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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), October 24, 1979, p. 4

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Serving VortiCountySinaldQ . Mi. eeerv we... at D M at. www.mrnnvm'uimo Linnea seasonal. sme "a. att wne caiennev seer stasis totes In: sacs _ the homered. Aurore Era us as at the inland Mama Lin- mdmm. use-cs M the nonunion/Menuhin news he vsvhser Ivamoton Guardian hurt-notes! Pest. Evacuees Goran Mari-non teen-met and Sun Momma news Oansvib hover. Oshawa This x ween. Oshawa this teens-an. Mme 'Vlm. Act-i Wee "can Georgetown im as. Mme!- (anae-ae (Removes W Canadian weeaiv hm asses-aim and the Audit horses 00 (rental-at Senate (lass Mai. bowel-en winner '0. Phone Newmarhet a 233i 1 Charles St DA VID R. MASK ELL w TERRY CARTER ' Fairy Lake cleaif-up plan good idea for centennial clan-unit! F mthend.andthepomibleintrethictionda wahrcleansiq chemical. has bmnst gested by layer Ray W asa toqn cenmnin'al reject. Wethitithat sagrand idea. Thewathsalityinthelittlelnhemay mberetun'nedtothepointwberethelahecan qatnbecomeacommunityswimmii facility. asitoncewas.butitcanbegreatly impoved. l WJtshouldbepointedtaittbecenmmal ontbeteirscesbythe Equalization grant looks. like an election ploy TheDavis governmentcuaildcomeoututop in the provincial emialisation factor and grant scheme while all 41 Ontario's taxpayers suffer a ion. The provincial government announced last week that equalization factors which could have bomtedmunicipaltaxesinceorgimasmuchas apercentwouldbectnhionedbyalnfty grant induce. The original premise of the equalization scheme was to am all municipalities would pay fair shares (1 regional and mall is. The plan bachfh'ed when sue-meat suites in (laughs. Eat my, In. Whitchurcb-Stouffville and a host municipalities across the province showed these umthvveloped areas were richer than they had everthot ht.Gallop'nglandvaltmsincethe assessmentsweretroamiin inOwasdiccatne, said Finance Minister lane Maech. The poor rural mimicipalities caild not afde the quantum leap in their regional and educational levies or. at least. taxpayers would beoutragedathavingtopayssmuchast more this year fir municipal taxes. Now the province will pump about 850 million in grants into these areas to buffer the taxpayers against the new factors Taxpayers acruthepovincewillbeartbecostsbutitis unlikely many will attribute any increase in their tam to the tion scheme. The fewer who notice. the the Comervatives' chances atmeln'ovincialpollsnextyear. Thepmvincelnsnocommitmenttorepeat dicgrsnts next yesr.Althoqhthegovernment tnssalditwillholdthelineonincreasedregional sndethicat'unial costs at five per cent. rural municipalities have no amtirance the other n percentwon tbeleviednextyear. Without some amurance, the municipalities canonlyassuanethsywillagainbefacimgroes Whmumieipalmmcsuns.bythni tbeDavtsgovernmetnwillmostlihclybefirmly entraiched fa'anotherftaa years. Theemsalisationgrantschemeisadouble eQedswordTheprovincehasalsosaidthatno municipality willbenefit from more than a five percentbcreasein and emicational cats. We bet htarhbnm. could have ex- pected a decreue in expetnes of almost 81 million.ischohiuonthat one. Sodieiichmtniicipslitieswilliosethisyear andthepoormumcipalitiescouldlosenextyear. Provincial taxpayers will line small amounts this year, and certain municipal taxpayers will lmcbiggersumsnext year. URGES PROTEST Call or write if you object to changes in GO bus schedule The Toronto Area with a trivial Transit Authority has ' one train-aday servtte an hour's travel time (a morei. we will get them bring about reduced usage it was then but a struck again At the end ofOctober. lam told. they intend to withdraw their new minimum service to town Toronto I have lived in the Alters-Newmarhet area for slightly more than so years During that time i have uned the Gray Coach and its successors to go to worh in the cuty In me early l o's when gas appeared to be unlimited ithe world supply and was cents per gallon I used the Gray Coach and enjoyed its service In the lm's a great M was observed to get pople out of their cars" and an increased service was mounted This was the time when the 60 NORTH committee were present It a commuter train. We all the circus the surro ed the hig trainservicewewae Such is the esteem in which we are held by the Transit Authority. However. the lit. were stillgoodudlnlly more people and them and. presumably, left their cars at home At some p0int some technical expertise was Wt to bear on the subject and it was decided thalbuses.tailihe many other public servuces. net-dd to be profitable At about the same time it was observed that the T'T C subway was losing money The behave struck the bureaucrats, "tietunforcethoeerathc tawdry Ms to me the money icing subway". in this way I am sure the reason went. we can ed the buses to Toronto and suppletnenttheincinneol thesttway ltdoesn't matter that these common folh have off their nice warm bunes into a crowded short haul facility lihethe subway. A We 'whammy". uve the bucks on the downtown bin haul and cram more buch payers into the subtrayi lhe [act that this move added to the travel time and eliminated the comfort of a (mehour uninterrupted ride on a warm (a cool) bus. was never taken into the calculation A Well the reduced service certainly had some effect any people returned to their cars. thereby recreating the problem that transit is intended to remove Also. our senitw citizens have been deprived of the opportuniityolvisitingour provincial capital without a hassle. The