Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), July 11, 1979, p. 25

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mortgage erti lentestic terms illst 344.995 31,995 m old 2 eestirooms. inst 346 995 $1.995 m cuoaricy lust $49,995 the above prices Weebdays iron 12 liooli Weekends iron 10 em mmaeaevsmmwmam ATIRIRMMDR.AUD~ISDR. Live in a unique low rise apartment community close to schools shopping. motor transportation and recreation lac illtles. eordeinoaldo: i porting - woli-to-woil broodloom o OIOVO . trost-tree retrigorotor o WOIOI I BEDROOM $250 2 BEDROOM $285 FIRST HISTOHVID POR Ml OOOI'AMCYI WI ' Coll 1498-3337 Sat dSun. lZnoontoGPM. Mon toTtiur. 12noont08PM. ClooodFrideys Rental pavilion lust north at Dovu or. on item Heights Dr. umemuvwooeroemn Manetohiioeilawuaelmtooarr soactiiowr lcton'a I/Ibod Wageth (MkMWrIWW 81.500 .IOVESVWlll LargeZstorey. 3bedroorlitiolneoliseniiraviiietericeoletrrielllloe Felltlly size lulclieri tinge INiII dining area. 2 easilrooins lost 3 years old lot at soar mo in loom our liovr ill iiio uvr mm llourir will ' emic you save up your Iuil down payment this erll use you thousands oil cooler. M. an, center In m it and rudy been chalr. iii-es minutes-eel m true i bedroom home eltti walkout to tenced yard Exceptionally It'll master bedroom with plenty oi closet space Parquet tloorillg Only 3 tests BIIMMJWDOWMIUIIWMSOR Winn area at much more expensive liorlies telly broadloollled "Tim oc- iupper St lust east at lire. St ill ALLISTOtl 1-705-435-7323 COLLECT l4 Wanted to Rent voutee Doctor and wile leeebieterhaueetererem area. ereteraelyinlheeeenlry. Ocaoancyteruuenworl. no chltenerpe ehamm the N ewmar bet Encellent relerencee. l2 . to. Births Jim A Dav are birth or their baby dauohter Samantha Ann at Friday. June 20 Special thanks to Doctor Jackson. Doctor Stevens a the leirslno stall at Yortl Courty Hospital 1 1a DIW Bill and Victl My I3. Means ON SELECTED Onea'rdTwo E-yvidatolo m p 4:. hosted: NO W HEN TING BRADFORD ~ instants" MU APW APARTMENTS Be'd'ooln Anathema bimbo- zu'dq. how's-'de 3m. Serviceo' Whale is. Coming Events is. Comind Events mundlhocipan JUST A COUNTRY PAIR SAT. JULY I4 m VILLAGE MUSEUM WWIOJMILB RBTNSMTMSTARTIKQAJ. BRASS BAND SQUARE DANCING FLEA MARK ET BOOK SALE Many more attractions Admission Free TMIRO ANNUAL Wiltrd Woodie July 202l and 22 tuturlne the Good brothers. Roce'n loll by Dedpers. also wlth Rowena Ken and His Lost Followers sso. prisestor beet campiiro music on Pepsi Challenoo and CHOO radio maven. sis. tar washer! camellia included. Hey rides. teed. ice. need and circus EMS". 7 MIRTIMO tdr in bro-llama eur tea to assist in the lmml'atlon ot a Viet Dluearass comedy people intareatd team tamily (beat FOR SAL. New new used clothina. antiques. appliances. lewellory and househOId articles Keswlcli arena TRWOV July I , IO a m snneuncothebirthettheirlst to a pm Ruth Chapter at STING. WIIIIGM '0' . 