Utah's- I'D-I... THE ERA Sarwiq Varh County Since m: MC. meal suburb-i m. which M De msMnn'Pocaar-n. Ilia-s Aa eon-W. .IOMM 60".i." at (m Gas-"a. Moravian (caviar-mt one son sum News. Oaswiie aver Oshawa Yms . SMVMO VIM "Carrot-o smear N. Phone Nev-market an 2331 10 Charles St DA VlD R. HASKELL TERRY CARTER MARLA FLETCHER '9 C) PETER O'DESSE H" , l 1 Advertising Manse. a ERRY 0110 AND V "p - A HAPPY NEWKYEH/ AR From all the folks in your community who bring you your Era each week mMPOSING ROOM:James GraigeruEd Gabourie. Stan Schmid. Bob Green eld. Crosby Barnes. Barb Bayliss. Chris Dumm. Gieri hitch. Adele lchlp'ne. Martha Ithonald. Elisabeth Pearson. Velma Perry. Claire Pollock. Steve Renaud. Ilaureen Bmeley. Joan Cat-rick. Mary Chsrpmtier. Carol Fairley, Jasmine Figeat. Jean- are Figeat. Sherry Gabourie. Paulene l-Iare. Janet Lamoureux. Carolyn Laughlen. Joyce MacDaisld. Karen MacDonald, Lyna Sandra Steven, CIRCULATION: Mike Brewster. Silan Brewster. Bruce Rae. Jim Parker. ADVERTISING SALES: Peter O'Deme. Rod Spicer. Eleanor Whibley. Leslie Whtherill. Rita Martin. ADMINISTRATION; DR. Haskell, Ethel Wall. Alice Gibbons. Beulah McFad n. EDITORIAL Terry Carter. arla Fletcher. Rich Murzin. Rod Urquhart. Ian Hutchimon. Aase Hansen. Chris Vaa NEW MARKET CARRIERS: Jamie Barber Iy IU HI BENNETT David deBurger. Rob Ediey. Patashs Ehle . Carolyn Fitzgerald, Je Friend. Dimny Frigualt. Waidy Gilligan. David Graham. Dent Grant. Darlene Gray. Kelly Groves. Scott Gunter. Brian llollsnder.Scottllope.()irisllimter, Ricky Int. HowardJones. Grant Kirion.Shannon l.ynl.sBrash.Cla-isl.sndshanugh. lrevor uwis.larklawsm.hnlaclntyn.8ean ckle. lraci Ilartin. Paul and Danie lartin. Kathy McClelland. Elisabeth Miller. Gary Milroy. Andy Mitchell. Claim Ilurphy, Colin IlcClura. Sylvia IcEachern. John Nickle. Evan Nit- schmann,llike0livei-.Sherry.Coreenand SiawnO'Reilly. Paul and Ilark Osborne, W Peterson. Leanne Rose. Mark Seaman. Larisa Smith. Carol Stairs. Richard Van de Ven, Paul Van Rooyen. William Warbta'ton. Barry Watson. Jolli Webster. Lyme Wilkinson. Penny and Robbie Yorstsn, Ronnie Yoimg. AURORA CARRIERS: Nancy Ala-em. Scott Ash. Brad Barton. Rick Bosscher. Laura Bowell. Gordtm Campbell. Mel Cartmlll. Scott Chandler. Scott Collin. Tim Cowl. Richard Daley. Samantha Duhiel. Shawn Firm. Jimmy and Warren hmke. Garry Glidden. David Gri ith. . Kelly O Sullivan, Frances Pandolli. Jimmy Patton. Gary Piggott. Michelle Pillrey. Don Pollom, Tracey Preston, Mark Runstedler. Scott Schumaker. Kevin Small. Jimmy Smith. Hazel Sutton. Derek Totten. Jimmy 'lrent. Jerrold Van Dyk. Andrew Van Ees, Natalie Van Gent, Mary Van Zyl. Sarah Winger. lan Worling. W Five-year-old drum corps has come a long way By PAL'L RANSON Executive director Ambassadors Dram aadBagieCarps In five years 0! competition. the Ami passadors have come a long way In ms. when the band first entered competition. who would have believed they would end the season as Canadian National Nowce Champions9 Who would have believed that they would go on to three more national titles in the ensuing four years I can well remember the memhes ol the Ambassadors discovering that they had jun won their first national championship When the kib had finished their performance. they wee marched back to the buses in the parkii lot. where they were allowed to have their liliches. I remained behind to await the scores. Whm the scoreswereannoiaiced,ltooko _downthe street. and gathered the execuive toguher to give them the news Then. calmly ( i and quietly, and with along sad face. I bqan to outline the results of the competition In brass. they beat you by 13. bu that s OK. became they had twice as many horn players ' sad laces "ln percmsion. they beat you by 9. but that's OK too. became they had a much bigger drum line than you had." -- Now. they're really down. so with a rush. I said. But you beat them so badly in marchiin and manoeuvrir . that you won the contest " Sandwiches new, milk carton new (milk tom. pop cans. oranges. whatever they had in: their hands (thank God we put the instruments away firsti Tears. ht gim. junpii'. back slapping, dancing. wo could believe the joy Memories hat was the first one. in 1976. we moved the band in. into the bantam class. where the only band we had to heat was the one I had started in mm in l l Needless to say. nuional chame No. 2. 