Oshawa Daily Reformer, 6 Jan 1926, p. 8

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" { News of Eastern Ontario [o-- a Gf: LLZ [aI ING AT BELLEVILLE Building permits in Belleville for year 1926 as issued from City ineer Campbell's office totalled 726, ¢ n 30 residences . During the year ¥ el t t of PE tho Ely a1 4 so of mo! nths of the year, © GRANTED ABSENCE : Prof. R, K, Hicks, B.A, asso- | clate professor of French at Queen's | University, has been granted leave of absence for one year by the Uni- versity 'in order to carry on wor at Toronto in connection with the Canadian Committee on Modern , Languages, of which he is a mem- ber, At the last annual meeting of he Canadian Committee on Modern 'Languages, of which he is a mem- as a member and Prineipal R, Bruce 'Taylor, of Queen's, was also given a position of henor, BIRTH OF LOOAL GOVERNMENT iW. 8, Herrington, Napanee, writes Jo the Toronto Globe. I ohserve n your editorials under the neading {"Voting to Help Ourselves' the statement that Adolphustown was the birthplace of our present sysiem of municipal government, I have in my possession the original minute book of the first town meetings held in the township of Adolphustown. For a great many years it was be- lieved that the system did take its rise from the township of Adolphus- town, I am sending you under separate cover a paper presented hy 'me to the Royal Society of Canada A 1919, from which you will ob- jtve that these meetings in the Township of Sydney were first inaug- urated in 1790. DEMAND FOR PASSES The demand for' the weekly passes placed on sale for the first time in Kingston by the Street Rail- way. Company was very great with approximately 350 having been is- sped up to early this afternoon. One gonductor regarding the sale of these passes stated that he had disposed of-over fifty, while quite early dur- ing the forenoon another employee the cars of the company stated had sold twenty-seven. : have the figure one printed 7éty prominently in red ink on the gee, while next week this figure be replaced by the figure two so on until the fifty-two weeks "the present year have all expired, possibility of any person at» pting to utilize a pass which hae lived its usefulness thus being rely avoided. a slight decrease over the iPhillip Electrical The new" CALLED TO SMITH'S FALLS Rev, Dr, Samuel Davies has ac- Sapted the call extended to him to fill the pastorate 'of Westminster Church, Brockville, mada vacant by the resignation of . Rev, 8, J. Mac- Arthur, who accepted a call to Sault Ste, Marie, NEARLY DROWNED | James Stafford, 16 Pine street, Kingston, had a narrow escape from drowning when he broke through the ice while skating on the harbor Sunday afternoon, He was Jenetied by a young man who, by lying flat on the ice, was able to grasp Mr, Stafford's hand and pull him out of the fey waters. Mr, Statford Is none the worse from this dip and was able to continue his duties as con- ductor on the street car Monday morning, : gt OFFICIALLY OPEN INDUSTRY By stepping upon a foot lever yes- terday afternoon at - the: Eugene F, y rks, Brockville, Mayor Walter B, Reynolds set In motion the powerful machinery In the new wire mill of the plant, and started the operation of drawing the first copper wire manufactured by the company in Brockville The turning on of the power in the new unit of the company's works Is a matter of great Importance to Brockville in that it will shortly rovide work for 75 additional men. ithin two years the plant will em- ploy between 500 ah 600 men, SAFREGUARD COUNCIL, Obliged to pay approximately $8,000 to meet the expenses of a Provineial audit which failed to re- veal either irregularity or wrong- doing, the Brockville Council is now suggesting that ' the Legislature amend the statute by providing that such audits may only be held at in- tervals of five years; that a raquest for an audit shall indicate the ir- regularities complained of; that the names of those signing a petition for an audit shall be made public and that not less than 100 rate- payers shall sign such a petiticn, instead of only 30, ag now required, BOY, 15, KIlAS BOBCAT WITH KNIFE 'Boulder, Col, Jan. b5.--Kermit Pierce, 15, killed a large bobcat in Bear Canyon, south of here, with his pocket knife. Pierce threw a lasso around the bobeat's leg, dragged it from a tree and stabbed it to death to save .a pet dog. RUBBER RAVERS (N. Y. Journal of Commerce) To suggest that there is any deep plot against the United States or Ay v Y ANGLE « A STORES QUAL that e ive profits for rubber, for example, can be taken from private citizens by the British government and used to wipe out their debt to us, is sheer nonsense. We need to substitute dispassionate economic reasoning on this subject of export cominbations for the maunderings of political ambition which merely obscure the real facts. THE NIMBLE BRITISH (Judge Automobiles in the United States were responsible for 19,000 deaths last year, and in England for 3,000. The English must be a very nimble and athletic race after all. to chort ends we lay price attached-- | f bone 1000 BusyAsWeCanBe ss de web the oko ou bc ih 5 sa The Big January Sale will soon be coming off. The event you are all looking _ forward to--and we won't disappoint you. Service, Variety and Value We hope to have some big shipraents of new Spring Goods to show you in a week or so and will tell you all about them. Solvay The Original Pro- . cess and the Best Produced. We are Sole Agents for Oshawa - Coke Phones 'S %2540 "|ly every country in the world was Port 3 A 4 Ry , TTA AY ne ~~ PLEADED GUILTY Prisoner Discovered Voice and Hearing When Placed In Cells Woodstock, Jan, 6.