7 I . W Wt 02 at June is. rm tteeetrerondearentsareMr sners Fred Dewarthr lqusOsberneLaao l1. MI. and MRI. DlLKIL oi Holland Len dine. are very eleeeed to linounce the birth at their tlrst child. Lwi Anngaiba. l2 .. at yore County Hospital. on June 22th. rm Lori is 2 as _ ll. Marriages e u it OBS-IL. Oueensville. are 99" pleased to announce the iorthcomin. marriage oi their dauehter Catherine Ann to Mr Kenneth William Mahoney. son at Mr and Mrs William Mahoney. Toronto, The wedding to take second O'U CRIH to Mr. R m. M W )5, n , .t Mrs Don Gilbes. Newmarlet. and illth orandchiiq ot Mrs Doreen Conner. Waterloo Special that to Dr Deanor end the mr eot W h in Will?! (and LOVIl Drummond and Norah. Newmarlet idytully walatmad their llrst barn. AmanaMarye Love White. a to. it ox- July an. me ill WOODMAle. Dennis and JudyAnn (nee lweopi are Pleased to announce the arrival oi their dauphter. Tittany Jean Mareuerlte. urn June it. im. at 0-23 em..-ebaayslwerthaeat Proud armor are Mr and Mrs John tweed. tierelmarliet and Mr and Mrs Gordon Woodmen. Harbour Main, Neitoun dlend. also great eraneenotnors. Mrs Nollie lrleh and cum re. Marriages m VenGeel. Newmartlet. are pleased to announce the terthcemlng marriaee ol their dainhter Debbie to Steven Mornsenoi Mrs J sutton. Newmartiet. and the late Georao Sutton. the wedding to take place. Saturday. July la. rm. at St John s Church. Newmarllet Mr and Mrs John Dickson are pleased to me the lorthcomlno marriage in their dauahter Kim Stewart Dereldewl to Roy StQhon ttoltworth. the wedOne to telia place. Set July re. im. at 2 pm at St Paul's Anallcen Church. Newmdrbt. ' R353 Cowl'e' a Renoir i Keawlcti and Denis Lawley. d timmim. wish to an nounco their lorthcornina mdrlaaa The weddlna will telle place at Keewica United Church. July I. me. at 2 pm f R TO. OUR Teaorlan. sultan Wat. are eleased .terthcamina heir m Mariano- to WI lay. an dt Mary OI we Rey. Del . ir-uiries.cardeand0ttslhat wlaaeblaaoalaoeas Ielhavee Free Methodist Church. m Auatlat tO. "rel s pm. I. m . IR. marriage ol levelehae United Church W MANNIVRRSARY COYTtID William Why 0i res Gerham st , Newmartat. are Certim their golden anniversary amily end irierus at day. July 2t. me. lrom 2 s p m . at Victory baptist Church. 373 Bentwd St. Newmarnt 220 It. Deaths on Wodnoday. July a ten. Garden Binns. beloved husbald oi Helen dear lather ot Jean Wells (Oabville) Dryan. :1 Carrie and Iarbare Blaine. oi Delaware. U s A . brothoroi Mariorle Scott. at Hawthorliel Funeral service was held at the loaMouso and Rae Eunaral Home. Newmarbat, on Friday. Juor a, it" annt Marni Cemetery RING. Annie At York County Hospital. Friday. July e. ION. wrte oi the late Michael ing Funeral service was held at the RW am Rae Funeral Home. Newmarllet. on My. July 9 interment Queenoville Cemetm 20. in Memoriam and Cards oi Thanks MORRIS in loving memory bi a dear son Albert and his triand Barbara. who passed away July to l"? Beautrlul memories are wondertul things They test It" the west day Imwu th modal Your twin-s . is truly appreciol Jacb Memorize Peale) . Huron Heiahts SKDMO'V de to me "it school . zest entrance. 