174'] was a banner year Ihe Ambassadors moved up into the cadet class. with nine other bands. most of whom had been aroimd for years. Alter a very active summer. we all met head to head to decide the national champioruhip. Die Ambassadors placed sixth or sevmth. I can't really remember now. but we. in the execiaive were quite satisfied with a very good year After all. being the only new member in a highly competitive class. we had no right to expect to be anywhere but la homeandssviiutheirmoneylorthelutripto Ei landAgainonlyoneoontdliIinthe attireaas-li. Natallmiththetiaidraisli" aaivitimwdl iaidarwsy.recruiting ltaboutniadiad.and "mum.qu tinsllyollthe groimd.we'rewellonthewaytowand.(hr manbermipintheAmbassadorshssreaehedm alltimehighotuJeaviuinc-ilyumanbcs mortoloirgoalolaiehiaidred.tWestillnsada huchhornplsyerJtimsplsyCJndtlreaor loistromboneorhsritone sychls-asulotr boysinthepCMorhoysandgirbwho waild lhtolarntoplsy.aidmull . mas moreglrblorthsuiicpiard). l'hisBritiditripwenowseeasareality. with two oi oi: execiaive planting a trip tangbtoniaplarmim.1'heeasciaiveolthe enth. They have M a "W" cla- lorcompditionneatyear.hordttoprovibu with contaus. M are booking II into rst thVision' soccer matches. the Britim Hid! Commm hasbsmhtouchmndhaso ced guidanceandassi uioe. Now.allweneedismemeneytogo.1ravel expensesareoisbiggsd' meutwiththe lmentionedtheDt omats.wtawillbea toreigiinametosonie.m1ittleorgausation. (lorniedSQt.ts.iM)withitsbrandnewoorps director.Johilloi-ris.hssamanbsrdpoln boysandgirlsagesl...andia.andlotsolin strunentsavailableformore.Wewauldllketo askthepiailicschooltoraqaratesdiooliin- strianaital Milk teaches. to said in their Grade3.t.and5stutbitswtnwanttoplay brass.orpccinsion.andid-getthmistartad. ltanyuiewouldliketoknowmoreahoiathe Amhassadors.ortheDipioma ts.h'opinaline. at box Mt. Alters. NE WMARKE T PUBLIC LIBRAR Y Known as. bsmphcadinammtalimtitiniuiiidtclme lorwhtlasadvisorscallaaim etsmantal TbsyclaimWencsslasordcdhparsossl vastsoutlmathsmowtolnvitash ypaasssi thspalacater load and warmth. t have anyme VIM intothsphes atalhoun . us."l'llssatsanrrtleposcadmi". Informed snircss say the h- insides mcdyaaothtinascisselsv-inwbrethekiq Milaneseandawaltrwatmmtlorthe class-ethane . M.hNuYkmt.Mpao arochminicmscctmbSntastvicessi PiratNatiensl Cajtaht Chem. We ruin-n you now to NFL tosthll. Merry Letters to the editor Former residents send greetings As a news item im. We bought Will you would widi Franklin Hotel. all ow m Merry KmuheJVe' Ctristmas tor in. We alloirmm hvedhiNewmarketlorlz theianwa years and moved to WARD WMth LA Books, films, programs available for holiday season Uhrarba NemrtathhleLhary read and programs at the iihrary "l'lespaimorewood'lthewimnchill. Butletitwh'nleasitwill. ex stn topics its aars. galasim. quasars. black hole. and man in spoe. For children toisid loandolh. DaeterthaastheGlaat Raise by Terrance Dick. illustrated by Peter Edwarth Based (II a BBC televisiai serial. this tauomovtag nary is lor yoiaig science fictiai lam Dawn by Jim Lag s Stage. Rhymes lar misn- aad Yang m. by Al Pittman. illustrated by Pam Hall. Published in Newtonidland. tlds place book about fish and other widtwatc cresturu be catchy rhymes thstarewondsl'lulior raadi out loud (Jilldrai can appaciata Calvin Catfish. who says. althoqhhebimttbbeulooqulhhintheses. I lie me the I am " ah Money. by Sislsm Alddism. Tramlsted and thptad by Uri Staslevit: am Elisabeth . An easy- book about the Feast oi Lights WI. by Bruce Kidd. with Wars" and No tickets are necessary for these programs In the adult department. all the books that have anyttung to do with Christmas or l'lanukah - nodes. minic. plays. crafts - have beat gathered together for your convulsion. and irrlude the lollowu books 15c Chrbtmas story; is masterpieces. with an imMiction by Band Kosso Filtythree militia, and thawing illustrate the Chr htmaa story. Tic Includes photographs and engravings decanted Chrbtmas trees tram many tim- and places. with victor. ol gelatin candy W. tiny glass birds. and moklm cut (ran spacial moulb A northern Natlv CW-as drums at a pro le bay, by William Kurddt. Mty imaginativepalntingsolthsllolyramllyasthsy mijithavebesninaCanadiansattlng. A bad tor everyone. from small childrm to mod psrmts. mm: masteryth William l".andRobctJ. Rambhn. W withpamtim' andhwu a' mun immune Templeinm. w Deep. si mtnuto. Sbws th ways var mlsesanimals est. IIIONJ'WOQ. M themadvu. lndub plan. of" ansmonsa.sandraya.hcmitcraba.andvlm kidsolsaaslikaaowaadbdy'. swalswadsny.Siamllait..Aa tad . mmsmiimunpmm'mm- The witty charactcisstiom and rollicm mdodymakaitatreatlerallap. servancuhamtltahy. H s hook at Christmas. Thirty-sine lsvacltd