Oshawa Daily Reformer, 7 Jan 1926, p. 3

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fatter Rollins TE a ddd 4 Frew = a ES . Oshawa and District Dat WAR Classes in artcraft in reedwork wil} be resumed on Jan. 12th and new. pupils "should at once call 1693 for enrollment, A 159-f Coming Eyesight Specialist : Dr." oe Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge 8t., Toronto, may be consult- ed at Felt Bros, Jewelry Store, Osh- awa, Tuesday, January 13th. Glasses if. required at right prices. To (158- 160-162) 'Annual Meeting & Maple Lent Insuy- ance. Co. The annual meeting of the Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at Columbus on January 186. The annual state- ment will be presented and other business discussed, 'Reeve-Eject Honored. . Tuesday evening the home of Mr, Warren Dearborn, (reeve of Fast Whitby Township) was invaded by a large number of his enthusiastic supporters to congratnlate hini on his election. The evening was spent in cards, singing and dancing. After refreshments a few short addresses were made by Mr. Alan Lavis, Dr. A. A, Farewell, Mr. Dearborn and Mrs. Charles Lambert. The party broke up after midnight all singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." GLASSES IN BALLOT BOX PF. H, 'Dobbin, a deputy returning officer in the municipal elections in Peterboro, on Friday, lost his spec- tacles, Every other place having been searched, he decided they must be in the ballot box, This cannot he "opened for six weeks, and City Clork "Armstrong refused today to even al- low it to be shaken to ascertain whether the spectacles are in it, Mr, Dobbin, it is sald, cannot) work without glasses. FRAUD CASE DISMISSED In Kingston Police Court Wednes- day morning a charge against a lo- cal man of fraudulently obtaining the sum of $200. by misrepresenta- tion in a business transaction was dismissed without calling on any evidence for the defence. The nvid- ence of the complainant was to the effect that he purchased a barher- shop business which, he aileged, had been falsely represented to him, Af- ter hearing the ovidence for the prosecution the Magistrate stated, = RE Gh A PERFECT SKIN FOOD MILK OF ROSES For the immediate relief of chaygped hands, sore lips, frost bites, roughness of the skin, ete. Also used after shaving. Large Bottles 35¢ Trial Bottles Free For sale only --ff-- BEATTIE DRUGSTORES King St. West - Oshawa however, that there was 1o evidence of fraud on the part of the accused. INCREASE SHOWN IN TRAVEL A tremendous increase in travel between Canada and the United States from Prescott is shown by the following figures: In 1924 a total of 170,980 persons crossed the river from that port. In 1925 a total of 206,202 crossed--an incrensc of ap- proximately 36,000, Traffic across the St. Lawrence there is as heavy at present ds on many days in mid- summer, "STEAL" AGAIN PROTESTED In session the Brockvilie Council of the Board of Trade offered its protest against the illegal diversion of water from the Great lakes by means of the = Chicago Prainage Canal. QUALIFIED (Toronto Globe) Princess - Astrid of Sweden, Mec latest popular choice of a bride for the Prince of Wales, is said to he an expert in domestic science, This should. help to qualify her as the wife of a Canadian rancher, WHY HURRY... (Toronto Telegram) With the end of the world many million years away, there is no need td worry fbout when the new Union Station will be opened. RECOGNITION OF RUSSIA (Cincinnati Timeg-Star) The nations of western Europe recognized Russia because they were only a step from financial and in- dustrial ruin after the war, They thought recognition would mean a little extra business and they reach- ed for it. The United States wus not left so badly off after ihe war that it is called upon, in pursuing what may be a real real or only an imaginary profit, to abandon its old idéas of justice and right in its attitude toward the Russian dicta- torship. HAROLD LLOYD The world famous [unster who will appear' in his latest feature length comedy 'The Frashman' at the Regent theatre this evening, where the big production commen- ces a limited three-day engage ment, w-------- » Born -- is McINDLESS--On 6th January, 1926 at Grace Hospital, Toronto, to Mr, and Mrs. M, McIndless, 307 Kings- dale avenue, Toronto, a duughtar, Cards of Thanks Mrs. Wren and family wish to convey their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their floral tributes and messages of sym- pathy in their recent sad bereave- ment, Recent Deaths WILLIAM H, HARPER Following an illness of almost three year's duration, the death took place at his late residence, 199% Dundas street west, Toronto, on Wednesday, of William Henry Har- per. Deceased, who was born near Uxbridge, Ont., was a harnessmaker by trade, and prior to going to To- ronto resided for twenty years al Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., and at Whit- by, He was a member of the Orange Order and of the Canadian Order oi Foresters, and is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Mary A. Dvers and three daughters and one son: Mrs. R. G. Perrin, Saskatoon, Sask.; Mrs. 