Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), June 27, 1979, p. 4

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J V'e'wma rket once owraed '. p-.. . ,I " ' u. g m .m- * I ' --:- , mm.- we.- -- VG. .b-vv-u- reap-e. I, .I I I. I * W~-~. r. ' ' m" u -M. - . g see-nee I... D. 1. '_-"""" "0 "' mrI-home-g peace-n--.- I m. - - , *1 row I ,I. .r. --.. .{_, -mtfum- r. - 'm ("'0. - w . are we we: .. an, than amuse-- a wen . Imus ad but I... I" a... .- an. a.-. N... M _ a. . - ~__I h_-'- 'b - .- -DD~ 1..) Q.. ,h ' nu.....-.~.n n. .a._ m'n-..-_su_-vn new ... -mm..- A..." ~00 t. - L? w' " Pl Vu-v-n rut - was ~eua,.. a -.. t..- -w an. av. .ma-tgu'wv-u a, new... WMw rh- - M e... lw'. an .0 - -- r-ku4 an-eoe n. -0.-." sauna mm : D... -v M u-*;l~a-~ 1-.- uo-vs. r m-e _... . .-w M i m u"... ....c a. tour - M'M bog-.1 Wane- Ame. ny vnv w-uo e Me Aura- om e... .' run IuI..I I c..- 1--. nn no... g Cf "Mun-i-uun- mwu 'KIM use-44m..." -m- Mun-u *uungmmr M m. Oerv-Ma 0 Wrw 1-. V - -f 5...... .- . w... 0 --_- t-..-~-ue ~iuvw-s. Jung- IJ A's-n .m~.~. e 'mh4I "- .p.a.nv-mmu m -A new .1..- -. .a. 4.- _.-. slot-1 unn.uc ,~w moo-v -s a- n- "a, ,IHI". In -.. -. Hmm-v .In-Jl . mi a laud-sen. he rum or" e we. I ma- . m m .4 - an... es lu a I. .m,. .m mm a... ~. .- .... .w h' sat ng - on.- M n... -.. a u... Ito ne'dlb-v i- ram aver 'W- h. M . g. - I Mm---'-~ -- -~M" '-.' M" a -..;....1a-..u yr mn- u- r .uv ~o.......v~ " " ltmlimsm'e lviwa use. -d --. r t- 0.. . _... -1... .-,..__ n... 4..~ ..._.. - - ,_ _ _.rb _.._ M and A u we >- goo-T.- a-t-u-h d : -n: "no..- huh," 7- ..- ~11; c ow w .d.._.... .-- a. .. ....... -......-A.. ...._..........._,..., __; ,__,_____I Nils ~ " " ' Lu. l""""" " *-" " "D g.... . e n.- in ... _ s. . , u- w n _- g g u v g r - I u s v n e any ""'_"A d -'- " H_-h nee -w .~e-m m H - I I -" - '- um V"- M " ' '9' -" "'-ll w-n-a-ea-n wen-k :ernanntmbeu u "v a m I. s sm Mm u... -...- -..;_,. _,_., I h-v ns A-va_n-rx Ma-era "M m "3' h " " Curt... a.~:0- C_e~ w w .d - mvr-x w u~~ ammu- m on b__ .-.' b eso- - --..--.._ ae. . . v-w-y nag. v._ k I u " _I I .II I. .8. M, .wm . ___._ hui clm an... n. .0... u-::e- ma- W new-v 9 - H... n... I . mwu. --....-....I .. g... m .1: e. -: .- . , , - m ' .4 == m _ 4 ----e-. 1? " I .I.:_I. '?__~Im tr... e.- a' u- ' a. la - "wneud .. u I'v- , . cent-1: n-o W I _ . I '_ ~_ g... .- ...ihi r J mew-so a. a: ' I. . .- F-rm . Ln I.Aaa- w .- when n m h, 1. {by-J .1 DMI 1 . _ __- etc 50-",- are-- m "_ W'b ."""" mihr m" a -*x(. as.- m - we've-.1 .. u :,_I - IIJI I I I_ "v; 9.. .