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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), June 27, 1979, p. 6

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AURW UNITED Please late the date change for the Blood Donor Clinic It was changed from to y to June .. afternoon and eveniq The churdi building will be closed durtl the month at July. when servoces are held pasty with St Andrew's Presbyterian Church The guest speaker tls's week. July 1 will be Rev John E Hunter. former minister of Aurora t'nited SerVices will be held at 10 am all stan- mer In August, worship will be held in the Aurora l'nited ( hurdi CHRIST l-IVANGELK AL Ll THERA ln celebration of Dominion Day. the 9 a m service on July will feature a message by Pastor Bob Low altitled The Relationship of tiod and t'ountry " ('Hl'Rt Hl-ISUF VEEMARKET ('Hl'RCH 0F Till-I \AZARENE Thechotr will present a ~pectal musical on July tatTpm, when mem hers present cantata ' written by John W Peterson called Love and Kindness l- ltl-Il- HETHUDIST the guest speaker at the 11 am and 7 pm \( THM on July 1 will be James A Revell Mr Rey ell from Rochester. and will speak in the absence of his father. Pastor Albert Resell. who is studying this month in Alberta From June it) to July 1 the Annual Conference Session will be held at the Wesley \cres l amp near Kelley :lle lturmg the family .i't p 4' Pine Hri hard 1'14! \alley July It) to 3 here will he a day .arnp prm idea from July 2,1 ill :9 fur childrai in mades '. tots T he bus will 'raruspurt thlldrm to and fvnm the camp daily at it :33 n . and returning at approximately t w pm For registration or in formation call the t hun 1" tlilltt a? 89:3 42188. it \Hili-I .tlllt ll at M 2141' bHH l t Ill Rl'H Registrations are still helm: ret t'l\t'd for the \ewtriarket and llistrict fhtis ian \iademy scheduled to begin (lasses :n September 1979 Four 'eat-hers are presently n11 staff to handle he vl students already TQI d and more staff will he hired as the need arises The "iddt nl will prut ide classes from Kindergarten to tirade 8. and is located on the (.rai-et hurt h property at 221 ( arlson in \ew market For in formation please call Dorothy I-arquhar Registrar at 8951119 There will be Sunday \Chtlll classes for all is at the usual time 9 45 a m allsummer as well , as regular Sunday worship at 11a in and 71 p m There are five bin routes aiailahle for tack up please (all the church if Interested PARKSIDI L PlNTl-Lt UNTAI. The guest preacher on Man July 1 at the 8 It 11 am and6 pm statues will be Doug Sadler Mr Sadler will also sing at the worship ST ANDREWS PREZSBYTl-IRIAN Jotnt services with _ q 1 7T 1 a in 1 1 1 1 row ,r' . llcitumt'lliitut Trinity United bqln tare. thbSOday it an. BTJOIIN I ClllYm There will be a Unr calmand welcoming a Varsity Stadium in Toruto for Geald Emmott Cl'dinal Carts. who i Mm July 5 from Rome Cardinal Carter was rcantly d to the Synodot .Iany local pariah members will be alt-dim th n celebration. For W who are interested in at- tending and require transportation. please all the Rectory at & Daily I- will be held at Tmandt am. on Saturay Sunday lassis at no. lid to aid ll. a m Mass in Sharon is at 10 a m SALVATION ARMY Summer camp for chin ages eihht to 12 and for teens is held at Jackson s Paint Camp on ten Lake For further Information or rQistratlon. please call the camp registrar. Vic t ummii's Sr. Ilonday through Thursay frat ltmam tolmpm at inserts TRINITY UNITED Please note that the church will be closed during the month at July whenservices willbeheld jointly with St Andrew's Presbyterian M at to a m [lira Auglnt. sermces will be Trinity VICTORY BAPTIST Pastor Paul White will qu a sales on the book of Jonah starting July 1 at It am "Jonah is more up to date than people that During the evening vices at 7. Cros Barnes will present a slide presentation on a missitmary trip to ( uba This is a extremely enliyitening experience Special mule by L ros will set the theme for a richly blessed evening ( ome and be blessed SPECIAL EVENT The monthly break fast meeting of the Full Gospel Bustnessmen's Fellowship will be held June 30 in Sutton ml is an anniversary meeting of the Lake Simcoe thapter Please contact Brad Medd. No. l Pef ferlaw for further in formation THA\K YOl Since this will be my last column before my family and I move to Manitoulin Island. I would like to thank the man, people I have had the privilege to speak with each week in order to put this column together I have been l blessed for having toudled you lives I pray this article has been a )oy for you to read. because it has been a pleasure for me to prow it My Successor is a dear ( hristian friend, Marleen beFeuvere. who will be calling the local church ministers and contact persons opic at Witness convention MONTREAL The natureandroleoleach thcnruistthewinihd be discussed at District C nvention of itneasestobe Montreal's Olympic audit-n from July 19 to 22 "Hawin married peoplearean endai ered species". said hir William Harden. witness spokesman for the Newmarhet area At the present