Gesr a'srdmal can-else masomean Formembtmasbathnedmaue stimeior gun on tin impossible. Wouldn t it he marvelous U tm.spiritoiCls'istinsscouldbeextmibdbeyondin thmthr'utmsseveormomtothewhols .ouid be a very positive m. it! lids m for this country. tor all political lead-14m and old. to re. utirm their isith in thdr indiviaisl dreams (or mitersOClely niedangsr. iisssmstome. isnoi 5,"; too practical. but rathm in not balm idealistic My. Drasmsarsirsgilaandtheytandtobenimad The media play a cmtral role in sham our auntive pyche. oi how we view oursdvm, event. Id public gures I wondc whether We Won'topenupthepoesihiiitytothoaeinthe media olalladlll' positive rather than cynical motives in our Pubic leaders. oi acknowm the diiilciatim and midilanmasmswellsstheplauditsoileadm'ship; oi Wmmthegoodmr isttheweaknesssswellasthe all Hi m. For each (me oi in as individisl tritium. perhaps m. magic oiClriatmm W! make itpomible (or m to r ard air dected Wistivm as exumslais d Wires. ICVll' our naea ina [siblic iiinctiai ratlmr min pigeonholing and separating them as politiaam" with all the negative cormotatial that gains to have these days. We migla also whh to re .mrm Oll belid and caress Oil gratitude to our mocrstic systmn wts'ch. dmpile its wuts. still oilers d: one at ll more ireedom than any tnher system in m not It might be salutory. too. to me the magic oi mmtmas to resiiirm our own individual rmpon- utility to oil-adves. to our ctn'ldrmi and to the com. minty. region provincesndcountry thatweshare. to maximise our own indiviihial talmits and potmtial. smug, we can not but be succmsiul. raining to share. we can not hit N m t anads'sstoryJieeLialikethechilth'en'sstoryoi The Empaor's Clothes" hit with this di cmce We. ii (Canadians. are the emperor. and the world icmowleckes our fine apparel. Our mistake is our belief that we are remed poorly Bdieis are for citing": l for y Georgina resident and all rqmnsl res' is that may read this article. that thrustmas may be a )0le occasion. an occasion oi believing in the impossible. I welcome any commaits you may have with aspect to this article or any rqiaial tome You can contact me by tdephonest 722-830 or by writing to me i: Box 507. Sutton Wat. Ontario. DOB "10. ... ~ U. .rsaos t a" x s" - 3 WAY secsitens u.s.L was. SALE PRICE 5 INSTALL YOURS LF & SAVE KPX 9500 some as cbove with NOW reasoxiiu 9.5 ' . ( s BUTTONS RAISE BUCKS FOR PLA YGROUND 5,- w?" Denise Boyd and Pamela aasaak. l2. representing the lat East Gwilllmhary Girl Guides. will donate the proceeds irem their batten sales to Diane Hameamk. preside-lei the Newmarhet Arts and (kai- Ca-cil. Per the past two months approximately 0 girls iromthelstaadtadEastGwillimharyGlrl Guides have been sellhg Newmsrhet Arts Georgina beefs up anti-noise law GEORGINA Barking wiilhaveto ihutup pitupwiths misc bylaw that levlo nes oi up toll. on owners oi persistently loud dommtlc pets. The new law sho goes ior people who continue to dsrupt the peace by yelling. shouting. hooting. whistling or singing mm certain hours. Those are hat a low examples. Any un- warranted noise or "emissions 0! sound". winch are. btia'bii' to residents oi the miaiicipslity." are sho nowliahletoaiimnoless than 850 or more than limo tor a first dmce and no less than mo and SPECIAL glass door. 3 DA vs ONL CT- PM cssssm DECK U OSO 00 SALE PRICE BUSH AUDIO STANDS 3 shell model, hardwood frame, complete with casters 8. smoked Reg. $199.00 w 1 39 _ Television lecturing 20 yr w ontv ' :4 :5 ,i 5.9. no greats tbsp limo tor a sound. i iniay dirk Norm Smythe. who also heat inithebylaw miorcemmit bureau. submitted the noise control to coimcil l'hia'sthylncommitteeoi the whole. it was late approved in a special amnion oi coimcil. Hr. Smythc ex- plained to council that it will give the York Regional Police s "deiined structure" to miorce no ae Mrsctlons when the township's bylaw eniorcement oi- cer is not on dity. Hr Smythe rqorted that beiore tla s. eniordng noise iniractiom wee leit m to the discretion oi the police. who imuaUy ll leit widi a warring." lidiael lchonaid lit the bylaw was iiand because oi the "high degree oi atmoyance that noise can be to residents. He coincii that t . ". 488"- aadOaitl e-iarabemeaey let the pnesed lamgraled playre-d haadicapped sad anhadlcspped c ldrea. The East Gwlhhry Dbirlet Girl Gaides sad Brownies wIl also he dual a sail mapletreeimthephypeaadtehehmlt heth the he Peal lhb summer. Miami Councilla thiriq one tmus smsion this past summer. teenagers had music playing on stereo speakers in a nearby lackde and the obliterated the whole MW." leetu'eaDecJO. members oi the com- mlttee called tor the icmatiai oi a Health Services Planning W Britnell. mayor oi Kim Towralu p and chairman oi the ' health and social seVices committee. told com. mittee members she wasn't personally iamiliar with every provider and ty oi health care lered Witheregionand wmidered ii health care providers ever work at cross purposes or duplicate each other s eiiorts We should at least be coordinated," said Mrs Britnell The nine-member committee. which would operate on an interim basis. would be reViewedevery two years Meetings would take place every two month thissavingtltsneitecttrom Demmber 27. 1979, to tatives. representatives ands csmmidty healdi ma- Wire. Although r lanai council approv the iormsion oi such a cornmitlaemlm.m action was taken all. Dennis Timbrell in- sgencies drew mixed reaction One inaction for the committee ~ as it was outlined in a report from Dr Owen Slingerland. regional commaioner oi healthandaocialserVices would be an or'oii review oi the progress oi District Health Councils opm'stii tlroi hout the promices 11! District Health Coiaicil caicept was turned down by regional council in March. ms. aim the provincial ministry oi health supports them Earlier attempts to set up a Health SerVices Planning Committee were revnved in services available inde m. and said that some meetings between proiriders and the m would improve com- mmucation gap Dr Slingerland warmd ll! health ad social serVices mash-s that he didn't we the new committee would provide the exchange they seek. but added "There s no harm in try." .. Richmond Hill mayor band Schiller supported the formation oi the new committee and staid , ' York to Consider ' Plan for committee agencies and C." In its recom- menbtirm to cmmcil. the healthaadsocialstviess committee named Regional Qairmaa lob Forhsn and Vaughan representative Darie DiGiannantoaio as committee represen- tatives who world sit on the new committee Newmarket hydro rates to go up NEWMARKET ~ Newmarket Hydro customerscsncapectsls cent rate hike beginnii Jan 1 Jim Beadle, manager oi the local utility. said the increase can be at- v $1 Don t go out of your way. Come to Sears. Photofinishing services PhotoGad' ProtectiveCoatrigactsltem rmums tributedtosislpercmit urreaseonhikpowmby Onuriollym. The new rate will applytmlytotmeruimed aithan i Bilhwillhe pro-rated to re ect electrtcnty used in December