city deatlnntiai buses were this made sufficiently inconvenient. and a prerniurn (are was charged in addition. to short step to promice ridership numbers sufficiently low to convince the Transit Authority Board membersthatthymotdd discontinuethecitybotnid btnes altogether lachievelli is not dead. he is alive and wdl and working for the Transit Authority. l am reasonably sire of this because those board members that l have spoke to are sincere people with thepnteests of their people at heart However. they somehow believe that this new service beii proposed is faster and better. The fact is it is not faster and certainly more barns ! and uncomfortable. So much so that I shall (hive my car and ultimately g l v e s e r i o u s consideration to emigration ito Torontoi. Perhaps this is another solution to reduce growth Too many games con ict with church, says reader lhavebeuiinvolved inSundsySchoolworhin Newmarhet for approximately to years and l have dbcovered. (hiringthe tlreeor fotnyears. tma'eand morefamiliesarehnvii which wasenceprotected by those who valued the Christian sabbath in Ontario - demomttates a low in spiritual consciousness in our province. No doubt it reflects the tremendous acceptance that the and restore the pastoral setting of ltachcll s corners. I am sure that Elliot Lshe can givesome adVice on planning for a helium society. if anyone is interested in actually was this policy of declining trsmit mice. they are invited to call me at home (tlsi 4170. at work Midi 773-3.. (I write to me at Cambria Farm. RR 2. ms. Ontario. MG 363. I believe our sincere representatives on the TATOA board would lihe to hear from ll. DR. PHILIP ll. JONEd. the traveller has to wait for the harassed subway rider End eroding health care: reader Nationally and that dicalcarewill-t Clark ran for leadership "mixes-eats survivethenextdeca . with deterrent lees as dswhea i ltwhs use-in In York m. hetershaveoptedsdat twicethepeviacialrate. pnofhhmm. Medical doctors undoubter deserve to have salaries that recognise their chills. trail-tn and petulant dedication. Citizens of Canada. Ontario and Yes-h qienalsoancve to have m and affordable medical coverage as a right. Threat-t eich'nd 'destittde' should not be interchangeable. m cancuscan be M under aintml by the toe of alternative tadlitles to hospitals. and the use of paramedics where approriatc. Mate and stfordaole health care does not mean choosing betweui debt and attendant case. We hope that pads in this region will make their concerts heard by the government in major and minor sports are now receiving in (I! society The huge Ontario were found to be virtually tamer cent in dteir variotn churches on Sunday morning. The first superintendent of education for [rovince declared that the prime purmse of education wasto vent: children read and understand the Bible Toronto washnownasthe City of churches and as Toronto the good. However morality. tamlly loyalq, bonsuy. rupect for authority and many of the traditional virtues are rapidly disappearing today. (him away by many winth o! "world-views" Bunnie aid otbr Ianist nations are steadily hm Mr citisein with one message the rduionofcommtnii-n - and other messages are being ruled out. Just recutly we have seen a resurgence of the Muslim Oncology in lran and have qpear ready to lettuce our Christian heritage tht he ban the bash at or laws. our morality, otn lamily structure and that served to make the Ila e Cb'istlsn nation strong and virtually invincible for a world- view" ht in virtually on antithuh in its essence any today are choosiu'Treedom todo whatever they wish at me far- implications decline of (histianity in Ontario audits repetitni Ontario was hnoftheCIIItianviews. ongoing process that regarding morality. occurred when many family. justice etc. are church-related people beenmirg ina'eaeindy refused to obey the . imperative ol ml. as revealed in the m. from tens segments et the - population a grsdnl weatien d the lad occin'redashisworthsnd his miracles were sumtly rejected without pool. The Genesis cosmogany hsd to be rqilnced all this occurred as the pseudoscienti c fairy tale" of evolution was popularized. Once the Christian world-view" was apparaitly slanted off to the side. the philosophy of secular humanism ( now is all ) slowly took over in The crux of the mattertomeh:Whois Jen-mint?"wa Nicely a great .h-tan philosopher whose semen-sedan fastimeandthenwce tar-reaching conse- quences that are tremendotnly profound andsearching. As for me. i don t want to vote for Barabbasv DAV. JARVIS. IIJ Alexander 81. Newmarhet. Plaxton s service at Seneca lauded Aschsinnanotths goveringbodyotOn- community was to become one of the two municipal sp pollution mung t h s R e g i o n a l lunlclpaltty York. Since it on Ir. Mimi s H Donald Plasten con- tributed outstn aforementioned balms wadd in any way not trtnn b distinguished public rudeness at town zoning hearing Lam w l M embarrassed 0r.shabdthstold.T'Vsbow, M: ' Good m. Ir. Iotanst "Thepsrhii meterbmiaym wt (1 time. Your int-la. H decidetotakeimstoinsn-ia. Camdancoitnbeftne -an tnimmedatelyflest saieawl vduicle. 'w yui faillnthbm metermaiawill' vow fa diismstterand' satin Thts' will seltmn minutes". Hetermalthcouldshounch tesycarttoadvisemotortstsd ' . lalso Or. Vandals have: a) slaslni . tires;b)smadiedyotu'wlnbws;ci (hit you headlight; d) other sa Or, Thieves have sell-i ' ;c)aerlal;d) The meter maid ciaild leave b ' and -'another little message - Something like: Please W memo... wasnwaiussevaytciae ' sea-w.

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