JA- t.. P ygrOund will A hush. e need $20,000 eycmvanxxtnsm Irena! , NWDteasllumnlakbtmbr mmnthcanmuetytohelpmakettareahty mmquuwnanu-tsandcratts F laurel i new as oommteuty groups. stytoe handlcappd and no-handcapped clildrut. lthastatattvdybeeoaoheatledtoapparona' vacantparoeloltownownedlandoawmlamltoe Blvd. elm St. Paul's Separate Sdtool momeSDaa-uhasbeentoaeedamundas beugtheamotntdland'tnthatparcel Alreadythae tsaadnolJeuusoourtarslswtmmtmpoollocatedat thestte Juatbecamethaelaolltteearetheretsoneolthe reasons Hrs Hmnentuk favors that particular site so much. "It's a good stte because there are extsung recreatmal tactltttee there now." she exuatnad. heretsan excellent cross breeze which tavery tmportanttna pm" 'l'heothergoodreasonsarethetowntsdonatlng mehndaMMdphmedmmeMeaortol thygmmdlactltty Meant-ally - Mrs Humwukh-alradyoomeupwtthsome tdeasonhowtoralsethemoneyneeded Theflrntsthrou adltmmttooe ommtdo Octobertonextf uareatspimtobehit wtthamammoth buttmdrtve. Wwillbeaoldtormuandallproceeth wtll go to tl: playground, Bett'thepmtdattotthel lewmarketArtsand Crafts Counal. Hrs Hunem uk has obtained per~ mtaetattodal atetheplaygroudasoneoltl! NACC pet Wt: th'n year I FWALPL NDO Cmsemtently.ama)port tonoltheprooeeds ratsedlromthensdAuesalNewmarketArtsaed Crafts Fattval. to be held Nov 17 - II at the Newmarhet Commtnlty Centre. wtll go -to lb til-mom! Anotherport talotttwtllgototheltlewmarket as able to ralse ap tronmately .erantbe 'al lhemooeythen wasgtventothellbrary and YorkCoutty Hoqa'tal Sheposotedouthatthetownhasalready com- mtttedttadltoftnanczallystworttmthepropctand mtrastry of culture and recreatlon wtll oontrthtte a mtramum of $2.5 She threw on the ballpark liotre 0! mean from the prtvate sector at a meettng last week At the meeting me gathered variou "expats" tn the eld at hardlcapped chtldren wtth rqareaentattves from local organtnttom. Even tum-rats. Whippet Billy Watson was present LOTS OF SUPMT The feedback was positive. Almot all showed that they supported the playpotnd The Ktmmen had already stated that they would be wtlltm to kelp constth the playgrotnd and the Newmarket Butnees and Prdeeswnal Women have committed thetr am The Shrma bye shown an mterat and Mrs Humemuk and several other grape have asked her to speak to thetr manba-s While she had obvtouly tntemled the meettng to be a patod where the "expats" (and toes was around mhowthe pleygroumlwo dbeoonstructadthemol the meet tng eventually changed from idealistic to mltsttc CAMTES WHY N ELEM EXPENSES ELECMAL m If VIII-PEEL SICLAI I STEVENS NUMBER or CONTRIBUTORS 194 CONTRIBUTIONS Money and dit- terence between the amounts paid l0! goods md aervlcea provvded at less than commerctd vuue md the com- mercnal vdue thereol $31,005.70 ELECTION EXPENSES PAID and the commech vdue at good: or set. Vices donated or provided at less than their commech vdue $28,757.31 UNPAID UNDISPUTED CLAIMS I UNPAID DISPUT ED CLAIMS AMOUNT AGKED I TOTAL ELECTOH EXPENSES 525.757. PERMTTED LIMIT OF ELECTION EX- PENSES SZOJZI. my othce dung the ant months loiowng the date on which I received the return DATE RECEIVED SEPT 17. 1979 RETURNING OFFICER SHIRLEY TURNER ADDRESS I22 BROWNING AVE impress. RR. No. $66.0 LOG 1K0 AWSWT WTOTIICAIAIAWACT DIEM mean-aqu sees. aeae eta Ib haamhtsshsaaaat woman-unusual. tsneuna-ee uethm. 