\EWMARKET Brendon Henry scored two touchtbm on a pair ut sweeps to lend the \ ewmarket Hi i School Junior Ioottnll team to a no blasting ot the Hurm Heights Secondary School in York ( ounty Junia football action last Wednesay at Huron Both of Henr majors came in the f half at the game. I O A V G I *0 a . Q . v i r n h i g I ', I NI'IARKE I NW ! . Stewnrt notches two for f ehn-pion Nntionnln nhlle Rod Davis and maturihirdnonIin WWW National- ooecor club aloolid ddenoe lot the loot a John Stewart and I! m. Hi In the 6.. 'M W We. u NBS juniors Steve Ruby added anotlnr six points who henreptaroundtheud In the birth oinrtar to continue the beath Andrew Hamiltin hooiad two cavern ad m Andrew Hamiitni add a w, The Norman ii h teem. like its senior counterpart. naa loot yonr e York County ohampinnhipoqund The team not good etiorta tum Andre Cod . Dave Lilian- herg and Richard Hnrrioon who each yd huh ways in the m.u-hnchoanve Ram and Brent on..me The Newnnrhet Ladieo' Setthall Annotation heid a awards O h dying minuten oi the some but No'nnrh henqnet nun-y at Nev-arm Coin-only Centre. Pietroaheveare (lento )JaneMeO-ouan.withkeynl1 ellvbiontlwhy.0oiiou pinyerh the A hunt. Clinic coming this week nesewmarhetArmAntelodyaneeerdnhtoohanietorytrnm Brndiordtowinthechampbnohboithepeeneehooelengne divnionot mum? heNevmartet Minor Hockey Anaocintion will be holding its Level one conchin clinic thin Wednenday II New market Community Centre The clim c bqiin nt 7 pm. an! over to concho will be per- nap-m do no at recreation o iono or at a special rqnatration heir; held a t N e w m a r k e t Community Centre on Fri. Oct. 5 from 7 p m to 9 p m Alao. the minor hockey anaociation is hoping that people will upport their annual ante-ethos: to he held on Sin, Oct 7, at the community centre on'eAdivbhnaMDianeKyuwmnoatvnhnlie thelm pm mu York club ' 5 WEA R by top 9 ELIZABETH ARDEN 0 DOROTHY HAMILL 0 FABERGE 0 CHRISTIAN DIOR .... .. UNITED'OPTICAL -ThoetoconorntoSorveYou agg mo *gu. 6351Y S I I lYonge t, onpe t.. 222m cum Wench : WILLOWDALE it the \enmarhet Youth Soccer ( inh last week. They on that rnn. left to right- Derek Tiersmn. Rob Youton. To. Eaten. Edvh Marth. 'Joe I'nnahi. Ton) McQuillnn. Pnni Gm. (Back row. id! in Mt): Clrb Gilligan. Scott Edwards. Eugene Ciryle. David Iiope. Carlo l- noee. ( ameron Stevens. Greg Wright. Todd iiieh. Panl Inehanan. conch Pnnl Duties and asaintant conch Jinn m. lldp support a boy in hockey by opanormg him in this ma )or fund- CANADIAN WINTERS ; ; Waterline DEMAND THEM WINTER PATIO STORM DOORS WINDOWS L 8AVE MONEY "I 7, / I8216; _: -.; I A q 7/ ' on FUEL niLLs Save up to 50% heat loss through windows A storm nindon thet Inotelta intone Midwny (Parking Lot) Rides. (in-en l nr-ern Mnrket (Connnnity Centre) Prod-lee Pentivnl Lonnge (Con-nnity Centre) - Ileld nnder the nntiaority of n npeninl onennionn permit Spot-tn I ll-n Midnny 3 SIZES TO CHSE F ' v ALSO PAM 000' W 370" 2 30:66 2 8.60 17.25 A180 um ooon moioe now at. SPECIAL FLANGEO FRAMEWORK SIZES TO MATCH REGULAR PATIO DOORS AVAILABLE IN 3 FINISHES LET OUR ENERGY CONSERVE YOURS l Klein Snperntnrn Content (Tennin Conrt) an 8 to I! yrn. All 'eleo-e - Free. nhoine ol eventn. prim I Co--nnity Servieen Dinplny (Con-nnity Centre) lnlor-ntion. Liter-tnre Midwny Flen Mnrket (Co-annity Centre) Mineellnneonn Midnny mwnn KET PROGRESS CLUB - W man-n rem-nut t rnnnrnrrv POW REPLACE DRAFTY WINDOWS mm cusron time. h on... no.4... nun ten-9 In." a . in c stle budding -, centre a ves lumber h, Davie Drive. Market. Ont.