"EVIARKET et yes have kissed and Q with their big state. the , Guests. at the aior - A hockey league. mm" yer general manage Bill "nan bad earlie thentened .iheamliationbetwoenthetwo heat-e In said the yes .eitingnothingtromthe mwarbqanearlyinthe whenteinecoachtarry wascomplni naboutthe the yes weegim w. mo late backed Baie's when the Goeah traded BienkowskiandJoImOdom mugned' tongue . sherry Bassin. te general ottheGaieals.madethe uNewmarketlast lhesdayto . 4 - , e s V y ' miitiplaye swap. Man Clark and Jamie Maconn recovers a Brad Steel reboond the Flyers' l4 tie with Hamilton last ay night at Newmarket abouttotradsceitreart Pearson. to the Winaor Spitfires last week. Hi hAlcornaretheplayesimally Royal York. Community game h the besdaygenfs Maie_3owling Leagne at New-eket 7 "_ Second Sec ti on? . I" r _ a w I < 3 A. ': Ente LLEY CAT Jack hunch. a New market. keeps an eye a the ball bring a W Bowleralna. Jack plays tor the Apricot Tavern team in the loop. ;. - Locals shine in college ranks Centre. he Flyers .play diis Tharsday against Jamie lacoili D the Flyer blueline. gave the Newmarket team its and seamn eve Whei the Flye season ended, Fitzgerald acceptedascholarelapto Uniai College in New York State The Dutchmen opened the seasonanasournote,m~owu a}2 decisiontoArmy hingslookedbnd for Union as the team visited a traditional powerhoi-e. Plattahuq ButmetablestirnedandPlattabur-g hadtorallybnckloraz-Ztiewiththe Dutchmen Union continued to look good againsttheUnivesityolBu alo two weeks ago. when the Dutchmm came back with tlree Wind goals to down the Main squad 5-4 Coach Charlielorrisonsaysthe Union blueline is beginning to solide We've drawcally rediced the number oi turnovers in our own and .. Union was scheduled to ho Elmira College last Saturday. but results of that game were not illiams sitting on top in senior hoop p You REGION - Dr. cw go attedtnnping ll nanintercdeaicecontest hek 'Iliams also downed Sutton Schoolbyanwamarginto Medan top The-Double recordnowstanaatloe Idnoloeelorsispoints. Huron Heights remains in a three-way tie with Newmarket High andStoutivilleaheatD-edgingol Stouiiville last week. Jerry Camp sall led the way (or His-on with 19 points [allowed by Randy Smith with 15 Newmarket High got 21 points from Tony Bone as they upne King City 51-9. like 11ch led the way ior King with nine points Newmarket'sremrdbnowtwowim andoneloas. KingCitystandsfinh Mtheweabamaumemwmroqhw - . Inorts teams wee sileit. probably watcth M0 Mutdownwith amask 'mallthesotsamsandthesoaaoniustpnst. h-mmsmwwmiouyowmn n3!woosiosrganiasantlearnsdaieinrlain 'Nno motious the way they are. Ste-lea next year will certainly pm" iiirsoi about football and m: 0! Aurora withachampiomhw nun MTabbiosaregrentwithTedon thepine hn nbquubmlmyonmmatm " lama that. though izlslecood an MM! ace. withtwowinsandtwoloee.Oneol thoseKingvictoriecamelastweek mason winoverltichmondHill like Petesontoppedltiqacore with 12 points followed by John DIVtICWlthIO Sutton, which stands dead Ill. dropped a 65-! decision Bayview besides the loss to Williams. Sutton's record is now no will and tour In Junior play. King City is Huronisinatireewaytieior second.witharecordolaiewinand no loose, with Aurora High and Newmaer High who each have ideitical (hematite-loam lnmi idi leads the pack with u gents. lollowed by Sloullville. wi six. Sacred Heart, each with no paints Williams downed Sutton 0-32 in W play last week, Huron took Sacred Heart Quand Newmarket thumped King City $87 in inter-conform game so far thisseason.thenorthhastakaisix ol the rune games played available at pres time After the Uravedty at Main matdi, Fit zgeald had two antes {or two potnts Another familiar lace (or Flyer fans is currently skating tor the Lake Supeie State Lakes Bryan Alexander. 