nhasneverplayedthepoeltinhdce. gGm-mwa' etaa-mah-thfutelqlelieahthhseaeon. me than likelybe withlilewlnarhet's Davehrroweai . biueline Somturalg.withtheliawhhallii'trmAia~ora.there umbeanamelorthetwoaonieeeuidtiagmeyarebothlromthe m. Anywe with any ideas? '.,gNeIe.pr.idntoltheNew-arhet herllecaey ,willbewritingaeoliannln lhelradiringtheupmlq season Clint. ol New-arid animus . lsalaoplaylng tSeeartymlthNew-arhuTewalleehey .Cialnwe misshutoutisonthewaybialtdidn'tcanelau whaihe ._ goahto r-idoerdleuamotlpuuaedqa. HKnl 'ymm LookslkeWsaagoodat WashebatpiatqpeI-auwi-erslabaaehall. mllswtsarelootiuluaapurhneataeaaen.Anyieln Waumlim. handledgemlwubthe ewmarhetTownllochey teervuktiheasthbweea'sine valuableplaycllolled' Moheplaysin."eddfer on.' lICaaAllengreupot aya-sontheNew-erhetl'lyeralooks inimitaaaolvewiththedqartia-eolni-nhtsleeetl hagcall. est a scholarship in the Utdtd Stab. lie lac-am hewantedtophyhTu-onmedleeuberawinwas . mmherlettisluwardltelahywbvowsthatlnwillrecnat antic-slunbtsotthegroupcan'ttaltothepeee. FredllervatLGetghel withtlc MrsonWMy mu at New-aria Can-ash Cure. snob-biyhopiqtolearn-eemeolmeteam'stechnmtoimiae pineintheaiaaiallidlsvs oundlpmetobeheldneatyear tthghMCarivaLWadbodthatlemed iAraialamehahoabotittodaithehlaih-withthelaters. Mthehiew-arth CHhadlts fiul oltbyur thnid.don'ttorgetthatthtebawiaeai cheeaepartycoming hi.0ct llattheNew-arhetCe-naahy Cohe air hn't ludiib members. Emilie bwdoune. Caoumummamtsmotinemiumud. usgsewhowonthechamplaidilpoltlnleaguelauweeh. AiadcrunchlngwillbeplQoninVlewlan-rethhloday DeralteamslranToruitoanddetricteonpetelntheJt-Ieyd i lheYaehCa-tyMChbwillbemeotthet-ms * I TheYorhCouiayF lretswillhestar-tlutheseeondmiaid WmCupmst..0ci.u.runmi-riiim it theeeasd bustle S. Catharbee distilled bathe (It! rant. Tl: Yort 'lllbehea uintotiieTmmuSat..0cts i S wins rst game ET Ahilnhled seeontldtlntheoentut.hutlell WWW diertthe yarduripeastine Hanna-idiqu ranoia.8ethteaaisowedpod m Yuri Comty w wiselme I! ioothall ectlo lat pme.hutoouldnottl thimoa. MCI Newmarhet uguotmdlorts Newman from weoaDaley ew m f: andTJ.llarrhenwhowasined mm (or blocking. th- 'lhelourmm. with wart-back Braden ' -- by a a" pan has never played quarterback M demise m 3 More. Mothelaeeeball Newmarket's o unwwtput Muhaoommwas wasequlledbythe h' Elia-netted. ledb ck DaveDrheollandrunnii'bacaOJ ariaeee 3" m Wan-ll! hire uly at: ya from lan year H I :3 each lob w said he s Manhunthehmlorsm . thb year's team. ve got a wee. yougieamai we'negoiutordy clitbni."heeaid ' ~ A W W Manhattan-tab "we - m mo-m 3m W "W 0"" murm.amm con-mm he an tannin . tween m'Mm yec'aYeltMclnnps. W dwayahve'edgaulhtewas ,. netehedapakd audh Mmthrehyboth a Vim. Iartln u .Jimns-mu m that wil play 0 wmwasb sealer and paler deabldieade Whoa- e ie y My) at Mire-emu panedmhltnadeeders 3 . Matt-Cue In CI: h at p... THE ERA mmmmu.wea.0e~a . NEWIARKET The Newmarhet K and L Lethe team took tla I Mai ol the lm Wm s W Leonie with a 2-1 winovcherdiamai, Saturthy in Newmartet. 0UCH! 'i BothAandBdivisialplayedin thetotrmmeIIheMathothHasaett andqu Parts MHMHCHWHICML m-M" Oct. lJaadtheeeceabreadylcaTmmga-eeatheous. tripled in the (north inning and touched home when Tracey Wright blasted a base hit Lee Winn notched the second nm of the game on an Aileen Filman K and L wins championship NEWIARKIT K and l. mhthechaniui lpteaiaol theGeorpllnhettlen'sSoahall League attw an H Nam of Sportsandchelaetweea ThevictoryhaveltandLa NEW It was one o! thoeeiaghtswhenyoiijintcan t win. The Newmartet Fly" tied the Hamilton lountaln A's 7-7 in Provincial Jinks A belly oom- aidelthetlrnptiodandthentooh another two-goal lead at the begimiii'olthennal frame. Bis thentherool caved in; llamlhm outraged-b. nywcoachllerrybone tta tocomeaway with mittedthatthreisalia thre'metoaiewininthebot-ol fivesa'ic. Wm latchc Rich Lunney tonedaale-hitw inthevictory Kanstoohthelird