*-_-c- I 1" pan-r W .e ea- hup usw.. :h n . an... gm... us... I I Ih .u I~ g? "In. II m. _-In.: .- Wamu I In ! N. "" ' ""' " .- Iu i- s new _e~ Cut-- n... m.. .e... '8 " I-l _ .m.M-.~ a 3 _lol .- "u inh r- nrm- evv.-.- - m auue "" ' W 1).. C sure a. I r w... use - our-e "DOW rs- u "n can -m. .- ~ I. I I _*W rot - e...- vi.- s ~m~..r_.~_ Cuba 1 ee.q ~0- l-eu-e - -~-l_ u..._ o.- A... ... q... w. "' "" " " -"" m V " em but... u 1.-. -tw . .g... "1. n. Q 1/1..-.- Ilht " "" . hm me at - M .a m ,l t. _..g -m_ -_~..eaesu.- -slub m-OA-m ---<e -n--u 1-- -I_ mm m_ A Huh-mn he'l'n .""'.-'.-. *uw'f b* he - was -o s ma.- non s: -'r.n..-u.,.~ nun-nu- s- . pm: V 1-" 3 34"" --- W "Ir 1'" '= unh- b-- .v- I- . n. sue-u p IDI- oes- ~ AI-.. _.' bl - w I... .E _...., ,-.. n.-_-..-.yp ve- M g.- e rv w -h m~ .- Mr _ n- ..-r w I an... w a u on mum: w- c_ I v ue -- me at Inc-e1 t. a.- we... _w, .. .~_..., mt c: a.- W44. a... .ush. an..- s.- n- *- .n .' I m .-<.'1,_. .u." .- - ht... t os-u M Ih nl-v- -- n.._. .a-ee b...- 1'.- wen-ml" we so... .m u- - ~ --'-u -*'-" '- , I I I I. LM- n-' I .I _ M "Cw-bu : . v... - .. .- . A.- uuen. --. ' 3"- ' "' rw- "" M' tbrh, :-_.-. e7..." ..... so. .- I .. ~ m can u... - tau-l v o.r- .....,.I_ m Iva-heu- 0 v-..... um. .s.--.-. -m- s .- _ I III. I._._.__ _ I - rwruu...._ ~ wn-v-mv-t u um one- a-. III. , . (A, . ,-,., Kc our 1- a. T ..... _--._-~.l..qh_._. _ .n 7.. M u 7. um M _.. "____,II._ I ' I I I _. ' Dummmwn'vvu ll w loot-duh- Us... h-nwamdl n- m. _ w... .. m -, -mL w "I. d... u,_,.wa.. i-.r-e wr w -.... cur-ow M . W.- tow elm -_--_ m. nm Cl n..- 71.. -.-d- M mic..- \- w- r---.-.. - -pt-. MWO U -Je'-H"Me arc ea 1...: m- w e-urquuui 1- ~ eea~ w. n.- -m we a. - pe- m... M *_ m-" h- I. mu -oeonldvu u-ww - .-u- ~" swubb mug um- I . a W -mh -...~-....7..u _-- 1 H- ... .g. _p..-:.._ey_' ~.. I... n! .I '5', WI}! '1 LII! l f 7""? II. is time for York Region to have judicial district ~ A u |_ - 1.4,... n A. .v-a- 5- Mk-I-v- toe-earn.- lee-ml. eN-col-amo Mun yoga-e... a r f .~ 4:33.} \sn um 7 u s.- -n use; "- neon-g... mu an enm - wbmh nu at ~4'I- L . wmvmm a., a_-.-._ a "-<I -Wm- m__ Dim-o... . g .. ' -~ . , ....--' ~-~..-.-._.I="._-: ".1; M - --".:-.,.:-'- ..- .._---'--~-~- ,..-.:- z'f... ,= - . ._ up- A -~ -: h v r- I w ' I, w. en a 0-2. m-M r r Ian wmm mum bwr b *m f "'" " ...""""""'" m; _.. .,..'-"'""" " u..." - " mun in: - n- I r" ) ~ > h % O ' m. m H . .'V_ - . : L I. gnaw-r. whamw-mn:in. o-. mm IIII '- m WI. _ H -u- : - .e- -* ev ~cr "m .m_p~m- d-_ ~hl~.- e~bm F Mum - h I uni-b L hue r. coir _ ' 'k '= "u I" - J1: a. wean mw-e-e Y Q ~~ - -_ Mme.- um-y. a: . "Om-m- I _- e o...