ThetaAlewg- - -o NEWMARKET Torhen Fredertt'kson counted a shutout tn hewmark Men's Town league hockey actton last week as Kntght Securttx notched a 3-0 Nankmq at Newmarket Sports and t ycle- last Sunday .t' Holltngsvtorth Arena luck Stsler ptcked up the ttrst goat tn the rst pertod and Bud tiardtner and lance Perrtn ttntshed hm Kali . (ht..'ot. Dace-h- s. In! . FREDDICK50N GETS SIUEQIJT Knight blanks Sports thtngs 0 m the mtddle trame Perrtn also scored tvtt. asststs tn the t tctory In other actton lrautntan Electrtc and K and t t ornrnurttty Sports tought to a 5 5 ats h and l. dummated the ttrst pertod wtth a pan ot goals from the sttcks 0! -\l ('hanntng and Btll Butcher Trautntan came through tn the secohd wtth a goal by Dan Palmer to narrow the maratn but K and L muttered truth a goal by John Bellamy hautman pulled ahead wtth three goals by Ktck Allen, Bob Jerry and Paul t om .tuzter toend the pertod tn the thtrd. Butcher ttedttuplor hand Lbul Trautman conttnued the see-says wtth a Bob Jerry marker K and L s have m . kl h lnSlCt a new Honda t n lt and you?! see that thts year there 15 eten mt trc mp room sht Mulder rt n m and lt y: mom :n h v'r. the from and back seats H. M it = you prme 1t By out tmg your htps your gigs and . nu: mt uu.der51n51dv he at and. seem;- ft tr mrselt McBurney shot the lytl tally wtth putt m two mtnutes relnatnu' tn the contest Ute thtrd game at the day says Ptuthlle double the count on Armstrorg Real Estate H The only goal at the ttrst pertod came when Paul Thomas pounded one tn tor Ptuavtlle Armstronttted tt tp tn the second wtth a Ktrk Stover goal bu I tzzthlle got a patr ot ts from Randy Perry to out the mtddle frame Armstror In two goals trom Ron Mclnnts and Don ( arnlhers to he tt up tn the last pttod but Ptuavtlle eaplo 'd for tour als' by . Grant I . Perry and Dave Nethertngton. wtth two. to ttntsh off the game The tourth game ot the day turned out to be a Farr POPS three SHARON - Randy Farr scored three goals and asststedut two others as the Norm Burltng East Guttltmbury Mtdget hockey club slammed Woodbrtdge 7-1 last week Jerry Ash. wtth two, Dan Hogan and Ed Mader were the other East (iwtlltmbury sharpshooters THE NEW HONDA CIVIC WHAT'S BIGGER NOT-SO-BIGGER /, smej est wtth Murttn s at" commg out on top It oy er Burltng's Butlders ' Shell opened the scortng when Ken Rawaon poppedone tn but the ttrst pertod ended th a It lead tor Burth when Barry Bellamy and John Van Beck htt A Shell went ahead tn the mtddle trame when Don Holle e and Wayne Moores ttckled the twtne The see-saw game con ttnued when Les Chatsaon natted two [or Burltng and Stu You added another to gtve Burltqg the lead agatn In the thtrd. Holledge htt tor three more for Shell and Gerry Ertl added another Burttng muttered wtth a patr 0! goat by Ron Srmth and (Mason but Shell came back wtth tour goals trom the sttcks ot Holle e. Paul Falbo. Rawson and Jtm Mctlucktn Burltm managed to htt for two goals by Bellamy and Smnth but tell short The ( arpet Statton turned out to be the slayer m a t4-3 vtctory over the Compass Restaurant BobStewart \Hll l tht hatttrtck, Terry Rtlt-y wtth tour. Johr Moorehead. wtth three Blatr Clark. wtth two and Bob lrvtne \Atlh two were the sharpshooter: Bob allen utth tht goals and Al St John htt for t ompasy NOT-SO-BIGGER. t tne of the great thtngs an of the ortgtnal (71th was that It was socasx twpark ' a )ne oft'ne great thtngs about the new t mt l that tt 15 So cam to park Yes we made :3 W SO-BIGGER. I ~ ft ' aatx .15 ha "a we dtd 12 but he ma it the .l. htgger ant . tho' ;trlt smaller l'hts warts _ . 4 a . t (tt't hii' t lit 7. ad 'tw Hat it"tat kartuall vustsless Tut, Hat ht;a r; did at dr 38 Danny s Honda . P.0. Box 150, 139 Yonge Street South, fgtewmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 r/Jq. * ' . 898-4500 7* 7.... . - btgger But no we dtdn t make :t so btgger that It wouldn t ma kc . sense tn the real world of take The mu NEWMARKET lhaptte a um ettort by thhmond lltll tn the that! pertod. the Newmarket Mtnor Atonbhockey chm managed to hanton to a 4 3 ytctory tn ()ntarto M t n o r ll 0 c k e y Assoctatton play last week tn New market Derek Grant opened the scortng trom ( hrts Mowat and Peter Polak and thhard Banglmater connected wtth Duane Beckolay tn the aeooml marker . .