2 } 4 aE ee < -- : wrable Mrs. John W. Mackay Now: | ti by his marriage for it i t. | ren marched, wil tae bier ot ent in this respect is desired. Who | hemselves upon the food immedi-| ¢reble 2 ' a dS : { tion by his marriage, for it is doubt- i G6--Phone-- ; i Sh WHAT OTHERS SAY | a hi. A) more than 99 years old Mrs. MacKay | tu] if society--the society in which | cemetery where the Sovi Purse 151 Ph 1516 js responsible? It is, of course, ly it leaves the stomach. These Advi ply and Bid . rs fh { rere followed he letter Ground Floor - Grand Theatre juices make an instantanous change | Who lavished every care and affection | the new Mrs. Berlin's father moves | rites were followed to the letter rou, - p on Ellin, has been made ill from the will ever open its arms to the primarily essential that there should ai . i. vin : N : ¢ his / 3 i : WELL WARMED HOUSES u the feed, and this change enables # . > : . be complete co-operation among the (London Daily Mail) ' the blcod to draw the materials out | sock of her anddaughter's un- | talented composer. who has never members of the staff," says the In- Mai a Canadian, for whom 49 of tie Joa. that it needs If any- sector. Is this the secret? Are | degrees of frost in his own country nicl wigs he : i Agi N : wih Con Ir ne K reas an the teachers mot working together | las no terror, say that the English, f/f SON (OW, JE PESEEEE S00 they should? Are they allowing Ne he Jone, wighimare or just what it needs or perhaps gets | ing up, torn down. disinherit his daughter petty personal comsiderations to im- the cold: houses, tie jor PASSAZEE, )me things that are harmful The almost fairy-like tale of how| New York society > NeeNey one ; . . A ses, ¥ passages, . 9 : : inhostine. is " aChaN. as 3 y Aya f its members weds tide @ terfere with the welfare of the the freezing bedrooms! And oht| You see this small intestine is] Mrs. Mackay, as a Mrs. Bryaue | of its ' mbers weds outside the school as 4 whole? If s ney |the long : erpetual sneeze and; lined with little processes like thei widow of an obscure Brooklyn phy-] sacrosan circle, is notoriously 100 32 A Why a sniffie and smitfle that result the: @ | "pile" of carpet, and the cells cover- | sician, migrated to Virginia City, | snobbish And society has been should know better. The Roformer 1; whips th bronchiti "that is these Hitle processes decide | Nev. in the early days of the gold | more or less educated to expect a r N .] "Q of s i a 3 " 2 3 1 N : . n i ia rs i las the highest regard for teach- |.n win ert | what food is good a vhal iscaaet. | rush of 1849, aud presided over the | brilliant social alliance from Ellin. bie AE 2 phase: AE han RO ; 5 Sh They actually *"'se Fas of | boarding house at which "Jim" It is doubtful if this same society | is 4 a class; We lave olich expres: i well-warmed houses are So ne: {foods as they along over their| Fair and John Mackay made their the most arrogant in the world--- sed this feeling: but we gannot com- healthy wh) Ze Ladin tire ra wn fees. home, how Mr. Mackay fell in love | Will forgive Ellin for disappointing | "done lack of co-operation. That is ust Sluis thoy xe? (30d wir gh Now the point for you and me 10] with her and asked her to be his] it : wtal. Harmony among the staff is a Wifi & '4 comm? 9 remember. is this, Although this | wife, how she later became the Mr. Berlin's Book { ~ damental in suceessful teaching iy fod sige oF OONEME meshes} absorption of the food goes along | greatest American hostess in Eu- Notwithstanding the numerous liscipli H oh. 4 eontiiioms arting out to face the cold out-! VY itself as it were, the rate at| rope, and how she presided with | rumors of a probable alliance be- | discipline. ow can teachers ie with a hizhe Eres Of: reciatd hich the absorption takes place | grace over a mamsion in Carlton | tween Air. Mackay's daughter and | ve 10 govern their pupils if they e with a higher degree of resist-| be interfered with in many ways. | House Terrace, London, and im the| Mr. Berlin. news of the wedding | connot govern themselves. It is to aE frying to cat combinations of food] Bois de Boulouge, Paris, ete, is 1001] «3 as a decided surprise not only | ® hoped that the mpminder given by COMING OUT SOON | ont ih Jor Nour imrticulae Youy, wel Jeivvn 4 ah gig Mac of his aay, ng to the embers | | / . 