LAURIE LE- ILANC. New- larht: Ne. There are ac Iaay It]! AN 7 I I'm. Iarh- III: Yea. I theatthaehaea a partdeareched eyete- elaee New-when! lt aheald. We a .leereal praya and I to not b- lrlagiag ea aayeae'e civil tOLB Owl. canes . ,, CHERRies 4 g Ito 22:; mm Vegetables Prune Finn Sedood meow. Foot ORDER NOW 884-3391 Come On In And Join Our Co-ed Aquatic Exercise Class With Haike w OUR TROPICAL smwmc POOL ONL Y 3309;; includes Whirlpool. Lockers. Showers And Sauna net neeeeearly seen an hereaee b taaee. Theheardbeapeeted iehcaee thehaaeh-eredetalwhuhreviewe lie inha et. he dher Imt tht the heardreieceedwaeteu ym tetare eeaatractlaa. A Ol-Illllea m at I: per cut would eeet nerethaau.l1-lI-ter9ay.hwae pelueled. llthehearddeeedecldetechaage he-llratethehcreaaewllhetxh i~wlhagrebelteealnilrete ~rduti-tellhl e. The heed hae ph-ed to epead manta-Interacheeleea- . diacatieahaededbdbdart ind is the here e.- elecheeh. ,eaereedtelthe-evethe aebardtepay-ereeaehaad Hwkahhm . I turd-nthghnweehhwae antler pha gparpee- .1 b ole-eatery ad ad .l leureadaryehkbcladed 1 budget. The tax nuey eeeletheehepathamve negotiating m... u... to subway W to and the whole thiiuhachtolr. Come. TORONTO The tor rower , It wae Hr. m redirecting of GO mm . Tranit'e Yonge St. bin atvioe in what it calh ita Newmarhet corridor away troln downtown We in favor at at- vieing the euhway - atla- will he Vietnam complete who all oi the eiagthe-ilrateaadrle. memory talks back same mediator I The A-ociatiuot teameiorthehoardand Federatiaw' W teecheremetinJuywith V iOR ENROLL m OUR REGU - 6 MONTH OR 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP AMT-Aim 898-1861 CORPORATE 5 FAMILY RATES AVAILABLE Yorhdale euhway ter mine]. a tranait epoheeman eaid laet m. Under the reviaed ethane. hue. will heopcatedonYonge St. to Hwy. col. thin ecroee to Yorhdale terminal. Thin will provide one- nectiom from the nor. thern corridor to GO huaoeoniingtoi orhihle MMwa.Branipton, Gewgetown.Guel i.and Ilia. ae well an a dispute hetweai eit ountyBoardd Policy Committee ind Ir. Gilbpie. who wee lion and in and maninioialy ap'eed inetnnnotalinhevinga ' teachers will that the matter wodd he tentative agreement w hack to a Wt hack to thdr heingdrawnw. previou- mediator. Grant Thehard rati ed the Gilleepiei agreeing in Ain t but The the teachers voted not to heal use policy revised Evane, the horde in lormation of cer. the gure a: cod in nu Haida night, the Cami) Eiernentary negotiating Now a caruahc or otht porno named by theboard edirectormu lrohnn down to reveal eacluaively the coete incwred what the hoard lam out in M. in a board meeting lent week it wae aho decided that Policy .. the board'e pverungtbeonuninaty one o! achoole would be on duty when a theechootheyewillalao not be m for no- admittanceto the-chant. The board alao decided to make the policy an interim ale intil nal app-oval on it nil-her o! inter-city hie-whidiwillheueing the Yatthle tcminal. One a! two round tripe p. (by will con- tinue to operate into diwmown Tormtomthe Mia. hut will naviaAvuioeRdaoiah d Yorhdale. 0n week- mince Thie program in diam up to he at: h. ever." eaid Eileen rave two Win. I .1 Iacrae. C.E.S. prqram coordinator tor Yorh Mllinnewiocuas Maroon-op m b every woman me wann'e liven u'elnaeoutantuateol aangeaelainih-grow q and maturity new int-eeta. 1 age evcyone to cane uuNovJ-idehoptor Hermetic. new thee ndtaltoothcwoinen who have aoeeeeded in aelee careera. aervice m the creature Thepandbciaaion, has a VW. Unable-17am and the all-important mediaucaed of M ltadt. An- hneh the hey note aker. Toronto at Sam Ion. will yeah on "Advice To The Wm Wuhan the llle ehllle into wor: man. For tollow-op man there will he twoeqareteeaninanon w. Accreditation in Nevahc.altwthel'ell H. 11- datee are: Nov. I and I (Ala-era Puhlicthrai-yiandhlov. ll and le (Thernhlll Community Library). The purpeee oi each Milena-oboe pcaeaelieheeareh aromade home .an dlective In. aoiahhound at in (11. pm.) and museum),me 3mm tripe will lave eBayandDindae union] a tilt.) l0 (10.6 1745 (3. biped to provide to meannectione wit tin weekday helm to/frun Unit. Station in downtown ter-lJel at Yorhdale Shep ea eatre were M epeud M. portraitalpaeaponel 19m$traits 0ne8x10 s Fliieenmletsiza AdUts and family groups welcome' There Will oeaQScchavgetoveacnaooitmaipersonm contents No limit On numbe' oi photographic Dackages (M package Orders only) Choice oi available backgrounds Ouv selectnn oi poses mamboch EARLV BIRDSPECML - Avoco meCmumas man have you patients acne below Oct 30% WT.TthS.Sil 9306a) W ..TMS.FTi 930-9 ) i% -== ' TIMELY ENERGY IDEAS 0