' restige I urney hooses : wn NEWMARKET - The ;- softball Wt in tern Canada makir tum showing in Newmarket 2 year as the an's Path o Recreation Committee . unanim last wet to t the 1900 nternational the]! Congress' (lSC) tern Regional Cham- . 1;: Preparation ia the tan- .. is one at the reason the u ttee also added to turn fairgrounch lie I uroiession I~ . weeks and ISC m- was ressed Newmarket s -. nvai was Niagara Falls h failed to land the tat-hey use It was unable to com- work on a ball denim. Newmarket has bean given chorce on next year's ament and. according to -mnssioner Shannon. gar: Falls is cryir it: it." More than Brownie pdnll at stake in attraqu the s with good advertising. 0 'n could line its mm top d .corporate MI.V'0r Ray Nimey told the lure last wed, l! it's adcrtised we could make Since l852 TRAINING TOBEA STRAIGHT NEWIKlT-AUMHISMCK. SEPTIMIEI l2. me me the York County Board at Ethication fdt the teaches had renqed on thdr vu bal agreunmt not to continue thdr work~to~rule sanction when echoolsopaied'hiaday. 1heteacha-s, mob-not District 11 Ontario Secondary Schoola eachc-a' FedI-atiai (Whintinappealedthe decisiontothelabor dationa Board. alaowantadtheboard to iftheYort County boardhadalqalrighttocloae theschoola. The labor board was to dacustheisaueahlondaybut has now postponed its meeting until Novunbc. The teachers were to receive thdr pay Friday but becameolthenzotiatima will not rec ve i tnnunl tomorrow (My). two days peywillbedockediran anothcdieque. itwasathlryotactivitiee which finally led to the reopmhigotechooia iay. Ms- lhenqotiating teams it: the York Comty BoardotEducationandOSS l'F sign a manoranmm of aa- tlement and agree to recom- mmdittothdrparmtbodiee iorratificatiim. use helm followed a week at steady nqotiatione betweuthetwoteamatmdt the auspicies oi provincial mediata arveyliadd. a My hilt-i, Mt Dist cttlm.admittadin an interview the mm coudnotbecancdledwithoia corni toavotebythetotal maths-nip. hie ear-lid the team's could Ia . he said. was M. - A of role! um" a stodentaarrieeteeelaeeeem Prom 9 mvtwal d- ap- . 0 NEWMRKET arson: SHOOTER Pay pearancuiteeemsanormal echmlday. Sept. e Evenhg - The teachers meet and decide to (see TEACHERS. page A2) reach Newmarhet. Jame Snow. W of Transportation and Corn- mtnicatiom. said laet wed. i cannot set target dates years in advance, We can give an indication as to wilt cur in- tentionsarebutlcannotcommit contracts beyond the current year" Mayor Winney. who says theroad iaa [time selling point in attracting indicts-y at town, aaidtheprovinceismtma committmentnrst martin 1 07. lhemayor's that in ation from the minister said the road would reach Davis Dr by 1'] NEWMARKET - Coun- crllor Bob Scott has set Canadian National railways on the right tracks. emineer Fred Philips at a Canadian Good Roads Con- vention recendy and the railway should begin fixing the Davis Dr creasing this week The tracks have been a bone and bolt shaking experience (a local drivers it! years and last week regional staff established repairs on the trackswece CN's responsibility The town was going to notify CN but Councillor Scott went into action before any formal complaint was written company but "a lot d unplanned have delayed the work Mayor claims 0H C rents to outsiders NEWMARKET Mayor Ray Mnney aspects senior citizen who have never been residents (1 Newmarket have been accepted into Ontario Housing Corporation (OHC) apartments in town. 8..) Sutherland, OHC Branch Hanger (a Central Ontario. told a W committee meeting Honda y night applicants for low-rem housingarerequiredtoreeidein approachedthetownwithsucha request in is years. Mr. dam was sur- prised local OHC re resen- tativ. hve not the j aon-Newmarket Am ta . The controversy erup last wed when the town recdvedareqneat from OHCto allow a 00-year-old Toronto me an in a in ader complex on toothy &. b be Oct. 1. layer mm knew a wane who boa wai tiqtriqryearsiclu ren "23. we her to sell her home and maintain a residence in Newmarket it! one year, According to Mayor Twinney. Sadie Davis of Newmarket sold her house last Mayandisgoingtobeevictedin October. Qie told the mayor she has not heard from OHC. ments although they have lived in Newmarket. We don t go around peopletoaelltheirholnas." Ir. Sutherland. "Hap-uh- a 800.000 house outside 0! Newmarhet and can't maintain it any more and want to into public basin we tell it wouldbeeaaiertolivehtown." II h M" inlay. "it would be a matter at to miniaes id ad his example i an M. ween larkham Rd. and haven tbeenleitoutlnthecold. lcanasureyoudthatl've never beat let down by the minds] pvernment since i a member is years ago. We haven t been able to get all that we wanted but we ve (see HIGHWAY. page A!) All-dial war-path aadtherded 'eneh Yd 'a an , new by an hbterie plaque