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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), August 8, 1979, p. 17

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EMERGENCY Many people abuse hospital'serviee canisvm with abdominal pains, that!!! these suffering from . uaffreparst main ad the guys EWHABKIT _ M weeh-old inluries 'I the man who has from inner accidots. We get a lot of wltbmthreats." to abuse the -. W! at County W. . oi casd. .I I tional They just kmw will! else to more demand . too. since the num hile their sore is may seem like . problems in their . they dim't in the ol the daff in the m departmait. "mugs alwaysaasm um worse at ni t." medJeanlfaiudl. stant executive - of nursing at the Quite oftui. l peoplediai'tthi d their own doc . h I . Md in emergency. oil out that family are available as a day Bin it's the .- dqartmait arrive at York Cotuly will see the Raquel for treatmut ches. the people when they're travdling However. eemi wt um i am always the but lhhg to b said Ira. m Doctors with little or as knowledge of previous medical histories are expected to apply trutmem sill pass the information onto the familymsidam. llis own family Mann hasn't seen all this. lie b imaware. aml yet he has to pick it up," said ltrs. Iortai. then there's always the wait for the doctor in emergency to come around to see the mhor injury. Ira. Iorton pound an that tbre b csin one doctor hi the W at a time. while the doctors do rotate dilfts - two work a ds-hour tilt and ate Manhoiusatiuht-it I m ell I. m These guys have to an an once the nest thy." die added. ln one day. the dieters may av'age a total of in pati-its. The emergency department's policy states that the most M can. are dealt with firm. utton 3 fair opens morrow at arena 9117011 lhe isaschihile actiVitiea and _ at tbh year's I m Fair and Soww chgds way tomorrow ~ y) and rum ' v to Sunday u harness reds "gem at the and Jumpers. Sutton W breeder Show l pm MemorialArm Op-i Display at loam. Needlework. Fruit. Ve'taeles. Flo-era. Arts and Crane. Parana starts at Knox United Church l )0 e m Children s Athletics in mail at Grand stand. Baby Show. love and Girls 515 years. Pris. Our Decorated Bicyues. Decorated Doll Carriage. Decorated Pony and Cart. Animals. Water Filled Balloon Coniesl. Wayne winch Chairman, Junior Farmer Mini Farm e O p m - Mutt SM a mom O by ~" J 0 Vote. Past President. Simon Fair and Past President or Ontario Asnocalllon at Agricultural Social. in W" s n p m - MISS SUYYON FAN! PAGEANT Admusion to me is 82 a day for is. Si 50 for "' used ll to l7 cards and - aged 5 to 13. cents Pre- lera will he - in fra, while I I u a wide v Charge "OISOAY, A001 Caulk Ml.- .. o" thaws ea ay IIIOAY. A0... le Om 1mm M 'CI NM a emu" m 9m am 7 l-lunler am Jumper Judging ION am I Ponies Line Class. is! Arena 0 " Junior Hunters I coe t N -. pm o g. I N f . s . ll am w LMt Horse Win. in Wool d Gram- stand in em Horse Shaw teases Hunt's. Jumpts. tern. a I pm v Horse Drew treat or Grand Stand. 9 pm ~ Disco Dance Competition Jr Farmer's SATURDAY. All... It coo am - Home Show Evens Hunters. Jumper: Quarter Horses 9 U a m Arlbian Clean. was < Judging of Heavy Horses small ring Arahlm Classes to 10am - an Call Cum. ll - a m - Juana Light Hora. in harness i an m Livestoch Shows 2 N pm - Road laces Pony lac- s 10 p m "The Newcomers" at Grandstand SUNDAY. A0... I! 9 U. m -Apm| a Show Hunters and Jumpers to N a m American Saddle Bred L Morgan More. imp m IotnrnansGrand Pris Mia-av Opens. Goat Show. Harness Racing Wagering )- qiotted a hump in the water." moving in to more. MYGODJ'HATBTIIAT lit companion. Ira. Sclnlts. (not her real iamei.ranembei'dsayingtobrsdf: y God. ...Alllcouldthinhofwasmatthce isnoblondyrochuiatblgoutmce. lhat'swmtl septaayii : You M mun take your eym off it Shesaidthatthemuimcwnsnboutioo waveacomiiuinmthebenchJaitifyouloohod furtbt down the beadi there m't any . there was a yoiaiggirlinacanoewithafriendontbemoreat