Fosaley - ad : g " ---- eee ete . -- -------- News of Eastern Ontario ; SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD At the annuai meeting of the Campbellford rg Boparate Sehaul Board the following trustees were ve-ei- ected for the eurrent year: Duncan Kerr, Richard Look, ohn O'SulH- piinb H. Cassid a). P J. Sarginson aud a successor for iam Keating has" yet been ¢ mn. J. Lynch will con- tinge ry resenit tha Hoard on the Board of Education, . BROTHERHOOD ORGANIZES . The Mens Brotherhood of tne Millbrook United Church has vrgan- ized for '1926 as follows: Honorary 'Presidents, Rev, J, Wilks snd Rev. ¥, H, Howard; President, L. W. Smith; Vice President, H, W. John- ston; Sec'y-Treas, W. Tremaine; ners to take the places of the lacked out, employees were brought in fro Renfrew, Peterboro, Toronto an Brantford and the mils started up Monday morning with practically a full force in this depariment, In-' cluding a new foreman. Two pol- icemen were stationed at the gate of the plant. when - work started Monday but there was no disorder, Although the old employaes were | on hand they were fot admitted ex- cept to secure their personal belong- ings, 5 HAS NOSR BROKEN 'When the ladder upon whieh he was standing while removing some decorations from the wall of the ball room at the Port Hope Town Hall slipped out from under him, John Laurie was hurled to tha floor, Its Value To You By NEIL E. FELT With Felt Bros, the Leading Jewellers 12 SIMCOE ST. 8. If You Have Eye : ¥ Strain You probably realize ' that everything is not as it should be. You may not know WHAT is wrong, but that something is you are sure, Many people g0 on suffering in that way for many years, and never learn that their eyes are the cause of the trouble. Our service will correct your eye strain, | Musical Director, M, McDowell; kx- sustaining a broken nose abrasi ecutive Members, Messrs Par | shout the tace and a long deep gash was 20,69 cents, The number of |! cognizance of. The wild preaching day without danger | the sense in which such blindness is FOUND DEAD WITH rinder, M. MeDowell and, F. Me- Mahon, in the leg, ELECT OHAIRMA N FIFTY 'YRARS MARRIED At the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. H, Dobbin, 622 George streat, Pet- erboro, were"gathered on New Year's Day members of the family, coming from a-'distance to participate in the festivities, Mr, and Mrs. H. B., Pope, of Montreal, with two sons; Mr, and Mrs, G. W, Dartnell, of 8t, Cathar- ines, and Mr, and Mrs, 8. C, Cook of Toronto, with their ' danghter. Miss Daisy Dobbin, Ossining, N.Y. was detained with her professional Last night the inaugural meeting of the Kingston Board of Education took place. L. T, Best, druggist, was elected chairman. Mayor An- grove stressed the need of economy as the desire was to cut the tax rate again this year, Tho chairman of committees are: management, T, G, Bishop; property,, F, R. Baldwin; health, Mrs. Revelle; industrial, Al- lan Lemmon, commercial, I, FP, Met- calfe, representative to Ifhrary man, secretary; Howard Clark, Jas, Clark and Reg- inald McCulloch, directors, Campbell has heen re-ongaged maker, durin of which $1,176 was and $650 on contents, pounds of butter fat way 30,297,463 and the price per standard for milk averaged $57.32. The following of- ficers have been eleciad: William Anderson, president; Howard Yair- Fred Rutherord, John as FIRE LOSS $1,825. The total fire loss in Camphallford the year 1925 was $1,825, on buildings The total of long-huired ill-balanced Com- munists might go on until dooms- in a countwy wherein Justice really is blind in 'understood, This preaching would | constitute a real menace if the be- i lief once became firmly grounded that there is one law for the poor and friendless and another for the Hich and powerful, A BULLET WOUND Had Been Stricken With Grief Over Death of Wife Three Weeks Ago Toronto, Jan, 6.--Stricken with grief over the death four weeks ago of his wife, Rdgar E, Richard, aged 70, was last night found dead with a bullet wound in his head at his home, 1007 Logan Avenue. From the condition of the body, Chief Coroner G. W, Graham is of the opinion the man had been dead three days, CAUGHT IN THE TRAP (Montreal Herald) As regurds the rubber situation. which is the occasion for especial agitation, it now develops that the American importers hrought the re- striction of output, with consequent higher prices, on themselves, There wuld have heen no restriction what- ever if American importing interests ----- PRTER GIVES HIMNELF AWAY (By Thornton W. Burgess) Impulsive folk, do what they may, Are sure to give themselves away. --O0ld Mother Nature, Peter Rabbit squatting on the hig log in which he had found shelter from the storm, watched Reddy Fox flcundering through the snow with Jumper the Hare only a tantalizing jump or two ahead. Peter now rea- lized as never before