an 1b Ira. Miss-6 . Aron. lavish. Oat. Wat. laps-ha I. ms School budget heads for deficit. AL RUKA - The \ork Catlity Board 0! it was necessary that the old pehcy be eliminated so 1 ton count, Board 01 smcauon aNJnm but want. other trustees lelt the motion may to consult with the Ontario Secondary Schools )needed more clari cation W'Federatiaitmf tbeloreimplementmga Wmotmwhcebythsbeardmldbetold policy ahidi allows the board "to rd'lect approved how mach it had cod for the dementary 4 secondary changes in program or wgantaation by authorizing contract negotiation. will also be included with Hr appropriate changes in staff an! to implement these ( M' changa in a way that is not inconsistent with any Kl!" Whip trustee Hutu Massey had inmally collective agreement mutated that the cons be dealt with sqaratdy He Kl!" Towmhiptnntee Dorothy luac saw this as a late agreed that it would be better imltded in Hr positive sign because as programs were increased so t ousens' motion could be the number 0! teachers "I amps-ct some sort Ol deficit is building up but we haven t got a handle-on it yet he warned Board of l lthcation agreed Monday to adopt an policy the memorandum ol agreement betan itself and District 11 Untario Secondary Schools Teachers Federation HSSTF even though many at the issues in the agreement hate sQl to go lU arhrttratitm EOUt'dllu director \an; t hapman explained that The \ork (hunts A menu: w Education's director 0! education Sam Chapman told that sirh things as paying the teachers could be sauna, Zuyw : trunees Holiday there is a dettctt building up tn the carried on accormng to the new pohcy study amf'evaluate the mutation process as ex lm m Il'h I I! l I ll." N om w M o m '.'..u '0 , He pointed out that the money earmarked for gated rewarding in a board maul Ia y . . salaries would not cover the backpay for salaries ... ' W damn Don C ha I a. which are owmg Car olyn . The York County Board 0! Echscation agreed Monday to accept its staff recommeillatiai that it advtse the mintstry 0! education that it I strongly opposed to any change to the current boar ' fiscal vear Separate school system grows RICHMUND HILL While declining enrolment is becth a bittc reality for many school board. the \ork Balm Roman Catholic Separate School Board is optimistic about its future According to the board s director of educatim John Zupnc ic thepopularity 0! separate schools has been in creasing over the years Two years ago. said Mr ZupanCic it ap peared as if the enrolment was tapering on in the lower grade However that has changed now to has succeeded the year belore that. he stated The board received 53 students more than last year and is expecting another 1) students to fill the schools it rented tn aughan Towmhip M r 2 u p a n c i c believes there are several reasons for this people want a religious education (or their child-en. a large ethnic community who when changim its locale also change schools from ptblic to separate. ah increase in the area's popuuuon. and a dmtre for parents to keep thetr a more personal type 0! educatiai "We're not in com- petition with the publse school system." ex- plained : ZupanCic "(lirschoolboardhastiot accepted any non- chollcs over the last two yearssunply because it has not enough buildings We're way behnd tn our allocations from U! mtmstry to! educatmt " "We don't really know i! there is a trod." teadded "Onecouldsee a trend it nut-Catholics really wanted togo tothe wants schools " "We reallydoo'thave secondary he aplatnsd "We have an extension of the dementary syst-ns " The ministry of educatiat prov/id. tuna Ior m in )iauor MW. on Grade to After that. the students are expected to my a nudist tee of 75+ year for Grabs it to 13 lore than hall at the board s elementary Imus cattlnue on into the board s junior high schools. but it loa- ap maimately so students alts Grade 10. who find the tuttiat fees too ex- penive children in the sqarate school syuesns nits year for the first time. every simle Parents. he said. also grade Junior kinder, enjoyed the smaller prden right up to Grade class. which allowed for ROMan Party September 28 l-nday Evening 6 11 pm Tickets $10 each DelicaCies included' Authentic