SOCTAL anc PERSONAL i -- --~Miss Edith Cator, of Bowman- ville, was a recent visitor in the city. --~Miss Audrey Morison, 422 Masson street, is visiting relatives in Toronto, Mr. W, J. Mullen, of Lindsay, was in Oshawa Tuesday on business. f "Mrs Jean Lee has returned to her 'home in Chicago after spend- ,ing a month with her parents, Mr. and Mes, W, H, Tonkin, Ritson Road south,' --Mrs, Fred Bailes and son, Don- ald, Teave for California Saturday morning, --Mr. Joseph Pickens, of Gooder ham, is spending some time visiting in the city, --Mr, and "Mrs. A, D. Tomlin spent the past week-end with relatives in Cambray --Mr, family, 'Bowmanville, visitors in Oshawa, --Mrs." B, Taplin, of Novar, Musk- oka, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, J. 0. Clifford, Athol street west, --Mr, William Thorburn and Miss Sarah Thorburn, of Salem, have ac- cepted positions in. this city, --M#, and Mrs, R, CC. Short and grandson, Leon, of Tory Hill, are renewing acquaintances in this city, ourtice and vicinity. "--The Misses Brimacomb:, Elgin street, Bowmanville, were visiting their sister, Mrs. R. Snowden, in the city over the holiday and we k-enil. --Miss E. V. Cronk returned to Scotch Line recently after spend- ing two weeks with her parents in this city, --Mrs, M. BE, Leask las returned home after spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barry, Hamil ton, --Mr, William Greer, who has been spending his holidays with his mother, | Mrs. W. Greer, Bruce street, has re turned to Beaverton. '--Mr. Leonard Dart, of the Bank of Montreal staff, spent the New Year's week-end with his parenis p Mr. and Mrs. Jobn A, Dart, Halibur- ton, --Miss Elma Hogarth, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. H, W, Hogarth, left for the Isolation Hospital, Toronto where she will spend two months finishing her Nurses' Training Course. Miss Hogarta just finished her course ip the Oshawa General " Hospital. ' / and Mrs. L. Ward and were recent WEEK OF PRAYER MEETINGS CONTINUE Rev. Dr. Fletcher and Adju- tant Barclay Were Last | Night's Soeakers Meetings in connection wich the Annual week of Prayer were held | yesterday evening in the Athol | Skreet Church under the aus- pices of the Preshyterian con- petitions and hymns anc as well as Seripture reading, 7 (iyi 7 7717, NN 8 We PATTERN 350 of of the true inserted bands makes. a frock "smartness, The pattern tor this model is sim- ple and easily followed. mn sizes 16 years and measure. It will be upon receipt of twenty stamps. Refer to pattern Lucille Lorraine, Si Designer, Oshawa Daily Oshawa, Ont, al 36-42 zent addresses } Crepe meteor will prove to be the mid-season's most popular material and made up on the dull side with shiny side Parisian It comes bust you in to cents Address I"ashion Reformer, | of RADIO BUILT IN (London Free Press) Radio has proved its use so thor- cughly for business as well as for purposes of entertainment that it has passed from the catalogues of luxuries to that of necessities, . 80 thoroughly have the British husiness men become convinced that radio is 'necessary' that few places of business or few homes are com- plete without a "set", as The following news item "from Fulham, England, is a testimony to radio's hold: "The first block of English resi- i a to have radic provided he same way as gas or elecirie light is situated here. Centrel receiv- ing set has been installed and wall sockets for two pairs of telephofes are provided in each of the 138 sit- ting rooms. The service is free." + What Fulham has done other com- munities also are preparing to do. A GREAT INDUSTRY (Financial Post) From small beginnings in Sher- brooke, Quebec, the manufacture of textiles in Canada has shown a steady growth, until it stands very near the top of our industries as lu. as the value of the finished pro- duct is concerned, Today the industry embraces over 1,700 mills employing 75,000 per- sons and representing an Invesw ment of nearly $270,000,000, which produces well over the $300,000,000 mark annually in various forms of textiles, | As a whole, Canadians are unap- preciative of the extent of this in- dustry and the value of such a group of plants to the country ap a whole, = = Starved Hearts by Mildred Barbour (CONCERNING THE ACTION AND THE CHARACTERS NTEIPHEN LANE, wealthy, « middle-aged, despotie, who vides with an iron hand, © BARBARA, his young wife, who sold herself into a loveless mars ringe,~opposed his brother's marriage some twenty years bes fore and now resents the guard fanship of his beautiful orph- aned niece, ADELON, whose boy and girl ir with / DUANE FARLEY, he has al- vemdy broken up, with the re- sult that Fapley turns to Bar- bara for sympathy while ANN ORDWAY, lifelong family friend, befriends Madelon, JULIAN BARTON, who her real love, GOLDEN DAYS As the weeks that followed length- ened into months, the thought of Duane Farley came less and less of- ten to Madelon. At first she had bit- ter sessions with hersel; when sh scoupaged herself for her fickleness. To the convent-bred :sirl, it seemea that she must be sinfully capricious to have forgotten him so quickly. But always, to this mood, came the comforting memory that Ann Ord- way had counselled hz. against mar- rying the first man who offered. Then too, Julian Barton was prov-| ing a modern St. Anthony. lite hy | little he was driving out the dragon remorse. Madelon saw him almost daily-- wins ce © gregation and at Cedardale under the auspices of the Upited Church. At Athol Street the Rev. A. C.