'R. G. Foster, Buffalo, N.Y., and Dr. B. H. Harper, Bolton, Oni funeral will take place on Satur from the residence of his sister, Mrs Mary A. Smith, 233 Withrow aven- ue, Toronto, fo Sgarboro' Lawn Cemetery, where interment will be made. A climber doesn't outgrow friends The friends jest get envious and shrivel, {laugh and gurgle At Local Ti heatres HAROLD LLOYD AT THE REGENT TONIGHT All roads will lead to the Regent this evening when Harold Lloyd's newest comedy riot 'The Freshman opens a limited engdgement of three days only. The most: ambitious of Lloyd's many splendid comedy productions has a college getténg, and has cer- tainly proved a happy choice; for its "humor. strikes straight into the heart of your emotions, and you and shriek even while you occasionally gulp down a sob, or wipe away a surreptitious tear, Lloyd demonstrates in "The Freshman', the little secret that you can rock them with laughter witn the punch of pathos. Farold 18 seen entering college filled with a yearning to be the most popular lad on the campus, This worthy ambition makes him easy prey for the jokesters. On their gdvice as to what to do to be- com the hero of the school he trigy 'to get onto the football team, hé makes speeches and treats to fce cream cones and he is the host of the big Fall dance, "When he Is finally told that far from being the hero he $hinks he has hecome, he's really the college boob, he accepts the best advice ever given him. That was from Peggy, played by Jobyna Ralston, "Be yourself!" she told him, "Stop imitating others who have succeeded" and show them what you are really like!" So the boy changes nis tactics, and on the day of the big foothall game, though he's only the water Loy on the team, he is thrown into the game, not because any good is expected to dome of it, but because it's eigher provide another substi- tute or forfeit the game---and it's the most important game of the year, What happens in that gamo is riotiously exciting and hilarious- ly funny and provides just the right climax for the funniest picture that Lloyd has ever made. "Varsity Life," the same sport film that was shown with the big Lloyd production when presented at the Regent, Toronto will be an add- ed attraction on the bill here, as will another shorter comedy creation Two complete shows vill he given each evening, the first at sevan-tea and the second at nine-fifteen, with one matinee on Saturday commence ing at two-thirty sharp. Special prices prevail for the engagemen Children will be admitted to the evening screenings for fifteen cents and adults forty, amusement 1ax included in both the above prices At the Saturday matinee, children's tickets will be ¢leven cents and adults thirty, tax included, As the picture is only Oshawa for three days, requested to attend either or tomorow evening, and not until Saturday for fear of pointment in npt bei able admittance to the theatre. playing tonigat wait disap- to gain patrons are | AT THE NEW MARTIN -- George Walsh, who will be scen at the -New Martin Theatre for three nights beginning tonight in "Pluck", one of his typical thrilliag, action pictures, will be supported by a cast of popular favorites, wnose splen- did performances have won them prominent places among the stars of the screen. Wanda Hawley, one of the most beautiful blondes of the silent drama, heads the supporting company in the role of Princess Al- lela of Bargonia, Sidney De Grey, a atage star of international note, who has devoied to: the drama, will be zeen as Count Birkhatf, a character that gives him full opportunity to display his vare led talents, 'Mr, De Grey, has been In almost every American city in vaudeville and musical comedy, | Wilfred North, one of the screen's most hated "villains, plays a sym- 'pathetic character role in "Pluck" for the first time in many moons, It will be most interesting for his many followers who know him ouly for his villainy to see him in the > EE ---- more than forty years of his life } Phone: your drug needs to THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE Phones 22--265 rr st ct 5 tern rs - > i Check That Cold "Carry a box with you Stop That Cough With Penslar White Pine | i and 50c | KARN THE DRUGGIST | FOR SERVICE | PHONE 3792 NEXT THE POST OFFI(8 role of the kindly advisor of the Princess. The villainous 'role in this gyro- duction falls into the capable handl- ing of Frank Leigh, who has been appegring 'before the camera for the past eight years. In "Pluck," he will be seen as Count Verensky, the conspirator who is plotting against the Pripcess. Another prominent role, -that of Jefferson Lae, is play- ed by Tom Wilson, who has been recognized as the leading nvgro im- personator "of the screen since his rs unusual performance iu '"The Birth of a Nation." leo White, a stage and screen favorite of many years standing, will be seen in the character comedy role .of Lord Raleigh, the dude tramp, Dan Mason, another comedy star, originator of the part of the Skipper of the Toonerville Trolley, plays the American Consul, In the long ago Sundav was a doy to think about the hereafter, not a day to get there~Duluth Herald, rr they last, to 61 SIMCOE ST. N. MACKINAW JACKETS FOR MEN ano BOYS E HAVE a limited number of Men's and Boys' Pure Wool Fancy Mackinaw Jackets - made in plain and Norfolk belted style --some sheep lined--some leather lin- ed and others just plain. sizes 30 to 44 and regularly priced _ $8. 00 to $15.00. Now tetluced while 0.2115 @ JOHNSTON'S J y are in " OSHAWA Phone Oxders F illed, Call 982 ment for color is a soft * 22 Only Ladies' Scarf Spencers All the makers had left 'of this practical gar- on under a coat or for wear- ing when sitting around the house. are in a scarf shape with) sleeves, and the of green. Knitted from a fine botany wool in the link and link stitch. Reg. $3.50, on sale for * 5 dozen Women's Wool Gauntlet Gloves They $1.29 * v Clear WARD'S | Manufacturers and Wholesalers have Co-operated with us in A Mighty Selling Event HE Sale Items in to-day's list list are in every instance "A Special Purchase." range of travellers' samples, or a little clearing lot that the manufacturer was anxious to dispose of to keep his stock in shape, or it may be a line of maker's seconds such as the Men's Silk and Wool Socks at 39¢ pair which are menticned below. But whatever it is, we can tell you this, that it was bought for you at a most attractive price reduction. It may be a complete 72 by 84 Sale Price : 12/4 IBEX FLANNZLETTE BLANKETS ing Sale making the price. mitt styles. Only Ladies' Brushed Wool = "SWEATER COATS A day's selling should clear the Mt, so vemarkable is the value in this fine botany check wool sweater. . Small pattern with brushed finish, REGULAR $6.50 VALUE, SELLING FOR © ¥ meck coat style. will sell like hot cakes. 11 dezen Girls' Wool Gloves 311 dozen Women's & Children's Wool Mitts A jobber's surplus stock, bought at the right Gauntlet and wrist length double Colors Red, Sand, Black, Navy Grey. Brown and White. 50c to $1.00. On sale for, per 50 dozen Men's Silk & Wool Socks Mostly in the newest check patterns. A spe- cial purchase of maker's seconds. They are in first class shape, and we'll warrant they value, on sale for, per pair . All sizes, regular 3c Begulas 3: 75¢ 39¢ . Travellers' samples--valuss up to Little Girls' Wool Tooue and - ap A A Wrist length, 7%. = Regular $1.75. All at one price, pair % 7 dozen Men's Wool Gloves | White and Black, sizes 6 to Scarf Sets Colors White, Cardinal and Scarlet. Regular $1.75. om sale 1.00 Wabasso Ciscular Pillow Cotton The line we have selected as a sale leader is of a fine, firmly woven texture, free from fliing. The price is the lowest we ever remem- ber selling this quality for. Width 40 and 42 imches. Special 33¢ Sale Price, per yard .... e Sale Is Getting Hemstitched Wabassc Pillow; Cases 89¢ An cutstanding sale value at. per pair The same fine quality with wide hemstitched ends that is regularly sold at $1.20 pair--sizes 40 x 33 and 42 x 33. 3 | Phone 082 | More Interesting Every Gauntlet and wrist length--4 com- plete of travellers' samples regular up to 852, 39¢ for, per pair 48 calv Infants' Knitted Jackets These also are travellers' and some ave slightly soiled, but with a careful washing they will be just as good as the kind that oost you from 2 to 3 times 1.00 more. On sale for, ea. sets on sale samples ES Fancy Towel Sets, $1.19 This is the same set identically that we sold - so readily at Christmas time at $1.49. The est consists of 1 large towel, | guest towel and | face cloth, white with crocheted edge in pink, blue, helio and gold. ay

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