- m... '3 JD. 3 - nun md I m _u .-- In-I m m mwcmhuv . 5 m 71?.-- m . SimrtIneCotrtlevel. Lueeby Sum. Iran/01 "Mabel cu rrgular mic-n M Mbrewm TELL THE DOC TOR 2 A few tips onxhow to fight the flab sensibly Um I dunno n M "Mr" n pl: eh mu go-nrrul prisoner m \a-umurl.rl. or olmnu n nu Hu- eusll so] urL lmonh A good choice 'lhetownplanstola reaemtmmalco-cmtmluleommitteesu WWIN.IIWR'SDOCMWIOWWW ddveimopn-anaidmattcs. WWECANNONG Theee massive cannon modded in one piece. wee app-unmater five feet in lmgth. and the width In "nepuul. torneyMReyIclie'n-ygavea'edmeeto theandlatn'still .whmYm'hNa'th mmmwmpouucummm Noonehasdmaedtheneedlora ciel dnricttoan-vethetan-growiqmol Yorhllqion.andsuchamovewoddlodcally eomplimmt the opmir at the new coil-theme withitslacilitimtohandlecaeaallthewaytmte Astlaqsnowstand.rmidmtselt sam Dianeisanatla allortln'spoeitionand m-wmmmm. dmervmalittle one-time nancial comidcation Newmarhet. let's luthehomolworhehehasputinwiththerecogmtiai. Newmarket once owned its own artillery By ELMAN CANPIELL use... Newmarhet NHerlealSeelety Newmarhet's only casualty daring the Bow War was Private Waleley Hainee. who was killed in actial inSouthAl'ricaonJimec. mo Severalol the leedil' cit'ueu oi the day formed a committee to raise item to sect a monument to his manory It was added to erect the monument on the lawn Newman-tel Hydro olfice bulking. The monument is made (ran dark gray granite. having a slight bluish can Nastonestatllsmneaisdmehall feet above its adAllm ns wetness waspitchaeedby LumbySr.andhasbeenknownlormany as Works The men! is surmounted by a but 0! Private Haines. when was carved tron: a block at granite by Walter Aylward This was one at the early works by Walter Aylwardwhotnlatcyem'saaipiedandeculptured the benuti d Canadian Honumait at my Me to themmnu-ydallfhned mnwhodiedtortheir unmtry dlll World War I 11seeommittee planned to have a cannon captured WtheBoq'Warmountedinfrmtolthe meat Sir William Winch. who was ow Heather ol Parliament at the time. applied throudi the Wt of Nation] Detence for one at thme cunt-ted car-ion llis remimt was referred to the lmptial War Depertmmt in landon. Finland. whidi mne edhinithateceptredeemonwoddhetureed ovwwmmmnmuee However. we received 15th llmryinKin'ton.