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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), November 28, 1979, p. 4

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assa- Mmmmu.wnuw THE ERA 2 Sewing Yorti County Since in) W every N u . Charles Si mar-aromatic mane Muslin (a Lit-wise not.-. as. Oer has m sites 0a as m n. Saints totes I. ears The Winners (re as no at the inland Mine-eta memdww M which M the hie-Mteocaam teens as Hoses Manatee Guava-an. Owl-noise Pest Insets Gareth. Moravian Erato-mat and Son mm News. Oaauiie Denver Oshawa This wees meat-a "us ween-ens. Mt . imam Asia! tree We. Georgetown lw am Mitten Canadian Chemo. w ( 3.0 *MW NW AMIO'OO W the MN Doreen at ( old-.5 Second Class Ma ra vOret-ai number Wu Phone Nswniarttet '95 2131 30 Charles St DA VID R. H. . SK ELL e/ '7 Anal-0a . rennv CARTER lowermost l MARLA FLETCHER ' " 9." PETER O'DESSE WWW O {Mn c; : E3 It s time for commitment to a town theatrecentre wouldget.Piovincialgrantamiitnotbefu-di- comii'toa adthe ty dafederalgramisunlikely. ' the cmtgovanmsntcouldbepinhlqigih a betaethedalfedihbloommt . The miuncipal [remiss d and abwtmnnwon tbeonthewayuntilthetwo othermoniedgiutsfall. Hr. Agiland has [losentsd three alter nativatohlewmarhettogoaheadwiththenrst phasedthepsoiectonsiteatFalryLske.togo aheadwithabiggaprojectwithfearaland mimicipalhelpmrtorentandraiovamafaciliq innithe takesthelocsdfitscdfas. The ' alternativeisthemlyreal icaie anditssuppatwillbethetown'swaydsayii' "Yes.webelieveintheam." befaethetownmade its Butthegestureshtnildhavesanewei ty umbdbm attachedtoit. We renotastiinthetowntogivethe NewmarhettheatreCenu'eachemiefam m. hitwedothinkthegmupdaav-alittlemore standonthanodiagrouuintown. Facilities la hockey. soccer. football. [soviet- d moon. if Ir. Aspland wants money to a trad in anticipation of At wast. if theexperiment talk. the town willspendalotlemthanitscutrenttwonm #060! York redistribution still isn t likely to occur PierreT rudeau'sdepartia'efromthefederal politicalscenehasletOntarioPremierWilliam Davist theelectionhoosfaayear.mysome YorsNorthT aieswhow-aegeariqupfora gring. 1m calm. At the PC ruin association s annual meeting recently. Mt Lint Rice warned faaimelsctionmnd Therewievewon tgivevotersinthisridim theftfthlargestintheaovince-astronga vaice through redistribution. though. or York Nath's hardpresaed legislator a break after the election. Accordim to the Ontario Election Office any move by the government to put a redistribution d electoral boundaries in motion is highly tailikely taitil at least a year after the 1901 This letter has been developed by COBRA as as ialermatioa bulleth fer taspayers who may be Interested in haawlag more about their assessments and taxes. T h e G e o r g i n a ratepa er asaOCiations who re members of . COBRA have simported the coalition s active . pursuit of reassessmait Norm ridiru will retain its distinction as the povince s fifth largest. and its second largest riding or rural-urban mix. well into the laws We ve always dreamed of a cheap fuel source ByTERRYCARTER Eraedher Dreams of cheap energy are nothing new to hewmarset Acenttty ago.thetowri wasall stain wim Visiats of black gold bubbling out of tin ground and natural gas hillll into a network at W pipes to tronde cheap fuel and lights A hundred years ago. it wasn t tin Wt of string oil that excited mama-mat tn the town so much as vision of cheap natural gas heir; available in their ownbacsyards Testsdiowedbothfuelswaedownthere.and thae sevatahitItntheoldrecabthat de ooalliesbaieaththeliollarditivavalleyas A few small wdls were Ml into podium airingtheTMIndtheearlyyearsofthiscaituryhut wholocalbusinessmenwaitafterthebigone. cameupdryaltaa'illingonlyoneholeJheypacsedin diuretiortstnthaoourapmaitandnoaieevatned lure again First indications thatgasaddlmicitliebaieath the valley wae W! to pu lc atteulm by that eve-curious school teacha. Alesarata Iuir in larch.tl7$.heptmushedaiettainTheErapotnting outthatnaturslgasbtbbleduptlrot hssaingon tandthenoocw'sedbytheGortanoolenlillstsouth oonttmiedtoburnT'hegasatfir-stwastooiairetobe in ammable onlybscamesoaftamisingwith ."bwrote. Gerhamaddedlmathatthegsshsdheen uthhesahgfasOyearsthathe ot.andaobsblyforallaiger.Andheadded thstasaboyjehadioimdapieoeotooalbytheswing wtdchaiormamcoalminainthecnployofhu fahidaitifiedas himaipire" Mr Gorhamsaidst thattimenoonehadevaimpamdcoal inn Upper Canda. Intact. NdaonGabmhimsdttntm was thsflratobrtngmalnorthoftheOasiti ea OILIINAmV/E lnAiiun. tm.aPm-ylvanisotlfidd expat got in June. in. expats from the Brantford Gas and Oil Syn licate tested gas w s on two eastside farms. and affirmed the gas was pure, that it was not from vegetable dsmmposit'iai. but from mtural deposit. thatthebedwasaboutwofeetwideandranlnamth- an