a torrent sewage ml ' began tlfhl making l but the town said the was too ll h Architect Milne came q: with a roumt, item walk-q) . rbutlrlh'aiaaiditwould . omical htr (I'll ahdvd despite a public heenng's u =4 the in)! UN has made his most mot-st in It ll 0! UR town ,- llh new sonir bylaw mg the land lrom li it i use to su'le family ml Mayor Ray Mnney mn lf lamin sorting is his are age capacity becoma DI \llLOPER. page A2) NW? nceurs Scaled d0wn " Antand tsconweiddhel. In . leanyaaelr wt-he .etewa "Wewanttohearthetownsay thetheetreoutreisnillwerthein mm "Wewanttonndniiiitheiswnhas Ir Wheat tmmo.nui like advhw w latte minutiae imbue Along with the The first opium would see an early start la the new centre ll lederal and mnicipal money conic be pooled. (Newmarhet has W land. etvices. and senses it the theatre group can get lederal and wovmcial money i m m alta'native is to build a nnaller version at the theatre centre at the Fairy Lake site using municipal money The Shannen met in for YongeSl isnowoutolluch, mmrslorrrenh Orsi wrotea W3 Pl": touncillanwechrwm UN density minim on in weehs no. ' ner Kilian Hitha who u'ovuietal stain-t Trail 0 lit ' weddth V ~ 7W is Mr Orsi lid .0 t w u m t enwtogetanawers with any development wll n h My cute I? m Win-0 0500' 50 \ewmarhet has allocated least not he avail-hie until in or hrs-wed h hire n- , 1 Mayor Ray Twhney and hh council will he putting thesnaehes on the lirb. line at My l an d aim}. I n at the (om-unity ( enter to beTfl 0 b! . : nlzzl theatre M will he answer questions on all aspects at More it I M It their political policy Mayor wanei n l chat the torn- hcrer g to a recent release lreni the town. the inane ni he teehing ler median en hen the tense can he admhletrated better in the insure. pnhiir Babysitter indecently assaulted NEWMRKE T A man has rformance been charged with the indecent assault at a it yearoid baby sitter and with having carnal knowledge imposed i. sent theatre would be dimmtahed to see seats and would not include an art gallery a mayor benefit :yground \HKKET 7- A bciefil mane at The Hiracle rt sum story ole blind car! by mnnbersotther u i l ' Theatre Centre .~ elllumm sto any) for integrated c propel tn Newmarhet . Thursday evening . isnotpartolm s K irdtlk The play opens at tour hall tlu's My (Nov sarrmsale at all regular it playground. which will be ;r hrra acres adjoming Hm swimming pool. will c pm-nt especially W M W normal RM poi-d t Ildral Find drive . tut Diane M hopes muolortheprivate sector Pm! Humeniuh estimatesthere it handcapped diilthen Samaria area who will l'Hl ll (Hth VAN KRIEKEN lra sta rm MARKET * To say there drugs in York Region would fare Hill unmmmon to the area are u rim v at once comidn ed the s dng. bqan sitlacin hm years ago. L90. a (III mt that hl hid outlived its ) has come back u now, it we were in the " Cwid so downtown and we in mari'yiana. no wobian. 9 problem; hash oil. no (J 'aud. LSD. no problem twdhn'ouiandcocauie. r. ,uyny 7- he. lett. dhecterCUerd Footsie- casein me.- hers Pehr Cleary. deuhlc bass player. Julie Neath. trench hera player. nary Wylie. vlelh player and [least Boyle. bee yc. daring a recent rehearsal ler the Yerh nymph-y Orchestra annual Grist-as concert. A pair et ceacuts are featured Dec. 1 No one will win in NEWMARKET U a roller skating rink is built in Newmarhet, as Mayor Ray Ninney announced last week. both it .d a rink currently being bu t tll Aurora "will starve to death." accusing to an Aurora entreprenetl At a counCII meeting last weeh, the mayor announced that a Kitchener firm was tntereeted in a twoacre parcel of land in the town industrial park lor the unstruction ola 25.0w . (t roller rink Aztm POLICE REPORT prices of various drugs are sum-nus ( ocaine sells for approximately $30.01 a pound. 