O V r 'a I y 0 a a. Q a . w I humus-gun... .Cburtb l Orrin: s " aWM ym mm 0 PARKSIDE DI. PENYECOSYAL ASSEMIUESO c . juuoavs mum -EutyMom'QoSeMoe tum -ClrlslisnEducationHou. lav. newt. w. and. CIlUICllESOFNEWW . . . I ~ duh M an. "IEWC IIUICII in... M ' Wrmie-areheiqbldeachwyatll A - I, I." #- am.and7p.m..PadaA-tlevdmim. . 0.11. ... Suday mlm hm Militryvill reameimSept O The hm will one to ' Sapervised' Pasteral youdeorsnduheywchildtoSundaySehoelnd - [decadence-remap- rmhimorhsrtomhemeusinlreedchrgah - peeved by Casadias youmwmseanmmu . - mum-l PARK ! PERM . CIIUICII m (CAJJJ. BoysBrIadeandPieneerGiri'i hem - m at mSeptemhc Anyaneintei tedinthismlor - .-~"m their chilten call the church at m. . Gnu Pn unl melormii acommmeetoloohaftcallthdetaihl! ' ~ WM W . F . N6 anymeisimereetedand would likewku adhe M " m \I-uM-" m a part of this mod important Wm. plane outset . . p. m h hqital nil R V. JAMES CANTELON m m SALVATION ARMY 'od . M ? unlsr senices are heim held och Sun y at ll - mm hm," . a m aid 7 put . on call Manley VacationBibleSchoolvnllquonAt 37mm - m h h M "um FWNMIWWWCJWMI! . . ~ m a a mum - - en nJLmI'VCE 8276 7 - heels '1 ether - . STJORN'SCIIRYSBTOI " " min-us, nu ecu-g O.48A.U.-Sunday$choolHou Au; anthereast Dayotoueenehipnllty. - m m m . . 11..A.l-Worsh 08e~ice Aug l ~ aw _ d 7. ll-Emm at all the masses - - ~ in hie-ethic. Wm. . M8,. 7... P... Prdaelthrayer How s s... - Evening Thestlalentfrolnthesaninary.l aal8alee.vmhe M h w cut, loam on Au. 3 All the parish appreciate revievia modern everythu'hehasdmeandaresorrywachimlsave - , - . ministeria models in He mllheordaund to the priathood sometime within huh path m u u" m" 'u "u I. co re . on h.d . I I - A committee from St mo. for M tor m MILLAID Ava. Hermann a people found ' . SUNDAY llAiM. 3.30: . . . ha f mil ' 't weouesoov evenmc TESTIMONV lormation at when the family will anve. A uid has a a y MEETINGS ON 2ndI-sthEONESDAY beensettpandamllectimwtllbetahenupSe Jat Myme.O.GM7-ldillirw ATIPM all the masses semandidautocrabsatllam. "mm Dr. and re. 1. 8. received an invitation In. Harley Bastard A AI WELCOME quration for Sunday School for cla'lthwm at- We as a chreh are sponsoring a Vietnamae an Charters ol Iohile. from their m 0.0.. at Toronto and Mrs. tendimwhlicschoolwillheSept.au-na.m.&n ey lamily. lm Alabama, are visiting Riverdale United Lawrence oi School mmences Sept, no mnmntmn Ire. one. .oum oi Ilrs. (mm-1' mm. com Tmto. to a Brmuon. who an F". W Church Aletterfromli Einence.1'heCarm|- l, . . WMvisited g stppermeetin inSepIaNIthdrsummer heenreceivethankli ngtllniechurdi manning: ' ' : atlhehomadlr. sad . temher A bus has been hone at Eastbourne. mm-w ~ . . _ Mn. Wally Weaver and chartered and other LII! Slmcoe. M :3: JON" 3 W twin-th P. M V . M... .. "I... J..." Quamville United arrangements are bdn - mmm .m.mn. "(my Mm mmcn , Church Women" have made. 7 U 2.2 . Wmulcalcrwp tsltmhsssadusvillheatth u r A -~ rw r . church tonight. Wed. Aug, a. to [truest a aaerd 'Il'IJ-Mw. emu. His Ambaeudlrs area dism- . 11ml7ptwmw. _ andwomen from Florit BibleC e1 they have WWW. toiu'edtheUSandCanadaandarereeer artbts. ' . '17,...de mumeolthepc lzn pm. at mwucome \ icm Baptist Church. Admisaitm is free. On Fri. Aug. 24. all are welcome to attaid an adult socialsndharhetpeatthehomeolhsteeoa . Walk. 3 Dans Dr. Newmartet ' i i Authorslllv C Fair 3 211me UXBRIDGE One tractor pull. and - mm hind-edad deven year WOC- ol farm Mommas-am old author David m may the land. I mwmkw hand furu'ttmerdlnishiqand Ain ng. 5 top-a boots I uded th i . 