Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), July 11, 1979, p. 4

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:3 EA 1 PAY LA ME I t reset. when To M m units were A went-out. smauaeq ...... asses ns nanaioeasn-mfoneweaustynmn [ b M-mmweomeasarnxhertes 9. Warm. Omar-ah MMMNCO Linnea Sumerian-Is see. one tee m stem Oar Ute tateneev veer smm eaeh The wet-manor Aurora are is me at the Intel-e Housemate umteemetmm nth-(h wees the anew/Neurone news he vethsev Manatee Guardian. .U'NW Pest DA WD R. HASKEU. run-sec RUNMGO'OUT ,or no me m If? TERRY CARTER mutant MAM FLETCHER Mas-sew News, Oeawtte m. m This wees Oshawa Yhos weekend. Mite tribune. soot t '09 Press (seventeen manna-ant and Molten tame-an (Romeo W (mum weekly newseaner than! one .me soon awaao o! (wt:qu Serene Class Man reovvvaO-eegmmbev t0. Phone Newmarket ses III! I Charles St Area citizens on tb aid the boat people down; hasbeenplacedoneadioneoltnto 'mdlvimmle utsinthecommtnatandwebpe ecantosavetheboatpeople.the manycamtau'tyorgarasatiemrargu hem . service toballteams.willjeinln. thetederalgnvertnnmthasprtmiiseditwill No ate knows exactly how many Inde directlyspotisors.m0boatpeople.butwillallow Gamerdi'emthw-erea yare.orhowmany a number over that itaothecoturywlach'dnedbyptratmor mdwidu'alCanadianswishtospoinorAnygrotp soldin sottheoppessiveCommtaastrqirnmot otrweormorepeoplewhoareCanstbaneitianis Vietnsm.CambedaandLsos.ordiedinsmind or landed it years at age in ova. and overcrowded camps in impoverished resettledwitlantheir berks. Etonucoae Gareth. W least-wont and Sun . ( PETER O'DESSE t. On redo. MSW became knows bytheirnlcknamea.Doyouremmnber....? "The Velvet! ". 1heLsstdtheRed-botllamas" a The um"? I. Who starred in the televhltm that. 3. Who ayed Impector William Hmdenoa in TV's "Slater-man" series? 4. Name the three membu-s d the singing group. The tel-s. 5.Nametheactorwho 1he8hsria otCochise"ontelevhia. c.0nthemlevidonsmles.8ky .theleat ownedtwoairplanesbuttheywere rettred tobywhatname? 7.1awhstmoviewastherocksong. Roct Ammaock"lntrdtmed? 8.WhataetorwontwoOecars.oetbest actual-lamb Eachtamilyprivatelymotnoredisatamily rescuedtromthebridolthevalleyoldeathJa. wewm mWOmmem Ottawa has said the utvatdy sposnored Mums-.Indmymmneem rdwm mm acromtheSotahClenaSeatmleskytubstns government MSWMWIOM. manometer-moan. [n u. WA". m m Weklmeanatkamasawhole.andcitisnis rudimtodmdmpcate wdthuepeudumu.hw"mm opm-heartedandgmcoininthetrresponseto 'twoNewmarketmwhohaveah'endypooled hematite-dormme theirc atllta'on HeightsSecendaryschoolatspmtoMa campaign in the commtn'ty to save the beat , f pmpk,aMtbefm my um i . WCM'IHIINSIICNU.SSCSRNMRI similar meet win 5. had u g pm m. otan earlicgmcationotNorth Amcicain who [mica Chm-ch sat on their hanth tkrirg the ta'rible holocaust complex yearsinEtnopeJhattheyknewbutthtki tcai-e Thesemeetiigswiiseveasatocalpo tc W m act. Public scrutiny of CUPE demands are a good idea ( and Asliocallm.Mk &.otaside. clericaltechtu'calandlaMdivisitmcommittee woe-keevotedovc-wbdmiulytntavorota strikeiimcdiatitmshotadtailtoadiievethdr W.MLFWMDVRIIIIII IWMQOIO the stale and accompanies any kind of unployer labor tmit His action (We! (rd: air in thattnually contract dispute. Weagreewithhlrforhanwhmhessysthst stimotolaybothsidesotthestorybeta'ethe public." When rmdn'sstopatatapc cent inereaseovcladyeu s gures. inelu n benefits-andtmitmdmnmitmartatatapt cent wagetakepknanothtu pccmt'tn bme sevmma'eimpm'tamthattheptmlie mummtumw Aiterail.itisthetaxpaycs'mtmeythatis being spent on a contract settlanmt. . ins -r p1 ' -eefy -1 -. "alanine *f w du .