thetime.Thecreatmcameverycloeetoher. die said. and "die was mamaised. After it wentbach outintoopmiwatcuieyjiat pulled thecanoeoutofthewattand Mrs. Shults noted it was about no pm. and thewaterwas"liheglnas"whaitheirslghtingof themomtctoohplaoelhenestnightdiehenrd anewsrqiortaboutaBai-riewomanwtnaaid mehad spottedmichacreature approximatdy anehourlatertbedaybeforewhilesailii aithe othersi'deofthelahe. lknowtheareaandwhaithatcameimit really scared me. Whatever it was. it waai t small." mesaid. Siendhertwofrienihdecidedtotellttn pressthdratorybiaonlyiftheycouldrunain anaiymous. Thisisthefirsttimetheirstoryhasbeen nonm- BEBT ACCOUNT the best account of a sighting of the Loch (. 1 Simcoeloutuwaabyaminiatcandahincal drector aml their families while beating in Cook's Bay him. Rev. Bill Williams. formcly of hfount Albct (he has since moved to Winiin and he wife and two childrui icing Ndl and Inlay Lathangue of Bradford and their child la a Mr. Lathanguesaid inaninterv'iew last weehthattheincidmitoccuredaround'lpm. whenthewatc was "it-t l . I gumstheywcetalhiqtomeandasiteameup aloqsideofiaJhu-nedmyhendanitheyaho turmdaroimdandlremembirthe Revcmd s firm wads. Great sontt. it s a lake master Heutimateditslei tb betweenwand'lo feet. comparii it to their foot cnii sc llewasjilt travellingatthewattlineand tnhndablumbendwhlchthewater wash-t mllingovc," Mr. Lathnuue explained. (from thehend) ltwuitbachaboiasixorsevenfeet andthentherewcefoirdu'snlftnoutdthe watc shots to inclna. marconi and scaly looking. Then it went back for anotha emit feet uidtherewasanotheriduiticalaetofdorsal fim," he stated. l'l CONVINCED IT S A LAKE NONBTEB l'm convinced it's a lake moaatc or whatever you want local] it." he remarked We ptaprettygoodloohatit." Thegrowdecidednottosay anythii about i the incident because they feared people would thi they were a little . but the word got aromdandtheRevcendgavehisreportona Barrie radio statitm a my later Lathangue also said last week. it wasn't a dream or our imagination. there is Mnitdy somethii in that lake. there hint has to be." The uthangue incith has since been rqortedinaboohentitlad. laSeardidLahe Manta, (Pete Caddie. 8173. distributed by Colon Boom-es Ltd) MDQMUI.Ifllh lQ biologist with the lim stry of Natural Renoirces' Lake Simone Fisheries Assmsmem unit. stationed at Sibbald Poul Proviirial Part said in a recent interview. he did not believe it was a lake meats these eyewitnuaa saw "lnmyeatimation.itisprobabiyabig fish whatkindoffish,ldon'tknow" u lhiire are some va'y. vcy large lake troin tntbts. We'veannfiahaslnrgsasn he noted. NorthernPihecangetintherai'eofthe Ugh N's and an lbs. mushe can be vsy big. and channel catfish are very large. so you know peoplecouldseequiteaiargefish movinginthe watt and not exactly perceive what it is." he u atned. It may look to be somethim quite strange. Sometimes people aren't familiar with fit that pow that larp." be shed. Mr, ijardim said etch a sighting could actually beasturpon. biitpointed on that they haven't been spotted in Lake Simone since ises. "They are rardy seen. We. and can grow quite large." he stated. . The assessment unit. he continued. mtimated there are some 40in) film ) on theLaheoverthesummer montinand "llama the winc. l thiit it has been mumated that Lahe Simcoesuppl'iea iSpsrcentoftheanglingin Ontario." be noted. Of that number. the unit's staff talks to approximatdy fishermen each year and norlesof a monster. gencaily dai't come up." he said. 1 guns they are embarruaed about it We just dm t hear much about it at all." he added- COULD BE LAKE TROUT Stories concanii' fiahcmai's lime pulled throu itheiceholeinthewinterhesaid. could easily be a large lake As for large rip m bm ng spotted in the watc's surface in the summertime. be main- taiilthatnorthernpihecruiseverydoaetothe sis-face. and. "create quite a npple effect." He did admit. however, that sigma. mi aorta. and. "whatevc it may be l don t know i mdtothiiiintcmsofitbdngaflnthatwe know are in the SimilartotheLochNusMimstermNmaie. asdse'sbeanlabdled. we'lljint neverhnowthe mystty oftheLochSimcoe Morita until either rmiraarefourdoritdecidmtogetfriendly witha My biologist. 