ine-mane an. oer m seen. and W veer innate cap-ea It were ' The unmet Aurora he a one at lie III-Ii Wee-nan: L-m-teemeiawm. annual. amen maven the Man wey'heaavna leewa Ae verheer Irama'en Goereion Ian-w Net ee-can Gordie WM (cm-at ane Sue. team News Oeav-iie leewer Que-e "we weoa Oshawa "no WM Stau vme Tub-ate. Adm "ee Woes Georgetown iw at. when Canadoen (Mme-an W (ammo only M Amer-anemone mo ago .u' v on C wet-on Serene Claaa Mao. rectum-m number '00 We Newmarkei IVS 233! 30 Chariaa St Naming of Warden Centre pays a fitting tribute A comm-my mu have mky ga d Wit-m: m-htathA-adatiuovwa a "mmm "dammdmhe-m nevthemlaxm tinae. wmm wWLRMMMAMM 'mwhhmw mmWaudMy-eaph I. ate h ad lend. race" He U- MARIA FLETCHER a . m PETER O'DESSE Good news hard 0 fin 1hce aanoldaawwhiehgom. Noaawab ha thoodSanu-itathatt-nptedto MbaaMmaminedthe We dm t agree with it. and it'a h at lyIIOWAlDPm MNMlb-am hie Kimman Aaaociatin d Cant waa iormedin by HalRogca.Foumderlialbdmbedihee_- Mdthemenhebdatvdwithhtb war.andthua.hederibdtojlaaavieachbd mthg-aevcaluuMam atjoiningaatvioeclub.hedacihdtoilrm& ownAdoe-iiihomiadadyou aiuaatbnto daunthatnighLandatartadacMw chtoty mammmommMMu-m mammoimorethanli.~lmm Kinetiea.and0.smtmlinmuiaK-O Club Since 1am, morethan in. yougmu have acvedandalwortdthihahdlin- ammdup 1heobiectottheAaaociatitm utom chant-ta withinCanadatothand: unity Wandme heutablmadtowardth carrywtaa'viceworhwithiathdrcumdty. TheNewmarhetcltmwaahl'madhlm. Theyhveaimaa huhamhitiima.anda Aadboeath thehnaad frolic. would you howwhatlh ipm. Youm aeathemiadaa-worhingwhmthe Ki-neaGaacavaaaa. Melaltttieiitecanotthhat'a more m intend. handechaaoeioawvioeanahc.andthe damn'l'haaWinieianKin Wall-lye aul Dunn- of citieena in to lndochineae newcomere. Looking ahead. it is evident that the cumin oi the Boat Poopie will proem a real "teat" for the racial tolerance and recep dvma oi local citiaeu toward ethic minoriii. The reaponae of community group in the Newmarhet- Aurora - Vandori area to the plidit ol Viunamue rdugeaa haa e been quite r-narhahle. loved by the crud pcaecuim of the Boat People. amp 0! apaaora have come multiaathatin-a'ot rampam mrciad-n aad Mcmm would voluntarily ropmd to the a'yiq naada of Mtge-a in lar- o Southeau Aaia. To think that thia magma r-phu might be marred by eapreaaiena oi racial Canadiaa aociety haa Mile. Reviaiona in Camda'a immigration regulatioaa ~ and periodic reaponaea to ee ab. have No apology from U.K. officer Onareoenttriptothe UK with my wife. we added to pay a quick vieit to my aietw in Iancheater, We were thcei hot-1. Whiparhediniront at my ahtw'a home. my car (a rmtal unit) wu iorced' by one Police Conatable Barrow No. am on the m that it the owner and waa preparing to hove it awed away it waa in tact a not hot who unetothe towarn meoithe nrmgc'inthe scum-banal. aces-m wcecallad Edanchalived at ' m Lakewnnoataumovadm H. l made a formal radiothelanctnetc Police. ad an. aome biaylrecdveda . Aa I expected. the Muiwaatheh'uthl'hia always aeema to he the caaewhanallqatinaare madeapimtthe police. it would therefore nta trom hind moment . The root. thciaiu of the Clark Government to accept lndochineae mam, bwevc. will be the {in make imo migration in ux to directly attact the tolerance and an ac- ceptance oi cultural Mwilheaaadad to help tacilitate the tranaition ol thoee mum lite. It will my alao require a fun- ia at- Diabetes talk well received at YC hospital Inythaitaareme The Era la the an- mmentotowreeot Diabetic Aaaociation attracted many peopie to hear our entertaiaing apeaker. Dr. Douglaa Sent: true North York General lloapital. lie apohe about the par- tial. d people with m. in tin mt hmaaa tad. M were an awerod and aamplaa diatributed by repreaentativaa from Ionoiect. Bectoa Winemmematrband Wt We alao mu York County l-loapital tor Whalectuehall ndrdrahmeuaaawail uarraa qmany othw mm. mm operation waa truly wetland. Finally.ourthanhato Dot Hiracheaho. lrom (leadeom TV. in Rich mdeiILwhotllmadthe adt-a. Fa thee who miaeed the meeting. Jermain Cable TV will peeaeat the program atu Oct Ith. an Now. (haadiaa Dubai: Aaaoe. Yerh w Iraaeh Soccer season made - Drive. dihetateol alterhoyaYDoM altar umyumx Gin Shop. Newmarhat; Jaaea Stationery lac.. Newmarhet; The Spin liq 'haal 'oel Cairo. Newmarhat; William. aaa a Quality Iaata. prleioa; Iac a Coa- vaaiaaee Stare. Davie Newmarhot; Store. Bakery m W; Th gr I th lance tar. l . G . A . Newmarhat; New. arhot; lary a fruit It... pw-aoil. I m may: an Newmarhat m-