-.4"' '- / . . I. an Cowboy hat gave him away :3 'l' Color tour at 'Scanlon 2.: mamas: ma mhmm rm... I- 15 ::. ~-,: m'rumm mm. M - . n - u .mu-my It wasmhoy Mt .. db. M EA '- vodhll acan ' ed.- to n. in h an no ' ICI- vI b *. licence was under Ida's"... lub~ -. T. . M a W at th than. a th V..- II ,m a cutout... Hum II rOCOIVMO "W 'PP'IC M' 5' mun: FD munch-In moon 2% anddyurs tor Soptom .. I... w. I... m b" . bun wanna. OI hat ' : Montesson's approach prowdes the Sutton Rd. chIId wIth opportumtoes to deva .4. mwumh seIt-motwatvon. Iove DI learan and the pan : ant and 30ch skIIIs through acthtIes In a .$ft m spech enwronment J0 ! Whit! w (h Ha 'day sessms Barn: man and his Vila Wsum. M he 66 not him ' ' Continues AI TIIIS Week 895-1939 "'" w" "d "m" t! ' ' nous. w "I "Wrd' 5 4-! ' Substantial savings on Thompson s entIre " m ' stock of tine quality name brand furniture. Our stock includes tumtture manutactured tmcoe may be seen by Gibbard. K OChIGI. Baetz. VIIES, SIm~ ,mm .. .1 mons. Barrymore, Kaufman ans many other screened " topCanadtm tumlture compamos. sumo :I H t- Ompson I w; . I .f . w . . ~7H/Inihvu tucks" any tor a week' Iim/ MINI/Hrs :2 2'55303: AURORA program IN 5160/ and I ' cash,chargex, IN SOME o master chaIge. PATTERNS Lara-ways mustbe WHILESTOCK picked up before sale ends, 5 I SAVINGS mdomun-MW CHINA beautiful things rust less than you think (I hall PHABMA v e FAMILY AT COMPARATIVE PRICES 5 LOCATIONS To SERVE YOU . AURORA NOBLETON-OAK RIDGES V JACKETS GWG CORDS PANTOMINE RAINBOW JEANS ALL CANADIAN MADE hi; 9 (nucx JEANS SAVE on All. voun 7 0.19.95 09. BACK To scuom NEEDS ~ LA DIES .69 FASHIONS t 10% T0 20% OFF DRISTAN TABLETS 24 s ,. v.5. 5. 1.33 I _ w . CLEAnASIL CREAM w I . MENS FASHIONS . 59 ALL MENS _ - SUITS . I o comm ToonI PASTE 84 . 20 /o OFF TWAXTAMPO Sws ALL FALL " ' \' .I c I I Law s mm mm TABLETS ms 99 . l , . 10 To 20% on - 4 WWW, thus OPEN EVERY 0 LARGEST SELECTION OF JEANS AND conos IN TH doane hall PHARMACY mm o" YORK at. 0 AI". run-.- . I .IN sun. HOLIDAY lIt ' .' , 9 "I ( I. ,' ' 4' PA I. ' _7 ~ ,_) r I, I f A ' . t' " u _ r . . V '