- Drum corps, school mix and match ' gone. :1 V Moetotushavesettledtorwagelukuotsix often union-directed) negotiations. we Wm trd and im- amoach tabm lam wed by tosevmpn cmteincethebyspttheAIBJnd thoeeotinwithotatuosnhavebemsntlirgtor abotittiiesameevel'sinee.Vledon'ttmdn'stand. thn'dole-andlocallmShasydtoeaplainto masstistaetion - why Wanployem feel theyremareaupccmtwagetskeinorderto copewithintlation. Dtm t increased salaries mean inereued amotmtsotspmdiqmawytosll'eadarotmdthe market.tlanprovi~tomarniacttrcsthatwe canindeedaftadthoeeciimbu' pricm Admhlplantu nmaho seem mkotlineintheaedsysotruralmda thisistmeotbocallm'shnamhinttu'sarea. police otIlecs have a duital plan (partially covevdbytheemployclbutthatseesnslikean obviotnmncmsiaitopeoplewotkiminsta'gh Inallotharupecttheunion'sdmnanb seunswittanreasonllecanalltmdesiandwky dietaitaimightwant standardto-hotn-wu'k weekstmtlmeeanployeesnowworkmu-hotn' Whatwecan'taceqtisthehettywagelhe andhedmtalplandananded Jh CUPE local could explain the ream for its negotiationstandtothepeopleexpectedtopay COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT ( sntrtbmd by PAUL RANSON. Dlreeter. Amknseaders Dram ad Save Corps of Newmarhet Don Hill. heed has irntnsetor tor tb La Crosse. Wiseosmin BlueStars sits in tin mimic o uacn teacher He is bearded and saunas-eyed and whenaskedh'nage.aaysheis25. Donsmilesat the esti- ht b new. be miles keen-ekekeaUWw d . a .. ,Q N_ W""V~r r 9 . V ' "3 . ge< typical He says he spen about )4 hours a day in music. htusie is always around him and he may be working or retain. but is always liming Hill finds his music sweater rein in pulilc school and chum corps more than rst com. petible. and says he likes and needs to do both. Public school gives me the opportunity to TheBlueStarsareonthereceiviqtmdot DonHill'seapn'ioceandlearniI assminie M. Ito kdieves areneg in m away i. m m and plain to d theerydasemhotbellueStars'trslmq.M yearthecorps'hornlinehasexperieneedquites lainthewsyottechnicaldudieaamlliillhas meta time an ear U tor intonatitm. Above all. Hill believes in g'mng kit an all positive experience. In drum cup we so mutt M says Hill. They give Obj ect to Park Ave. widening (.- I tt to lay. Ray Twhey. ~ Re the mdenigned rmidmts and concerned neighbors at Park Avaitse. are disturbed at the proposed rec_on~ nruetion Put simply mneerrn are The approximatdy six foot widenu ot a quiet residential nreet tor no other our We parking. avmum. a: a street containing a a rgarten to Gra school The threat to diiWen crossing the strut Iran between parked cars The ichlIIblc damage toesisting mattte maple trem W cuttim their roots. The lack of any rqlantiag provision inthis Both you and Cotch Scott ha said tormid-ta "it you don't \. want it. you needn t have . r, it." We wish to make it clear that we do not want Park Avenue widened. Could we arram a meeting to use altcnatives Yam NV JAMES anat'rr. 3 Park Ave. IILL CAN. I Park Ave, ,Y. HARRIS . 