ihe use - of those big feet jumper possessed, and which had so often been laughed at, Jumper was travelling casily on top of the sncw. He didn't sink in enough to hother him in the least, Peter himself, so very much smaller than Jumper, was a prisoner right there hecause hé@ couldn't get whout in that soft snow fast enough to be safe. "lI wish my feet were bh tered Peter wistfully. Jumper was teasing eddy Fox. It didn't seem right to tease one who was hungry, hut Pater knew just how Jumper fel? Many a fright had Reddy Fox ziven Jumper, Many a time had Jumper had to run and dodge to save his iife from Reddy, Now he had a chanca to get even in a way. It isn't nice to get even, but some Limes it 8 a ix." ig," mut- might have started some one that he, Hooty, could catch. As he drew nearer he saw Jump- er the Hare. If Jumper had been squatting motionless the chances are that Hooty wouldn't have seen him. But Jumper was hopping along on the snow just yhead of Reddy Fox in the most provoking way. Now if there is any (ne din- ner Hooty likes it is a dinner of Hare, He saw at once that Jumper was giving all his attention to Red- dy. That Hare dinner looked like ba sure thing. "I am certain that Hooty would have grinned if he could have. He set his great curv- ed claws ready to strike, and noise- lessly, for all the worll like a moy- ing shadow, -headed straight for Jumper. "It would be fun to take a dinner right from under the nose of Reddy Fox," thought Hooty. It was Peter Rabbit who was first aware of Hooty the Owl, Peter was great!y interesting in watching Jumper and Reddy, hut he .didn't forget to watch out for possihle ene- mies, So it was that he saw what at first looked like a drifting sha- dow, but which in a moment he re- ccgnized as Hooty the Owl. By that time Hooty was just reaching with those great feathered feet with their dreadful claws, to seize %l Se ---- -- --- in behalf of the poor, the needy, the outcast. By his liberality he won the title of the penniless millionaire. Eleven million dollars was given away by this man for the cause of charity and education. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Straus, Frick and a half dozen others have given millions for charity and education, hut none zave as much in proportion as Qid this man. He gave millions and died with an estate of practically noth- ing, An estate of $14,000 was left to a son and daughter. He also left an imperishable name. a ,____- I, ,.e-, THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082 Day or Night Just a teaspoonful of GILLEX to a dishpan of water, will make china, sflver and glass- ware glisten with cleanliness, HY hoard, Inspector Btewart._ .... .. MASON{O FUNOTION A regular convocation of Molin Chapter, Belleville; wus held In the Masonic Temple, Front street, with a large number of companions in Jumper. Without stopping to think that he was giving himself away, Peter thumped that old log. It was the danger signal. Instantly Jumper dodged. (Copyright, 1926, 68%). had heen willing to buy rubber when it was down to one shilling and sixpence per pound, They thought the rubber growers were in desperate straits and that they conld, hy keeping out of the mar- ket, depress prices still more, Then great temptation, So Jumper was keeping just cut of reach of Reddy and was laughing at him. It. was- n't often that Jumper had such a chance and he was making the most of it, He was go intent on this that he had forgotten "everything else. numher of alarms was 39, but at least one-third of these were no- thing more serious than for hurn- ing chimneys, The fire depart: ment last year cost the town $604.16 of which $470 went to pay the sal- aries of Chief Chas. H, Davidson and duties .in the Mepis) in that city, Many friends wardeq congratn- lations by mail and phone, and the odcasion 'wa¥ marked by many beautiful gitts incidental to snch an event and recognizing the comple- tion of fifty years of a happy mar- E W. GILLETY CO, LTD, TORONTO, CANADA hy T. W. Burg- attendance, It was the occasion of the official visit of the Intermediate Past Grand First Principle, R, H, Spencer of Trenton ana Grand Sup- erintendent, F. H, Chedhar and num- ber.of companions accompanied Ex- Comp. Spenceg/ from Trenton, The officers of the Chapter exemplified the degree work in the Lodge and they were highly complimented on their work hy both the Grand lodge Officers. ---- ' DATRYMEN MEET The forty-ninth annual convention ried life, SPINNERS REPLACED About 25 of the spinners employed in the mills. of the Campbhellford Cloth Company failed te' report for work 'on Saturday Iasi although it is alleged, that they nad heen noti- fied that they would, be expooted to show "up. They "Were accordingly notifie that their services wonld no lomger' be required, New .spin- ----. iL gade, paid out for gasoline, chemicals and other supplies for