z \"6 on ti Vl"' l y. i u \nin usri tar-raleawteleaL'ed r ! ll ll R A ' is mall" \tnte lIS. A ytt-Adds 0' I (halos " s s Lt. vwaru! l "0x0 L Mt... i t t I .008 F) M use 'v' 1" t~--a' I I. '44 tan "a t A In it "*0 cm I\. J t V f~ru. W .,.. new, 61.novn. he s M is' j a H l 6" ! \ s I s r 9 Wm \' W 5 - A tl rho-rt inn... 'n. 7 A r... us 'I. N. to l i .w. mtmjen' an H m viiv h. .5. , ~.- wu-r Asst. atone \esm Mas . letharles St a. \- we .No .y'r mnr' 89 . l's . ta ,', I m: .t It .i fill " uvial marten o 'uwt council that It doesn't already " M t. *t' M! t a m doubt demonstrate that several . an mn driermmc where indistry locates. :m. ..in be summed up as econosnica. . v:' Nun .init ayailabtlity d wortla'ce H \t'yst nilht l lhlh "H mm d us becomes IOCWIW that - ~ xi. .t 't . ndll00 t tlta from m to the 7 3..ifht'7 Alld rail hub are outweighed by t.._ ,n-! lJntl prici's our industrial WI Wt" M NH up ' rn'xx plus guts to $5 a gallon "III III Him-cit untll Hay ttHreaches Dayna Dr .x . ,iLm tilti-ly point out the first to come ' plums "wthh already have I large 4 their stall hung in the area ad " ".It t... if plants Which can afford to m ' 'i . 4 p w. ill nurse-rs and hire here . t I l E" \ i DA VID Rt HASKEtL M TERRY CARTER I... MARLA FLETCHER oasis IO. R PETER O'DESSE Won-aw Perhapsjbecotsdattracthind ryto towsmuiooatloinhclilab-adwebnot dapuhhnssdtcavaryactlvecampa oto Country road hazards 'l' .itcttt many totiqu roads left tn it "I M Mr .1 it)! til {Hath throsgh U lt CNOU) . ' 'hi-u. stlll grayel but over the last - mt nan hes-n lined with homes by City wr 'g ~tillUrhdlt ingestion Hum) drivers at our con- ? mint-d on to the tact that win ' tits .iti' so populated now that . - , \t'fi m .is much caution in the .x f"~ rm-t 7t.l.dlt'. I '1 l'-\'..'V iv H mm Particularly on the mm :~ ~uti..i.~.lane Keele Bathurst Era writer Alice Iatravers. a resident (I one such road. wrote a poignant account in last week sedit'iononhowherhiredale terrier Hector. a close companion tor nine years. ventured a tew teet beyond the Matravers gate and was run over by a speeding car Shortly alrr the Era went to pen. Hector died (1 his in juries It could have as easily and quickly happened to a child Many (1 these rwal homes located in strips along the concesion roach are occupied by young tamilies Children and their pets abound So enyoy' the coimtry. but drive with care Aurora s LACAC report carries sound advice w 21.1." t itht'r\Jt10n report recently \ultlrd ~ Local Architectural ~.stiry t'onmiittee LACAC . an it. ti-ir. tit history facts and future x .w \pt'llt-(l out for the town I \i \t tuna tmtedintereatin the . t5 historic buildings. Hill It: vtiot '~ 'l.i. nu dTHBUC changes In lXIl will' NJKLQ d ll yt \l .irit} i "t iti'l ti)! d to putmt ts madr to understand what I! and LACAC mean blanket -, .m-qtmg the demolition at every old ' t 'hrx might be more sympathetic to - .' ho-r Yugo-conneryation '. . must that it doesn't ritz result ti r mum-shuns owl V trit't't b call for the town ' t "\ldlilthhln d set of guidelines : wum' way at protecting local ~tro-etscapes of historical program at public implementation d could lead to the g .i'mr Ill wnw parts til the town as heritage comervation areas. but cooperation with public atbtules and a flexible approach instead at legislative control which could discourage town growth are recommended We believe the report is a good one. and urge the town to work with the LACAC to begin a proposed series d public meetings or seminars abait local heritage comervation at once Aaatirstmeetii topic,thetwogroup Ml consider a report to town residents on Church St school and where it now am, Council recently approved investigatiaia at the school which are expected to lead to some moon worth at repairs over the winter period