83. ) an ounce. and almost two a gram. A gram would be migth the size at a match head The drug comes from the mica plant and is commonly up the nose. Heroin costs about nun a pound nnanotaiceandbetween Mandeamm ltisderived li mtheredopiummyandcan betomdinawhiteorbrownpowder lorm ltiscommonly injected witha needle but can alsobetaheli nasally Colombian marijuana. vi-w v considered to be one of the belts gradesolthis drug. can be Mt for SI for a We Cigarette (joint), MtoManoiaiceandmOtoMa pound. It is taken from the leaves of the cannibis plant and rolled into a Cigarette Haahtah is secreted by the owertopolthecannibtsplantatul canbehadineitheraliqadorsolid form Liquid hadn t is much more powerlulthantheth'ybecatneitis not with other materiah. ll resembles motor oil in color A live- gram vial of liquid hasteeh Md cost approximately ten or betweui nnper poi-id Thehad neesss la further talus . sq, ft arena in Amara is scheehiled to 09m Jan 15 Before the Newmarhet project is lainched the region will have to decide it the (hydopa' can we a temporary septic disposal tank Illicit drugs common in region hit. lull) an outce and betweeen Students use more drugs study shows W Asirveyreleeaed reeentlybytheA ictiaiReeearch Fm 1W) diows that the two-rink war William Mitchell. developa ol theAurora picketsaidthearea We're both going to starve to death." hesaid "I may put have to see it I can outstarve them " Franh Bea]. consultant for the Aurora rinh. said, One isgoingto dleorthey'llbothgooutolbtnin. It should be M from the pointolviewthataomebodyiem toioeemoney herearcmanyother Ir Bea] said he doubts the Newmarhet rink will get approval for construction based on a septic tank "A place that sue is liable to have sun people a hint." he .ld. "I ve never heard at a septic tank that can handle that many peoiue " Mayor Twinney said the proposal is being nqotiated by Ralph Goldman Real EstateLtdol Torontolora Kitchener inta'd. Ir Goldman was not available tor comment but the mayor said the rm is wise to locate in Newmarhet "Newmarset is a better place to locate than urora." and Mayor Mnney rink will thaw from the north and the northeast. from Mount Albert and East Gwilhrnbury as well as Newmarhet. lhe popie will p'ohahly stop at Kenmarhet Ir Mitchell said he cor-laced Newmath lest span; who he was trym'todecidsma locationlor his rinh Hesaidalthot hthecoatolthe project would have been comparable he docs to locate in Aurora became he "Ml it was the centre 0! the area The coat for buikhng a similar {acuity in Newmarhet would have been about onehail million dollars. and Mr Hitchell Renaissance Yerh Ceaatylasendsb mahe sure parent get what they believe h as partd bah cluen's I W. heme A4. CAS news had etlag New procedureHCCh Societies should lobby. a balcony. or reataitant The second altanative woidd cost upwards 0! .000 Ir Aspland said as much as 873. coddbegranled bythe'ovince lor ' Police arrated the mm alter he went to a River Drwe Part home where the I was baby rsittir and let himself into the NW on ram separate occasions Police said that on one ul the visits the man lorced the yous. girl to have sexual intercoitse Graydm J agar, a mm Drwe Parh has bu charged b- Yorh M Na He '3 m m WI com-t use i I A Md Eleven-yearn Nancy Merton received a big hug lrom Janet Jordan d Hulda when the little girl leund more than O00 in America currency that the tourist had lat. \ancy found the missing money in a Snarlles be: and received 8| in American moan as a reward. Candy box caper ends in reward NEW ARKET A What would you do it you found more than low m American currency stu ed into a Smarties box" Elam-Mold Nancy Horton of In Davis Dr knew what m do mth ll She gave it to her teacher The Grade l until at J L R Bell Public School was returning to \sdiooltranltmcti My when use spotted the candy box iyim ln a vacant lldd hula K and L Community Spirts at the Newmhrhet Plasa A pronsotimal lIDITllCI between Rowntree's and McDonald's Rataurant at Canada prompted Nancy to look inside to see ll she had win a tree hamburga What was tinide vs. no hamburger Nancy dithi't bother to count the matey Stu quichly put it salely away and burned to school 0n snubs sit oi town Janet Jorma ot Orlando. Florida was frantically trying to relocate her money She had arrived In Newde m Tuesmy and stopped at the Shell Car Wash. opposite the plaza m can a friend to tell her she had arrived Mrs Jordan took her billlold into the tdephone booth with her and then lorpt It there lmidc tin billlold was 68 in American currency we. Monti page 2' Kinsman Of Your lloward Phee. student at the Newmarhet Khemea Cluh. has been declared Khsmaa d he Year. See the story. page 0?. 0m l' Church-ewe M heckled- e; 3 raw. The Ontario Karate Championships will tahe place Sunday at Huron lle'hts My School. NewmarhetJhctecaa-ent was-'[anhdhylradlues (share) the she r- be New-arhet Recreation regatta-ere . seepage-a.