the fire truck, The brigade was on several called t rendere of chemicals, supply limits of the corporation truck which has about four years is regarded of the has ever made, 16 members of the volunteer hri- the halance $134.16, being occasions fires ont of town, ana 'effective aid with the nge there heing no water available heyond the The fire usa for a8 one town been . in best investments the of the Dairymen's Association of] Eastern Ontario, opened in Kingston || yesterday morning at ten o'clock at the Eastern Dairy School there and »will continue. until Thursday night. The program for the morning was the Focelving of the addréss of the presid W. H. Olmstead, of Leon- ard, Ant the appointment of commit- tees, There was 4 large number of delegates in attendance from all PUT CREAM IN NOSE The Townsend Case And Others' (Farmers' Sun Jan. 7) over the eastern part of the prov- AND STOP CATARRH ince and there was every izdicution that the convention would be a great If the Townsend case. stood alone, Wing the ratification and enforcement came the Stevenson plan, restrict- ing exports to 60 percent hut pro- viding for increases as the price ad- vanced. The importers rushed in for supplies they had neglected to se- cure and pushed up prices, The Americans, caught in their | own trap, are now crying to the very | heavens ahout the harsh injustice of | this cruel world. GRU ESOME RECORD (New York "e.egram) Whereas within the year follow- of prohibition the samples of seized lignor yielded a 'report that fifty percent of the stuff was pure, the figures for 1925 disclose that Jess than two percent of seized samples were free from poison. In 1918, under war-time prohihi- tion, there were eighty-seveh deaths from poisonous alcohol in New York, In 1921, the first full year of Volsteadian enforcement, there wore 127 deaths, In the first eleven months of 1923 there were 511 per- eons slain b poisonous alcohol hey: erages. {and the He had forgotten that there-might he other hungry enemias abroad. short, he was so enjoying this teas- ing of Reddy Fox that he had for- gotten to watch out, a thing that none of the little people of the Green Forest can afford ever to do, Now, as you know, Jumper's coat was snowy white Sitting still he looked like a little heap of snow, sharpest eyes would he likely to overlcok him... But. when he moved, as he was doing now, watchful eyes would he almost sure to see him. This is why he shonld never for a moment have ceased to keep watcl wo Now Red®¥y Fox wasn't 1he only hunter abroad that night. In faet, there were several. But thers was one to whom the snow made no dif- ference in getting about It was Hooty the Great Horned Owl. Hooty was hungry, for he had not heen able to hunt the night heforse on account of the snowstorm 80 his great fierce eyes looked even fiercer than usual as on his noiseless wings 'he hunted through the Green Forest. Ing, The next story: "A Silly Quarrel." A GENEROUS PANTOR (Kingston Britisn Whig) Rev. Dr. Russell H, Conwell, of the Baptist Temple, Now York, was a fcllower of Jesus in going about doing good. During his lifetime he earned $11,000,000 by his own ef- forts. Every dollar of it was spent Solvay The Original Pro- cess and the Best Produced. We are Sole Agents for Oshawa Coke Phones and had heen properly reported in sucee e mefit t 55 a0 a great bensfit to those the first instance, it would probably interested in the -Dairy industry in And this, - bear in mind, is the He was on his way 10 ode of his fuy- WHER "het Eastern 'Ontario, everyday occurrence. have passed with no more comment than other police court cases of record of New York city alone. The facts with respect to thé killing: in the whole nation would he an even orite hunting grounds' caught sight of Reddy Fox [louler- ing along in the snow. AL once he 'Dixon's 262-540 ina - momen ri Ave or aiareh al on SR noetr! wi open, he Any il oar wom | ser reely, No more dull no hawking, snulling, ORDER STEEL SCOW The Frontenac Dredging Copirpany of which Anthony Rankin, M.P.P., Collins Bay, is the head, has given the Canadian Locomotive Company of Kingston a contract for the ron- struction of a steel scow of 120 tons, The vessel is smething new in. the way of marine. construstion and is a venture. Work og the ves- sel will be started at the local works just as soon as the material can be placed on the ground, : An addition- al. number of men wit. be émploied at the work as the yesult of this | contract, but William ty, J», was | unable to say just how many exira men will be required, as the work | will be carried alopg with the steel work that is being 'dop2 for the Aluminum Company of 'America, HAD RECORD YEAR Like all other institutions fn: the Campbeliford district engaged in the same line of businéss, the LX.L. cheese factory close a banner segson. There were 979,401. pounds of milk delivered