we. 9 O r- O . J . 1 e x I . I Manta Herding. captata ot the sharon . I goaltender thIe Stephen Hula elite In a Month Pee-wee A hockey cIuh. blasts 5 ~ no, tum. to" p. m. [Momm' rr ound...haron went ea te eh he eeueat. . a WWII-7H2 ca Valuhte Player draw-teem a I a r a H e I Hanna 1, '. |c ..ec.' YN IM numb..de tc octave-lea et"de Clah preeldeat mmmemmumu uaeon f ewvwgtmnw m N ,., gave Jehaetee. who one soanme g f r... a." 36'!" U A) 0' IV? heeen .t: I masoa secno~ OFFICE OF ME REGIS'RAR UNIVERSITV OF GuEtPH New-art Na- tional play and VIte CIppeaerI aetehed New- .arhet Wea- derer heaere. Jehaetea wee - week 3 w run- Iaet week. Othet I l I I I - I I GUELPH ON'ARIC'M; 2w- . w t. | I amn AA a , M J WWNO-mi MMUWWMMW ADVERTISE WEEKLY Dlxea. vIce- president; Jeh- _ 3 Wotan. H Jeha Mart. eeeial r-*" - -~ secretary and 1 The retereee toned eat early that Hill i urhan teas back behind W cm ...- je \ewmarket Flyer bench as he dellu'rs a \P ere- tongue lashing to "m- .e at the oltIcIale alter iight's 3-3 tiP with the tint-place Dixie Beehlvee. J . . . t ea 9- ex ran man (2 . O O O 0" es .- re 0t \EHMARKET lax! tam-Ii. III M th ' r .. it ' V s Barratt came hm'km Mtwn \HAIUIN Hot pair of goals each With DeveVJohneton. With the t. wth a hat trick I.Ut .n Mt kn - sbo 'htzgx .Ht' mmmg from Stn la to Dave hlI'll ICk. AI Wu and ' ind 'Jw Newmarket thr H'twr vat i will to hwut ht the Sharon Johnston and Andy Andy Bum were the t illr Ready MIX tumt' 1: "M'V 1'. 'I'rautman Pet wee B Burns "Ilfktmcn I0? the nut to a 4 wind 'H PIA-N I {I'UII t' ' J'I UM \Q'dr um; of l'monvnllr I M nthhl , in mm mm m. ngubowski got 1 t I revs PM hautrnan team bombed another ehutout when the . humid Thornhill 8-0 B s-no 5.] Burn cufne h. um I A . Y. H i w Tin-rid hacked by through withtwodegoah Umonmvmi": 6-0 Babb: [mu (R m. )K Y r L k (I L L I m- m " u "" Imndmg "I the mum. m Hall Johnston with two thmt'wtuirtzdh IUVt' tutlmciuxun. _ (\K \gu 'ti ;t ~ _ xv lunnj. \nkutmwskt WM smqu 0 Andrew m'w a, n t H V . . . k ' . nit'm'd his third shutuut Peru-ti, Dave Jotaieton an m f1TItKTTLlDtt't.U\WN V H ,t.'.. u \t - t .. a 0 Victor , m... and M... M... were . m w ,, ,e H dim, I , _, HaltlikeSheehanJohh <Htm U r I i HRKFT A I, t W, A, The week , before . IacDonaId and Andrew t dmccnumu Impum n Y .EW . V ' ' ' , ttnk bit? Al Wilson Sharon MOM. to M Pan-ell were otltatandim ' .L ' . I p r WWW? 83'"? I" W 3 H ' . However. mner IMmHI IuY. Amt m vxt . . x .v (I; '..t \t. .. h t ,m . - I, . , . ' V m: Hum hing popped a Thornhill by a $2 aunt in the pine. _ drum" S.rram mmmuhr FM * I I Ht [hunt t.tntmI .tftum (I kIn\( l trttmxt 7'.".31',t.L" 'I - 19 ' 'L' Soto-riseman Mark .isstxt Yu I m | h i _ d tr If . Y ir backed a Mctmuan Ttn- \n , t mt 1n Immx, m int um ti. m t w '- w. . M. .. ms REGIONAL uunceum or max dm WWW , \1 { H m * MULOCK DRIVE AND . . t . .. wncoe hockey ('allaghan Hunt in m . .U t \Umt unmitth " I i I " that um tulttU (IN N'tIRZUYh M NO. Ht luxury .md {r urmmu J! .t pm t' thith down It . I HIE comic: OF M M WM!" I Y W! T0 umh m m mum And l J ' t r L 1 PASS A tit-Lu Am: . pntt' that It nut htt'n ' 32" mm mm. V ' p' T" I u' ' I I Q I the widening and reconstruction ot Regiond Road No, 74 mt mis t tnr I M Tht N' (MubckonvemVNmethmeTownotNew- ; tun .1112 hi name. the t .x