Mayor George Timpson summed up the direction that coincil and the LACAC would like totabeatameetii dthetwoagencieslaat wed l'lestated.andweagree.that theconcept is not so much the its at ' ' downtown and sayim Hey. that's untouchable but rather it's the idea that we ve got some architecture here we'd like to preserve We want totrytoaddrestheapwowiatenessdnew Melopment and not to prohibit it " SotIsbdlm ban. as mutaan tb In Ichalas'mltarponTsrazsnlehsaaldiadc itbyibaasct-tbsbooniolaanalisw ba-socaeallsctadadpllalaudthm . .taa MOTHER S HELPER By Marilyn Redvera Frequently I hear parents complaining about a child who dawdles To put the matter in perspectin a trio-rid once told me, Dawle is on dim-rent than adult procrastination" It dies help to look at our own bdiaviour anon a child has a particularly annoyim habit Hoar-yer. the problems associated with this type 0! behavsour are disturbing Thacchildro are ahaya to pit away toys an: dimer. tidyihsirroomaattcabatb.bnnhthairiaeth attcastoryandpitdtmmtsnothrroiaims to a more control-it time (or W A method that alley mes a lot 0! nagging and promotes regular Mines is the use at a star chart Establishing good habits tor the mundane routines ol day today Mr leaves a child or an adult free to piraur more Ilmdll ' activities Making a star chart requires only an eight by Hindi piece at paper torpach child and aome stars Stars can be puchaaed in many grocery sloth or where stationery is sold As an attrrnatiir. a tell pen could be used to aw the stars [sing the II-inch side as the top at the page dras hufllu lll lines about one inch apart Allow tum inches on the left sith oi the page tor writing in the biiihayioiu to be rewarded. and then draw MlahlobsalJVodtbad-tmstth mmw.adithiuummm tM)laowl..w agnotiobaaudonewtbe lT'S PRiCELess. thblgballintlubdryolth ,mrelw-ap lattb #? 0/7/92: M tu- u-rtical lines abotl one hall inch apart across the page Put the dates for the nest. leis weeks across the top at the page Mia you and your Child can rid- which behaxioia's will be rewarded sith a star These might include some nesi areas as well as things a thild is currently haying trouble with Bed making tidying the play area belorr bedimr- the table writhing hair iiaahing up tor meals or a quiet rest period are all possibilities I would remmmend that you use just four it. sewn items as any more may he tun much to tackle lac dint-rent items for each child in M to aymd mdur Citimpr'titiun It is important to choose bdiayiours that arr suited to each child It may be necessary to break thl problem Inlti small steps by say ng Dressed before breakfast and t'oat and mitte by the door as separate items rathe. than Ready tor school on time Keep thr- d iart positive by looking [or desired behaywr as opposed to eliminating undesired behayior For example try Playing Illh youiger sister rather than Not hitting winger sister Remember to amid nagging as one at your intentiaia in developing the chart is to eliminate the cane tor naggim (jiyr stars along sith praise when earned but say nothing iihen they are not earned Giie you'ig children their star: i l) lolloaing the desired behayiour acnml agr children may enpy watching their stars appear all at once belore bedtime A special treat may be giver to a child who earns a certain number 0! stars over a period it sweet ldonotrecommendpoporswretsasa reward An ettort you make to reward the ellort you child made is more appreciated niis could be an extra bedime story a triend tor liaim a tea party with a child-made cake a wall with DaMy belore be ime or another eyent you know is special to you child Alter oneor two succeaslul perm. you may want a break and then make a new chart with new minutes Recollections of A rmistice Day, 1 91 8 in Newmark