THE ERA Strung YO'I County St . l. Mi ovary we... at I Charles at. more On'ucebv intone eat-sauna Ca nned subscript-w m mu cannot rear scripts (goes at can the Nmmd.mwars Ira ~s no at the mend Min-note conmmuwaom which wees the m-V"'CI'~ News An summons mi DA WD 8. HASK ELL w TERRY CARTER - can MARLA FLETCHER PETER O 'DESSE Wists. wees Oshawa "Ms W $M . TrM scion we even. Georgetown 0W and Mitten some. Chanel-i W Canadian mu NW Assuoatmand the Add-t Iv'COu d (world- Seem (loss that repostvatlm number N. Phone Newmarkef "52131 x Charles St were cap talisim on the mill at waterofthel-lollandltivertofamdacom- misuty.theycalled it Bernan s Corners. Soon - nooneknowsenctlywhen itsroleasan alternatefurtradim centretolittle misidy York earned it the name Newmarket. and it stuck. Appropriate choice modddnhtwaelwardhome kbm tntheim.thevillagewaslabellsdbysome slug the route d W'I Sarita mi- asTheHearthefor'mCounUy.butthatuie parabSahl'hyastl-ymdthefhat dicti tstick lnlaieryean,itwasknownas1he CountySeatandtheHudetrktat tom fromaisdthdrfavattawmans. fail. simply The Hub) Wmthem mm crut.thesehave evolved inbthe eartdthe iownuabo nthel-leartdthecolhlla'se- a geographic designation many 1 ll hadi't realized we weremart (1. Will it stick Orilyj'time and perhaps he competition will tell. f The Era learned this inedtomakemecry whenweneededtagtdy In the Era Oct 31.! read an article cititled Train skilled labor in iEnghsh grammar should be 'labour'1 The first thing I did was mm the title to "Train skilled craftsmen This theme is yer) close to my heart as l havebeentalkir' abut! it for 25 years. Tool- makers. machine tool makers. tool designers. them in from etc andsllmaiinthe whenwehadsixh a whomlwotddtalkto skilled field have always potential here to make nm,.ndiwuihe-tl'uger agreed with me that ' lflofthebesttoolanddie apprentices should be being brat ht am It Hallowe en patrol thanks BACKED HER Again I want to thank and you W on of Seneca Collqe for escellmt cornmtau'ty its supporters PETITION took part in the Beachem. Tommy N W I mo women} F." Brut Halloween Patrol Jim Clifford. Lynne Watson. pleasant and isiexpected "an", n m. Kin. Townsley Paul Krueger. and Kenn Carlton mum h ) Georse. Ed Bases W Thompson. Fred Thompson. ( huck and . Julie Ingles. Fred which was on the subject Ambrey Ron Williams. of the petition we have pr". and Larry (Tl;:lls(:::"-Heg gathered in Georgina on Region m. . . . Cornmi tee. program flau- Smith Debbie equalization factors Rum by our Ho Mypesonalthanks pfOVlnClIl matter I agree with you wholeheartedly on the wonderful resporne by the people of Georgina tireniolie KeVin ( arlton liavid Marshall. Dave Williams WE Rollings Thank you all for your help-sun ROBERT ARDING. The llallowe'ea Patrol football club s best on record The making 1979 successful season ever Those whom are Mr Newmarkei Steelen Football ( lub Newmarket Mr wishes to express their Slnt ft' appreciation to all those who assisted us in M we would espeoally like to thank for their support J Bennet St Andrews Collqe, Mr Sheldon ( lark, Pickering t ollege Mr Dan Shannon. Newmarket Kecreatlin Dept, Mrs Annie Strickland. Annie's Lunch. Mr T Hewlett. Mayor of Robert Armstrong. Armstrong Real Estate Mr Patrick Limbert. Limbert Motors. Mr John Van Beck. Keldan Glass & Window Mr Ken surgeon K G 1. Sports, Messrs Ron 5 Kent [)oner. Doner Datsun. Mr Dave Williams. Arrow Towing. and to Ian Hutchinson sports editor for The Era for the Twinney motioned coverage of our games many of whom canvassed streets, and the merchants who took the time and trotth to ask their customers to support the came As you know we could obtain signatures from taxpayers only. but do you not agree that renters will be affected too if taaes rise landlord will be faced to raise their rents. creatir an additional MMlp on the renters l have written to or: M P P , Mr William Newman. to set up an appomtment with the lion Thos Wells and l hopeto handthispetition to him in . with a brief on behalf of Georgina taxpayers for a postponment and a complete review before this matter becomes a "fait accompli" Again thank you for your support MILDRED HOLMES The Girl Glad- of Canada. York North division. apologise to anyone who has purchased a mo calendar that is Incomplete The calendars were recently sold by Brownies. Gtudu. Pathfinders and llamas in York North division Guiders and Wants more music in theparade Congratulations to the wganiacs of this year s Santa Claus Parade It was the gut and but I have seenha to town a number of years ago Our suggestion. W How about more minic I realise more