7 so pm Thursday July um i 0N". csoi .WWW '20 2i. Articles lor Sale l SOUASN Member Cell L MOM-W53 see 3 and! MM ) "IMIMO Pools to I- Complete with large pain. wait around. lance. litter ladder. on a l2 0! 3year basis Erom sen per mm Call tor e20 Leading distributor has mve 0mm pools m IO. (MOM. With with option to buy collect iii! an an turtherdeteils l swrasleltea Pools litter. Rm mp. shim mar. walli ar tencan tin] coll I m OSI Spin dryer washer. Mortal relrigerator, Automatic - ' LIRR new 2 single beds and i. on. u. 2 1 every weal ends, headboards. walls In SITS tat m O52 tent ideal tbr DU ensue Marry ercches tor sale md DC" All types at tur niture. Yonge Street 773 54 I I C U S T D M M a D I dininomoms. OEDIIDOMS iN Took. Oak. 1 Roeewood. picture tremlna. , carpets DESIGNSIN YEAK. yonee Street South. ) livinorooms. i) I Aurora 727 me to. atu. arr condltmor Sim Putaoie bar wlth two l2. 03' steals $50 "Sui vaelety oi reel trusses. raaaonable Me's It" t PMILLIPS A.M.-P .M. stereo cabinet in pond conditiai. stsoo Phone evenings 727 ea 227 DlSC Joctiay equipmerd with centrect. sssoo or best otter "leanatterepm 220' PDOLTAILR ext. 3" honeycomb top. complete with pool and snooker bells. and 2 boards tor table tennis S21 "smelteropm in TWO rum. One all all wool. sand and ott white. see. one circular 0' diameter. all wet! with tones.le Mill in York North llaeuet Club is moving lrom ar OM will discount share to interest party i 2| OllLs DlRI pea conditial ctpt oi drawers suitable tor cettaae s23 . us. l as Oltlo am R W? Now mien, Cell 420 CTRlC iireplace. .5 WHOM treeser U25 2! Sit! electric stove. l i 5 l g l MOlRIMRRCO en. la Mam at I Menaswoed Creac., Md uw vaea BALI Way Jiey ta. of Sheldon Avenue. market baby sheets. i. 1 bay. m an adult clethlna aloe items l-I ADI CALI m sou-had items sehirdoy. My to. te an. ass Dha- Clhm t. 22. Articles weeiee _ we ouv . see an mt. ternitura .0. We. let the boot m AURORA NR' AND UBRD IURNITURE 2a m" mme l I. lOA I TIT-.3 TI High-l prla card We also hey all saleable Mnewe ate 0. am s an 422' PRIORRATOR B. I If..." It. Mn . Me. is daeeorue manor coo mu a- TP 4 tieabao 1 planes selleree esterler ecceeleeieeel nest m It... ' w- -d r / 77... u _m ALBERTA OPPORTUNITIES Patterson Permian Consultants LIlI is ar Aberta Daeed oerpr 'ir't erase-rt, e Emerson but belong he personnel tme-leents rlt Mgr-l m" I hWthrOvnre URIW Misti M we mwe OUM RO IFE taO m m, tril the loam-no Kuwait Ms Vhaeeprmtirmiealedah'l noel-id supervisor lover vie-tee: ll.V.A.C. series spee- iaiists a Design mm. P. Eng. te III. ll.V.A.c. Elaeetee eaetaIeli lm Lurrentl, 'E C'UITINQ tor 3 Motor Engineering rum ern logated in Edmonton Salaries are above average acCOmpaniod Dy benetrls and a relocatiOn alowance The promotional OOOOIIUDlIIES are encelenl interested (andidales shCiuid have a mnenum ol 4 .ears experience as wel as possessing a 'qufee or related study eloerience ir " or commercial or municipal ooh-tale. us list in "0 05 A" ower are strictly r OntWI I ' I'll. U0 "'WP\'O" r J.I\V" . J ... y ' 1, 2" M wr .."'d ".l : I l rider " 0 'e ' . edr' "WM 9" duet". ' er . "w at .v to i w Show. whatnotaiitiauae sorrow m.......r .. w... Din room and w stilt: leeies. cane ciairs. PM 3W 5 '00 eat and arms claws. atl403l42BJS75 rockers. washstanga, commune . R" eloss In lluch mere IOIIa Start-llaaa.