| Reeves. presided and Dr. Fletcher | was the speaker. At Codardzlc the Rev. R. A. Whattam conducted the! meeting while Adjutant Barclay! -was the bearer of 2 message ! At "both places there wera good | congregations: present in spite of | the inclement weather aud in spite | of the fact that it, was the fourth night of meeting. { The topic for the evening was "Nations and Their Rulers." and this was kept .before all minds by EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Many eyes are slowly but surely being crippled BY uiitor- rected defeets. Have pure ¢or- Ii "rected NOW. . 3 | PN | esr Sirloin ... ib Thick R MARTIV'S PURE pe: Blade Roast... 15¢ A. Martin Ltd. Friday & Saturday SPECIALS Round Steak Roast 18¢c 27c 18¢ Shoulder Roast Trimmed Shoulder ' Roast Pork .. 23¢ Trimmed Butts, 27¢ Fresh Legs Pork whole or half, 28¢ Fresh Pork Ten- derloin SAUSAGES ° CEYLON TEA RICH IX FY Sweet Mix Pickles, Little Pork. 32¢ 2 for 25¢ AVOR Ham Bologna .. 25¢ Jelliec Veal 40c Veal and Macaroni | He repelled all her efforts at friendli- { ness, froze the very well-springs of | phere of the house itself wiped.away | all her buoyancy every time she en- 'ly winter when she had dropped in | about my-hyumble abode. . ..You sce, (it from a noble motive, my child, I've | mo illusions about mys | hope to warm myself vicariously in the glow." ' grate fire with | are many more lonely hearis in the ' world than you'd ever suspect? And | mess, everything to make life com- dinners and dances which friends of Ann's arranged for her, Lane had sect h.s foot down firmly upon any entertainment for his young niece, and Bavbara had at Ann's, at perforce, to echey him; but Ann ral- lied her own horde of friaads te | her aid, and Madelon's season was a | gay one despite Stephen's objections. All thrcugh the late antamn and winter, Madelon motored with Bart- | on every afternoon. Sometimes they chose the Park, trim, conventional, teeming with smart motos and equally smart mounts, cantering al- ong the bridle paths, Sometimes they drove far out into the ccuntry where the roads were richly splerdid | with antumn foliage, and dark, om- incus clouds, presaging snowfalls to come, banked up against the bril- liant sunset, T™e keca wind whip- ped the color into their cheeks 210d stirred their pulses with _he mere joy of youth and life Curiously enough, in all those | weeks Madelon never met Duane Farley Stephen Lane's command | was being carried out to the letter. | Once, however, in the Park with | Barton, she caught a glimpse of FPar- | ley on horseback. Involuntarily she | shank back in the of car, but he did not s>2 noted with a curious sense of 1e-| lief, that he was laughirg and spur-| ring his horse in pursuit of a girl | on a big chestnut, | The car flashed past the two in an instant, but to Madelon, there was something curiously familiar about | the chestnut mount and the girl's | trim, black-tailored habit. Barbara | had just such an outfit and she 10de | each afterncon. Sometimes Lane | accompanied her, but mere oiten she | rode alene, 1 Madelon hoped it was Barbara. | She was sorry for Barbara What a lonely life Lane foreed her to lead. She was glad that Duane Fariey wasn't moping. Her conscience no | longer troubled her. Nothing troubled ner during those golden days. She was happier than she had ever dreamed of heing. even in convent, when life was still an un- | cpened volume and she could only sense the adventures that lay be- tween its pages The only blot on her happiness was the Lane household, the bleak, cold atmosphere of it, and the un- comprimising sternness of her ancle. the Fhe heltey ner, her affection, just a3 the atmos- tered it." More and more, she came to stay at Ann Ordway's. "I like it here," she fold Ann frankly one dismal afterncon in gor just before -tea-time ard, miracu-| lously, found Ann alone. "It's like coming into sunlight to come here from Uncle Stephen's." Ann smiled understandingly. "I hope everyone foels that way it's something of a hobby of mine, this trying to bring sunlight into people's lives. Don't think . . and 1 bon- estly think that 1 do it because I "Do vou know, Madelon," leaned forward, idly stirring the the tongs, "there curiously, you find them nore cftem where there seems to be great full- fortable and pleasaniss - She looked up with a whimsical little smile. "f am one of the lonely hearts; Barbara Lane, poor child, is another, even Stephen, though he may not guess it, is lonely. 