4 Wy cil, any s§ or- + 50 years Mas. Jo . Mae- s family. 3 : ks Inspector in a kindly aud rather Sir plane Joureal) under-1 } I actually "check" the rate of | kay struggled Lo gain the apex of Mr. Mackay had had frequent | f The Reformer Job Printing Department iroct manner, will awaken to a | og LC ol ay with a con. | SDiorption. the social ladder and Dow, when | talks with his daughter on the sub- | is equipped to do all classes of good Printing. sens> of @uty any who may lutitutional history of Camada; Mr.| And Yet on the other hand it has{ she is mearing the century mark.| ject. and 'tis said she assured him ; re i ve forgotten what is expected of | Lemieux is said '0 be working on a| oot found thas massage of the ab-| and was living in the hope that her the tales of her romance with Mr. We have a careful and efficient staff in every icachers life of Sir Wilfrid Laurier: and Sir| (omen will actually hasten the rate | favorite grandehild would "carry | Berlin were idic gossip, nothing } / HAUTE : George Foster is penning his mem-| * which the food is filtered or ab-| on" socially, she finds she has | more. branch. This brings vr to a thir? state- oirs. All three works considering | sorbed into the blood. struggled in vain. Ellin has mar- That Mr: Berlin does not take ment in the report which is rather the pasts played by the andhors. However a better scheme than | ried outside the society her famous | seriously Mr. Mackay's objections ' surprising. The mespeetor Says. "The | should be of deep interest. massage for the person in average | grandmother adored and worship- | to his early beginnings is well Have us do-- : Ah ad . health is "o take simple; exercises | ped. © | known. Some months ago, when general discipline appears tv be sat- FY like Je bending or twisting of the It is Mrs. John W. Mackay and | Mr. Mackay is said to have asked a YOUR OFFICE PRINTING isfactory bat in come classrooms it CRISP COMMENT | trunk. You see you not only "mas-|{ pa, blasted hopes 'that everyone | Dumber of people about the past of , J is mot what it should be." The word EE se the intestine with your owal roots sorry for. 4 the man. who is new his son-in-law, YOUR SOCIET X PRINTING antistaniors™ is . x "Mincemeat is mot what it used | Wusecles playing upon it, but you sR ia Mr. Berlin is credited with having LE satisfactory" jis mot good x hough. 0 gg ho _-- By develop the abdominal musele also, 5 Two. Views ' said he would write the story of YOUR PAMPH TS Why cannot the general discipline be home-vooking column. It never | This development of these muscles "What a wonderful alliance for | his life so that not only Mr. Mac- , labelled "excellent™? Nothing less | was.-- Brockville Recorder and | #5 You kK Wow. means an upright frying ak is what one hears over | kay, but the world at large, would | YOUR ILLUSTRATED than that will satisty the parents iMimes. carriage amd that your organs--in- {on Broadway. : . | know just who and what he is. - ~ sikoss hove sul girls ane in = ne The meek shall inherit the earih.| testines inecluded--are in the right: "What a mistake for Mr. Berlin] with the assistance of Alexander | CATALOGUES sipali g : But there won't be mueca fun mn a| Position in that body of yours. to make" --ithat is what one hears | Woolcott he produced a book that, ance at the Oshawa High Scheel. world peopled exclusively by hen- == along Fifth and Park avenues. is one of the most intevesting hu- YOUR PRICE LISTS Then, if the discipline in some class- | pecked husbands. --Fara Leader. Amonz the meek who inherit the Ellin, by her marriage has gained | man documents it has ever been my i ' S OW CARDS rooms is mot what it should oe, why Walking is declared to be a iost| ©arti there won't be any drivers of {a talented husband. a man. wha has| good fortune to peruse. It is the YOUR SHO i oe : A ive Ks de all the world sing. She is 10] tale of th ise f a » : ae . . . ie art. But jumping quickly isn't.