123. January 9, 1936 Deputy Reeve, Mr. J. 0. Little ot Newmarket, is generally conceded to have the best chance of election as York County Warden at the approaching session of York County Council. Mr. Little was elected as Warden on January 29, 1936. January 23, 1936 Bells tolled in Newmarket, Monday evening, beginning about 7:30 p . m. for the death of King George V. News of the King's death at 6.55 p.m. had come over the radio from Toronto a few minutes earlier. The King had been ill only a few days. He was seventy years of age. February 20, 1936 A bylaw requiring all grocery stores, butcher shops, ladies wear, gent's furnishings,shoe stores, and fruit stores of the Town of Newmarket to close on Wednesday afternoons was passed by Town Council > without comment from members of Council Tuesday evening. March 5, 1936 Newmarket's new industry, the Lindebaum Clothing Factory, Millard Avenue. (I00F Hall?) is well under way. Twelve girls are employed and more will be taken on as it is possible to train thenm. wWON'T ALLOW SLOT MACHINES LN NEWMARKET Mayor Boyd says Chicel Constable Hall warned proprietors two weeks ago, Mayor reveals. April 1936 Playing at the Palace Theatre, Main Street, Newmarket. April 3rd and 4th -- Friday and Saturday -- "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" With Irene Dunn, Robert Taylor, Charles Butterworth and Betty Furness. April 6th and 7th -- Monday and Tuesday -- "LITTLEST REBEL" Starring Shirley Temple. April 9, 1936 Our survey or research reveals cartoons in The Era, April 9, 1936. The caption reads "CGoings on about Town". These cartoons were the work of James McHale. -- This one cartoon was a take--off on the Newmarket Citizens Band.