Wm hum ... mum-in ' . V I voun iioaie ran as tow as If vou netsuveovouncmr. anucariowamnnaiawas auntrmonroiaai auniri s vouamncintnwnuce I ' vouwnwwaurveoam . OOV T ROME INSULATION PROGRAM Rebate up to $500. - 6mm. maven FIIERGLAS MATERIAL - men aema ousiueas ouneau o FULLY INSURED - aouneo - aaerno License aooiai $1 Call Today For Details Suburban {lone Insulation 1 M. 2347 YONGE STREET 0 TORONTO. ONTARIO MAP 208 CALL 485-5757 OR 8844575 Who INDUSTRIAL ALL From 000 - 30.000 aqua loot av v"~" V'. manna" 221mm, . Extendaanlnvitatimio WWW toattono museum M. m S I!" I 3.. p... Refreshments WI be WWO mma focuses on career changes Whom lunch. Ia. 8am Ion haanWtytoinoat (Toronto Star ADVERTISE WEEKLY FOR BEST RESULTS and work buainoaa out good HG CITY - resumes. mam y for Seneca a Women's Pall pagrarn. a full- itier is Saturday . the first of it! baheldonNov. lain toSpni. at v Campus. in lion with The who Women a item of the uni ia Changing e are hoping. lileen laerae. and talk with the pnd a nan-am. pet tin. toot-m watchan fllmadvldaaa. le lqaatan her special subject. Mvha To The Working PC Wanna." Wan- Mdn. one "Du- topic Changing - (breather-stun .Youndloneyand ty education MW P'l'CbOlo 0' tribute an informative display of books and rootlets on Startin coorde Ia "to RIM media 'tha .Kmtolb- momma-d 00! After Own the Pamela-nu attha MNwlllhvohn Methods-Ion macho-bun MMWIOW ' taint-panda on aaloa. . aorvlea. creative arts. buffet n aandpalltlea. w m on not-g) a ac- e (tr-lam Ila W lino a W ). Jackie Dal-i. grow leader he Life Ac- creditation. will cover min arcs of m during her seminar. M. II! than who wanttodtdawnwlllilic registration forms are available at local libraries and through Gotham Mutton at Seneca Collage King M: u 3. III on. LOG in. enquiries to: iloen dchange'l'by - . I 'Ekethe to aparentl estimate... We've got a serieshf Kids are ple" booklets that might z~~MW can help you With the everyday pro lems of raismg children. WIIIWMM?D 'TbilettrainingCJ P43 . 17 n A booklet dedicated to baby's Some helpful do's. don'ts and things to I g . 3 sleep habits. How to deal remember when it's time to produce . A . y place to begin. with baby's night wakings. the potty. T0ilet training need not be nightmares. etc. inconvenient. embarrassing. = 1 Playing and Ieaming i o - leis and infants) Remember. it's best to frustrating or disappointing Here s start bedtime routines an effective guide to build your ants and toddlers love to explflfe. nWand-learn games are key confidence in copin with this com icated issue! inimize the edients to a healthy. positive ' Darent relationshi : doing. chil 5 problems and maximize your g ' "l8. tasting. and ramatic ' y 7" confidence. . Also. nursery songs . 7 t "an rkr, 0e games. story and mayonnaise painting". Play-andoleam help baby s general development! < a 0 ~ .5 6:... Agyession is natural 0 l 1/, 5) Children 0 through the same {1 feelings o frustration and anger '5 pl lJ t - _ - _. MW MWIM WWI-events E-ymam mmbMaWSad mac-"M www.marm 15% MIDI anemones once-auxin 2090 43%" " 20 DO 67% 0' . r- A! ~J ,1 - _ ) _A . \ 1! gig/L l early in baby's life. This folder is a good - PREFINISHED ~+ ,, SPINDLES ADJUSTABLE SIIELVIIS SYSTEMS OColonrabChooooFm sramaana WORST! 24"~ 1.1. a". an 1.74 l. should try to learn new skills ' naturally. Kids want to do things for themselves but can be discouraged when over protected. We all want our children to grow up to be responsible. independent adults This helpful folder can serve as an excellent guide along the way. 0 O O Disapline Cl Discipline is confusing to many. Some feel it is wrong to be angry with a child. Discipline. however. is necessary to a healthy rent-child relationship. ally. discipline helps a child become self- Confident and. more importantly. self-disCIplined. Although there are no pat answers. this folder offers some reasonable ) suggestions, when your child becOmes unreasonable. Childnenarepeople 0 man" The importance of praise and enCouragemt-nt. Con ' tency in discipline. and the gift of love are D * 411 g A. It s f 0 your child is ex 'encing. With a little sen-conuotelgve and the advice contained in this folder. you on make your child's aggressive " iv a punitive form of self expre sion. DRAPERY HARDWARE 9 as you do. And sometimes it s hard to get a handle on the hostility NA ,i V K I x 0 It's practically -' " i a , ble toplievent your older child from ' ' s' pIcious when a strange .. -. g 7 ; by arrives in the borne. Help 75w .. Child overcome these feelings } I; V ' was about them before they IQ ~ t ' 'hat to do whennlaaby ~ 1 speaal' treats . a ' C r ,i . .. - o -' . 'ng" are just a few of the sensible disc ssed- The Ch 35 a 9mm , '5 "3T9?" EVERYONE mouores Pnowc pmc . phiet offers. Prepare your child '0' SW' """has's 0" h" 3'" d But at eves we aoo norm s wait we sa A the W m m. positive parent-child relationship. m -' nus AD ALONG 001m LINE. WWW- "m ~ I noxyiaor - nu. IN THE ~, roast AND s meets ; - , Keith Norton Mm of Con-tum, and Social Sow-cos MmOaws Hemo-