-- five-ton irucks. 4 Ma ale of the rise of a young man cannot it at once be brouzui up 0 i» from the lowest har-rooms of New and 4 Kingston Standard. standard? Why was it allowed to os PT + : x . A i LT reer York's Boxeny 4 internati 1 We're willing to bet few of the Tanit's oxary lo antennations : ERAI PRI N( : fall below standard? When discip- | girls will hang ug Choir stockings fame. Nothing is hidden in the YOUR GEN NTI line is bad there can be no successful | rolled. --Border Cities Star. " ook oo Jeri has dot a utipted teaching. Florida makes a newcomer a diu- . A spade is called a spade--everr- We cary all grades of paper stock for The teacher who has a strong, ZeR oo Six mnths. And damesiioates thing, including "Nigger Mike's" Such Ad A 4 A his money ir six minutes.-- Boston Z ' y ' 4 idl - of dominating personality, mever has | Transcript Fleven Wall Street, New York. She sawdust, the peters pirickend doing every description of printing. i iscipline sachi st dav "he year oo i : id L > i x wme, ete, is set down in black and trouble with discipline, leaching or The shortest day of the year comes Direct Private Wires to New York and other Leading Securni- ae 0 ih volume for all she anything else. Such a teacher does |©n December 21. In a noial ties and Commodities Markets. world to read--and remember. All work strictly first class ; ; way, however, it is the day siter : : 32a. not meed to be severe. It is the yay. dogs Ne a AL Lats Stan- ws Branch Offices: For that book, Mr. Berlin is to] 1! . weak teacher who lets the class run | gard , 4 Stale nahn e Philadelphia, Pa. be congratulated. It takes a great and at a reasonable price x 5 ibid : " N aap] y Francis al. - - ta . ) ti ) ome 1. Cotton Exchange San Francisco, | man, a man with 2a monunmen riot until conditions become into} PARE Los Angeles, Cal. character. io tell of such sordid : Ne ie vl erable and then bursts out in a ter- ; » Board of Trade or things, after he has won renown, a a rible rage which results in some : Womipeg Aran Exchange Tacoma, Wasi: : and. by his own efforts, amassed a y § Lind of unnecessary violence, MOUNTAIN WATER New Noth Sothiee and Sugar Exchange Se, ash. considerable fortune. oo : 4 The High School is one of the | You have "aken a drink from a wild New York Produce Exchange Bate hant. When the book was finally finish- t 4 ; f Oshawa's insti fountain. San Francisco Stock and Bond : 9 Oni. ed, the young woman, who is now most important of Gshawa's institu- xc Houston, Texas. his wife. was presented with the { y, vaure of the mar- conventonal marriage. 'It seems the | made any secret of his humble be- irony of fate that Mrs. Mackay has | ginnings. He has not gained a lived to see the great social siruec- | wealthy bride For, if reports are ture she was so many years in build- | to be credited, Mr. Mackay .will Early in the year: Exchange x tions. « It must be beyond vepreach. | There is nowhere 10 go from the top Los Angeles Stock Exchange Winnipeg, Man. first copy from the presses. In tara- > Toronto Stock Exchange Miami Beach, Fla. ing the book over to Ellin, Mr. Ber- In all kindness we would point opt of a mountain Associate Members Palm Beach, Fla. , : y : to the teaching staff that such state- But down. my dear; Liverpool Coton Association "Washington, D.C. lin is said to have asked her to hand i mo the , nl And "he spring that flows on the it to her father. Publishers, Oshawa Daily Reformer menis, as have been preferved to floor of the valley TORONTO OFFICE ? That was Mr. Berlin's answer to above shpuid mot be possible in an ) Will never seem fresh or clear ; 9-13 King Street, West, Toronto Mr. Mackay's queries about his ly 's peport. As a rule, in- |For thinking of the glitter of the A i Pant, . ingpedior's report. x uy eis rae Telephone: Adelaide 3273-4-5 : Will Long Be Wopic of Talk posters like to indulge in some water Fork' i spoctors like som { It will take New York's society] ¢ : ; in the feather): green of ithe year. . 3 B praise, In this case the dnspecior --~Scribner's Magazine, quite some time to forget Ellin and A --------