3 . so: ".233 when: win he Lagoon: ? . w, mess" I." ll. F Scott HM Society thiven Lo-sise saw mill. a } . . M Steam N Day: threshing machined v m " h ' 1 mm rot-in no u. Aoui the Quaker Hill mineum ' ' " lie 6 Cu: poi-Ids. mile reel 0! and antitpe cars and V, v by CW. e mile m. . . Events scheduled The napalm will he 1 x include a miniature 096! W W 1' I I b m summits. { mmiumww . ' 1 muth this week, ville quantities last! m m I w m f . .' ' _ y ' buteem 3 5-02 ponva we *3 man . . . . ' s 1 QR WE HAVE BEEN NSTRUCTED BY CWLL SHARP ' II Stock up 'Now ., no TRUSTEES TO SELL av Pueuc . m m I. k it ' ' On rSears ' . j l a , / A" Account Freedom: Not the 00m to SUSHI! . . whalwewmlbinlhepowe mutton. . ' ymm dowhalweahmlleaM mo sroe Lmssoumoeuo.sm.ro : - Jinan umocx on. can on IULOCK to us? ~ interest-emulation - Evangelical ' 5". AUG. 25 at 10.3. A... .95 once m s m cons-suns or am Lewes ; . ' 7 3'40 package Onema A o ms-zawm-eoesvuoem'usmm o r Heading$14990kg _/ CMYS ' 24 o. 24 noon sate - eavuasven 401 Wis I h n a - YE! ' ( CUM ML W M ' SWOQ . mm n aucuuo Cum - execunvt use a curate:- - z " re ve 3.0z Dunn) . ._ " package $199008! w.|com.' you WT. th 'veewu Hams - cm i cum C,va - . at on stem-c ween-area y moroooeea noon roe . Ternenzed Mm natural ' 030699 , Fa TM! P000. ' - ween-0e ecu: - sum-um assets - con-taro: "maewawes $29 95 a , 2 m TOGO]; " I FWCADC'AWE EYC . , \. . etc-mmsmmwumn pkg ' A 2 VWVAW'MLmv'mmmwml , . ' snot). wart-centgmsoeW-mmm ' . cam ONCERT mmemY-mmt'wvamm' I - comm" Wrm - mum on (m me a , F ~ smuuut'mmmmn'mnm' " m?! roe-es ' mm Quantum!!! - MELmL'm' mum-eve etc 'Daunzeawmm - ierrouc mue isncmxmoevue ' coexw'mvoamnmow-mm oesiu soon: vomm_asioooocm oeeoeveleamoto-m rolecenenm * , - I . Mnmmsmvmnmvemm ' _ - ' Jm we" ( ewmmtniunwommmo m _ v - or , ', . providedlorchlaenatthemoming v' u. ,. - - -, _ _ I Nueetysetviceavalshleatalsemcu- Ame . , ' - - - 'f ' . % Ii). .Y P mum's-.m- Twelvesz j _ x * P316? m we. ammunmmn. Tero mm nan . y, a a A ., . . M. w . imminent - ~ , c y. o~ , . trutdevwatwes $21 9 : .i -, - , v _ a I , . . z . B Sc M Div 0 9 -~ - W . . 7 = :- - ,., ASSTJ ABYOR r v' ' ' -' ~ roomm- rowuo; 2 7- it , , ,. , ' BSc may on wmcnuncwsvourrvnus m m 73 TSFOR . 1979 FINAL lamina Mr. Freezer Chet TAx BILLS :m W:va mm ... mm. The 1979 Final Tax Bills have now MM mm comm 7 135 Mini. New been mailed to all ratepayers and are I ' . I may u AM. _ mu, was payableastollows. . .- . , A istlnslalment - August24th.1979 ' r , . , W . .o o v .n 2nd instalment-October 24th. 1979 '1 ' _- . 7 xmmzmzii im I mum lochan Taleolhedemmslralovwhowlgwe sun ! . . nintsonhowtoooohoerleclsteakeverym liyouhavenotrecewedyouhndtax ~ ~ w- hi! or if you have any inquiries, con- mesa...wa tact the Tax O ice. Municipal "ll-me ' , 19 Civic Ave. Stou vile. immarmma Pastor: Al Roxburqh 095-6 0" . rune-y us on Fang au- Study ~ taupe-m: mm; @2423 Faluretoreceiveataxbildoeenot - -. . . . . . . ' Uon..Tues.. a 9:30 am. to 5:30 p.m. mmdm' " gfonmlnyn g: a: . 7 ~ : ' woo. rm, m 9:30 an. to 0:30 on. t People _ - as tolermele omen pawn-m. u ~ _ , u ~ - . Praise Thee, m. .