--I am deaf and dumb, Be kind to each other. elp hy 4 it you can, Thank you." Presentfog a:'ocard with this legend upon it and with eloquent gesture to mouth and ear, a man who said that he was Alfred Schafer, thirty- five years old, of Toronto, solicited alms of passengers on a CN.R, train on Saturday. 'When he was put in the police cell, however, he recovered his voice sufficiently to ask for a good dollar supper. This morning Schafer pleaded guilty to charges of being drunk, to wilfully doing damage to the C.N/R. depot and obtaining money under false pretenses; the last, he pleaded was while under the influence of Hquor, Being drunk, cost him $10 and costs ur two months in jail, while on the other two charges he was remanded until Saturday morning for sentence, As Schafer was busy deceiving open hearted knights of the grip the conductor of the train observe him and found reason to suspect him, and at 'Woodstock, he bundled the man who was not so dumb as he would have liked to have looked, and handing him over to the sta- Hon officials phoned for the pol- ce, While at the station, under pre- text of going to the toilet room, Schafer escaped custody by break- ing the window of the room and when Constable Newell, who re- sponded to the call arrived, the bird was flown. Constable Newell, how- ever, conducted a search in the vie- inity of the station and found his man in a_swamp by the Port Dover track and brought him to the police office, where he confesfed to a voice and hearing. Appearing on three charges in police court this morning, Schafer said that he had got the liquor in Toronto and was under its influ- ence when he committed the other offences. A friend, he said, had put him wise to the deaf and dumb ruse and had given him the hand printed cards that were in his possession, Magistrate Ball asked the prisoner for the name and adaress of his deaf and dumb (friend and Schafer said that he did not know the name or address. His Worship in making the remand warned him that it would be well for him to remember by Saturday morning. GARAGE MECHANIC HEIR TO EARLDOM Assiniboia Workman Makes Claim to Ancient Estate | And Titles R Moose Jaw, Sask., Jan. 5.--C. B. Gower, a mechanic in an automo- bile garage in Assiniboia, Susk., de- clares that he is the heir to es*ates ind title of Earl of Granville and Baron Leveson of Stone. Gower's first knowledge of the fact that he was being searched for: in Western Canada and in practical- contained in a Canadian Press Des- patch of Dec. 5 last, "I saw the pews item and cabled at once," said Mr. Gower, "and I am waiting for word. [I don't think there will be much for me. You see. my sister, who lives in Shef- field, England, was willed the cash by my uncle and I the estate. I was born and raised in Sheffield, saw mesrly two years' service in the | European war, part of which was in the Aviatien Corps." He has been a resident of Assini- boia for three years. Mr. Gower was married on Dee 16 at Assinibola to Miss Hilda Hall, of Regina. ORONO Dr. and Mrs. McElroy and son, Manse. ! . C. McCullough, of Chicago, | Christmas with his . W. Horswell, of Tor- "friends here wili be he is looking and wa. of Ottawa, is al . W. Ralph's. | Lownie, of Oshawa, a here, speut Christ-| daughter, Mes. A. 8. 'Master Bill Brown spent his Christmas holidays with his grand- parents, R. W. and Mic. Limbert at Toronto, Mr. and . Barold Owde are . a days with hiz par- ents, Mr. and "Mrs. C. F. Owde. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat spent {Christmas at her brother's, Mr. R. J. Hall's. Mise Louise Cowan. of Toromto. spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan. Mr. Gordon M. Powers, of Tam- worth, is being transferred to Brooklin Creamery ia March next. taking over the management. Con- gratulations The Park Street United Church will hold their annmal Thank Of- fering Service on Sunday, January oth. Rev. Johm Coburn. Field Secretary of the Social Service De- partment, of Toronto. will conduct! morning and evening short course in agriculture open ung men of the community, under the divection «f the - ment of Agriculture, will be held in he Town Hall during the month of OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, . # p / 4{January, A girls' class in Domestic Science will run concurrently. "De partmental experts will be in charge, Mr. and, Mrs; John Gibson, their son John, and Mrs. tended the funeral ter-in-law in Toronto on Thursday. 