8: Park Ave. MIKE HARRISON. 383 Park Ave. LISE HARRISON. II: I rk Ave. K OTT KELLY. Que- St. Al'DREY GREAYES. in Park Ave. MIKE COLE~ HAMILTON. ass Park Ave. PATRICK GREAV . 1 Park Ave. MARGARET AN- DREWS. 1 Im IARLENE m S. w . PEGGY SPL'RGEON. Ill Park Ave. JIM SPl'RGEON. 31! Park Ave. DOl'G HOWIE. as: Park Ave. PETER LADE. '3 Nil-n It. lamb ANDREA LADE. its Niagara It. s. T]. TODD. in Ms E. s. immune. m Nhgara It. I. TON c. EVANS. t IInrd Ave. DIANNE EVANS. a I. Ave. GEORGE SCIILWIIER. than to ' OJ. ANDERSON. it! Chm. St. RL'IY HENNEY Iatshrd St. MARY IARER. ass Intel-rd St RICHARD BAKER. us Iatshrd St. ROY w. REPPER. I W St. MARC IWN. 3% Park Ave. JOANNE RLOXAM. l I. Ave. .lOtIN C. CHAPPELL. I M ard Ave. MARION CIIAPPELL. I Millard Ave. CHEELA DONE. ass Mllard Ave. ANNE MARTIN. 355 Mllard Ave. TONY MARTIN. 85$ Mllard Ave. RODT. LL'ERY. 350 MIIard Ave. VALERIE L. LUERY. ISO Illard Ave. LINDA REILLEY. ass Mllnrd Ave. MIKE REILLEY. 1N Millard Ave. SANDRA FULLER. ass Park Ave. LARRY DONE. ass Millard Ave. J. MeLACIILIN. no Park Ave. GRAHAM DONESTEEL. is? Niagara St. LINDA IONES IEEL. m Nhgara St. 1 ANE RAULTIN. ass Park Ave. HARY Sm. ass Park Ave. CHARLES E.ROYD. 341 Park Ave. MARGARET DAVIS. 41: Park Avenae KATHLEEN GAREL. 341 Park Ave. LINDA STISLWOOD. 141 Park Ave. DAVE SARI). 331 Park Ave. JOEL "IOUAN. 1' Park Ave. L. IIIOIAN. 33. Park Ave E. m 33A Park Ave. ED C(KIRING. 3 Park Ave. 8. COCRING. 3 Park Ave. S.P. IIILL us Park Ave. SUSAN M. IIILLIS. 3 Park Ave. LINDA LANGMAN. 362 Park Ave. PETE J. l- IRCL. to: Park Ave. Britton pursues ministers An open letter to Mr. William Hodgsea. M.P.P. Queen's Park. Terate. Dear Bill 1 pt your kind lettc at June is acme myeesnplalntol rmdvhg no ainwers from health Minister Timbrell. At- torney General Ic- have not heard from any mii'utn'. Including your rcninder to him. the attorney gaieral has now been writtm to three times. dating back to April. Four hundred years ago. Shakupeare. speaking thro Hamlm. said,~ . . . the law s delay. The in- solcice of olfice. and the spurmThatpatimit malt otthe unworthy takm I must till you this: As you would knot I take a deep interest in political. social. and many other mattm's. l sak ota tnlormatitm and contact many people. When Britain elected Margaret Thatcher recently. I was so en~ thralled by this phniomenal and historic event that I had to write her a letter at congratulation. Dopite her enormous workload and responsibilities. and much to my strprbe. she wrote me a personal note of thanks within two weeks Further though I have nothing but con- tempt and avcsion ta liberal philosophy. tor man Liberal politician. [ 11 say this for them They are smart mough, sineerdy or otherwise. to acknowledge the exiamee 0! those they woteea to scve at times other than electitm. In recent years I have had two-and three-page personally signed letters from both John Turner and Pierre hudeau in answertomy danocratie andpointed commentstm Ontario premier and cabinet are above etch pumage. Ilaybe that h why their political powc base has