.0 Mihalra.MA-va.m0nt..'at. Doss-b. I. I D THE ERA Sarqu Yak County Since issz ewmncnmmuncwsi manor. mu. intone Housman C. Li . was. sun tar two years. siiso Oar no (aim rear sonata (antes is: one Yes simulators Era -s use at me inland Nu-seMCa tin-tad arson at women m. .emn mcw-m a. wvmny P-caormg tile-rs Ad. sensor .rgmpton Guaromn urimgton Post neurone Germ. mum (car-what ans Sue Mas-sauna Nears, OOIwiHO Denver Oshawa this on Oshawa "us amend Stoottvme tribune anon Wee Press. Georgetown Insane-tom mo Macon mi. ( MD-Cl W (mono *eeai. ~m w Assoi -a'-oo and the Loo-t Mono 0' (rectum Second tiass Ma revrstvs u! mm " Phonic Newmarliet 015 2331 30 Charles St Does NeWmarket need ' an electoral ward system? new. lineman. lt wuldmahagsttiqalachdamicaadctnapsr. andwuldmmaacoimcilltr'sjm auwtoncs elected. i 1 'lhaargiimmtthatltwouldallowcoinicillors to become better acominted with their con DA VID 3. HA SKELL TERRY CARTER mm FLETCHER News (at. PETER O 'DESSE MW Narmarhet camellia! would do well to studydiecaaelaaodagainstawardsyshmtn townverycaretullybeloretakingahdlicialvote m the question. Last week. dining an open lmoncivic a airs atthecommusdty csntre. itappearedamajoritydcoinicillontavora ward system. but some exposed reservation. Newmarkethadawardsystemlwmany years. butabandoneditasthetowngrew became it proved inn-oductiveand ind . Revival d the system ins been comistently lathepnat decade. but until nu hasloind little favor with eitherthe votes-sq nia' m.nioa.mmpiymsy then advndlsetsdawardsystsm.Coiai- cillorsdtot andvoteaithahadsdthair intavordthesystemhavebeencouncilltn'swho wouldstandtobenelitmostatthepolhinsdara ward system ~thmewithalimited constittietscy whohavebeenunabletobroatantheirbased union-t. Wethinknot.Wehaveseennoevihcethat camcillors are W m with the "m' calledtcbytwoctnmcillorslastwedmayahow thinninadi erentlight. . Thereisnodoubtawardsystemwouldlnld mum Good year for pipe band Hoursdlmgpracticepniddlthhnsmm- lorthe Newmarket Pipe Band. Undc the directiu d Pipe layochhn Iackamtthebandtravdledtow factors as elliciency ol lenfrued 5! checkoutherecsptitsiat management and connections. reconnec. W|WMWW| linancial pr0)ections . the services are as filed N Is his ! de "Ill 0" ordered and properly ()ur connection bum " me TI '0' connected charge was never NV? 0 N W '0 Ourexperienceinthe intended to recover our 0'6" l0 300' III 0 past where former actual expenses Thecost continue Prowl !!! lb residents had illegally of connecting a new best WIN? Ml! 0 and improperly sauce in the home is tekvmon m~ In connected lines causi- actually in the m to sso this cut. I 0!!! signal distortion rame subscribers would. in instrumental in our With the high cost ol effect. be subsiditins decision to check out the operating vehicles as well re de '0 W connections at each Cable company defended lam sorry l cannot addressthewriterotthe letter recently W in The Era in person. alWlWlmay havebeentalkit tohtm/ lair. a - l'lewasalsoat s bmtaal mmladvides abuhiig Wdurtorlalm. lamothe.llay'sstatinician.aitdld .. onSatia'day. James is knownas The t joiningttnbsodoranypersomiiacatodinleannng n sythep'pssoraumsarewalcometocallband chairman Jim Wri tman at ns-ssss tor more in- Games all over Ontario. as wdl as Alma. and Montreal. wimit prism at every games in the Grab the! competition. 1m woven a pod year tor solemn as well. Pipe Mayor ackmsie. pinyin in the opm mm mm- petition. receivodsevaal first. second ad third [lace m in Tm. lidiigan. Ddco d hm 1W. FilteenyearoldRobllcCallumisasmcmsstory in lnmsell In his first year as a solo competita Rob backeddowntoacceptsecsndprisemlyasce roteivtng first place at to other Highland Gama. making him Supreme Champon in the grab three amateur solo drummuu contmt lob will receive his we at the Ontario Piper's Society HM Ball at the Constellatiai Hotel in Toronto. nest larch Rob will compete in the Grade tw0 competition inst year Other successes in solo competitiai inclum twO first places. a second and a third won by gra& lour pips Randy Egan. a third place captured by graa Debbie Rinsell and two tlnrds won by grade lour tour mmer Paul loamy Preparations are already unda'way lor the 1 competition season With numbers in both the pipe and turn sections almost doubled and imtructors such as John . tackenzie and open drummer. Ht h Camera). (ran Kitdienei. the title ol Grade Ttn'ee Champiai Supreme is well within reach (1 tin band formation CHRIS REID. Newmarhet Pbe land P.lt.0. Briefs by Dec. 1 2 is What a ideal Allowingthepuhlic amerelsdaystoswmit briels to the East Gwillimbury Area Plan Amendment 