and m directim. and that it wobbly was in that called tin shallow strata. abota son or coo feet below the suface " The Brantford firm's report stated I have fataid mcesoloilandalsoverystrongdepositsdgastnthe mallowformation~medinastratum atsootosm feet below the sin-face. and aho tn the Trenton l tmauine about the granite. about 1.1)) feet from the sis-face tn whidi you Otght to get very large gas wells. "This discovery at oil and g- would boom your towntfitwasdevelopsd.betterthananythinginsight at present. and this. in my Wt. is all the minaal trowel you have taida your fidd of any value " Hewentontoreoommendatatwellbesunson thefarmolGeorgeWilliams. "and youwillget gastn largequantitia.atsl itwillnotoost youmudi to pipe thesameformalfyou get gasthae. youcanget itai many town lots and (arms near your T'htt's loosed bright. EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE Promimnt Newmarset busuiessman WC Wid- dfidd was before council the following lay remlesnng an exclusive franchise on the strata of tn townincaseheor'nisedammpnytoopaatethe will on George Williams' farm Council mun have agreed. for four ymrs lata. in July. 1904. Mr Widdfidd and Charles Dame had formed the Newmarhet Devdopment Company. and pvaitherighttolaygasp'pothrougllitathetown. Interest in the gas well has greatly increased (hiring the past week. as every day s work appears to mow gresta realisation ot the expectations con- caningaflowofgas silficientforpracticable - posa. optlmisticallyreported1heraaii'ri..l s. itsaidaimonthepreviwsWedMy.whsnthe no that is m in the Howeva.Newmartetwasnotd.imdtenarto the thoamwysdf-sdficiemtnnaniralgas.After fundedbythemimstrydhealthat ievdTheYortReglonPi-oaambuis a gamma tn Ontario. ln it d-79 tl- York CI mml tobdrochjndspaidtmttmmtbit netting NOLUCK Company secretary Mr Howard Cane took a per patint day. Obviously ho'spttal Meta sanpleofrocsfranthebottomotthewellto roronto higher.andtlusisthemainreason analystndcamebacsthstdtanoontorqatun m-itwouldlihetowornotehanecsre. of all Georgina properties with a View to bringim about more equitable assessment and. as a result. more equitable taxation throtghout the township This. we believe is what the law requires We have suggested that one way of bringing this about would be for Georgina council to request reassessment under Section as of'the Assessment Act, but it now appears our counml will not petition the province for such action There is. however. another method of obtaining relief if you feel you are carrying more than your fair share of taxes That ts by appealing your Assessment Notice" when you receive it in December Many taxpayers do not apprecute or understand the significance of their assessment notices when they receive them The simple explanation is that thedollar figureshownon you assessment notice ts the figure against which will be applied the regional, school and mimicipal mill rates to arrive at your total tax burden T u r n I n g t h l s arotaid if you feel your taxes are too high in be that your assessment is tnequitably high to start with You can t get relief by appeal"! your tax bill You must seek relief by appealing your assessment We understand that an impact study conducted recently by the provmce has indicated that approximately 33 pa cent 0! the properties in Georgina were " - assessed" it e , asaaaed on a basis which placed these properties tn the position 0! being liable for more than their fair shire oi taxesr Another 33 pa cent were "under assessed. and the balance were within to per cent of being correctly assessed This. we suggest. is a most disturbing state of affairs How can you determine the category in which you fit Here ts a goideline The impact study revealed that the total of all ms propaty assessments in Georgina amounted to about 27 pa cent of York Region s estimated total 1975 market value for these same properties Thus. if you were assessed for $25. and you feel the 1m marhet value of you property was moon. then yota assessment is npacent - whichtsmtnthighathan the township average Your assessmait should have been only @150 to be at the avaage 27 pa cent level. And remember, properties were sellirg [or more in 1775 than they could fetch today can't find out the relationship to 1!?! market values until sometime next year. or (We not easy to win. Again. it theopinion otsome otota members who have appealed. the Assaamait Act ts against the tasplyer On a "cost benefit"basistheconmict at an aweal may not be worthwhile. However. it is ow opinion that inequities in the law and its application must be lOt hl at every levd by every pason no matta what the cost 0n the basisofthe impact M. inequities are acka to ex . COBRA. at its actual over-assessed get directly in bringing were should