0 Lawn bowling club will be rebuilt NEWIARXET Lawn Bowling Club's clubhouse rebuilt. have the building upgraded Now that ithaa been destroyed. they have given up those plans The club had received a grant earlier to pirchase fitniture and mw eqmpmait for the Nomorehome permitsbsued WW NEWMARKET With only a few ex ceptions. building per- mits wai t be issued for buildir' new homes here mm the Big Pipe arrives. according to Mayor Ray W The Big Pipe is a sewage removal faCility which will run Toronto to Newmarhet All the plain and cbvelannt which has been apwoved now will trim the town from now to l with its maximum powlatiai of 32.500." said Mayor Tvmmey "Then no mire permits can be iaai-d until the York servtcmg scheme is here " He added that just the odd lot that s a registered lot" and varioin areas that are fill-in areas would be givui a perinit before the new sewer system is implemented Jun when the Big Pipe will arrive remain a mystery 'lhe way I iiithret it is. the province says it will be here somewhere near 1905." bid the mayor They also told me dint Hwy too would bebteini ire the Yul service scheme Whitminhofit weed-troydintlufire Ir Greignntad that Iittlednmagewashneto thegreen.whichwasatill helm levdled for this seasonllesaidbisnot JACKSON S POINT Phywrbt Anthny $affu s tourdehree. Seinh, opoed lam Mt at The Red Barn Theatre here and will play W to Sat. Aug. The theatres forth production this season mars Tel-mice Durrant. Robert Nicholson 'and Maurice Nicklewhite Artmic director Burton uncut will direct the modern mystery with tiny Galen by Inch-d llarris The Red Barn an muscedlastweehthat Slesah hasmoretwhta thanabaroquescrew" Rogers committee certuii whai thy can begin pla ' on it now He that th'e are approximately mountain-uncut All of them are senior d . Who as what to whemandbow Orwaaa crime committed at My to Fritys. 8 for adults. use for students and senior citizens and 31 so for children. Saturday evalqs apersoaJi-d Satin-day WJOh smiles. sees for mini and suitor citia-a a: 31.50 ft: mm to report soon G E O R G l N A - Miler Jm Rages. chairman of the special commutee meeting with the Orchard Beach Ratqoayers' Asaooation 'OBRA i. said last week a rQort on the status of the discmnions will be made to comcil at its next meetii' Mon. Aug 27 The special com- mittee has been meeting with an OBRA executive negotiating committee for the past tiree months trying to resolve the quatiai of owneship of lands between the travelled road and Lake Silicoe in the Orchard Beach area All of the duct-Ital to date have been held in private became of the nature of the sibject matter Chairman Rogers had said in late June that he had to rqort on the discussions to counal at its meeting July 23. but one was not made. The two group were to meet earlic that day. bit it was called because of - mimication in said. A second meeting was set tspr July . hit it also had to be can celled Oiieofthemaoslhe said. was that the pounce was "nm a familiarised as we hoped for" with the OB A's nal proposal prmaited to the special committee in late Jilie Chairman Rogers had stated earlia thatthe proposal. which has ha been made public. reqia rea imput from the province and a mayor. Chairman Rogers noted that a meeting between the two group will be scheduled ft! sometime in the next ten days at the con- venience of the Orchard Beach committee He also said that a presentation on the poponal and wort by me mmmittees will be made to animal at its next M amnion Mon. Aug 17. and therefore become piblic We at that time We'll certainly have something befa'e coincil at its August 27 meetii ." it stated. Suttonman gets jail sentence NEWIIARKET - A 15-year-old Simon man was suitenced to t] for so days

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