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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), November 7, 1979, p. 4

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r 1/ \/ u hmmm~.wmi.m THE W Serving York Camry since Ilsa . DA VID R. MASK ELL mummupmu. M mast. ouster-say Misha Ce memes TERRY CARTER mic-s sasIterrwsveers tuterwis Winona are inwr win - IyIIDLIIIHAln Mbwwaeliehsahutit nu-H, ass-meta. an two-dent. unit-din m veer saints miss to: each the mime he is no at one intone MiamCo Linneametsuowam W. mach M the Asa-MM 'vcaerng news he gaming! won lies-sen 6am. Wm scene-moi one Sun Miss lier Oehvitte aeaver Oshawa "us ween. Oshawa "us We stoomnue Theme act-i eruheuliecoetewn ow one Mitten MARLA FLETCHER m. PETER O 'DESSE WW (esteem (m w Canadian eshy newspaper Assoc oat-on and the Loo-t aoreao d (mutation Second Class Man matter-m min-oer NI Phone Nswmarket Mint 30 Charles St 5 slillvedwlhinafsw thew . RB RC1! RESULTED IN CHAN REACTION Messiah twhal Ha Iissnard. aCansd-iaviatioa' . ed M be He must money'uiah earmarkedfcea talpioiects. immedahlyhthed og.1'tieproposedcui cum-etwhichifbuiltwillbeonvalleyparkland) seemsnfarawayfrombeimappmvedas' everwas. Afire full. and posibiyanothsr arena.maybeneededinsiewyesrs. Inthemeantime.whynotmtapushonto oomplstebevalleypark Itdoun'tappear tobe leapensiveproject. since mostot theiandis 'ach ogtheWesieyBrooksCmvationAna tthssihdthetown'sfoundi haadthspsrk huiltlastmringaroundtheradalrailwayarch. ahdwmiId u-tpwtionsoftheremainsdthsold NewmarketCanal. Over the years. a good bal d the lad msdsdfatheparkplanhssbeuaotpiindby thetown.andps odeallythllbsmade mnmsbmitploceethqwiththel In 'L But u.iiiiieii-hoendooc.ssiitiisi'u mmd numnwm m,u.mmnmmmmub hatdtheriver theriveristhereasonforthe Wmmmdmm'imum timcmsncen- Dt'ln assets. usiyesrtsihn oldladyup Put off by Main St. s eet-footed meter maids "LORD! CONNECTION This is anopen letter to the Main Street merchants Ihaveslways Oct nattsapm Ihad tohavesomephotocopy work done at Alliance Office Furniture and Supplies at 1 Iain Street Ihadmyhtnband Arthvemebwnasit was neardosirgtimel immediatdy wentacross thestreetasweparhedon theoppositesideothlain Streetonananglefrom theAlIianceStore Tobe exactitwasinfrontofthe PmHardware.ZI7 Iain Street Artwastofollow. He did not have an nickle change so came acroestogetone Before thegiritoddgivehimhis changelsawtheineter maid piatu'atichet on WWIMM lranback tothetruckandiotsidthe Letters to the editor meterinfmntofzn hlain St E Guthrie X" They must have started to write the momentArtleftthetruck tor charge Art is not a lastwalkerhianeitheris then tried to find her It was as it she had a secret passageway as she was nowheretobeseen Ipaid the ticket but under protest I ask you merchants. ticket with all this must u n . Men." I rm m you trying to destroy and "23th Tatsapm 17554 Chev expired across the street. collected the ticket and Main Street. for you site are gomg about it the right way" I did some research on the problem and I found I was not alone in regard to this treatment In fact.le of one person (I had this fact verified by a reliable source, who got a ticket after gomg into the store they were parked in front for change He had one before he got back. I will not shop on Main Street and be hassled bythese meters I can go to the malls where you can leave your car as long as the stores are open Why can you not give us two hour parking. chalk the wheels twith just the time! If you are then in Viol-(m give a fine the how is not long enough if you have Developer defends solar home project Ibeg toreplytothe statementsinyotupaper last week by lr John Hopkins. ( Ierk~ Treasurer. of the Town of East Gwillimbury. in whichhesaid referrim to me. "He wodd be out of his mind to build there" For Hr Hopkins benefit I am a private pilot holding a valid license. and to do so mist pass a medical every year I was physically fit in mind andbody as of my last examination His statement was Une good storm and all his homes would be igi in Soldiers Bay " So that the public may know this solarhousing develop ment was not a poorly conceived scheme by an ill-advised entrepreneur the necessary fill was to he brought from the south side of the river to the north side. all within the flood plain on abalanced cut Ind'flll baSIs as required by the cones-nation authority. and was to be protected from erosion by the present locks and cement Reject Bathurst, Mulock plan until justified: CCKT call Acting upon a resoiuion passed at ctr October meeting. I am m0!" you on behalf oi IheCmdeitis-nof King Township to itge the regional claiming committee to reject all the alternatives for the ItIock Rd. along with any impnrovements on Bathurst St. tastil and unless the regional can pdidy hush the necessity of these orets. In any case. we can find no reason It! proceeding with them intii Hwy soil has he. Steamboats once completed. and its impact evaluated We agree with layor Britnell of King Towllhip that this proyect has never been justified. notwithstanding its tncltmon in the I'M five year plan for W road construction. We believe that the peo e of Newmarket. with both Hwy to and Hwy 0t. will have more than adequate access to Metro and the somhern part of the region. Also. even if the project was jintifled in the tilt review. it should now be re- examined in View of the energy crisis. government restraint. and the slower growth rate in at: province The Concerned Citizens of Kim Towmhip urge the engineering commitm- and the while (simply on faith.) since the region has already several wider-utilisd paved and improved roads. most mitabiy Kaela St, bet. ween King City and