involved ap rosimate market va ue of his or her property ts likely to be. if your amassmait is more than an pa cait of WI: market value. tho we age you to cosieida appealing your assessment. You may widi to seek the guidance at you local or in determining how this should bedone However. assessment notices. That you simply mail the assessment notice within the time limit set forth on the same and you will receive notice of the bearing of the Assessment ReView Court The hearings in these courts are generally conducted on an "informal basis" and in no way could these hearings be compared to those in the scum law mitts, You may always abandon your appeal prior to the date set to hear the appeal. if you are really concerned about goi the appeal route. you cah appoint someone dse as you agent at the appeal hearings. it doan t have tobealawyer. itcanbea neigtmor' or friend who will represent W. The important thing ' we would avoid cornplacency it we feel we are over-assessed. let's tell the authorities and makethem prove oi: arguments are wrong. COBRA Cealltlsaelleach hue-yer Alt-th- ttsasefGeagha debutfa dasppotnted. ltaeemswrtowntathers Wdthetheau'ehaddi enmt' about thisshouldbedone. lltms epiconourlocalba ,~ en ti: miceandmanydiaaeparedforh evuitwiuasemedeacitementd'iu maelyimertedthefilmaheadditsrr that wed, a futta lstic little mace . fictionentltled Soylent Green. I wifeandlarrivedlateatthestiss mimedabouthalfdthet'l-minite. onthetownbandwhichhsdbeenti . it was obviotn that notevayone was , mmm mwwmmshoud marc a large lump sttlf that comes out horses behi comments by -hall types who saidth played like. , Buttherewmalaosome ' t. Yaslanor a seniorsm medley of old unnamed by the . ' maightitwmanencellentmovieandt tanulo.imldemally,wonanawardfarth Otherswhohadennredlateandminst of the film found. to their comternstia theywouidhavetositthrot hthat feature ntation 'if they wished to Sana magain. Itany d i- did and were ... distremediihenthepointdthemovie obvious. it dealt with an overcrowded wherefoodsmsscarceamlincredibly o- Ameorganiaationwasnow -r world sawtoitthatthepopulace rations of little green wafers which. st assumed. were processed from soybean The other interestim 'tn the more the organization urgit and sick aid it all. Come'tntoa little slumber hoist they would (pietly and efficiently put you inanattempttomthepopulaum Both plots dovetailed neatl . if n -* whenwelearnedthattheli egrem wereprocasedfromthecadaversofthe the sick. This was still very much in everyme'i as we watched the second sci-eating: - on the town band and to vel and colfoe. legion for (gulp) sandwi That s where part two of the little baits. Someone. somewhere gooled and i it e sage d citimns stood around the hall waiting' fa food that never arrived lnevadldflndouttfitwasthecs r goded or someone fiom the town office made the arrat ements. l e ' quietly away from non -- deCidim to take sustenance at home or. at some local eatery. The mayor and his cohorts W brstandsbly, upet. First. the film VII scant attention. diey felt. by the ' . Then. some aspects d ' tly complimentary to the t the town. MWWWUMWt : y Home care serves the elderly The anther b a New-aria fsme physician - and. Mt laundunm a. You the start at Yers ( aasty ilespttal. It yes whh the mndmmudmduy El : M Entomtolhomecarerderrll mumwyarthhboeh-a. the-cpTheEra.)sCharlssIt..New-arhetu7tXl. ThisweeLIwanttodsansmthltm avatlsbletotheelderly at home. i (loci-sad using homesandhommfatheagad'maevioilartidm. Whilermearchingthetopthtwasintadlngto nnomstunOcmoaeoioooot-mnw".tuu wwmmb newspaper for the Employees of the liaiicipality of York) ins several use. (a) Commulty Health Nurse mrsiqcarsonleavti'hoqittal. Mimi Home Care Program.lrs. chow. who a... .m www.mysmemore amstim. a 'm TheHomeCarePrqramishistme'dthssa-vioa lb 11 wmm and 3.517 to uni. Thb wah are way why the T b ind pm a mg . a. w h. iaimhaotrefarsbeschyearwouldsemito ngtnthisroctnorbsneath thatmorepeopiearebeoomiagawasofthsm So.homecareesssnttallypranotesan d ms and oil but it avasgelsogIerprovislmofsavtossistt Tobed lgl las . ahhsvethsirownhanecare tum. dreotdthsrby span-tor rdative. a v twaltbntaseora family We. Yak m HaneCsre is based It!m BalthUnitatnProspectSt. intileiarinaruL all have minim W wta'ch W Muir-sunset. The osmmtaiity health tan-sol C use. [mysical and moist status TM oounsdandtsadi. unsymmetrde pm" Mmq.bsdbatb.m- oandoth' hinty.meppiog.sedhslp 0 mMsrssrrangsdtta-ot'hYortm" but) Physiotherapists help to improve 0' m mats and in int-m mobile , bipatrobevtaimstolearntowalkl m - Home Care can provide walIB -' ...-wandme ammo-amm aladtiqtoavay wtlshhprsvl dsldsthsiieqltal "" luv-Worm assess: inn-N I m .0.N. ha a It heir line at .Hlil

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