(hecannonwasmtedoneech wellhementmenttol mmte tell wmctaiathesideoleecholtheeecanmm.anditb WMMwerepartolthearmemtuntto UpranedabytheBritiatharDeperunmtpnorto the tau-ll" war between Canada and the United IN I! u o In ,-v. Mil . ILMwlhtheheeh elthe associatinbhehda WWW needlwaemm'ete m. upenuyt quwmar-hnhes and give the lady some ctilledintotheinnwcavityneerthennalledl hce wasasmallthpreeeimiatthetopoltlnlmlewhid scvedasella penl'hesecmwceobviouely insignedtobemoimtedontlnramprtotatort GERHAN CANNON nitrates. and wasawondu-tu attractiimtonshoys. ltwasnillpintedinitseemonnegeeolorsotpay. grunt-natambownaoitwasemytoeeehowit could be pulid lorward. wceottheliowitsctype.withehertgtmharrt.not oveliinchminl thawideeisinchhm'e desiosedlorlobhingheavycalilremelhimoth cnernytrmchemoraureying berbedwirem- tanglementspriortoan diarge. Niallowingsunimcttnscamonwasmovedto thelawninlrontotthewatcworhsatd madakmg side the antique cannon, The brmch door was Day in odobagimmiemc u to be Selected AspectsolNutrition F lthas theloodweeetasla Byee Moreyotr medaaivetimeyou a" hevemore hoe-0333' "I. In. who-midl-u '- _ _ II .- It is time for York Region to have judicial district up. I nw v v w u v u -U I - w MV m - h~'-- lug-ye... .- who-a- lum Ana-F I. e- - . mm . un num-m muf m ~-mm hu- . m~wn "mic- ~ mmm Cw. imbe- nee-l W mus at [www.0- lww - wt-oan gun w " .1 -W- i- D~-MC m mg A-Ow-t- w he... govt WM I m a I dnbh-wub'rumu M IM "m-" asp r e w Ive rune Mme) "nus-rut. I I s- I X - ._ .- loe ~ I . - nuns m_ .nn poi bl A. es 7 . 'I ' v I l I h I - V r -l 1::- ed --- - .: gnarled kt. (ant- _. own . . __... . II L l , .u s. l . -t u-Mg-..i-, I D - ' ets (man artellerw' - -.-- --- 7,; 5...... M... H -3 .m-..- _ a... ovum- _.. n... o... ~ -. . 0-. m mLAeAucAI-be-JJ w w _..... a II, m (Lb- Err-mum.- rvu-v- "xi-II. I- bun m _.s v- ne-II w-nae u- .- ---- Inn's M- '5 u u-lvr a: n -* um. .vsunm.n.uh .mn harm-.0- u.... o a n u ~.._.4..... . an, ...... -. av u- a... w- 1 . em- --.-s...m.m. . . a-. r..." .. ~ " - - _._ buy...- -. wr um... on.-. L. mu...- -~pm >1... - a. as . ~L-_..4.~9 n- W) 'cr-F. lg.-. r. .-_ A... h - Maul-er...- a.r a r h_-..l halve- 0' gang uh-omm-ay- aa- -Jd M A. t . _w.- . '~_I _ r...,_ n. - now v.-. n-h-wmr-I-Ie-aa l~~ub-huo P us-re-aum ubimn - '-' I've-W - -A -- I-- IV:- we-1 - u ,- Moo-em .ar- ver :\n~..' ea ee-g-c we. ro. ut g"..., .. . 4.-.. - _ sv - lw _~~ - a. unaunu _,. the..." wane u as ! Nun-u we... at - m... .. Muse an. M ea- . pa. n! 1.- - ~ We -. "n no... meA-I - ' nb-r l."'- m . .- " s-ta- vm-I-Nd van-.q c mw '3 " J'Wv m4 Yt- u -u-~ - x.- sa.n- l-s ~IJ sca- :" ~":"'" I II-0 .a _ .1..."- el It. In \- w ~vwwa .u c Kae- c_... s... - unv- ---- m-.. a rant... .n b s-II C'II') II _I. I,., - h. M 3 ft.- .m on... ~- 'w' a: o I I".-_,I~ .I ; '3 , I... I... ,. -u y... I. _ _h' - ' - - ewe-a L=m~~>fne maqu ._| --.- u t m- -1... .u , AA,_du.' vvv woe uh! --v-In-I~va~ I. bum-emu. : .cn-n- l.