Roman fare porchetta roast suckling pig and candied grapes ' A Roman market with pasta making demonstrations - Roman bread and specrally created Roman novelties plus a cash bar : Toga draping demonstrations and authentic Roman hairstyling soothsayers Games of skill Ebemae bibuli - Disco dancin , Dixieland jazz belly d ncing, strolling musicians Circus acts Acrobats -Jugglers and much, much more! $1 WhenlnROM doasthe ROMans do! Roman Carnival norms now on sax; arm sou socks Git-'1' SHOP. FOR'I'ICKET amnion caum-ssss "Within a to year period. our schmls will not he stated "Ant that I ain't know what's to happen" He felt that more students would go to sqiarate schools t! more vocatlaialandothersuch Wins wee diced. The York t ounty Board at Emcatien agreed Monday to adopt principles suggested by its planung and buldim oommlttae and have the staff trepare a draft liveyear capital expmditure tomcat. The principles incluth that busing students ts a viable alternative to buikhng new lacilitlc. that it ts prelcable to restth butng 0! students within the rewiew area of their home school, that elementary schools will continue to be planned hit a lull kin- derprten to Grade 0 program and to home ap pronmately 500 pupils calculated on the ministry ot educatiat's loading factors The prinCiples also included that secondary schooh will be planned to house approximately 1,200 students calculated on the loadlm factors and schools will be located so that they can be used more et> lecttvely over the long term .0. The York ( ounty school board has named Toronto lawyer Bruce H Stewart. QC. of the firm Hicks. Morley: Hamilton. Stewart and Stone as its nommee to the board 0! arbitratiai in the salary dispite with its secondary school teachers The Ontario Secondary School Teachers l- t-deratim tCBS' i has nommated Domlas Knott o! the Ontario English Catholic Teachers AssoCiation A chairman will be appointed wtthin the next week by the EdUcation Relations Commisstm d, s.._s r~ ,__.A September 29 Saturday 10 a m 4 p m Tickets $3 adults 50 children Fun and educahon Ride with a dinosaur on the ferns wheel Circus acts A Roman market live snake demonstration Roman wrestling Camival games Roman cooking Behind the scenes in the Conservation Department Telewsmn stars Glass blowmg free lms and much, much more for the whole family" a week - TWO Hntatz. '!.; . s . In this 2'. 3 lurid Pnzx 1 l:.i' Audit tickets to Rome and 5.1th an:tin imodatton lot mund lflt tickets to Roman and little. acc. wrrtrruxiatior. for a week '7 D00! Wilh luxr kti't'tmartt t it l'.t'.' great thugs "'2 FE tht first t lass .tr opal and diamond dinner ring Raf e puns -,l( nated by Fiat tariada Alttalia. Cavalier! Hilton. hxitterfteld and pnbtnsttr. Travel and Air Canada 0 11%. She moved in the day after the assault. If it hadn t been there Carolyn would ha . packed it in. Now she s able to trust people again. I Say YE$ for York Region s Yellow Brick House. . Ithe UNITED WAY. En YORK September 24 November 5 Itaatruestayandttstuatmot Midsummst Unlsad dolarsarsatwortt .m M eplon V m IO N WC M U 19. the W". WOUNVOMQ My it 'w- N1 m I. 0' ' l w N N "m Cl" 'Vo d 'Oflt [ v'i' a 1) mt t._ cu: My 'LIU Vow '55 to- roi- W ammes ' us. top . and it ._uoe 1" 'he stresses \' W Moon 't We has. in!" mart-(ta 01m to ear" the-t way baa it advent. N s W W to pot/gators WWMvewmuw the we aims too raw VES means toner and we {NJOUUWI weskxw'atardeom-ommms em eoon nmmnw tear Fwdsalmmt e ouVESoroV-Oessheaetooanovaom aooddaanmnmaspoaweovtvm 'm "on day cars to adult mat-o: m- VW ESMWnyte-Ioorm mmnmmmtsweo WWW M mm and new mamas-o sap-oases. bmmunwmvmw '0 HO.- m horn Sloane. memmmm hm foraareme'tartztl mw'mwMM' VESU Yourplaogawmhdpm'he MW lam tlUnmdMydMHIeolon Ito-och- MNW m saw Nam. 'W J 'N m' "1" W Mom have -artaoac an Lima Soc-er, \ml is... Wadmmavamr WU . .t'i : L~|n(t W..s.~r b v "9 0" 0": Mar M1 hath A K..'U 5 Maria-1 0"" C A|ya .ta' 5 'y '0 . Wat" -oa-1e- ' la .nat. i , - "QW-v.., ea-"~'s, "ham-0s Sen-(ea lawn-Yo! ta ta Weslwr-"m.e err-rs 5 Stolen iron mrw mthtrwe Mar-roe av'v. ll. Canes szr yw Nu Soil. '01- Brumaa Pun-m. "" 00' t 10* tMSorwta Mutts-WM WWWOWOWes WW eaSowWCW Ore-QM vthm v SAY m FOR VORK "-