Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), October 24, 1979, p. 32

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wbhd wywwmmmassomnem o1 asmor aoncs ano 511195 45510 cons. Sizes Re; 32834.. $1 ass-$26.67 A ~v f x \ o - Save $5. 100% cotton M m in... Choose wester" o! ooealeo 1'orwt Stytes W851 sees 27- 34 Reg 5 : 9.9 '99 Sunsemmmmmm snaoes 4351c $12.65 Reg $17-$25 67 Smtmmmmndmm wow Reg $29-$25 .99 s... a 54.1: Sun eonhruhmbOMW/Meaeoqe 812853036 Reg $169 Smmwmmm Sknntone Reg $5 49 6-1! '-A:.r~n -N Q" Sau$1.PmmMmMm1oampamed 1509 8109 91.5.991 Macnvne-waShaDte Yettow Brown Punk 8019000 cJove: or Whne Sues S M L Reg $4 49 $3.49 Canto M W hue and; Flow Shadow 511109 and fantasv 1&9 oeSngns 5119' Imoedectnons SHOUO '101 a ect wee! On'y $1 .29 Smeudu mummy: 100% mm Btacx Browv~ 0' New One $129 1115 90-1 35-10 Reg $2 49 $1.99 (151% 3! 9 s-uu.meummassom\ento1warm Stanket moths 5011 eeces and cosy 001115 Macn was on A3510 crouorsSM LReg$1499 $10.99 Sun .wwmmwarmbrwwed annaene Math-WW Assxd 901105310 gums Sees S. 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