-s -.a: v ...- MI- ea s by UI-IO-l' nae -.. M e gene-chums- .- u-n- NwI; : ur' 7", A W - ' law' I. my I' - -ue p...- - {Calm we a! .g-v a..- - T .n .: .- w nun-o. -.. u --II- It. I... -.. -- .I... __..,-. 'I- '~ - ' """ "U'I-u-nA-JI': - V - " N " ' "0 r hl-mh-pnlteh 7.....- m. m -.u - -~.n- - Ie IIII'."~ '-I 0". --. n aw m-saAII-nhw- ~ ~ re -- I~ me, -4 . ~.. man-- __I bid _, b __ r... -w * - '- --- w-r- ~-w<- -,- Maw-- .-....." ....."".. ... .. a... .32"... *r...::::_.__ reunion u- s. i-m..- -w~1-- . v .- m . w I _- _ , rwm . II..- __, u.- ..n-.,... .m . a. null e- can w, no one rm... '0' dad a... new h. -"I'z n"; ~_..._ ,I...',-, I... h an. w *4 '4- I- h-an- . 1 , "but I'm 0- I no... vt p-w d-"r Mhh man an m 4- {all -W W 'Ni We... ---"'. r .h. II p.. .- b h. {- . l 1.1.1.... > I A . noel In. Hui J M. h . h-n-c ae- m.-'.'e nn s .k._ - m e - I oe- .- _ Cw-uh w - e.- .. F nh-vc-s - vv - ...V M... h n. " 'm * T' " "1.: I --' rem- ed m run-Ire- xv- u I "y" M a. m r... n w g... "1 I w v.4 sang-m9 - du- I - nu ~ .'_ . ~ -I I I. .0...- wn vana- ae. 3.- wand r.. as- . m we '- - 3" 8 " I v- '0 v 'm h.- a... - eh. w W' --n-Mm_ _ I r , 1..- Imnmeb-t -*h%-Lh tau-u..- -e.-a-.~ -a.... h. I - - I I I I 1 _ II a do... no _ ro- a mane "e E dih- x- I'd " .r _- M-W . 'w'. ~I h - I. : -. neg-e _.-~.- : ru-I- I. - at? u...- as I- w, -a i an... r..- . -I'VIIII. II_ ,. 'I .r. I . 'I _I _ .I a F '- _ - "" m' H m - g.-. u . W --n can . .- ; genus .m- r- . v e- .- u. .. w.. u- I. . _-I I. y. Ina-nan.- from rn-zl. I':~~ut~l~ ?. O: . W "'"" -" MW - w - wvw b-o I... m u ... w .- _...?. _" .:.:I". ,~ wtl 'M' 5 . na- _-; "cu-u e- . w a. w ;.o 1.. __ - I I _ , - -_I.__,_II I I J I II,- __I II_ we... mm -mn W vol v- . sue-m MAa-bh .- - I. .III -_V ___,I__. ,I, , I I III'II".""I .1 __ "trot : amen-ex... c-gav e- ._ g. . ~e._ a- F.- m an. an n..- I- - LI-I. t-._I.~.' I... M..- I.I II"- p", A . a- la .l a mam M *8. f nr - -w -.. ,o l-_. nae-nag. 9......- hI.u,.,. _;, ~.-II __'I. I - __II_. _- .-...-. why... vee' m- L- m.-__wn. s- m ' 1-- en a ..- . -w .- a w v - a i 0 : at w. '0- -.--n-I- I.~- '.|rls I r eon-weer; a. --u~e an.- In my _ * hm. J m I. -3- L' , M- I _ --- truer w u- v}... - (l-nu. trout-.9 cru- __ -l- u. 0 - W .L -71- h V "'0" m' M M ' - _ ._ r ._ - m-s .- .....p...._u ' eqw ~e..- -. m-ulas. - s s- u...- L unnn .- h. L~_ h. M Hanna-um.- syn-rum * w I me as -e-e. p-o-e :- . emu-n s.. r m... r-m' 11 run..." -M nu. .~.~.r. .. M e b'hnqu - T... - _"' ".m- h I u-d ms... awn nest...- w... ~h on-eu.m-ah u_._-I Kr our .I-m . e use". '. _hn_1~.~um a... v... m-e- -u naugh <-.._.- 1-s- .