$heren 2. 2s Help Wanted _ LFEBIIARO REQUIFEDBY Ponderosa Camp er'idaSiuReeonon Hwy 48 North at MountAbort M 473-2007 UWTOGW E : STEEL BUILDING MANUFACTURER Requires Immediater in" ____ OUEEIISYILE FARM SUPPLY 'lw er Evenings 703 m M I 2. ' PULL TIMI BRCRRTARY RICRPTIDItIT Mature lecretariei 'l-lbt stilt Monday throuah Eridey WV in W chly Fermly l leldu.I 'ith OM U VOC m R to 3 Apoly to Cessidy Flavors. 215 Main j Streetieewmarhet aeseesJ PULLRR I DRUSN has open-net in row one. part or I tuii time Chase own hours We train Earn s5 Q to s7 on or . Management open mass: oer hour 1 position also ! 2 3O TRLLRR'O POSITION " 0'. Local Trust Company has a ' position available tor a teller with a minimum a l year s experience For appointment cell are 2700 IN DOOKKRRPRR STRNO "rt time apply in writing to L Dodds Associates I General | TDMIIROOR Delivery. Aurora. Ontario i I sALasMau wanted by local * imulatiat iirm Mint be hard I WELKRS : MACIMIE NERATORS punch Dress burnersa shew etc ALSO GENERAL IIELPERS thh structural Fab SIIOO OlpO OthQ 47B41BO - ___ _ A f f 9 * APPLY iii reason TO emu-3' STEAM-STEEL music SYSTEMS 0' .mm" or 5m. R d '2::".":'.'.:::::...: "Si-MM wort some days at Thornnril m IIL. M. limit. or: M 1 7 Aid. wean STRUCTURAL DRAFTSPERSON trust, 77 range st south Aurora 12s WenavemimmedleteopenetgtoreJmior , seiiir eetreeo person to to intermediate Structunl Steel detaeor Ex- "" ""' 5 "W" pdrisnce with Pro-Engineered steel per week to do light , deliveriaa and mama W. be .1 WI Woottersaiuyoommonsureletoexpenen cemdenettrectivepacliaooolcompmy pentagram ldod location tor north oi me residents Forwardreoumoto: tutti- eet Sites-Ml gtysbas edylsieeel'eshei-Aeecethlhe 105W Wino-tells L46 4TB Aid- an on I" RRPRIORRATOR l2 cubic BIN. Cell IO its King Sid'oad. Dali Ridges. '1 mile th et TF i i 2219:- r worter a nod a bow in i come Celle utijesuis I I iIADYSlYYII neeoeo IO come to my home I days E s matth temper l7tn, MHSMSI PAIT lime receptionist baby.stut5ep mowed i tsecretery tor Psychiatrists I . attics Salary proportional to esperlence Write Bo- TheEra I. III ursrares eastaueaut { Chat is new establishment, Sday weeh closed Sunday and May 727 tear or 727 TIN I 2. CM Elm (MMIVM CID salary Mutt DO capable 0t telling (empiete charae and be last on shert erdar Cell Done not COUPLE to rnalntarn am manage 20 room hotel Apartment swolled plus a ' commission a do LIVR IN XRIIO Sharon ears 5 speed bias. 2e 'Weoli enosoir Harold beach mean "5 923 IDIDROITDWI CIRCUS lrioa Mariner All kinda ot merChendiso at Ft. Market prices Antiques and collectablas. baraalns 1 oalore Saturdays aee Sundays to a m 5 pm Consignment auctions Saturdays venOrs welcome They never wear put, they ' Cali lON-OOOO never get lost tomotowni tr so