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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), October 3, 1979, p. 18

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1" /, antic-m Am nonmetal-us. nun o ork s policies NEWHARKE T York rqnanal councillin's inland specialneeds Groinhomeaforthebandicapped would few faults with three new official plan [lilicy pm be one exam . which were before a committeeof-thewhole meet an Sept 27 The papers. the last in a series of policy papers which Will matte up the rqion s offiual plan. halt ninth human and. community sayicea. mt iicipl finance and implementation of the regional an There wasn't much to find fault with. accordiq to some members of orh Regional C omctl. C hie! ad- ministrative officer Jack Rettie called several of the policy statements "motherhood statements". and rqmnal councillor David Schiller summed to ll! mmments of many ar the table as he stated These are such broad. at tel statements lWhat's there to disagree unth hit}: \Tiilt .st-thVItI-tst'iLAiltDlN 105 The health and rommunity servnces pper called tor a greater degree of cooperation among senice igernt ies and among muniupnlities. and m the importance of polit'iee which lhe main tenance of the famil) unit and deliver tannan ser- ~ yices in a manner uthh preserve human "mm recommendatm called in tin drwlupment and wnllnuuua updating of emergency fire and duds-let plans to be administa'od on a T Kll' With basis when needed, and the adoption of a Wild Human Se'rn't rs Phn which wodd coordnate ll! denwrn of human Tum-s throughota the m lll'l 3 ZUVIVH REJECst One other recommendation which was WM and en entuall) weakened by member: of maul council and that area muiuciplities shodd a policu-s which would permit the use 0 Mini buildirgs tor the- huusnng and can of people Win! DON AID PLAX'I'ON MICHAEL MCDON A LI) 1 York dumps Wlaleihe policy paper or'yinally dated that the hymn would such policies at area municipalities. council memba-s micth agreed that thesiatunentbeamendedtornnd hronrage" Mr Forhan ital-d. I really On t want It wen annii' bylaw allowiq virtually any type of hon-ting in any raidentnal area, " l-le point anyplaiuvhichcutahisuchm.m~h is now awaiting the nnlniuc's fame to We lethrs train the regional eellin'ier auctioning the lqnllty d ins currunt stand WNK IPAI. FINANCE mm, / ananal m John llylimai told coin m barium ave M [a m m M .Cmml In . Chm ddlar VI and home. and have the ri it to learn about these special noes and to make their comments known at the public meetirgs now held to amend cabling eontng bylaws A bylaw which reqmred no amendment to allow special homes or residential uses wondd abolish that right. he said Aurora Mayor Georg Timpnn speed with Mr Forhan. and stated The word is too strong In like the rqntm holding a big stich over the local municnpalities' heads to emcee app-oval of theee incl " quanal councillu-s she taped that a committee be eetabliined to pin-note molar dialque between the police. local minuciplitiea and the mantel plannim department. Councillu Carol Bell pointed oil that cctann typeadsnbdivnsiomhaveaneffecton policii needs within the rqnon. and lllltd that the polieechiefshouldbeabletomaae mine mmment about such subde belore tiny receive rqnonal approval Ir Retti'epoiined oil to wame that the police chief receive cop. oi all rqianal council mania and can comment on its proceeding at any time LEGAL STATl'S QUESTIONAILE One restriction cine-me hinda'ing the human and community advices policy. etated medical officer of lualth Dr Owen Slingerhnd. is the current stand taken by Claude Bennett. minister of housing. Althth the provision of services covering health anduelfareoftheruidentaoft'ort quon is required York policies go to public NEWIARKET - approval of the official lemst of the ptdibc will get a chance next mathtocommemonlo neepolici-thetinedfor unit-ion intheregion's o icialplan ' That decision was ruched at a Sept. 27 plan" said planning commiaeiuner Herschel deberg School board members. HL DAC rqromtativa and other tamed pnblic group m-nba's will be invnted to the trim seminar Seneca board chairman \EWMARKET \nrh Regional touncil has appointed tieorgirna representatiw Michael McDonald M the Seneca College board of governors effective Jan l Mr Mttltmald nucceds Donald Plaxton 6 one of the region 5 tnno Jpreqentatnes on the uard Aurora \lanur neural- Tim};wa is the till?! \lr l mxtuc a Rich mind H13; taunt-r and former ft lnnal oun allnr .s Ntlfri limilr F $3335" CORN , .8 8L2! PEAS .BBOI ' GARDEN ERESH (QEEIEPRE Afv M man of the Seneca ( ollege board. and has served a total of 12 years. with a one year absence from the board to M: Mr McDonald said he was pleased with the appotntment. and adthd Hopdully. Seneca will have a higher prdile in the north half of the rQIm. somethii l don't feel they've had in the past Mr McDonald's term with One board ends on Dec 31 1933. while Mr Timpaon 3 term expiree at the end oi December. 1%! m FAWN. Ml'km meetiuoftprt qima Council. following council's acceptance d the remaining three policy papers to be considered in the official an process Now the papers go to the region s planning department for preparatian of a draft o icialplan. aunt selected members of the public willseethat draft plan at a public saninar ten- tatively scheduled for Nov 3 at Aurora High School The seminar. which Will be open to some 150 pmcnpants. will pruant the policna to a broad group of public par- tiCipants in order to anticnpate future problems before final 45 "( luxli H Hi"o";).1'om i)rti" : i _f", I. WILD CANADIAN BLUEBERRIES tOLB 8 3OLB BOXES CHERRIES BLACK 2OLB REDH 522 L8 PAILS APR lOVE l i'roui Ht 2.x .nr" Ji)~".lr u. .1 OR reg.$l3995 tin governmental 'ant systems make it va d to dopaflnancial plan whichvouldbe really The policy c ' ' ' mistrial asses-mot "inorder toplace leesofa bard. on the reeit-ntnal taapyc." Otherpolncy goalsincludep'oyisluforacln eve- ment of the official plan's objectva within the regions can bu etary m and pueblo forcapital behichareinoodormmwlthtb plan Mr Hylii i adbdaspecial caution that adeqmte nancing be built into the mien's financial m for completion of mahr projects like the York Din-ham msyetem. llerecommandedednptlnnofafiee year capital buQet mum to be prqard andanmloperatiqutforthecnnrentor forthcoming fiscal year In accepting the municipal finance policy. Newman-bet ranoantative Tom Taylor alao called for debentire coats. the otbr eight municipath which make up Yuri quon voted and up ammii thoae coats. Hr Taylor said. lthina weshouldbeestablishing a very specific ratio (of debenture capability to town aseetsi." Hr. Taylor said "and there isn t anything laid down here." Thecouncilap'eed to add a statement to the effect that municipal debentura could not exceed the guidelines set down by the Ontario Municipal Board. "I read this paper, and I don't find any amwers about how to implement anything." criticised rqnonal chanrmhan Bob Forhan. "I don't see any specifics about what steps are going to be taken to adopt this in" .. Planning commissioner llersdiel Weinberg ex. planned that the pper merely established general intentions about the necessary coordination of official plans with that of the region He agreed that the planning department would come back to council with more specific procedures for implementim the official plan before the rqnon s draft official plan gou to a public seininar next month HHBVESTWBHRGHIHS - Geiitiie Stoneware 3v NORITAKE, ROYAL DOULTON, a OTHERS lipattems for your sebcobn | - i f' T l"il" SETS for 8 Stilt , ' Enro ti" (Hi (. 1l& 8 9 ll" w C Mrs" N qupttl gi - n 45 pc. Set for 8 APRIL LOVE, BONNIE JUNE GLOW Serving Pieces 8 Extras vegetar'm I'w! 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