21 is mudi like inViting you at! lor lunch and informing you r in Latin - dint you will be tested two weeks late Alll Latin' And. they allow you to pay the bill lor ltlldl Besides numerous other goodies. Amend- ment 2t wodd make it impossible lor you. as a tarmer. to be granted a severance for a retirement home' I. hereby. publicly submit my briel to counCil. respectfully requesting a so day ex- tension ol the deadline for briels beyond the muted December 12th date .ll-I. BAZYLINSKI. Holland landhg Sarnia school her on the tele nne While I can appreCiate his / her concern regarding what he she perceives to be a "ripoll '. l mint Mend our company's position and. hopelully. explain our philosophy with regards to lees levied lor s T\lC08 provided. to assuage any doubts that may be held with regards to our integrity. All cable rates are highly regulated and subyect to approval by the ( RTC alter a lormal application has been subrnitted. which must include documentation and support material in response to the ( s list of t'flltl ll that must be met belore approval is granted As well as prowdim full financial inlormation substantiating a request as remuneration lor service personnel. our actual cost per service call or reconnect ol serVice'tsinthells to 817 range. not including adrmnistration costs to process a new accOimt or change of address or service These charges do not include our capital costs to place a cable distribution system in new subdivuions or older areas not preViously cabled such as River Drive Park and Sharon These costs range betweenWandmp home in fairness to all our subscribers who have already paid their connection charge. our policy ol a set lee was implemented to avood the chaos that results with an inconsistency at rates charged All our subscriber out location to another a the new subscriber moving into the area. I n l u r t h e r )ustilication at our lea. we are prepared to do whatever serum is necessary at the time at reconnection or connection We will relocate the service. install an extra outlet or connect a converter tor the one-time sso charge. which. I mi lt add. is dillerent to some cable systems . ll this was not lully explained to the writer. I alter my apologies for the omission At the time our service repruentative calls at the door. he will address to ensure the cable reception meets ourstandarth l was pleased the writer included a statemut. "the is no complaint against cable company and lully aware at our noncern to provide lor our subcribers a sauce that adm ases all their neem both in availability. content. quality and pricing structure M. BLACKWELL. mus) Esecntlve Vice- Presidentand General Manager Jarmaln Cable Cold wind over N ewmnrket A cold wind blows ova Nev/market at the newsolthe recent such great outdoors she loved so much. lllness lell lightly (ll her shoulders I byallthe yersandhelivedthe (hiringtha . Wu M Jamesatkledmllmtohdlmlmtive wiiiawhite.mdicowboybatai cola'edworkboobwithshdtw. . James.asishlswont.twicatookts microphonetodescrlbeevmtsdthe summer. and twice had to abandon wanalimtrumaitbecainenoone - Whisscrambledsyntas. Bobl titchie. manager. relations man chldu-gamserd team.againsurpamodlaa|revious withescellentpreamtadonstothepla v managementandtrophywinners. Astandingovationwaagivuitop Doug Webster. who earned us in. with a tic-hitter this season. and sweater was retired. Du. has an ~ more ample belly than Lawrence 1 andlsmpectthismaybavesometml (kiwithhis rstirsmmt. Hours is mad dancing followed lamal presentation and a W revellersh'omapartyinanadjoinim remarked favorably on the mate generalairdgaietyandsoonioinsd 0'0 ? Asmywileandltrdkedhome ~- diegently lallingmowweremarkedin tactthatthaRaysaseuitttalningevl the (had 0! winter. Somuchsothatliaiderstanda ~ banddtheplayers andotha'scon' theirrevelrimintothepmhoursat andmaystillbedoingsoasthisis mittedtolrint. lor a tee increase,we mint Indeed the bail! lrendy making a l a . me or answer to the lollowing itsdl in piping Circles in October at this year a own hand consisting ol lour pipers travelled to Tormto to compete and received second place in an opai com petition. beating out bands from hipier grades as well as a very impessive pclormance. ll tlangs continue in this manner the band can look lorward to a very successful competitim season in in On June 7 at next year Nev/market will play host to Mr own Highland Games Why not come oil and and 13, im 1'0: further W Y ? mm "id 10 " m " 9 fun 0 the Chm information please write celebrations to Any experiaiced ppers or drummers intersted in Annis ersary ol Hrs NA Hm. She was always there. this curious and able witnessed her stale-1m excruciatii pain with not a word ol complaint I wish I had spent moretime with her.Andl need not add that I shall miss her lore important, all ol Newmarket will sorely miss the beloved Mrs Woodcock. WI LLIS ROMANOW. Newmnrhet lees lor basic cable Qiality at service service. additional Proposed addition; outlets. additional Improvemgntg to services tconvertersi. service new connections, V mlmcmw Exienuon 01 reconnections. relocates. "Rm only 'llh S l() new "as pre-wires. et cetera. WKWBWWW Variance ol lees 30b le 0 ? 