rate of sQaration and divorce there may soon be as many broken tomcat; unitedones".he said Mnay causal have been indicated". said Mr Harden. "such as marrying too young money problems. alcoholism. lack of communication and sexual problems Some of the proposed solutions such as open marriage. no marriage and trial marriage have only worsened the situation he added Mr Harden said the secret of happiness has eluded many because they have conSidered marriage as a man made arrangement rather than a divine institution llappily. the Author of marriage. God. knows what we Med and has provided in rus Word. the Bible the recipe for a happy marriage he said one of the main imrediaits has to do with rmognizing the different institution of had the ability to ful ll. marriage The Bible assigns the [lace of family head to the husband whereas the wife occupies a come plemaitary role These dfferences do not mean thatoneissuperiortothe other, only that each afference is superior for its own purpose Dif ficulties arise when the roles are confomded entitle him to be a "boss' or Instead the Bible says he must "love his wife as his own body ' The more a man shows his love for his wife the eaSier it will be for her to respect and follow his lead In turn. a lov tng and submissive wife will discover that her husband will often choose to honor her wishes The more respect she shows for his authority, the more she will be loved and ap preciated Although no marriage is perfect. couples who lollow the Bible 3 recipe for a happy marriage will replace needless rivalry with close cooperation. finding a greater measure of happiness in their union ()ther ingredients of 'hlS recipe will be discussed in depth when the Witnesses gather at their Montreal con- vention Local couples in attendance will receive 'iriormatlon that will help Police zero in on park MUl'NT ALBERT Police ( hief Bruce Crawford has prornised East (iwillimbury CounCil a crackdown on motorized vehicles calling problems in the Mount Albert Park The situation has become severe evenings and weekends ( hlef Crawford assured council he will have an unmarked car in the area from time to time to correct the situation OSa-sTrawISorvlca oO lcislevalOrganlzer 1. Why-Wad 2 mu m a mom w 2. mrmu im- 4. Masons-mam g 5. WClrcieTour ii :ioo-szodo my .17... Mr ,, Fm" es 4" ' mum; at I .e. and Lb lnu'w 1-w1w .,"tt t v,atiur . web-tea" ' -' I. a t .3 Ingh'g II- c . Curries and a and Menu-b 'J'IH t Moe: a 1- .v t 4 aw in. 41.) moms w Yoshi-out Sandi. Batman-i paan g * '9 6* Jr's -v 2,81 * 1'1" yait' sisal ' Mr ryh fan-pas wtt Ft nights Mus. 'tw dummy (mes or 1. weeks trust-'1" 18%? We. dolly "on July 1 1th to July 2 7th Estimated price range from depending on motion chosen Ask for the Advanced 898-1122 he East Gwillimbury Council meeting scheduled for Mo" day July 2nd 1979 has been cancelled and will be held 0n TUESDAY JULY 3rd 19793t100PM In the council Char bets Sharon Jr. lanai. AI ct Dart - treasurer ADVERTISE WEEKLY a better "Dunstan-0.1 and "new lg to Oil s-ca- .- FRANKLIN WALDEN IS COMING TO BARRIE, ONTARIO FORAN OLD FASHIONED MIRACLE REVIVAL UNDER THE BIG NEW GOSPEL TENT REGIONS JULY 1, 1970 AT THE BABRIE FAIRBIIOUNDS, BARB! ONT. 2 senvuces DAILY 10.30 RM. 7.30 P... SUNDAY 2.30 P.M. C 0MP EXPECTING A MIRACLE FROM GOD. IN YOUR LIF e you can . There s ll person like Art ( :mwtord at every branch ofStcrling Tttist. A trained credit counsellor who can hcl p you select from a range of lowvcost loim scn'iccs, the loan that host suits your needs and goals. It. you decide to increase the amount of your loan or pay your curly, Sterling will also give you a better deal than most banks or nance companies on the interest calculation. A loan from Sterling Trust can save you money. And that s a Better Loam. If you re thinking about a loan, come in to Stcrlinngst and let one ot our tncndly credit counsellors arrange it Better Loan for you. STEQLING SM ? WM tiullJTilmtiitis, 721 l).l\'l l 1t. NWl t. hQH'ZTLXl WToay'a SUNDAY JULY 1 0.48 a... Bthhsaos Ina... Crosaunasoima Junior Church Services (Ages 5 - providodtorchlaonlthamonwig . Wmmudm 0:30 a... Young Pooh. easros Davida. Watts 9 Sc M on .. a " assr. easroa l1 Paul White B Sc 373 IOTSFORD 8T. hasn t-mats. m PashlstDnLNI -Am M,le1 it JunosA Revolot ochostorNY son Pastor Revel mm attha ltmIIquMSai-vicos taluChurchSchoot M7 Billean AlArsWatooala n a progressive lamlty church raisin think 47 PARKSIDE DI. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F SUNDAYS 0:). an. -Eany Homing Samoa 0: a... Christian Education How 11.10am Momma REV. JAMES CANTELON "5-." nus-m "ammonium: tum-MySChooll-lou it'll-WWW 7... ll - Presentation of The "LowMKhGnaa" m..1.IIP.lPrdssmdPrayarHou lummhmlat m_ I as School 12:30 Horddofl rulhcnwmotil O:8|p.l"SoaldnoThsLoai tassasy lzuaAF-ntywlssmdy ' . .73. 0mm Claistiui Baptist Convention at Ottar and " I35 Ida St. Newt-artist i Mittaao ave. lawman?! suuoav ii AM. weouesoav EVENING resrmo" weermcs cum a as wenmeswl 7.x ATI PM. " 1. ALL All WELCOME

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