1210 WeheveWheW sRennReeoec www.mmuwa mm.hmdummy mu. mwasmaoen Alta a bit at problng lrom Mr Watson. Mrs menukletgothem.m liguretoberataedlrom wtvate auto! INVOLVE CHILDREN She also wanted children to become involved in the wobct. She tell that if children did such work as helMtoplantahrubettwouldglvethemasemed roponat llty and even help cut down at vandalism Mrs. Humanttt cudnued by aqgestxng that a quattatnatre could be sent to school children asking them what they would like to see in the plaaygromd "We. as adults. can not lorget to have the chtldren's mutt as well." she stated Some of the ideas she can already see moorporated tn the playgromd are an adjustable basketball net. wheelchair ramp. raised sandbox and a tractor t'tre set nMays to act as a cradle for children with such modems as spasttc ltmbe She also envtstons an Indoor recreattm faculty helm built almatde tor olhr children at a later date According to a gure given her by the York County Board of Education. there are approximately 000 handicapped chtldren tn the area TOWN-WIDE PROJECT Hrs llumeruuk would ltke to see simtlar creative playgrousds butlt all around town This particular one she would like b have opened mm the town s centennial. next year "'ntts ts the bqnmmg at a trend ol playgrounds thh I would ltke to see take of! rqnmally." she said "I that it would be terrtltc tl we could open a playgromd. evm at a parttally completed stage By that l don't mean the equipment will be part'tally completed but maybe the landscaping would be " CAMTES WIHARY 0F ELECT EXPENSES WI. um (I: YM-PEEL MARI) WIITEHEAD NUMBER OF commauroas m CONTRIBUTIONS Money and int lerence between the amounts paid tor goods md semces Crowded at less Itm oommercd vdue and the com- mercd vdue thereot $12.02!. ELECTION EXPENSES PAID and the oonlnemd vdue ol goods or ser- vices donated or prowded at less than than commech vdue $10.93.." WAD UNDISPUTED CLAIMS WAD DSPUTED CLAIMS ~ WT AGREED . TOTAL ELECTm EXPENSES 0,030.10 PEMTTED WT OF ELECTION EX- PENSES $29,722.50 Wt AGENT - '. A.P. RTZBEIALD The cornptete return respecting election ex peneee may be nepected by any electov at my othoe who the six months lotlowtng the we on Mach I received the return DATE RECEIVED SEPT 1979 REM OFFICER SHIRLEY TURNER TESS RR No mom LOG 1K0 marrow: IEPOIIT Parseaet b the Canada Ehchas Act warm. MWUW'MIMI MWdamumhMItaasest Can-aesalCaeaastaathen-Iaayellay. torseeca-mmeVetr-a. sassy-mm.moum.uv an. ImammeCanOdeteaRetunReapecttno EIeChon Ew whichrtctudeemeStmyol ElectionEnpenees-nreapectothemVeMy othchudWhIIehead My ammonium-nec- cardmcewtthgeneriyaccemedauatmmm. Md accoranqy Included such teeta ltd other procedtleaaelconetderedneceeeryntheceotm- thwmwmdomerWJIaM Mummammaeam domes-one my mnmm retawtotohecatddacy andtheretoremyes-nndon thwteachonew-drectedtotrmeachone recadednatutaooamreoorth tnmyoptnton. Resumde W. MMNWW.MM Secemailtobede ednmem'ew. thetwerecordednthemaoconmoreoorde Further IreporcheMahdwnnmestaw monEteceonE-peneee.noha\ooorwtaloneot M10sz and total electton upeneee at edwmhe Keen w. u ?! WWW Be out by September 29th. That's the ultimatum being handed to all 1979 Datsuns. Perlectly beautiful, gas efficient, well-equipped cars must vacate the premises one way or another to make room tor the 1980 s. Take advantage. These cars have to go and the prices they're going tor reflect it. Be quick. Your Datsun dealer is dealing 79's like there s no tomorrow because there isn t. Get down to the showroom today while there's still time to be choosy. Take away a '79 bargain. Before the 80's take over everything. E no.