88 . Starr, Edgar Charlotte St. Carpenter Broughton, W. A. Lydia Street Electrician Maines, John Prospoct Street Carpenter 98 Businesses and trades recorded on the East Side of Main St. 1930. 88 Businesses and trades recorded on the West Side of Main St. 1930. 186 Total business people having their own outlets in the year 1930. Total Population of the Town approximatoly 3,700. "HI A P _P _R N I N G _ S" TOWN _COUNCIL -- 1930 Mr., A. J. Davis «-- Mayor Mr. F. Lundy ~ Reave Mr., W. E. Lyons -- First Deputy Reeve Mr. J.. O. Li ttle -- Second Deputy Reeve Mr. Frank Bowser Mr., William Winger Mr. Frank Robinson -- Councillors Mr., W. C. Lundy Mr. William Bosworth Mr., Wes Osborne TOWN _ _OFFICIALS -- 1930 Mr. Orval Smart -- Constable Mrs., E. Carrick -- Librarian Viola Hill and Cecilia Quinn ~-- Telephone Operators CLERGY -- 1930 ' Reverend Father Woedlock -- St. Johns Roman Catholic Priest. Reverend Patstone -- -- St. Pauls Anglican Church. Reverend McIntyre --=-- St. Andrews Presbyterian Church . yoRK COUNTY HOSPITAL -- 1930 There are eight nurses at the hospital.