ntopdhsbdtretotbalaidaatsdavcyons. uwwelaarudthatthsmtoebadaabaai tutti-oddbatbasxtby. Nov ll, Tbnext NuthaetiQmayor,Wiliainltdtb.roclaunod ap ayiathammpuadswas Silly 39080 is starting too early Why bwehavetohavestlthann , dlly aaam The W. is. at cosine. elect. bums. a couple at competing lly The t S Moat - pliable provincial election tiers .3 Mm m I. pers. radlo OM ve aboutmtoraloutimenowandmocs since a Kennedy candidacy botanic . The State ot Floriih even held Democratic Party cm last , Presithnt ( arter apparuitly wui E . mean a bro thing It was a .r pinning ot Democrats Electim tall in Ontario is on the almod everyone is bettim (ll a sm the Federal Prqreasne Calcutta Vii-ed a non-caihdmce vote in the which would have brmight about election Last week s Era (ler a story tilt. poVincial ridiiu as both the (mam Liberals are into annual meeting ~ The i on \orth Liberals meet nesthy- i in Aurora and accordiru to La ailllihely nommate \ewmariet it Jim l this riding Aurora Mayor heurge Timpon m. non acceptance speech 1 ye est-r 'ead story In sayir' he had no intention at son filled sis full newspaper paragra prhp. that he wanted the courage a his intentions to "ontinue as mayor ht But I tli ! The \ori 50th P sayatives held their annual meeting and, according to all reports the . - that organization held it" an organza-d . a nee slato- it tillicers I was not at thc meeting but haw authority that the plan an to held a who would he layorahle to \ewmarsrt Montgomery who is reportedly eyeing trld by Barnacle Bill Hothaor So the tun has begun again \ndl adyiadlly Please dont write mr l rder to the election process as the silly l (b not disdain the demiiiratii - - dections and one man me win th we'd ll!- iinallo ht til the wheel mm the uonyersatior- which to: latest ms or non news on the - And as I said at the outset it m much tiii- early now I m thankful th't' only elects a president even (our wan out non to 2 . years 01 running the t campaigning And it might lust he mt mag t m lately seem to be r' - more nasty President t arter t tXl7lM (be-ant intend to mention Ted hmnldl that bridge ltl years ago t That s )uat it He keeps or. say ngtt Kaimdy says hr intends to wimp leadeer rather lat-liotleadrrshipu in the election \ul ml not in ployrnent The silty season here mantle-s didate y meetinp when workers for m up lt ash alien irreieyant questuu posed to embarrass or conluae the - They rarely do and people i. questionatoaah sometimoadonti' them The silly season includes at- the countryside lawns and wind-ms they are ripped in hall or torn tram 0 poll: The whole process rust depress. Maybe it - just the dreadtui' winter ahead at maybe an eternal little so, t t w' 7 w~ heavy butdicr a curd into a pic. an! alter drying them pushed ' fireworks \th an awl l'hsae \N " 0" thenext my 24 when I had the 88" W. withallthekith mourns-1g '- sae thediaplay Every item went till I at one larger rom-i candle The next day I put this appur coohatove when it suddenly atartal t0 '9 saplon all six lids on the emission w to see the color at the hall I below, and with such a clatter at has all othsr manbc'a ol ow tamin came kitchen Alter i: explosion l "Tn" bwn at a lifetime from my parents The Newmarset High School tad carry their rifle in the Armistice DI! ' uly their site arms, ll bayonrttes. as ltbqhthongooditwoildbtlou' thsnhoocou totb" a bayonette However. by tl ! time | school bayonette till was no lower P corps minim. althoudi they mm m "" intheachoolarmoury [have neveer training at the Narmada High 36" lwdl recall the row at pith!" hath-ay ot the Newmarbet High ooimtry dim Nov ii in ms when on acct cor? llll DMII arms dim W unanattiieniainsurancetol Mmonumenttbearhgthnl dad m World Wart on Get". tlndiortaoltbllhmrA dost! aid glorioia to die tor Ira: Roman days. but since