1 hope you will never come to join aur om Pan little EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tablets and are free of the Griping Paina and Sick Headaches. : t says : ative gout mamile of Face. Fab. and took them for pain lets, severe {monthly) and headache. At the end of Phos. A. MARTIN Lid. Pore: 16 SIMCOF ST. S. Delivery to all parts of the city v TAKE ZUTOO. 30 minutes, 1 was entirely free of pain and experienced no more the period. Isuffera great deal atthese times aad feel grateful that Ihave a remedy which affords quick relief. Every woman in the land should know om Zutoo Tablets and Yhat they a rr Mrs. ALLEN HT, Fulford, Que. Avon" Madelon. It's a sad; dreary cura- van." "I 'don't believe I un began Madelon, ut Ann went on unheeding, her eyes on the five, "We live life by proxy, we of the starved hearts. We lend a hand to young Romance, we pin on the bride's veil. We soothe the walls of the newborn and close the eyes of the dead. Sometimey it is vouch- saféd us to snatch a soul from ship wreck. We watch the drama, the adventure, the joys and sorrows and thrills of life... .but they are never our thrills." With an abrupt gesture Ann {lung down the tongs and stood up. "I'm talking like an old fool," she said briskly. "Forget it!" p She walked to the window and locked out at the grey afternoon, "l think it's going to snow he- fore night, .., There's Julian Bart- on's ear stopping at my door," she anncunced, She turned and looked quizzieally at Madelon who promptly flushed. "I--he--1 told him I might come to see you this afternoon." Ann chuckled softly, "Remember what I just raid about lending a hand to young vomance? . +... Well, suppose you give him tea and entertain him fer me. I've an appointment uptown that Fd forgot- ten until this minute." Copyright, 1923, Metroplitan News- paper Service, New York derstand--"' CHINA AND THE VOREIGNER (Providence Jounal) However much the Chinese may hate foreigners, they must acknowl- edge that the economic progress the country has made in the last halt century is traceable to the protec- tion forcign nations huve given dur- ing domestic disturbances to the Chinese enterprises which make trade possible. Were the railroads, the mines, the shipping and various other forins of industrial effort and various 'ooan industrial effort not afforded foreign protection in crises like the pros- ent, China' would be much more backward than she actually is today. And everyone knows that her pro- gress is painfully slow even when military action is less in evidences, A Good bad name may be made over- night--but a good name is the result of slow building. As it is with an in- dividual, so itis with a product, There are some Old Country products were known 'hundreds of years ago, and whose good names are priceless, In Canada there are products that have stood for quality for many years, Thirty years ago the name "RED ROSE" was known to few. Now it stands for everything that Canada, in Newfoundland; is Above Price thats is good in tea--throughout -- (| Name in the West Indices, and in parts of the United States. Every package, and RED ROSE is never sold in any other way, with the name on it; is your guaran- tee of quality.. Be sure to ask for it by the full name, especially when buying Orange Pekoe Tea. There are many Orange Pckoes but only one RED ROSE, the finest of them all. RED ROSE is most carefully sclected and blended, and is very rich\ flavory. Its good name is your guarantee, 4 And our personal guar- anlee is, that if a package of RED ROSE TEA ever fails to please you the price you'paid will be refunded. Will you try it? Please! T,H. Estabrooks Co., Ltd, 71 RTT, ce te is Reformer Want Ads. Are Busy Salesmen EE ---- -- J = 1010),,08., 000), STORES CANADA'S LARGEST "Where RETA Quality LIMITED il. GROCERS Courits" One Sure Way of Saving Money Your nearest DOMINION STORE is the one place you make sure of carrying out your New Year resolution to save money. You can always save there without a sacrifice of quality. Nl CL - -- No. 3 TIN Babbitt's Cleanser 3 pks. Handy Ammonia Quick Quaker Oats 1 1b, Patna Rice 1 1b. Tapioca or Sago Clark's Beans Flavoring Extracts Old City Prepared Mustard Christie's Sodas, pkg. Chipso--Quick Suds 1 1b. TIN « TIGER or EAGLE 19c¢ Mixed Candy, Reg. 23c Dominion Corn Flakes, 2 pkts, 8-0z. Heinz Ketchup Domino Brand Baking Powder, 1-lb. tin, sass Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs. 3 lbs. White Beans 3 lbs. Wheatlets Y2~1b. pkt. Cut Mixed Peel 4 Pancake Flour, pkt. Cron or Beehive CORN SYRUP 2 Tins 23°. 29c¢ 2 lbs. Mince Meat Licorice Allsorts, 1b. 2 tins Crossed Fish Sardines Fresh Milled Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. Arrowroot Biscuits 16-0z. jar Honey 3 pkts. Lux Matches, 3 boxes Perfection Floor Wax 9 cakes Castile Soap MANY MORE SPLENDID VALUES DURING THIS SALE BUTTER BRAESIDE BRAND "The Finest Butter in Canada" MAYFIELD BRAND 4.65. 48, mm EGGS - 45%. FRYS "= COCO % 1b. A Te 22°¢ FINE LARGE PRUNES 16: ---- DOMINION STORES QUALITY TEAS Richmello 795... SELECT 695%. ULE 59%. COFFEE Biscuit 39% LE ORANGES Sweet and Juicy