AM an "0'" 0' 9"" aarveelas NOV ; sons and up t ully To some you '7 " 0' 'ouaranteed llaale) The tweetten Battery Man. 322 Iaale toothorsaeert alt" 90" Stuntman TFJI Mtou V00 lest you 21A, Your member will always A last N00 Sale. Diellae end Dad and Mary entieuee one small articles , , o m, July re ano the, Mrs L W Illa m mueree some... retueea July 2t an a. to am resonate-ans II. it. MSIISS . evening 727 '9 WORK OVERSEASII z ' moraton wanted Gamiey Send A Gravel Ltd call It ml 1 2O I babysitter ' rheuseeeeper in in r RULLOOIRR and ledder triteeestiree part in. rob, esperienced cashier preterred M50, TIACYDI trailer driver tor sod delivery Call T" or . I ! IDID; I l WAGES 1 THE ERA Requires CARRIER SALES PEOPLE Ages 10 and Over ROUTES ROW AVALABLE reset-serene ... ACT EAST CaII Mr. Brewster TIIE ERA 895-232 TOOL ROOM WORKING FOREMAN Experienced in tool a die. ilos a tortures A00hr GUISCMCANADA LTD. 10 DALLAS ST.. OWE. ONT. Phone 41 6452-3381 PART TMIE DENTAL IIYSEIIIST I! 4|. TI! BA 3| mes BT. MDT 411 2! . A] type t W IE8 Te Onos- ' ... Erase EST-axes " Emmi-k % I ' 478-4032 etc I . uuase's AIDE .,., 2:: i. entree tr enizau we... nearer-e1 partatbn. evaluate - R.N. 1 FULLTIME IIPM.-7AM i Schedeed'c mweeldy 895-51 38 SIIEET METAL OERTFEO MECIIAICS Wmted tor wet meshed .oompwiy. M be W a sell sitters we dad wit residential. cornmerclal 5 industrial customers Excellent remuneration e benetlts For consideration send detaaad work resume with earrings records a err- pectetions to T.II. IV ER 32 weaeeree tr. e. um (let. us his 1. AUTO BODY REPAIR APPRENTICE umruuu 2 runs EXPEHENCE APPLY LERT AUTO BOOT ' BOO-ISO! "Twam PART TIME ASSlSTlNGourSdeeM-saoernlhatlddotm Development The succeeotul Winn-ea mitoloonono manner beseltanllvaad-td tuna-wwmltiolocaweee This-swim WWaproqea-ervecmy PLEASECM..LMI..N I a... a S a... SOS-5141 TN 0 m U W LI. , UP TO DATE HATCHERY Records 1-. EXPERIENCED MANAGER Reply stating oudltlcetions to . . ! 0 TIE ERA ' i secs-teenlemuuxr 5 "O TOOL 8r DIE MAKER Experienced in Toot 5 Die'jios A tlxtures Aooly GLITSCH CANADA LTD. 1B DALLAS ST.. BOX OOO UXBRIDGE. ONT. imalo-esz-aaai seamen MMEIIATELY WELDERS We have openings available tor Mic A Tig ; Welders -, Apply Personnel Department: ' JOSLYll lllliSTRES iCAllAO) LTO 56 Charles St. Ream TOOL 6 MAKER Tottenham Motel Stamping plant requires Tool 5 Ole MIKE! lor maintenance oi progression dies Topnounyretoaboneilts otterod Daysnrtt730am epm Forin- 936-4245 MACHINE OPERATORS Reoueed t0r our factory to wont day shltt 730am 4pm attemoonsnrttepm- 12 30 a m Good rate & cornpany bene ts interested applicants Cal 936-4245 LEGAL SECRETARY Newmerket Real estate a. corporate ex- ocrience necessary Salay commensurate with experience 898-1342 MECHANIC Licensed recurred tor larm 5 road equip . merit t). tervlevv call '2. 2. Apply BELHAVEN SOD FARM 478-2261 .. .. ~' MACHINIST *5; ForsmallobshoplnRichmondHl Good '. sdaryattours " will BBS-1927 I _ 30 Emp. Wanted Pm .y.Tua.ay.m l}. m. - J

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