gameol theaci-tahtspu'trdoundedto said. "Weplanonhav a tee more pactioes and get settled into a routine We'll get straightened aroiaid. Everyone's trying " Mhie ice was terrible, but it works lor bothteatns." added Bone There was speculation before them thatthegame woddn tbe e auee the ice Ind melted the my beta-e. One thin that (Id eaae Bone wastheretwnolddeneeman Jamie Macon. back from a long period at canvalooence aha he hurt his wrist is the Ontario Baseball Associath flush in Winthor last moth. Centre Kurt Pearson and Moder stave Bieitoweai made thdrmknownaithef'lyer pondBotharerecentcutslrunthe ()hawa Gemrah of the Hajor Junior A hockey leaoier The Flycs are also expecting help from new aycs aiming into the lineup. Lars Hm. tormerly d theAura'e hgers.anillsaat-i: with the team in practice for better competition lylANllU ltlllNaou Erasure-eater Auto - All four Aurora Digcsolthallduhwillheiotiang noteceordlngtoliller. Tom and Cindy Beniutt are taking ova the peewee divhiai wtdlePeteJoaeewllltaheeai-eol thebutanu.8ohThonipon.Vinee omen-em wlIlhe la olthemiih and lint thejuvenllegroup "I s lice hint thh way," aaidlllh. Vewouldlhetoget a Wmaschair- man" We wars to get the hot podbleeaeciaiveaediiuradetb mamaswecanJWe a h the W Wood's . 1- 3' taaethesecondgamew KandL took the next two games 3.1 and H) Hie real surprise of the playo s was Sports and Cycle s win over delmdim champion Pla Motors in the semi-finals. Newmaraet is still planning to he companated for the sigmng of like McClilhey. probably with it: North Yort Rangers But with all the new laces tn the lineup. the leadership came from a familiar source. namely Dave ( arruthers ( arruthu's potted a pit ol oals and picked up an assist an aunt er ( arruthers also made Hamilton piasz keep their heads up with several solid checks Davey played wdl He stated well." said Bone. "With his datre and heart. he ll really help us on " _- - -o~e -~- - (M. -i hit 11w lm liam hit lor me tn the seventh innll but lell short The final was a reverse a! the Venom game which saw the In clam blari K and L 34 La Winn tool the loss allowing five hits in the aecond game at the tournament. Aileen Filman allowed five hits as K and L walked away with a 24) win over the Oshawa Junta-s SyIVia Lychlama singled and eooredeonnaClart'shittnthe lira inniu Donna Clarh touched home hereell in the sixth lrame on Lee Alldrql s ribbie Hie Rubyopenedthescoringin the {in paiod followed by an Al Weddell maria Len Hachbiirn narrowed die mar n tor Hamilton tait Brian Stew rotated the Flyera' mogoal lead Peter Kelly gave the Flyers a comla'table lead tn the second period with a pair 0! goals within a almond span hit it was all tbwnhill after that Hamilton scored three stth goals by Rich Minion. Bryan Gruby and Ed Walhc in the third Dave Carruthers notched a Flyer goal but ()ir'n The Flyers also cut Greg Ferguson. a player lroni Newmarhet. rial! Mpeen and Ovayae Venus. Coach lien It all started with a s i win over Picker in the opening game Chm Am allowed five hits tn the Victery Picker opened the scoring tn the ("I hit Newmartet came bad in the third In!!! when Filman crossed the plate in a Donna ( larh shot ( larh finished things all in the ninth inning when she knotted a thrunin homer which brought in Filman and Braids Stichwood TheKandLLacheswouldliheto thank the people who came out and sipported them this season Flyers look ordinary in 7- 7 tie Nikon and Gary Stelan potted goals for Hamilton to tie it up it linked like Carmihers had nailed the winning goal for Newmariet with just under two mimic remaimng but Jim t hivers w t]! equaliser for Hamilton with just over a minute ldt The Flyers will he hostim the Royal Yuri Royals this "Dainty night at the oornmtaiity centre Game time issprn OnFriday. the team mats North York in North Y0 . and travels to Martham on Sunday r u C .l': 3y I I