- Newmarket con- ttnued the acortr' when Kelly Saran-I blocked one tn trom Baaglmater andShawn O'hettlerom Tut ( otteyu [trashed all an Newmamet in trom Btlly Westgate Newmarket led H gotng tnto the ttnal trame but saw tt dwtndle when 1111- thtt.made a three goal comeback to tall short ot the be Seney shoots 3 NI-II MARKET t hrts Seney shot a hat trtck tor the Newmarket Boyd Transport Peewee 8 hockey club tn a T! \lt lOf) over thhmond lltll last Saturday / The vtctory Ittted *euntarket s record to a respectable tour wtn three loss total Matt Snet stnger htt the mark twtce and tangles went to Marc Matr and Darryl McKtnlay Toronto Maple teats how to play when they play at Maple leaf Gardens on r rt r Dec 2t. prtor to the Toronto Marlboro thd sor Spttltre Mayor Juntor A contest Sentinel lotus SllARUN The East (tuttttmbury Senttnel Alumtnum Noy'tce hockey club managed to hang on to at 21 ytt tory tn York Strncoe hockey actton last week Mtchael opened the scortng from Brtan MacDonald and tm titasson from Keytn Barron shot the wtnntng marker Torkott Sharon In other actton the M-nttnel team downed Bradford by a 3-1 count Ttm Gtasson htt from Stuart Hardte tor the ttrst Senttnel goal and Stuart Hardte connected wtth ( orey Dennts tor the eventual wtnner 'l tm Gtasson shot the tnsurance marker from Mtke Torko M t k e K I t c h t n g hanged tn three goals It an 874 doubltng ot lntonytlle Torkot'f and Htasson ptcked up a pan each and Corey Dennts popped a smgle Girls lose to Brampton NE MARKET The \t-umarket Bantam gtrls hockey club put up a good ftght but went down ll to a tough Brampton lt'dnt tn \ork Peel tttrls' Hockey Asstx tatton play last week Brampton currently V Whtte Suppttes last Up to holds down rst place tn league standtngs Nancy Dtckson connected vttth Ftona Mt'l hee tor the only Neumarket goal of the game htane Kearns htt tor tvm goals {or Brampton 0" on a large selectton ot decorattve area rugs and carpet remnants g. a... nounsoetu Moe "- 90' to9u~ 84' 9a* W160 WNW t 17F AM M m AVE w tAgWSSY E JUST EASY 0: Done no mason 6-2 NEWMARKET - m and at nut Peat provedtobeadacm " tactorasheshottotr goalstnaO-z ewmarkot Mtnor Peewee vtctory over thhmond Hill In York-Stmcoe hockey actton last week Peat htt agatn tn the secatdper'todtromNevtn Bates but thhmond Hill narrowedthemargtntoz- tbetorethepertodended. The thtrd pertod saw Peat conttnue the on- staught as he popped tn a Tom Hurst pass. Joey Brennan. Peat and Hunt {tntshed o the aoort'q wtth unasststed markers compared to only one for thhmond Hill Penalttes hurt the Newmarket team tn a 4-3 loss to Aurora who scored three goals on the power play Darryl McKtnlay and Nevtn Bales. with tvto, knocked tn the goals tor Newmarket Noel ( hambers. Robert Bangtmater and Ttm l eat asststed on the goals In a return match hack tn Aurora on Saturday, Newmarket played well [or the first two pertods but came out tlt lht short Q' d d I *3 s c o r e R o b e r t Banglmater and Joey Brennan hot for the lostl snde C I Iy'AYNt. . , t MN a lunacy Whattsllomeleaguellockey" Howu Hockey dt R. are two d 0'! m mnunonty questtom by parents 0! boys comtng tnto hockey tor It! rst ttme Alter havtng a h thesystem torapertodotttme. tn some t mtsunderstandtm at the two systems sun ststs HOUSE LEAGL'I: Home league ts perhaps best descrth. organtsed recreational lockey wtth an em on enjoyment and learntng Home league . most boys. their first esposttre to mom .. andasubstanttalamomtotttmetsusedm devet the bastc sktlls As one more, then; the age groups. from stx yt-an Nthcet to II and t! (Juventlet. house , provtdes the opporttmtty tor the (manor shtp 0! hockey on a weekly basts Him a dimension. and to try and provtde a hens porttattty tor leath for the yomgest pt. we tnstttuted hockey cltntcs tn the Not Atom grows This year. some I.) boys are pll thts weekly teachtr and learntng expt-r Inter-town eshtbtttort games wtth Markham Untonvtlle were played last year to pron. dtrterent exposure tor at: home league pl; and hopetully we can continue aloq these Ftnally. the House League Tour hosted by Newmarket and organtzed by begton each March. provides an opportunm House League players to parttctpate m very keen tounament competttton mth teams trom other town. All (1 these e orts and actwrttes comm. make home league an Integral part at Newmarket Mtnor Hockey Assoctatton REP TEAMS Rep team hockey. by compartson ts compettttve hockey and more dernaodttg terms 0! sh and ttme - ttme tor pracm'e t tor travetttng and tune tor games. but tnten the same ' enjoyment Rep hockey. under the ausptces ot the lane Mtnor Hockey Assoctatton. pruttdes opportuntty to play a more compettttve hram hockey wtth teams tn other towns provtnces and even other countrtes Wt the game. these teams represent the 1mm Newmarket on our behalt GOOD COMBINATION The combtnatton ol tnuae league and 'v team hockey. as tt has been toatered om years. now accommodates the hockey rut-Q almo ll) boys tn our town in We t' WWW mt mar. .3472) new Momma .MCM ~w~ I