Iqils. In conclusion, we would remind the regional engineering committee that these proposals. along with causing a notable deteriaration in one of the region s most attractive rosdscapes. have met with strong opposition by the vast majority of the affected residents This. the Concerned Citizens of King Township desire that the Bathurst-Mulock pro als be rejected mtil t ey can be justified by the regional engineerim departnhmt. and. in any case. they not be proceeded with ilitil Hwy tilt is completd and its impact evaluated. DAVID FIDLEII. ( hairmaa symvcmm ne er It'shesaiaaayyearsheethteet-testets neamboatwhhlsh-hs-hsardaths olhnd wuummmmmumup awayfruthsbehlmtiarewasatimewhen m N! I cami- a at on the Wndonuhesuioosasthsywceonths w. YupStwasti-uiysstti-nentroadnorth Vanuatu mm d the Lake Simcoe sdtlesnents from New-met to Pnetaag. Pet. and mm.mactivesubatersand thelittlevmsdthtwsslaimehsdattheUppsr Iamtiqintalawascailedthef eterftohiiuim. Bylatesummcshewascarryingsettlersacross ioBarriebouadfortheSumiidaleftoad.8hehsd benpolsdadmwed flcuitythmghtb millandshsllow watertotheStumboatLan- dine It was wobahly no coincidesa that steamboating arrived at that time atthsother sealant the W iamin was nunatdy connected with. the Rice Lake-Pew m. ot|rhhsstucsbroighte~cby mnemonhsdmadehomeslathatareaa hwyearsesriiw Jndthstir-Itwosteaiabsats appssredonnios lake. thshiuiPort Cohan-guy's. wow rotae as: mmnobinonwastoosmallbbntle slithefrdaitoaLakeSimcoeandstmooners onntimsedtobemethouduomeCsptainsJike Eli Dalian of W . waded tbir Whinhshe sptiod. Thsuusoonchsnpdhant.aadln after William Laughton of New-araet Holland Landin. who was both dock already there. plus rock rip-rap The engineering. house sights. elevation and till reqmrements were done by Mitchell and Perry. Consulting Engineers of Richmond Hill The houses of approiumately I!!!) sq It were to be built above the f'lood plain and at least two feet above the crown of Yonge St road which is apprommateiy four feet above the top of the locks Even in Hurricane Hazel the water never came within eight feet of this level I remember. I was there Each home was to be hot water heated simplied by a complete solar system with its own insulated reservmr The homes were to be bolted to steeireinforced walls gomg down 12ft or more to hard-pan us would provide each house with 13.01!) gallon ruervOir of water weighing on tons. plus another no tons of concrete for the walls, ceiling and floor of reserv0ir. mam a total ballast of 750 tons to be carried down the river This floating derelict V'l (hint know how it would ever float. but Ior argument 's sake presume that it might") have to navigate wider theBradford Stbridgein Holland Landing. which allow waterhaslessthan si foot clearance. then further down a very winding river and thick under the Queensville Sdrd briQe. then sail further down the river and make a I) degree turn totheright andpass through the passage joining the Roland River to 86ers Bay Quite a feat of navigation' Re Ir Ihphins statesnait - "We have through the conservation silhority add him a my good mice and he has rdi-ed it" I bq to advtse Ir Hopkins that I have not received any offer. vcbal or otherwise. from the Town of East Gwillimbury. the conservation authority. or anyone else for any amth for this proputy It is abotl time Ir. Hopkins got his facts stra ht. ELDER GOODMN. Bette-34.. am. chuck-en in tow and you have to look for a particular article (he hot: and you find you spend half your time walking back to feed the meter When ever "I mention the meters to the merchants they say they have to have then or the merchants or the taients over the stores woiad park there all day, With just two meters per store surely the merchant could tell who is parkir there Iiitissoimportantto the merchants to have easyacceutothu rstor. by shoppers. is it not more important that the same shopper can come minthestoreanddiopm peace Ifyouhavetobea clock watcher (town clock does not always work) as the moment the tickcomesimtoviolation' you will never beat the meter maid. Who can affordanextratzontheir W No matter how much moneyisspepttobeadify thellainStreetorrqiatr' place a card on the windshield saying they owed whathu' more they wee ed in front of to cents. ' customers angry and taking their usiness eisewhere" hierchants beware the parking meters may be the last straw to brat the trend to top on Iain areet. It is for me. as I will not pay a to park on Main Street what my vdiicle has best vacant for less than two minutes while I go for change. There is an old sam.Awordtothewiae issidficuit. Idohopethat "WOW the sidew' alks. it will not is true. ALICE SHERIDAN. I. Aatew n New-ark . Veterans appeal for Poppy Fund support As Nov. II. ms approaches we. the members of the Royal Canadianhegion.&andi us. Newmarhst. sweat to the business and proteesional raid-its of our community for w of at: anal ations in their why wil be id for thehuiefitofWoridWar I. World War [I and saunter-island our members gave the Please donations to:- 18 UNCO VERED It was s ooincibnce in itself ties earlyfamilies a-ociationwas Ted Iaonard was .mhu Georgina Society Little James" in Aim-t isa. George. Patioce. Nathaniel. Join. ' Epll'aimandM-Im(1r.)$s a Iargaret Hi s and her thee ARRIVED IN COLONY DURING 1630 Fromhhrenarchinto sm .Tedbsonsrdhad them-stdth arrive In Hath America, Willis- "mamas" ' 1m. . andfamdthtwmismhllavillsl WMMUWM. geomaiiutmwassboutt! ). Ted W ther inquired lteswick friend. Jack Hicks. rm stock broker. a 0 a ' unity iii-igui. piodined III fami y recomhowiag thll Boshn use in i.- familiar site on Holland River

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