093""! Wm proposed i0 mo . and capital expenditures Yet beneath this , gunman to provide cable TV surface-cynicism was region servicetoallourserViced kindness and tolaance. Econumm need areas. humility and compassion. mums mio account ma. Without the revenue and a heart as big as the REPORT FROM NACC FESTIVAL T hank you, Newmarket, for your support of the NA C C festival specialised playgs'otnid. lntlvimial clims and holds a reunion To lormer residents at Sarnia. Ontario ll you attended ( entral ('ollegiate vou are cordially invited to attend the 25th reunion to be held in Sarnia on May l6, l7 ( ommittee Sarnia ( entral Collegiate or at East Street North Sarnia. Ontario Registration lorms and inlormation wilf be sent to you immediately I: l" Mct'allrey. t hairman Reunion Anniversary Rennlnn The second annual Newmarket Arts and Noah the kind coopaation at Mr Dan Sin ( ralts Cmnicil lestival was a tremendous suc cess this year This can be directly attribiaed to all the fine individuals and groups within the commmity who assisted us lor the entire weekend In my mindtheidea ol working togetherand helpingeachotheristhetriiespiritoltlie "Festival" Oneolthemainprohlanslastyear wasthe llowolthecrowdsandwiththecapable assistance ol the Newmarket Conical Radio ServiceClub and Knights Secinty.wewere able to overcome the congestion this year Othergrotgiswhoworked very hardtoco ordnate the event were the Jaycees and Jaycettes. the Kinsmai and Kinettes. Beta Signa Phi. m & Prolusional Women. nunbashomthelitrarylatl.koyalCanadan ta ta.- Aaxtlary .d a line groin) ol yet-gpso m Rd 5 The Bayvsew Hills Ratepayes Aaaaeiatisnwasahovcyi-trusmtalintheco- Mammuumy mmwmusccmmm non. commissioner ol parks and recreation. an area in the commisiity centre lor six weeks was set up as David s studio lhe NACC reim bursed DaVId lor expenses incmed to complete his mural l was delighted to see a young member at the town wanting to contribtae his talent back into his town and to help him in any way possible Again with the assistance of the parks and recreation department. David was helped in accomplishing his goal lerchants were also extremely helptul. especially 1he Pop Sioppe Both David Curtis and band Dinilap gave the N A,( ( their lull support All pop sales at the lestival were donated back to the Community Pro ect Find. enabling l. to raise money lor Otl library and intregated playgrouid lor handicapped and non handicapped chilth'ui Aspecial plaque lor "continuing support and commmity qirit" was presented to Mr Dltlap (hring patrons evening a Radial Line Gallery. Jalra Cosmetics ( anada Ltd. Beaver Limbs. Ardlls. and Mr Submarine also proVided gifts to the (Imascil lor Door Prizes. PA IONS EVENING; Approximately 375 a, mass: "L MENIUI President. Nev-market Arts and ( ralts ( anncll GETTING INTO TIIE CRRISTIAB SPIRIT: Dimng the month at Mobs the NACC willbecollectinghimolnewtoys to be donated back into ctr unanimity. Last year sdiniatiaiswereinescemolmuthis year'awillbeevengrentclhustoyswlllbe divided between several grows such as 1he Salvation Army. l'he Board at limitation and FMUyW.Mwehopewllbemmnl contribiaiontothelamilies l-who needalittleeatrauai ancetlasthneol . strtttedbncktopdqlaytnlltslortho-nrtwork atthelestival.-llwehtinwillmnateMto theircy ictlh'odshmd. OWERDONA Oleomamwithin thecomminiitywillbemakinghiati sbackto the N.A.C.C.. spacillcally tor the special plum-Id- l'he Jaycsm lid Jaycsttes sold giant coloin lvalandallpoceads tromthissalewlllbemtedtoin. thetalcitedNewmarkd'lhontremanber-s are holding a bmellt performance at lhe Miracle Worker. Doc. s. I pm. and all proceeds lromtheevmtl'wlllbedlatedtolhscotmcil. One at ll. Gil Odds llvlaiom in delivcedtohishomemtaalsoaaaan extra charge. (hilt-Q's Playground mm has assined the cot-tell button. immuzwmmmpwd' mailed each day to prtielpste in " FestivalnweMlorlthlew't/Il V . 2': days; Patrons (Advance W ' . mas-iuo-ysnosinonyioinegud liwillabbeheldthasametimeeach ' thecsntre. miss-.nvuiuumdo "