crtnnbled badly in ll! [IR two provilatial deetitms. I especially wish to hear tram the attnrimy general. since i am ap nailed bv the prmmt laxity and bias 0! law enforcement. the decriminalisation 0! crime. and the tolcation of those minority in- terests that would denounce us as op. Mmakatnknav- snd scvsnts in our own home. Do we have a Progressive Con- scvetivePartyeeebwa m have two lem'al parties. me ot w eh is nit-tamed? SID ILIRI I'TON. E.G.may:r Dear Us. I : Is everyone with Iurtry. and Premier u William Davis to my sevcal lettcs - one da- ting back to Feb. ist. teel that we are very lortimatetohsves mayor who was most con- scientious about the residents in the area adjacent to the mncert. MIMl i we live quite some distance from whn e the concct was bdi put at the nohe at times was loud and matching. We are thank- tul to the mayor ad the policeman who were responsible tor seeing thattlasev-tdidnetget out of hand. lncldmtally. leanthittolmanyother gatherings of this size wherepoliceinta'vention would be totally un~ incessary In my opinion." we couldtbwithstewmore "aware" otticials like Mayor Morton. I'IUEUHAN N. Does town pay twice for tickets? I enjoyed Rich lie-sins Rory on the Newmarket meta maid who aren't meter maim they're bylaw en torcemmt hit it raism a basic queetitm with me. W is Newmarhet paying twlee tohaveits par-kin tickets dspnned Or have the town lath-e negotiated a Mate bun the police commheion tor the time York ional Police have to spend wtrolling the prkim states in down- town Numarket. With York's tinest now approaching the saws-year .mark (as The Era rqorted lam week).lt'slmthardtos why new law donemmt executiv- bn't want to sped their precious time handing out parking tickets. WILLIAM WIMOVER. N rkst. Issuilyserem Iyrmlioyand [Amosi n'AndytimeWhatwasthetnme dthetaxicompanyownedbytheaetwowor- thin? to.WhatwasthensmeottheLodthey belonged to? ll.Whatwasdienamedthedetectivewho the bar known as India's in s trequaited televhiendneetive scim ! u.WhoplayedtherolesotKadIy.Budsnd Margaret Anderson on the TV series. "Father Knows Sat ? 13. Greta Garbo ..Whatwastlie department namedhertirsttalki movieandwhstwasme immortallinemenrstuteredinthattilm? it. Namethetwommrlm ta whichLemisrd Bernstein won Oscars It: mudeal scores. 15. Name the actor who portrayed "I" is the James Bond films which teamed Sean sins. suns Cannery as Bond. lt.WhatiethetecordlabelonwhlchA-ette W'- Mcello recorded Tall Paul"? t7.Whatwasthenameottheneweman-host on thetelevisionshow. Camel News Caravan" 13. Name the villain in the Tom Mile" cartoons 19. The cast at the movie the woo Bunch" included tour actors who had won (hears for other movies. Name them. unsandPaKRtlewn-etlrstsemins comedy starring Fred laelurra and ClaudetteColbert.Canyounamethstt 21.Whopllomdthealrplaneinwhiehwul Rogers was killed in tea? a. What was Edda Albert's occupation in the TV series. Leave It To Larry '0, n.Canyouretnmib- whospdelheselinn eachweek?- The My you have true. The names have been tseenii topotect the from the series. Dragnet. atNamethetouractremeswhohsve a opposite Patrick Macneeinthetelevidon . Se ad nequ he? Q

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