bands might be too expeutveJowhynstsae thatatleastevsryseeond maybe tS' My methotb would be different from what they had been mod to and from what anyone else has been med to Getting them out of that Fall break organizers say thanks tothis year's York Raion Worn-1's who Anne McClelland. Heather McKenrie. Bess Payne. Skip Perryman. Sieila Roy. Bea Salmond. Ann Ssarka. Danielle Volpe. Anita Waite EILEEN MACRAE. Comma-Ry Education Services th Camp. Incomplete calendan slipped by Guides ( ommissioners have checked moat district supplies one by one. hoping to "at such a possibility. but some plele calendars may have slipped by If you have received an incomplete calaidar. we will make arrange ments to refund or replace it Please contact your Guiders. District Commissioner or myself at Mil. DARLA MCIEEKEN. GHGaides staaada. YorkNertb Dlvhl- environment things As long as they are in that they will not progress You will not train craftsmen m the schools The quoted ( hapman education last paragraph from Sam director of for the York ( ounty Board of Education in which he states the importance of subjects are Machine shop, mathematics drafting. illraughtingi Reader claims cable T charges are a Re Jarmain ( able T V. and there is no complsint against receptioni ~ but there is something that irks me after beir a .cintomer" for over two years In the near future I have to move to a house which is wired for cable TV the reception there hubs-cutout Alllhavetodois connect my set to the is change my address and I continue to contribute my payments But ~ Jarmain says "No. no"? You mint pay :2!) Ft! what" "For paper work says Jarmain Jarmain adds that it will check If cable is working MW I am not an expert on such matters. I can easily see if my T is working Also I doubt that the prthOtI tenants were satisfied with a non operating cable English and welding and sheet metal" lie is wrong' The list should be 'mathematics (geometry and logarithms in particular I. draughting design and currimentation so that the young men can apply the mathematical English :grammar. reading to understand and be able to write lnlt I do not wish to imply that is all the) have to learn but these are the baSics around which their Now ., the finale' 1 phone Jarmain and ask them what it would ( OSt to install cable TV into my new home as I am )ust moving to Newmarket from Toronto The t nst 320' This could apply if I bought a new TV' set and connected it to the eitisling cable" ( ould I be forced to call in a " able man" to screw on a lead" For no yet t titties Where s Newmarket on saving heritage? Aurora is making great strides ahead in the field of heritage consenatum. I see by last week s Era it already has a LACM and is now planning its heritage conservation districts and public information programs Good on ( omniunities r e c o g n i z e Aurora must the l r m M dmweoouldbotnt thattoth "O Mohammad tot-tats from Stmcoe mmqu-wvwe'llbegin Kunpedelt Bay in Barrie. lnsiateof i. Wstatiu.aradiostationandany .. mapsrlettletusbesndonstopr M. of the Kempsnfelt Bay Moran. l'llbetyouditi'tevenknowthere moutsrmeportedtobeevery bitaseliain mysteriotl as Loch Ness' famous Neale Well.there'skistbeeniaider Whatwe'dhavetotbishaveafew (1 bits beast m out of Kanpdelt peciated anyway. and have it terronai .Luretia y.whsreitu swimmers at Jackson's Point or Willow . Gum 0 .u thit a historic monument and a Japan. crewwouldsoonbeonhandtryingto beast'snocturnalwanderlngs. lnthewinterourbeastcouldrisew overafewicehutsscattertngicefis - Mm Mm, n W beerbottles overawlbarea. Thisan The repa'ta on Van Krieken in he fir! paragraph nqatiaed the m on whole article before it get WM offthegroisidbyaidir it spitedthei-ualskgtlcismgiwentof' when talkabraittheonethtgot got away fromi. is also ' shah WtyJalkingabouti Each rtrainedtowu'k- whathelakeicoover thousandsd skilled laborcs'. These mm ... m peopleare not labours. u. . r' eye can scan thus Lilliputtisn they If? his ! in Wbythetracksdsnowmobilessl craftsmenorprofesslorial craftsmen. who spent years learnit' the basics and like any other professional can never stop learning I know' tart-like machines which tranqort pm ice-fishing cubicles. lftheeyecouldscan thebottomdtb each wring it would see mountains d which filtered down from the ice bola t thtMtK wan: diese winter communities. Each spring we d promote a giant v taint in Lake Simcoe. We'd rent scuba tourists. or dredging equipment and lit lsiat to their heart's count. Staten treasiI'e like bait cans. ass This is a little bit (m- much' "Papa work" us. I trust the gal hammering away at tin