3 The H, Cornish bakery and ice cream parlors were purchased last week by Messrs. W, P, Corbett and Howard Challis, the new Company to take over the business on Wednesday, January 6. The purchase also includes the bak- ery building. Mr, Cornish has car- ried on the bakery business for over 40 years and in that time we understand has only missed once in taking the bread from the oven, e, Mr, Cornish's successors are highly spoken of as affable and enterpris- cH of Middleton ate of his daugh- Bowmanville, here Spd . v WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1926 ing business men, We welcome them to the village, Dr. M, 8. Tucker, of Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Bernice Tucker, of Ottawa, are home at their father's, Dr. M. M. Tucker, enjoying the va- cation, > The dance given by the Durham Regiment Band Tuesday evening in the Armories was well patronized, a neat sum being left in the treas- ury after all expenses " had been met, Music was furnished by Band Orchestra~ and Mr, Jack Hudson called off the old time dances. A most enjoyable evening was spent. ALIAN DUKE IS «KILLED Jan, 6,~--~Duke Giullo Lante Della Rovere was killel Sun- day when his racing automobile, -- T-- ------------ travelling at 756 miles an hour, col- lided with a wine cart, a few miles out of Rome, The Duke, who is twenty years old and an ardent automobile rac- er, was practicing for the Merluzza races when he hit the cart, The collision hurled him under his own car, which broke his' backbene, fractured is skull and inflicted mor- tal internal injuries, The mech- anician was uninjured and rushed the Duke to St, James Hospital, Duke Giulio, who has won several race prizes, has also had several narrow escapes. Once his favorite racer, an Alfa Roma, was smashod to pieces, but he was uninjured, The title passes, since Giulio was the Duchess Lante Della Rovere's only son, to another .branch of the family, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH \] | THE Disney Funeral Service New Location 302 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 1082 Day or Night ARIE Great January . Thursday Morning Sale 9 O'CLOCK Sweaters--Brush Woel, 100% pure wool shades, sand, grey, powder blue and green; sizes 34 to 44. Reg- ular $5.00 for Thursday Morning Sale 9 O'CLOCK Sweaters--S8ilk and Wool Pullovers; all the latest shades. Regular up to $10.00 to clear at $2.95 been adding to that stock. demand that this large stock But be sold regardless of cost. An Extraordinary Offering! HE Fair enjoys the confidence of a large number of lady patrons in Oshawa and district and in announcing our January Clearance Sale, it i only right we should tell you frankly our plans. Last fal we gathered together the finest selection of Ladies' Winter Wearing Apparel, we have ever had and with the new dictates of Fashion have Now=the late winter season; the necosily of room in ous ivr fui. our spring stock , h $ ou know igh quality guarantee of all goods purchased at The Fair, so read the prices given below and be here T hursday i a a value-giving Sale. Be here early and you will not be disappointed. ? Sale Commences at 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7th % 12 Canton Crepe and Satin faced Canton. Regular $20. and for lar Canton; shades styles. Silk Dresses 12 Canton grepe 12 Canton Crepe and Satin foced Canton: very latest shades and styles. Regular £30.00 for Satin faced latest and Regu- $25. for $8.95 $12.95 $14.95 $19.95 12 Canton Crepe and Canton; la vest #nd $40.00 Aor faced very shades Reg- Satin styles. Veivet Sport Dresses --2-piece Velvet Sport Dresses. Regular $16.50 for $7.95 Ta Frocks, Flared straight lined; high neck. Regular $20.00 for .. $9.95 | gg and Poir- et Twill Dresses, latest styles. Regular $20.00 for $9 95 » 1 -- Balbriggan Suits and Dresses: high button and neck. Regular $12.- So for .... $5.95 2 --Flannel, All Wool Dresses, season's latest styles and shades. ir 150 54.95 bd 1 ~All Wool Velour Coats, lat- est shades and styles, fur- full lined and "under- Regular $20.00 at trimmed, $8.95 lined. 2 --Duvetyn, full lined and full underlined, Mendel, Opos- sum, Chappelle fur trimmed, dare and straight lined. All this seasons high grade coats. Reg- ular $30.00 for $14.95 25 ~-Duvetyn and Suedine Cloth Coats, fur trimmed with Mendel, Opossum and Chappelle. Full lined and full underiined. Flared and straight lined. Reg. $37.50 for $18.95 --Duvetyn and Suedine C'oth Coats, fur trimmed with Mend], Opossum and Chappelle. Full lined and full underlined. Flare and straight lined. Reg- ular $48.00 for $24.95 --AIndividual Sample Coats. Ma- terial needle point Marvella. Regular $85.00 for $45.00 be obliged to buy. 7 Simcoe St. Everything in the Store REDUCED : Every article in the store is reduced in price for this sale. The most of them are priced below cost and such values will not comie again. We have made up our minds to reduce our large Winter Stock and prices are really remarkable. Ycu have to see the values to appreciate them. Your inspection is cordially invited and you will in no way skins, Muskrat Coats 2 -- Guaranteed selected regularly $185.00, to clear at $125 sold at dear at S. Evening Gowns ; We have a number of fine" Evening gowns that we will Half Price The "FAIR" , Oshawa Ont. ' $3.95 Fo J

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