at the factory and this was: converted into 88,567 "powids of cheese. It required 171.05 .pounds of milk for every pound of cheege. The total receipts for the year were $18,812.73 and the expenses were $2,699.04, The average price re- ceived for cheese during the season headed that way to pee if Reddy HET ABR A, more grewsome record. Townsend was not a "hoy" as first reported: he is approaching thirty years of age. One of the of- fences on which his conviction was based was a partienlarly despicable | one--forging the name of a friend] while that friend lay sick in hos- pital, Nor was the sentence imposed Dy the convicting -magistrate based wholly on the crimes charged. The Beneral reputation of the offender was apparently taken into account as well--that reputation including laziness, banging dround dance - Announcement! put of poor a, in England ioney he might easily have earned We Have Been Appointed Exclusive Distributing Agents for. the Counties of Ontario and Durham for the The Acme of Federal Ortho-Sonic Radio Receivers Rradio Perfection! ad previously been lh 0 mend his ways. The whole Town- Choose your Radio Set on its performance. Be particular, do not permit beautiy of design to offset performance, The new Federal Ortho-Sonic Receiver gives your results beyond send story, as told when up for ap- your conception. A------ Luke Furniture Company peal, indicates that the offender is one of a type that should never have beep admitted to this country and that, since he capmot be deported, the only proper place for him is confinement until he learns to mend his ways. If the man were freed to- morrow, those emotional people who are shedding both ink and tears over his fate today would doubtless squabble for a time between them- selves about the direction of his future course, just as "Jinx's Baby" wis squabbled over fifty years ago; and, after this squabble was over, {Townsend would drop out of the picture as completely as did the "Baby" in the Jenkin's novel of a 'past generation. The main cause, however, of the general outery that has arisen over the Townsend case is because of the contrast. it affords with other cases of late before the courts. There is still fresh in the public memory the story of the looting of a bank, loot- ing from the inside, and the distress thereby brought to thousands of " depositors and shareho| There is still fresh in the pu > memory, 100, the fact that the only pre to su igor nishment was a en offic was presumably financially ol to bear the costs of long-continued litigation. People still remember, 100, a more recent trial in which, after sufficient time had elapsed for public anger to cool.' a decision was reached that might not have beem reached if trial had occurred at am earlier date. it is mot the Townsend judgment 'that has aroused public feeling. ft] fs the contrast between the swift and stern punishment that followed upon am offénce committed by " iricadion and penniless offender d t impoteiice of the § Select a Federal Ortho-Sonic because of reproduction, B-30 Same as D-20 except that the mew Feder al adjustable speaker has been incorporated an the cabinet. This design provides simple sweeping ourves which add greatly to the general appear- ance of the cabner. Speaker space is mot cramped, but is sufficient to allow the fullest development of Ortho-Sonic re- FTOGUC Lon, Length, 30 inches: height, 20 inches; fepth. 15 inches Prige wathout sores 1. Mts selective tonal 2. Ms selectivity and case of eporation. 3. The assurance of long distance reception. 4. The quality of the parts used in its construction. Bs- erything Federal manufacture. A 6. The reliability of the makers. Federal have been manufactaring sound tramsmission devices for over a guantér of a century. 5. The beautifinl cabinets of selected. woods, A 1 A Five-tube Receiv- er, Tuned Radio ¥re- guency tape. Extremely simple to operate. Thoee tuning dials log practically togethers, Ne er adjustanents mecessary if tuning. Adapted for operation with either "wt battens" or 4 A ha bealital brown Louie. Ontlie- g avowvides ale farthest anos in tonal I amchesz" , 12 amchees. Price with can aboessoics _-- 'SUB-AGENTS THROUGHOUT DURHAM AND ONTARIO WILL BE APPOINTED , ON APPLICATION A Telephone Call wilh placa Federal i yous own home st any time without obligation for & demonstration or you can hear'our sets in our Show Rooms at 63 King St. E. EL Ly Tu Put on by outsiders where they get » big commie Si v's "ules Hd Sarmotes You ¢ profi A i. 47 * Here's a Little Story i. a a On All Sets Sold From Jan. 9th to 30th we Will Allow 10 Months to Pay ONE-FIFTH DOWN, BALANCE IN TEN MONTHS. inches ; " Fios ~ quality. A This is an inthoductory offer only. On all purchases after the i date above our regular six months terms will apply. . BY I TH i oak of yo ove. soi 6 Whe Aside, sa hie on in. s Phone 1000 % | :