-. s a... --- ELI-II. III- :..._.._. 'cp n o r t a u e w.- ~- \- a. l -. Mac clu_veisl Jn w _ -__ A. . . h .4 .y. .-e mm... I...qe v.- -.-_ _--v . .- a n... h eh. _. _. ...:-'"'... .."'.... . "J... r... .41.. .... .. m t. ...... . 7... ...-........... .. ...... :..-".._..._"7...._ .... to ! Jean .. .11.?" - -w. .- - w.. - gun... a.- m e- .6. -s..- .mn. aau: -~.......: n ma. t.. e- to --~ on. - ma-p. 7 - MmMm m .._ mh-e m .. brand: .w- I *mehn n-lw%.b "M n _ ~~ I" a! .v wnm-dm- .~ -.-..- . . . - - uu Wua ~r) TELL 11115 urn- I user "E. t I m m a .t.. .--.._. .u. n. - f motwr, snout-an node-r- MA.- on... _e- aa-ue we-0e mama -g. . _.... ...-,..., ... cud-.4." - v H '- km us... numbed 1 . hag,- .I_I_ ,..._ _._~ ... .. ... ., I">- ' i hwnus-n-vhemnp-uy n -- W -. A .- l-v nann- o I! "m mmd muw . ' I... 47" ... w- ;H e 1 mu. 5-... -u L- "... WW M i..- thh-Do-ye-m m I- w 7.. - ' I : , v . net-ear. submdu- '- . .- -'-' -& .mh-ubnbe mrw w' * hub-m IAF wmum-I: m.- m-n I m'e-ethmov-W tn. .,*mm--~~u- .m?** In .' m .- e..- mm m- wb--...-u..or aa.._x~_-.._- Wm ht net m I mg - --.I a n: I _ WW...- In .3 led y _ I d-n'"_~l- 1 . h mm b un e.-. t I I: _ .-II. , _~ : N -_a -. - -. aw -a-_~- m L a n m _ . undue-Um I m-a emmoe-n . . . .s I . l highly skilled. w their instruction and eaamlle provide my chm with the and ayeere in the prevmee; the Early Education Mina-chanted the are mywlnre. nieieeueasemnto metobeheeic.Parmts unequaled appreciation coverage at the van- mliem wmch ddroyed the trees in the are. There has been immediate and over- whelming Impasse from mod cilia-Is who lnvediownthdrdim'. when they saw the damage done to a ueeeant satin. The newly termed provide excellent day care and lab lacilltim. Surely as a com- mtnity we me look at this valuable resource msdnelallewittobe dosed. LINDA LAWN ROTH. grew-ate solutiontothedqraved hdeviourolalewammig mvmgm 1.01.}; reumon Am m Cmtre. N ewmar het High Mcdamstu. School will be holdiq a van m... t. "' m: centre '"" retain On June l. 1m Seneca College an- notnced that the King Camp-Daybreth wouldbeded July ll. because it was qltathgataheeeial deceit As. a win-hing par-t who has two young diilihm at tlle these mnditions that we must all live with. Wewillhopelm a in at 1:30 pm. Weare ntlhitswho on one 0! the youareableandwilllng tohdp. Mamba" Cotnlmsld lo Watw.'m Umthe d Mat -Imorhyue the lam 0! a lad I at ". Inch-needed lacility. lhe Day Care Cmtre madam at Sueca. As it practi- the Mdhevebenilonatthemdolomweeh. lt tab. the stomach almon ll I. ea m h. mam-III].

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