pecial class 'ds York s ., (all! VAN mun mum VIARKET There's a pal have-I the ma ll Huron Het llts Secondary -, mm cow-u. . .11 not to learn her to read. dth . s are all M. A d I k Many 0! thin ev- have m homes and lanlllu. are all handle-III llllteratu. 'mu a tad! I , by Arlene Webater and burn This in. the year the My Board ol Education has an: a comic. mm recalled be. it partlally . last year when he was ung a class (or tralnahle v retarded mu and m grudents arrived. students were deperately n learn how to reed or eve: ho- QWMleMM 1'th (tralnalle wally classes was III uw mm." Dunne r program M May la taadmumcannotreadat warradln capadtydam-d .Hevel 4. nudmuhaveheum Dr -- n m [Ml-U IN mumbling . r o! the woolen can be r to motrvatlon. The motlvatlon Mewhmunyveredlm come will they reached . :ound Wm labdled . ducotrlgcd by lt. . mepllyrlcalhandcapathat Ia cat. and an a lack 0! u o teachers 'ou can't blame lt on any are hmecaaeeltvoulb'thetlle thesaudentatall. lnotllercaau tbethetaultoltheadlool at all." said In. Dunn. "lt'a . O l. 4" o T THERESA DUNN and: and: heath re aot alway- lllltcate. mmmmd llllteraeylellltactaua h evcydayllle.llapta-eanat b a appllcatlou torn or read a loal Withmaiy tthatlll'ele aolne lmd tcaey mt. Mypceentdthellllttat-h Canadaarenatln han. Mae-m the llllt- acy levd c. mtprobleme. "They don't ll! late ordlaary elementary [rah lard w because obviously tbelr verbal vocahllarleearelarmba d or lota-th padce' cal My. Therelore. the teachers me Muslim materlalrtodetcnhevhetthelevd u mammal-um materials lot a ! m. ab Mam. "Obvloulleudtheuu mmmmmm matanmlavdolm adlooleoralotddleranedlalvortb mlorthemdw." murmur-.0 . Stlll there '3 lave. lore ream materiallormellllt- atalrqu tome . Meier-onequ teachh lllluratu.dtht. We've lot l! mu lid we ve got tOdl mtwaylolteechlngm how to aald Iran-11315.1 la no one method." "Mbam akeJledJlotol teacher "Thce ra lot at hallde Ma r m Mumcuudm. You'vept tochooaethe method that vol-ta tor that pertlc ar anal-u." lntheWednea y molten-the teacher try to [ear the lemon to toplcswcllaajoheorotllerlntermu mucosa. MWammtbeda-lean readlu became lor many 0! the mamruwmmw The Bulb!!! m are llllta ate h not always have m handicap. ' meyareveryh-Utlorthemou aald In. Dian. "1M have incredible menorlee. They have learned M W how to managevltbou." "Bultnexmdydlf cdtwto heahletoreadandvrlte."e coutlnued, It be make life more dlf ctdtthanllywbhovandmaku motlmumclllallt.80they'reout lotryaodcorrectlt. aller coaster ut -- second M reeommendatlon regional eouacll is adopted at Thursday's meetlng. The eaglneerlu AURORA vlll be no addltloael Hutu-duvet! Cent: Beard ol mum's callus to medall- alarm. The board ebalr- naa'e commune led Yes. we know bank rates are 14-46" re Mdbl alarm m'had 3: !me the recur Mahmud pagean- Etude-u y I: .- h nlaletry'e dtreetly huh-lib do nalateaaaee and M vat reed" a dds d rue an hour. The with the progra- taalag. brace haul . and funds for students summer jobs b [xp m Mtlu ONLY 1 FABULOUS WEEK LEFT 11/4 % NO GIMMICK FINANCING for up to 36 months Lawton's erl write you a cheque for the difference when you purchase a 79 or '80 model on the Scotia Plan.Use the cash for Christmas shopping. Example: Lawton's refund w OH on $5,000 for 36 months. i" { rzrol 5r _. - . g' . . TIMEUIIOUYALE maumwmmmm.m mete .Juetlun-wqu; manna ill' be $343 accou Mhamo- We. Can-mm: Ito 02W ) nae-o1..- ar '34 . 107! am can rumba-alumnus. PS hm M No Fried) Pow mun oeuquI-uecuuauu No mean asst -0 . awton Bros. Ltd. 135 Davis Dr- Newmarket 898-4444