'Roode' to Newmarket lam,curreitlyqor1sa fivegoal. l} assist and ltpoisl total tor the Lakes in Central Collqiate Hockey Alcoa but play. The Lakes eta-rainy stand with ans-H recordintia syear's actiri The Princeton Tigers are currently boasting the goaltending attributes oi Scott Sillcox of Kit" Township Last neaam, Sillccx was a wok on with the Tigers and stole the Stlml position Silicon started in nine 0! the Tigers first 13 games. but lost his position to competition Bob Mann - Tiger ohaervers are expectm a still light between Slice: and Mann for this year's starting position The Zl year old iorme St Andrew's College student compiled the lowest goals-against average 0! the three varsity goalteides on the hgers He holds an w save percentage and averages 29 saves per game Who says studies and hockey don't mix Barratt cements win for Richvale 6-1 NEVIARKET ~- Jim Barratt cametlrot'hwiththreegoalsinao 1 Newmarkd Richvale Ready-Its Novice victory ove Siaron in On tano Minor Hockey Association play last week Lucas Mackenzie picked up a goal and an assist. Slide markers went to Leo Spagnullo and Nicky Ililnethorpe. who also had a good game delensively along with Todd Wilkinson Barratt and Spagnullo continued to sad as each scored twice in a 71 romp over Barrie to complete the weekend Barratt also picked up two assistsasdidJe Perm Todd Blair (his Dumond and Lucas MacKerme shot simles for the winning side The two weekend victories now extends the Novu e s undefeated string to ll games anmarea takes two NEWMARKET A strong o eiaive output by the Newmarket V'almarca Bamam hockey club led ....and to all a good night And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight , Sharon Peewees. Sutton bantams he Wt this was swell what's good inthisdearoldtown isthe {act that three lootballteamscaptia'edthecrown " The Raiders. Panthers and Cougars should yell that in football games. they really excel " Hethotuhtofthehoopand nastieda bigsrnile when he heard that Williams took the York Comtv title He scratdied his chin and thought in (homey. What eve happaied to the Newmarket Ray Up here in the pole. it's hard to keqi track otwhat'sgoimonandiithey vestillptthekmck " He was told that the Ray s wee still prety good Win a champiauln'p pme They probably could But he also heard that when it turned No league would even let them have a $0 on to tournaments amt exlabition games. that would brim them some money but cetainly no tame Heronslromhischnirwhentoldoltheplight olthstonmintheomrios;theol{iciatingtight ' "IWWIM'G win."saidastartled St. Nick. "lsotnlhtomelikethnyween'tinthnthid." Waittiloirhtmas,whenthoseolhciahchockthstrsocks lintoaddlinspreotlel - y llhndareaomerocks Hewastoldoltheton inthn .a Mmtmsandtwo pin. .. "Vlo "llthoygstina WdLlshouldgot lSC. meryltrhltringle withthsbet e " nil-sh." swosktobo .(hiniyolvesJ lt'sbomtinitaliq butagain l'l be back nausea. don't wet-y. V blob "Way to go, Yod. am keep wt}! fight " SHOOTING HIE BREEZE it Newmarket Flyers will be tin Royal York Royals this T hursthy niait at New-arket Community Centre. Game time is 8pm The Aurora Tigers will be at home ttss Sunday against the Guelph Holody Haters Game time at the Anrers Con-snity Centre is730pm The Era will have an early dendlim this week because at the Christmas holiday Atwone with any game meets from the [remain week's games. should have them in no late than Frity at noon All weekend games will appear in the lollowing week's issue wta'ch comes on on Wed . Jan 1 (El-y Harrben, ol the New-arket Recreation Depart-at has been getting a little pre- Christmas tan Ginny was in the Bahamas last week on vacatiai The Georgian Women's Hockey Asseelntion will be starting soon Anyone inteested in the prqrsm should call Lanrn Eagleson - Plot It 764! Aareo Tiger geieral manage Ji- m-s actually said somet ng nice about the New-eke Ftyers last week Williams sddthnttnthalghtthatDoquneewoulddoagrentjobancooch of the Flyers. lang-Umeli lyetanooahokosissportingaiiewbeardttas weeks Stokes has hnm thelped him wit" thehnirloracotplsolwedsnowjutit wheemmwh. Justiorthsnocord. Ps s IequhtrolladaT torthe hiany Ni t Laden at th New-attot Iowlnrn-a Int wank. mnmmmmump twmm Hash-rainaloastothesaap-Pasttoamhun'l mlnstwedat New-nrhot Com-.lty Cairo. the way for two \ictories in York Simcoe hockey play last week John Polak and Al Emeson led the way with ttree goals each in a o l dobbering oi Urillia in Urillia Al Emerson. Scott ( ole and Mike l- orhnn shot singles for the wininng siti- Brian Penn was a standout in goal Mike Jollimore and Mike Forhan were the sharpshootes. with two coat. in a 9-0 shutout of Bolton on Siliday in Newmarket Jet! Duff's outstanding goaltendim led to the shutout torn Bain. Keri Smith Ed Lamb, Scott Cole and Jet! Madigan primed sixties tor Valmarca Teachers to plug tildtlniers NW llyoumieod me National Hockey Lonnie Old times play-in the Area acts last week at Ain'ors Comm Cantrethee astmachaeetoase