Underwood to charge my address gets ll: of it' I hate a "ripoff" Please don't print any name Jarmain may have a charge for publiCity Jut putmedown ass SATISFIED (WHEN [UN-MOVING) SL'I- St Name withheld at writer's request. W I. York WW. beaten easily comi'q responsibilities to their future generations in regards to preserVing what is most valuable of their pasts And what of Newmarket It seems only to succeed in losii' battles to preserve its architectural heritage ROBERT EV ANS. New-arket. We've also . Britton. C mon Tunnto ruithn pniw, would feel right at home at th mondllillarenawheretheJunior Allan! won only one game this season Our own Nev/market Flyers of the league have two wim totheir creditthis lied. we've got the Argus. beats and 8b and cap which have toppled into the bi of came. the inevitable mountain of tire and bottles which could be redeemr-d fat Butwe dbefoolish toigmrethei - tourist attractions in otherspotsaboiit III that. like the Kempenfelt Bay Maul ts.wholovelcaen T'tronto people may also get a big hit to York Region to visit their/ which is trucked here by the ton daily We Find your own eggowhite" - Region is also eds-crossed O of the tiniest and (hues-nus bad anywhere Once a year we could move chlldm and animals out d the way and wreekem road rally. ' Newmarket has an intersection. l and Davis Dr. that cha and still holch an enviab record for " got that strip ween Longford and the plan entrance wildest traffic lights. Aurora has amayor who wears lib- dfice even when he showers and I mmtprolificwriterd letterstothe' regional council. W3 portunigtoestablishthei'ork Resto- and Places and People Commit esonceormt alongDsm what a library can do By RU ! BENNETT "You know. I've but an public libraries Mothers of pre school children are especially glad that the children's library is now 0pm the Stoner t, by Laura J. Stevens and W Thank you. Hewlett Sports. Mr Jdin awnings? MILWMJ. Moorhead. Knight's STEELE Simplest Security. Mr Ray EXEt TIVE - Sgarboro Fathers need used stamps for their mission work serVice climacornpama. Third Class" Mill or indviduals. etc Theyad brim all you cancelled q) .ckly if everyone postagestamp.any time collects them for me of the year to. ma. nu. CHMAY. trunk uh. Fat Erie. Oat. LIA I. MR8. i .c. Lawnshct. slit: Dsrehestsr It. Niagara 7a.. 0m. [.11 222 0r Mlt. AND Illa. R0052 WAY. .Mahqawy Du. was-set. NJ. uni you. I... MAY. Especially at (hristmas time. t thrt of all the used postage stamps that are needlessly discarded finance mission we Wit . In to month t have received over i. lbs of cancelled postage separatel lt hardly takes a for so years. and I've M fosndout you can phone them ip with queuions about something youneedtoknow " i'tknowloould borrow magazines too " "lw if you M t have the book. tat h link. [d have to try someplace else" These we all recuit comments from people In beginning a monthly column of news and comment. the library staff looks forward to telling The Era s readu s about the library s serVices. with the kind of explanations we gave inresponsetotheoommastsji-tquoted Here. for instance. is what werepliedtothose people "llwedon t havethe bookyeuwant.we'lltryandbu'rowufrom mummhtclibrary loan.and telepbneyouwhaitm." same hours as the rest of the library. so they can now bring their children in the mm School children have been enyoying visits to the library. and the we seat motif-purpose room hashes the stone of art exhibla. programs. and Jhe audioVisual departmait is a well-mad part of the buildim. and now has a scremlng room where films can be renewed. Both l0 mm and super 3 mm films may be borrowed free of charge. the only restrictions are that films cannot be used for fiaidraistngor classroom the. Various kinds of projector! may be rented fit a 24 hour period It isadeleto book will M for both films and [selectors WW superVisor Karen Mark gives a raptor training course eva My m for people wishing to borrow a projector for the fir! time When you come to the t sectltln of the library. you may want to borrow orrucve some of these books And no birds sam. by Farley lovat Blitzkrieg. by but Won McRaven Clementine (hirdiill. by Mary 8CD. Great trash new m in m. M. bemining and m bayk be male. collectibles. garage sala. n- W. b. as olkart,careershieal|utuaadrau c .yJeanandJimm llowtoimproveyosle avbm I The Devil's Alternative. by Frederick F The Lad Enchantmmt. by Mary 5'9" The Matarese Circle. by Rabat MW Siadow of the Moon. by HM. Kaye War and Remembrance. by Herman Ft! You Bulletin Board? Please 5. save. Newmarket Public Library ' osPu-uve u. mmmr Telephone. 51 t