markettromtheCNRcroehghConoeaeiontEtoI-tighwuy f y k 404 to prowde a two lane roadway with additional turning "Wu" AW) Hmhm " ' twee at intersections. on a baic with of 100 teat with "K f "\ additional widemnqa at cute. le md htereecttona. t .md the I truth PR'Iudc. " J the realignment of 309008 Road NO. 74 (W Drive 810 mm: mm [Int uimhnc l VIVIan 3m Road) in the Town at Wot from a poht luxun Jud Pmmmimr ,. ' dDDfoxm taIOIy 800 teet west at Regional Road No 34 (Bay- m bk m_ . M | View Avenue) to a point approximatety 1900 teat east at J I u u m RegionaI Road No 34 (Beyview Avenue) on a southerty m ' alignment intersecting with Regiond Road No. 34 (Bayview it their tit finish and ' Avenue approxmatety 145 toot south 0' it! ammo more umrmmun ()nt'nt mt I 33mm y'asgcg W Row M 7 (Mm rmmm tth nuktsttk t - ' ' Ivgan m I , , \, H . t . , y v 2 nli (Ir.~ an ' "H heavy mm snow DIM W) M. ' a the consvuctm 0' a on . I H R ' n fumrd Hatthbmlx \Ukh .t tnmtx 1 txt n M11 tmnt but (in m tr r tm .u on It I T ? 0'9 :00 capab"'tr 0' "w A' w NO 74 (Mmock 0mm ma vm Sm M) mom tinu : ttztturt'ttut l stuI bx hithut (In Amtrdx 4nd mam-r lht meLi Am m1 t t H ' t. 'tn H ~ .. t I . {gig 1200 teet east of ROQIODU Road No 34 (Bayview Avenue); Prelude All KIKT mum : 'I "H *4 ' 1 mcmding 4 the construction ot a cutde'aac on exietino Regions Road the mgmc whit h | 'M in Heat-propel eheei drive. NO I 2 (3'0 U09. LESIOO Street) WWI ? 200 I . "on" I t'ttunvc In Its putt 'mUIkt ' it www.mnonme otHeg'OndRoadNo 74(memsmm. - _ . . md d t m m Md ,4 r 'NHteeIJieevy-duty construction. 5 the construction ot a connecting road from Regiond Road . L i ' \m i 'Ybo-etaoeenouremont 90*" "0" No 12A (Sutton Road) to Regiond Road No 12 (3rd Line. mumpmm , K \t m 'i '230 routing Leslie Street) from a point approx matety 600 teat north at tuI YWNW W "1 m-lkt I CrectIoneI diacheme chute. I Regional Road No 74 (Muiock Drive lid Vivian Side Road) to yon Ariana dealer today am: a w to a point approximatety 400 feet north of Regions Road 093% w O'M' "W s SW 1 : No 74 (Mquck Drive and Vivian Side Road) a: on Regional 2; hp to 8 hp Stop Shoxehttg m: ' J' R d N 12 (3rdLine L98 . 3",." m ' " 9 your winters ~ the Artet's we, 08 0 r - 6 the SIte preparation. grading M U10 pavmg. the construction 01 cutverte. dranaoe worn. stream redignment and at! reiated works and undertakth did the acquisition ot the necessary lands and interests in lmde Pursuant to section 446 of The Municipd Act. the Engineering Committee at the Regional Counci wl. at he meethg to be heid at 1000 am onthe4thotDeoernber.1970ettheEnoheemg BUIIdInQ on the west side at Woomhe Avenue one md one our ter "IIIGS north of the Aurora Stderoad. hec my Demon who chime that his lands Will be preiudicidy attected by the by-hw and who appIIGS to berheard Anyone wishing tobehea'diareoueeted to s 3 ad :58 the undetSaned prior to the meetho It my pity entttted to be heard does not attend at the hearing. the Committee may proceed in his absence and he wl not be antttted to my further P 1 0 notice in the proceedings . a a , Hens mmmmm-utuyheneeethehetu { Bu.MM I~W*Ut 5- - EAGLE RENTAL :3 .........mm...,..o...m.. I 139 Yonge Street south, Kgswmx RENTAL m... m ..... Wer m... Ne'wmarket, Ontario LY 4W3 ' " lune Hale n-ms . MOI-ta I ,v UVM twnetzitemas 802-2464 Em u